本文整理汇总了Python中shapely.ops.cascaded_union函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python cascaded_union函数的具体用法?Python cascaded_union怎么用?Python cascaded_union使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: parse_query
def parse_query(self, query):
super(MapPlotter, self).parse_query(query)
self.projection = query.get('projection')
self.area = query.get('area')
names = []
centroids = []
all_rings = []
data = None
for idx, a in enumerate(self.area):
if isinstance(a, basestring):
a = a.encode("utf-8")
sp = a.split('/', 1)
if data is None:
data = list_areas(sp[0], simplify=False)
b = [x for x in data if x.get('key') == a]
a = b[0]
self.area[idx] = a
p = np.array(a['polygons'])
p[:, :, 1] = pyresample.utils.wrap_longitudes(p[:, :, 1])
a['polygons'] = p.tolist()
del p
rings = [LinearRing(po) for po in a['polygons']]
if len(rings) > 1:
u = cascaded_union(rings)
u = rings[0]
if a.get('name'):
nc = sorted(zip(names, centroids))
self.names = [n for (n, c) in nc]
self.centroids = [c for (n, c) in nc]
data = None
if len(all_rings) > 1:
combined = cascaded_union(all_rings)
combined = all_rings[0]
self.combined_area = combined
combined = combined.envelope
self.centroid = list(combined.centroid.coords)[0]
self.bounds = combined.bounds
self.show_bathymetry = bool(query.get('bathymetry'))
self.show_area = bool(query.get('showarea'))
self.quiver = query.get('quiver')
self.contour = query.get('contour')
示例2: _get_level_geometries
def _get_level_geometries(level):
buildings = level.buildings.all()
buildings_geom = cascaded_union([building.geometry for building in buildings])
spaces = {space.pk: space for space in level.spaces.all()}
holes_geom = []
for space in spaces.values():
if space.outside:
space.geometry = space.geometry.difference(buildings_geom)
columns = [column.geometry for column in space.columns.all()]
if columns:
columns_geom = cascaded_union([column.geometry for column in space.columns.all()])
space.geometry = space.geometry.difference(columns_geom)
holes = [hole.geometry for hole in space.holes.all()]
if holes:
space_holes_geom = cascaded_union(holes)
space.geometry = space.geometry.difference(space_holes_geom)
for building in buildings:
building.original_geometry = building.geometry
if holes_geom:
holes_geom = cascaded_union(holes_geom)
holes_geom_prep = prepared.prep(holes_geom)
for obj in buildings:
if holes_geom_prep.intersects(obj.geometry):
obj.geometry = obj.geometry.difference(holes_geom)
results = []
for door in level.doors.all():
return results
示例3: processpoly
def processpoly(polylist):
print u"Полигоны"
for p in polylist:
pol = Polygon(p)
print pol
print u"Объединение"
print cascaded_union([Polygon(p) for p in polylist])
return 1
示例4: fig_contains
def fig_contains(fig1, fig2) -> float:
pgz1 = polygonize_figure(fig1)
pgz2 = polygonize_figure(fig2)
if len(pgz1) > 0 and len(pgz2) > 0:
plist1 = [Polygon(p) for p in pgz1]
plist2 = [Polygon(p) for p in pgz2]
u_polygon1 = cascaded_union(plist1)
u_polygon2 = cascaded_union(plist2)
if u_polygon1.contains(u_polygon2):
return True
return False
示例5: handle_special_countries
def handle_special_countries(c):
c['Iceland'].patch = ops.cascaded_union([c['Iceland'].patch, c['England'].patch,
c['Madagascar'].patch = ops.cascaded_union([c['Madagascar'].patch,
c['Madagascar'].__class__ = c['Iceland'].__class__
c['Malaysia'].patch = c['Malaysia'].patch.buffer(1)
c['Indonesia'].patch = c['Indonesia'].patch.buffer(1)
c['Indonesia'].__class__ = c['Iceland'].__class__
c['Malaysia'].__class__ = c['Iceland'].__class__
c['Hawaii'].continent = ''
c['Falkland Is.'].continent = ''
示例6: fig_overlap_area
def fig_overlap_area(fig1, fig2) -> float:
pgzfg1 = polygonize_figure(fig1)
pgzfg2 = polygonize_figure(fig2)
if len(pgzfg1) > 0 and len(pgzfg2) > 0:
plist1 = [Polygon(p) for p in pgzfg1]
plist2 = [Polygon(p) for p in pgzfg2]
u_polygon1 = cascaded_union(plist1)
u_polygon2 = cascaded_union(plist2)
area = u_polygon1.intersection(u_polygon2).area
area = 0.0
return area
示例7: alpha_shape
def alpha_shape(points, alpha):
Compute the alpha shape (concave hull) of a set
of points.
@param points: Iterable container of points.
@param alpha: alpha value to influence the
gooeyness of the border. Smaller numbers
don't fall inward as much as larger numbers.
Too large, and you lose everything!
if len(points) < 4:
# When you have a triangle, there is no sense
# in computing an alpha shape.
return geometry.MultiPoint(list(points)).convex_hull
#coords = np.array([point.coords[0] for point in points])
coords = np.array(points)
tri = Delaunay(coords)
edges = set()
edge_points = []
# loop over triangles:
# ia, ib, ic = indices of corner points of the
# triangle
for ia, ib, ic in tri.vertices:
pa = coords[ia]
pb = coords[ib]
pc = coords[ic]
# Lengths of sides of triangle
a = math.sqrt((pa[0]-pb[0])**2 + (pa[1]-pb[1])**2)
b = math.sqrt((pb[0]-pc[0])**2 + (pb[1]-pc[1])**2)
c = math.sqrt((pc[0]-pa[0])**2 + (pc[1]-pa[1])**2)
# Semiperimeter of triangle
s = (a + b + c)/2.0
# Area of triangle by Heron's formula
area = math.sqrt(s*(s-a)*(s-b)*(s-c))
circum_r = a*b*c/(4.0*area)
# Here's the radius filter.
#print circum_r
if circum_r < 1.0/alpha:
add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ia, ib)
add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ib, ic)
add_edge(edges, edge_points, coords, ic, ia)
m = geometry.MultiLineString(edge_points)
triangles = list(polygonize(m))
return (cascaded_union(triangles), edge_points)
print (cascaded_union(triangles), edge_points)
示例8: ConvertPolygons2LatLong
def ConvertPolygons2LatLong(PolygonDict, CRS):
Convert coordinates to latlong using pyproj
returns shapely Polygon/Multipolygon Dictionary
# define the output coordinate system
Output_CRS = Proj({'init': "epsg:4326"})
NewPolygonDict = {}
#loop through polygon dict and convert to latlong
for Key, Poly in PolygonDict.iteritems():
if Poly.geom_type == 'Polygon':
# get x and y as arrays
x,y = Poly.exterior.coords.xy
lon,lat = transform(CRS, Output_CRS, x, y)
Shape = Polygon(zip(lon,lat))
#check for multipolygons
if Key in NewPolygonDict:
Polygons = [Shape, NewPolygonDict[Key]]
Shape = cascaded_union(Polygons)
#add converted polygon to new dictionary
NewPolygonDict[Key] = Shape
elif Poly.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
for SinglePoly in Poly:
# get x and y as arrays
x,y = SinglePoly.exterior.coords.xy
lon,lat = transform(CRS, Output_CRS, x, y)
Shape = Polygon(zip(lon,lat))
#check for multipolygons
if Key in NewPolygonDict:
Polygons = [Shape, NewPolygonDict[Key]]
Shape = cascaded_union(Polygons)
#add converted polygon to new dictionary
NewPolygonDict[Key] = Shape
return NewPolygonDict
示例9: display
def display(self, feature_name = None, *args):
# allows function to be used by multiple processes, first option (when a feature_name is passed)
# is for viewing data, second option is for viewing created geometries
if feature_name:
geom = self.datasets[self.current_dataset].features[feature_name][0]
if geom.geom_type != ('Polygon' or 'MultiPolygon'):
self.dialog_text.set('This geometry is invalid. Please use a different dataset')
geom = cascaded_union(geom) #to dissolve multipolygons
geom_bdry = geom.boundary
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.bg.bounds
w, h = maxx - minx, maxy - miny
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize = (5, 5), dpi = 180, frameon = False)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for poly in self.bg:
bg_patch = PolygonPatch(poly, fc = 'lightsage', ec = 'k', alpha = 1)
if geom.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
for poly in geom:
patch = PolygonPatch(poly, fc= 'teal', ec='navy', alpha = 0.5)
patch = PolygonPatch(geom, fc='teal', ec='navy', alpha = 0.5)
geom = args[0]
name = args[1]
geom = cascaded_union(geom) #to dissolve multipolygons
minx, miny, maxx, maxy = self.bg.bounds
w, h = maxx - minx, maxy - miny
fig = plt.figure(1, figsize = (5, 5), dpi = 180, frameon = False)
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
for poly in self.bg:
bg_patch = PolygonPatch(poly, fc = 'lightsage', ec = 'k', alpha = 1)
if geom.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
for poly in geom:
patch = PolygonPatch(poly, fc= 'teal', ec='navy', alpha = 0.5)
patch = PolygonPatch(geom, fc='teal', ec='navy', alpha = 0.5)
示例10: test_split
def test_split():
print "Split donut by interior point"
donut = sg.Point(0, 0).buffer(2.0).difference(sg.Point(0, 0).buffer(1.0))
center = donut.centroid
res = split_horiz_by_point(donut, center)
print "Parts (should be 2): %s" % len(res)
dif = cascaded_union(res).symmetric_difference(donut).area
print "Difference: %s" % dif
print "Split donut by exterior point"
side = sg.Point(4,4)
res = split_horiz_by_point(donut, side)
print "Parts (should be 1): %s" % len(res)
dif = cascaded_union(res).symmetric_difference(donut).area
print "Difference: %s" % dif
示例11: generate_paths
def generate_paths(self, shapes, tool_d):
tool_r = tool_d / 2.0
toolpath = []
for shp in shapes:
toolpath.append( shp.buffer(tool_r) )
result = cascaded_union(toolpath)
if result.geom_type == 'Polygon':
opt_obj = result.simplify(tolerance=0.01, preserve_topology=False)
tmp = self.add_holders(opt_obj.exterior, self.holder_size + tool_d, self.min_len)
if type(tmp) == list:
return tmp
return [tmp]
elif result.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
tmp = []
for f in result:
opt_obj = f.simplify(tolerance=0.01, preserve_topology=False)
tmp2 = self.add_holders(opt_obj.exterior, self.holder_size + tool_d, self.min_len)
if type(tmp2) == list:
for item in tmp2:
tmp.append( tmp2 )
return tmp
示例12: alpha_shape
def alpha_shape(points, alpha):
def add_edge(points, i, j):
if (i, j) in edges or (j, i) in edges:
edges.add((i, j))
edge_points.append((points[i], points[j]))
tri = DelaunayTri(points)
edges = set()
edge_points = []
for i1, i2, i3 in tri.vertices:
x1, y1 = tri.points[i1]
x2, y2 = tri.points[i2]
x3, y3 = tri.points[i3]
a = hypot(x1 - x2, y1 - y2)
b = hypot(x2 - x3, y2 - y3)
c = hypot(x3 - x1, y3 - y1)
s = (a + b + c) / 2.0
area = sqrt(s * (s - a) * (s - b) * (s - c))
radius = a * b * c / (4 * area)
if radius < 1.0 / alpha:
add_edge(tri.points, i1, i2)
add_edge(tri.points, i2, i3)
add_edge(tri.points, i3, i1)
shape = cascaded_union(list(polygonize(MultiLineString(edge_points))))
return shape
示例13: isGalleryCovered
def isGalleryCovered(camerasState):
for (i, camera) in enumerate(camerasState):
return (circles_union.intersection(Gallery.gallery_polygon)==Gallery.gallery_polygon)
示例14: dissolve
def dissolve (self, inFile, outFile):
# create dictionary for storing the uniqueRefs
uniqueRefs = {}
with fiona.open(inFile, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as input:
input_driver = input.driver
input_crs = input.crs
input_schema = {'geometry': 'MultiLineString','properties': {'ref'.encode("utf-8"): 'str:254'}}
with fiona.open(outFile, 'w', driver=input_driver, crs=input_crs, schema=input_schema, encoding='utf-8') as output:
for item in input:
# extract the key, if the 'ref' attribute is NOT called 'ref'
# you can insert the different attribute name HERE (and only HERE).
key = item['properties']['ids_and_re']
geom = shape(item['geometry'])
# find all motorways within the New Zealand mainland
# and remove all letters per
newZeaBox = [(17920614.01, -4033681.682),(20362002, -4054837.565),(20357771.35, -6073108.484),(17683668.157,-6068877.308)]
newZeaPoly = Polygon(newZeaBox)
if geom.within(newZeaPoly):
key = re.sub(r'\D',"", key)
if not geom.type.startswith('Multi'):
geom = [geom]
for g in geom:
if key in uniqueRefs:
uniqueRefs[key] = [g]
for key in uniqueRefs:
# omit lines that have blank 'ref' tags
if key is not None and key != 'None':
dissolve_feat = cascaded_union(uniqueRefs[key])
output.write({'geometry':mapping(dissolve_feat), 'properties': {'ref': key}})
示例15: run_contour_paths
def run_contour_paths(pseudo, epsilon, evals):
# get paths
paths = pseudo.contour_paths(epsilon)
# check if pseudospectrum is correct by matching the parts of it
import shapely.geometry as geom
from shapely.ops import cascaded_union
# create circles
circles = [geom.Point(numpy.real(lamda), numpy.imag(lamda))
.buffer(epsilon) for lamda in evals]
exact_pseudo = cascaded_union(circles)
exact_paths = pseudopy.utils.get_paths(exact_pseudo)
N = len(paths)
assert(N == len(exact_paths))
# create polygons
polys = [geom.Polygon([(numpy.real(z), numpy.imag(z))
for z in path.vertices])
for path in paths]
exact_polys = [geom.Polygon([(numpy.real(z), numpy.imag(z))
for z in path.vertices])
for path in exact_paths]
# match elements by measuring intersections
M = numpy.zeros((N, N))
for (i, j) in product(range(N), range(N)):
M[i, j] = exact_polys[i].symmetric_difference(polys[j]).area
for i in range(N):
assert(numpy.min(M[i, :]) < 0.1*epsilon)