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Python geometry.mapping函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中shapely.geometry.mapping函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python mapping函数的具体用法?Python mapping怎么用?Python mapping使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: delineate

def delineate(bfe_filename, bfe_elev_field, contour_filename, contour_elev_field, out_filename):
    # Import contours ------------------------------------
    print 'Importing contours... '
    now = dt.now()
    contours = ad.import_contours(contour_filename, contour_elev_field, chatty=True)
    crs = ad.get_crs(contour_filename)
    time_diff = dt.now() - now
    print 'Imported', len(contours), 'contours in', time_diff, 'seconds'

    # Import BFEs ----------------------------------------------
    bfes = ad.ez_bfe_import(bfe_filename, bfe_elev_field)
    num_bfes = len(bfes)-1
    print 'Imported bfes from', bfes[0].elevation, 'to', bfes[-1].elevation

    # Delineate ---------------------------------------------
    now = dt.now()
    left_lines, right_lines = ad.delineate_by_bfes(bfes, contours)
    time_diff = dt.now() - now
    print num_bfes, 'bfe pairs completed in ',  time_diff
    print time_diff/(num_bfes), 'seconds per bfe pair'

    # Export to shapefile
    schema = {'geometry': 'LineString', 'properties': {'status': 'str:25'}}
    with fiona.open(out_filename, 'w', driver='ESRI Shapefile', crs=crs, schema=schema) as out:
        for left in left_lines:
            out.write({'geometry': mapping(left.shapely_geo), 'properties': {'status': left.status}})
        for right in right_lines:
            out.write({'geometry': mapping(right.shapely_geo), 'properties': {'status': right.status}})
    print 'Finished exporting to shapefile'

示例2: test_rasterize

def test_rasterize():
    geodict = GeoDict({'xmin':0.5,'xmax':3.5,
    print('Testing rasterizeFromGeometry() burning in values from a polygon sequence...')
    #Define two simple polygons and assign them to shapes
    poly1 = [(0.25,3.75),(1.25,3.25),(1.25,2.25)]
    poly2 = [(2.25,3.75),(3.25,3.75),(3.75,2.75),(3.75,1.50),(3.25,0.75),(2.25,2.25)]
    shape1 = {'properties':{'value':5},'geometry':mapping(Polygon(poly1))}
    shape2 = {'properties':{'value':7},'geometry':mapping(Polygon(poly2))}
    shapes = [shape1,shape2]
    print('Testing burning in values where polygons need not contain pixel centers...')
    grid = Grid2D.rasterizeFromGeometry(shapes,geodict,fillValue=0,attribute='value',mustContainCenter=False)
    output = np.array([[5,5,7,7],
    print('Passed burning in values where polygons need not contain pixel centers.')

    print('Testing burning in values where polygons must contain pixel centers...')
    grid2 = Grid2D.rasterizeFromGeometry(shapes,geodict,fillValue=0,attribute='value',mustContainCenter=True)
    output = np.array([[5,0,7,0],
    print('Passed burning in values where polygons must contain pixel centers.')

示例3: make_shapefile

def make_shapefile(data, name):
    path = os.path.join('op_data',name + '.shp')
    crs = crs = from_epsg('29902')
    if type(data) == dict:
        a_schema = {'geometry': 'Point',
                            'properties': {'name':'str', 'address':'str'}
        with fiona.open(path, "w",
                        driver= 'ESRI Shapefile',
                        crs= crs,
                        schema= a_schema) as output:
            for k, v in data.items():
                parts = k.split(',')
                name = parts[0]
                            'properties':{'name':name, 'address':k},
        geom_type = data.geom_type

        a_schema = {'geometry': geom_type,
                            'properties': {'name':'str'}
        with fiona.open(path, "w",
                        driver= 'ESRI Shapefile',
                        crs= crs,
                        schema= a_schema) as output:

示例4: apply_shapely

    def apply_shapely(self, method, args=None, call=True, out_geomtype=None,
        coll = self.collection()
        out_schema = coll.schema.copy()
        if not args:
            args = []
        if out_geomtype:
            out_schema['geometry'] = out_geomtype

        tempds = self.tempds(method)
        with fiona.collection(tempds, "w", "ESRI Shapefile",
                              out_schema, crs=self.crs) as out_collection:
            for in_feature in coll:
                out_feature = in_feature.copy()
                if call:
                    geom = mapping(
                                method)(*args, **kwargs)
                    # it's not a method, it's a property
                    geom = mapping(
                        getattr(shape(in_feature['geometry']), method)

                out_feature['geometry'] = geom
        return Layer(tempds)

示例5: export_endpoints

def export_endpoints(shapefile, cross_sections, driver=None, epsg=None):
    # crs from epsg code
    if epsg is not None:
        crs = from_epsg(epsg)
        crs = None

    # schema
    schema = {'geometry': 'Point', 'properties': {'label': 'str'}}

    # shapefile write arguments
    shape_kwargs = {
        'driver': driver,
        'schema': schema,
        'crs': crs,
    log.info('writing to {f:}'.format(f=os.path.basename(shapefile)))
    with fiona.open(shapefile, 'w', **shape_kwargs) as dst:
        for cs in cross_sections:
            startpoint = Point(cs.shape.coords[0])
            endpoint = Point(cs.shape.coords[-1])
                'geometry': mapping(startpoint),
                'properties': {'label': cs.label}
                'geometry': mapping(endpoint),
                'properties': {'label': cs.label + '`'}

示例6: main

def main(infile, outfile, driver):

    with fio.open(infile) as src:
        meta = src.meta
        meta['driver'] = driver

    with fio.open(infile) as src, fio.open(outfile, 'w', **meta) as dst:
        with click.progressbar(src) as features:
            for feat in features:

                east = deepcopy(feat)
                west = deepcopy(feat)

                east_geom = shape(east['geometry'])
                west_geom = shape(west['geometry'])

                # if 'Point' not in asShape(feat['geometry']).type:
                #     east_geom = east_geom.simplify(0.0001).buffer(0)
                #     west_geom = west_geom.simplify(0.0001).buffer(0)

                east_geom = translate(east_geom, xoff=180)
                west_geom = translate(west_geom, xoff=-180)

                if not east_geom.is_empty:
                    east['geometry'] = mapping(east_geom)

                if not west_geom.is_empty:
                    west['geometry'] = mapping(west_geom)

示例7: iterfeatures

    def iterfeatures(self, na='null', show_bbox=False):
        Returns an iterator that yields feature dictionaries that comply with

        na : {'null', 'drop', 'keep'}, default 'null'
            Indicates how to output missing (NaN) values in the GeoDataFrame
            * null: ouput the missing entries as JSON null
            * drop: remove the property from the feature. This applies to
                    each feature individually so that features may have
                    different properties
            * keep: output the missing entries as NaN

        show_bbox : include bbox (bounds) in the geojson. default False
        if na not in ['null', 'drop', 'keep']:
            raise ValueError('Unknown na method {0}'.format(na))

        ids = np.array(self.index, copy=False)
        geometries = np.array(self[self._geometry_column_name], copy=False)

        properties_cols = self.columns.difference([self._geometry_column_name])

        if len(properties_cols) > 0:
            # convert to object to get python scalars.
            properties = self[properties_cols].astype(object).values
            if na == 'null':
                properties[pd.isnull(self[properties_cols]).values] = None

            for i, row in enumerate(properties):
                geom = geometries[i]

                if na == 'drop':
                    properties_items = dict((k, v) for k, v
                                            in zip(properties_cols, row)
                                            if not pd.isnull(v))
                    properties_items = dict((k, v) for k, v
                                            in zip(properties_cols, row))

                feature = {'id': str(ids[i]),
                           'type': 'Feature',
                           'properties': properties_items,
                           'geometry': mapping(geom) if geom else None}

                if show_bbox:
                    feature['bbox'] = geom.bounds if geom else None
                yield feature

            for fid, geom in zip(ids, geometries):
                feature = {'id': str(fid),
                           'type': 'Feature',
                           'properties': {},
                           'geometry': mapping(geom) if geom else None}
                if show_bbox:
                        feature['bbox'] = geom.bounds if geom else None
                yield feature

示例8: create_t6_deserts

def create_t6_deserts(desert_geom, b_box, mask_metadata):

    geom_list = list()
    with fiona.open(t6_block_groups) as block_groups:
        t6_metadata = block_groups.meta.copy()

        with fiona.open(t6_desert_feats, 'w', **t6_metadata) as t6_deserts:
            for bg in block_groups:
                geom = shape(bg['geometry'])
                props = bg['properties']

                # 'neither' is misspelled in dataset so (sic)
                if props['min_pov'] != 'niether' and \

                    new_geom = geom.intersection(desert_geom)
                    bg['geometry'] = mapping(new_geom)

    t6_geom = unary_union(geom_list)
    t6_desert_geom = t6_geom.intersection(desert_geom)
    t6_mask_geom = b_box.difference(t6_desert_geom)

    with fiona.open(t6_desert_mask, 'w', **mask_metadata) as t6_mask:
        feat = {
            'geometry': mapping(t6_mask_geom),
            'properties': {
                'id': 1

示例9: olson_transform

def olson_transform(geojson, scale_values):
    Scale GeoJSON features.

    Inplace scaling transformation of each polygon of the geojson provided
    according to the "scale values" also provided.

    geojson: dict
        The geojson of polygon to transform
        (it might be useful to have choosen an appropriate projection as we
        want to deal with the area)
    scale_values: list
        The pre-computed scale values for olson transformation
        (1 = no transformation)

    if len(geojson["features"]) != len(scale_values):
        raise ValueError("Inconsistent number of features/values")
    for val, feature in zip(scale_values, geojson['features']):
        geom = shape(feature["geometry"])
        feature['properties']['ref_area'] = geom.area
        if hasattr(geom, '__len__'):
            feature["geometry"] = mapping(
                MultiPolygon([scale(g, xfact=val, yfact=val) for g in geom]))
            feature["geometry"] = mapping(scale(geom, xfact=val, yfact=val))
        key=lambda x: x['properties']['ref_area'], reverse=True)

示例10: get_employers_near_stops

def get_employers_near_stops():

    distance = 5280 / 2
    filter_field = 'LINE'
    filter_vals = ['O']

    stop_buffers = dict()
    stop_names = dict()
    with fiona.open(RAIL_STOP) as rail_stop:
        for fid, feat in rail_stop.items():
            fields = feat['properties']
            if fields[filter_field] in filter_vals:
                geom = shape(feat['geometry'])
                feat['geometry'] = mapping(geom.buffer(distance))
                stop_buffers[fid] = feat
                stop_names[fid] = fields['STATION']

    wb = load_workbook(GEOCODED)
    ws = wb.worksheets[0]

    header = [str(cell.value) for cell in ws.rows[0]]
    x_ix = header.index('X Coordinate')
    y_ix = header.index('Y Coordinate')

    employers = dict()
    for i, row in enumerate(ws.iter_rows(row_offset=1)):
        x, y = row[x_ix].value, row[y_ix].value
        if x and y:
            feat = dict()
            x, y = float(x), float(y)
            feat['geometry'] = mapping(Point(x, y))
            field_vals = [cell.value for cell in row]
            feat['properties'] = OrderedDict(zip(header, field_vals))
            employers[i] = feat

    join_mapping = spatial_join(stop_buffers, employers)

    with open(EMP_STATIONS, 'wb') as emp_stations:
        emp_writer = csv.writer(emp_stations)
        station_header = ['Stations'] + header

        for i, row in enumerate(ws.iter_rows(row_offset=1)):
            if i in join_mapping:
                station_ids = join_mapping[i]
                station_str = ', '.join([stop_names[sid] for sid in station_ids])
                csv_row = [station_str]
                for cell in row:
                    value = cell.value
                    if isinstance(value, unicode):
                        value = value.encode('utf-8')


示例11: __init__

    def __init__(self, data_footprint: List[Tuple[float, float]]):
        """Construct data and tile footprints using the points from product metadata

        Points are assumed to be in ll, lr, ur, ul order

        data_poly = normalize_footprint(data_footprint + [data_footprint[0]])
        tile_poly = MultiPolygon([x.envelope for x in data_poly])
        data_polygon = mapping(data_poly)
        tile_polygon = mapping(tile_poly)
        self.data_polygon = data_polygon
        self.tile_polygon = tile_polygon

示例12: get_tile_geometry

def get_tile_geometry(path, origin_espg, tolerance=500):
    """ Calculate the data and tile geometry for sentinel-2 tiles """

    with rasterio.open(path) as src:

        # Get tile geometry
        b = src.bounds
        tile_shape = Polygon([(b[0], b[1]), (b[2], b[1]), (b[2], b[3]), (b[0], b[3]), (b[0], b[1])])
        tile_geojson = mapping(tile_shape)

        # read first band of the image
        image = src.read(1)

        # create a mask of zero values
        mask = image == 0.

        # generate shapes of the mask
        novalue_shape = shapes(image, mask=mask, transform=src.affine)

        # generate polygons using shapely
        novalue_shape = [Polygon(s['coordinates'][0]) for (s, v) in novalue_shape]

        if novalue_shape:

            # Make sure polygons are united
            # also simplify the resulting polygon
            union = cascaded_union(novalue_shape)

            # generates a geojson
            data_shape = tile_shape.difference(union)

            # If there are multipolygons, select the largest one
            if data_shape.geom_type == 'MultiPolygon':
                areas = {p.area: i for i, p in enumerate(data_shape)}
                largest = max(areas.keys())
                data_shape = data_shape[areas[largest]]

            # if the polygon has interior rings, remove them
            if list(data_shape.interiors):
                data_shape = Polygon(data_shape.exterior.coords)

            data_shape = data_shape.simplify(tolerance, preserve_topology=False)
            data_geojson = mapping(data_shape)

            data_geojson = tile_geojson

        # convert cooridnates to degrees
        return (to_latlon(tile_geojson, origin_espg), to_latlon(data_geojson, origin_espg))

示例13: get_ibound_from_huc

def get_ibound_from_huc(huc_data_shp=None,ibound_output_shp=None,ibound_huc_scale=None,extents_huc_list=None):
    '''Reduces the shapefile used for the ibound zonation scheme to only those
    polygons (i.e., HUCs) that are in the active model area.  For higher resolution
    zonation (i.e., using smaller HUCs for the IBOUND zonation scheme) this is much
    faster than clipping the zonation shapefile before rasterizing.'''

    print '\nReducing the IBOUND zonation shapefile to the active model area.\n' 
    zone_id_field = 'HUC' + str(ibound_huc_scale)
    with fiona.open(huc_data_shp,'r') as vin:
        driver,crs,schema = vin.driver,vin.crs,vin.schema
        schema['properties'] = {zone_id_field:'str'}
        with fiona.open(ibound_output_shp,'w',driver=driver,crs=crs,schema=schema) as vout:
            for feature in vin:
                izone = int(feature['properties']['HUC' + str(ibound_huc_scale)])
                check_izone = str(izone).zfill(int(ibound_huc_scale))
                for ihuc in extents_huc_list:
                    if (check_izone.startswith(ihuc)):
                        igeometry = shape(feature['geometry'])
                        vout.write({'geometry': mapping(igeometry),'properties':{zone_id_field:izone}})


示例14: feature

 def feature(i, row):
     return {
         "id": str(i),
         "type": "Feature",
         "properties": dict((k, v) for k, v in iteritems(row) if k != "geometry"),
         "geometry": mapping(row["geometry"]),

示例15: get_extents_from_huc

def get_extents_from_huc(huc_data_shp=None,extents_output_shp=None,extents_huc_list=None):
    '''Extracts a user-specified HUC or list of HUCs from the national dataset and writes it
    to a shapefile. 'huc_data_shp'=shapefile that includes the huc polygons
    that will be extracted.'''
    extents_huc_scale = len(extents_huc_list[0])
    huc_field = 'HUC' + str(extents_huc_scale)
    with fiona.open(huc_data_shp) as vin:
        schema = vin.schema
        crs = vin.crs
        driver = vin.driver        
    # Reduce the extract schema to only the huc id field    
    schema['properties'] = {huc_field:'str'}
    # Now write the model domain shapefile     
    with fiona.open(huc_data_shp) as vect_in:
        polygon_list = []        
        for feature in vect_in:
            if (feature['properties'][huc_field] in extents_huc_list): 
                merged = unary_union(polygon_list)

    with fiona.open(extents_output_shp,'w',driver=driver,crs=crs,schema=schema) as extract_out:
        extract_out.write({'geometry': mapping(merged),'properties':{huc_field:'Merged'}})
