本文整理汇总了Python中shapely.geometry.box函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python box函数的具体用法?Python box怎么用?Python box使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: build_grid
def build_grid():
#grid_boundaries=(-185,15,-65,70) # upright edge is plus delta (lower 48 states)
for i in range((grid_boundaries[2]-grid_boundaries[0])/delta)
for j in range((grid_boundaries[3]-grid_boundaries[1])/delta) }
with fiona.open(options.shape_file_path) as fc:
print >>sys.stderr, fc.driver,"###",fc.schema,"###", len(fc),"###",fc.crs
print >> sys.stderr,fc.schema
print >>sys.stderr, "Number of records:", len(fc)
print >>sys.stderr, "Bounds of all records:", fc.bounds
print >>sys.stderr, "Bounds applied:",grid_boundaries
print >> sys.stderr,"######## indexing shapes to grid ########"
print >> sys.stderr,"shapes complete:"
for feature in fc:
shp=shape(feature['geometry']) # list of coordinates of geometric shape
bb=box(*shp.bounds) #box(minx,miny,maxx,maxy)) creates one boxlike shape to rule them all
for i,j in grid:
,(j+1)*delta+grid_boundaries[1] )
if grid_box.intersects(bb): #http://toblerity.org/shapely/manual.html#object.intersects
grid[(i,j)][bb]=(shp,GEOID,NAME,INTPTLON,INTPTLAT) # (county shape, countyID)
if c%100==0:
print >> sys.stderr, c
return grid
示例2: test_update_crs_to_cartesian
def test_update_crs_to_cartesian(self):
"""Test a spherical to cartesian CRS update."""
bbox = box(-170., 40., 150., 80.)
original_bounds = deepcopy(bbox.bounds)
geom = GeometryVariable(name='geom', value=[bbox], dimensions='geom', crs=Spherical())
other_crs = Cartesian()
actual = geom.get_value()[0].bounds
desired = (-0.7544065067354889, -0.13302222155948895, -0.15038373318043535, 0.38302222155948895)
self.assertNumpyAllClose(np.array(actual), np.array(desired))
self.assertIsInstance(geom.crs, Cartesian)
other_crs = Spherical()
self.assertEqual(geom.crs, Spherical())
actual = geom.get_value()[0].bounds
self.assertNumpyAllClose(np.array(original_bounds), np.array(actual))
# Test data may not be wrapped.
bbox = box(0, 40, 270, 80)
geom = GeometryVariable(name='geom', value=[bbox], dimensions='geom', crs=Spherical())
other_crs = Cartesian()
with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
示例3: testDispatcherClassifierThreeRule
def testDispatcherClassifierThreeRule(self):
# create polygons to test
box1 = box(0, 0, 100, 100)
box2 = box(0, 0, 10, 10)
poly = Polygon([(0, 0), (0, 1000), (50, 1250), (1000, 1000), (1000, 0), (0, 0)])
dispatcher = RuleBasedDispatcher([QuadrilaterRule(), NotQuadrilaterRule()])
dispatcher_classifier = DispatcherClassifier(dispatcher, [AreaClassifier(500), AreaClassifier(500)])
# simple dispatch test
cls, probability, dispatch, _ = dispatcher_classifier.dispatch_classify(None, box1)
self.assertEqual(1, cls)
self.assertEqual(1.0, probability)
self.assertEqual(0, dispatch)
# batch dispatch test
classes, probas, dispatches, _ = dispatcher_classifier.dispatch_classify_batch(None, [box1, box2, poly])
self.assertEqual(1, classes[0])
self.assertEqual(0, classes[1])
self.assertEqual(1, classes[2])
self.assertEqual(1.0, probas[0])
self.assertEqual(1.0, probas[1])
self.assertEqual(1.0, probas[2])
self.assertEqual(0, dispatches[0])
self.assertEqual(0, dispatches[1])
self.assertEqual(1, dispatches[2])
示例4: set_spatial_ranking
def set_spatial_ranking(geometry):
"""Given that we have a spatial query in ogc:Filter we check the type of geometry
and set the ranking variables"""
if util.ranking_enabled:
if geometry.type in ['Polygon', 'Envelope']:
util.ranking_pass = True
util.ranking_query_geometry = geometry.wkt
elif geometry.type in ['LineString', 'Point']:
from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from shapely.geometry import box
from shapely.wkt import loads,dumps
ls = loads(geometry.wkt)
b = ls.bounds
if geometry.type == 'LineString':
tmp_box = box(b[0],b[1],b[2],b[3])
tmp_wkt = dumps(tmp_box)
if tmp_box.area > 0:
util.ranking_pass = True
util.ranking_query_geometry = tmp_wkt
elif geometry.type == 'Point':
tmp_box = box((float(b[0])-1.0),(float(b[1])-1.0),(float(b[2])+1.0),(float(b[3])+1.0))
tmp_wkt = dumps(tmp_box)
util.ranking_pass = True
util.ranking_query_geometry = tmp_wkt
示例5: _get_reprojected_features
def _get_reprojected_features(
assert isinstance(input_file, str)
assert isinstance(dst_bounds, tuple)
assert isinstance(dst_crs, CRS)
assert isinstance(validity_check, bool)
with fiona.open(input_file, 'r') as vector:
vector_crs = CRS(vector.crs)
# Reproject tile bounding box to source file CRS for filter:
if vector_crs == dst_crs:
dst_bbox = box(*dst_bounds)
dst_bbox = reproject_geometry(
for feature in vector.filter(bbox=dst_bbox.bounds):
feature_geom = shape(feature['geometry'])
if not feature_geom.is_valid:
feature_geom = feature_geom.buffer(0)
assert feature_geom.is_valid
"fixed invalid vector input geometry"
except AssertionError:
"irreparable geometry found in vector input file"
geom = clean_geometry_type(
if geom:
# Reproject each feature to tile CRS
if vector_crs == dst_crs and validity_check:
assert geom.is_valid
geom = reproject_geometry(
except ValueError:
warnings.warn("feature reprojection failed")
yield {
'properties': feature['properties'],
'geometry': mapping(geom)
示例6: render_pad
def render_pad(self, layer_query, drill, **options):
DRU = self.get_DRU()
if self._layer_matches(layer_query, "Holes"):
hole = shapes.Point(self.get_x(), self.get_y()).buffer(drill/2)
return hole;
radius = (drill/2);
radius = radius + scaleAndBound(radius, DRU.rvPadTop, DRU.rlMinPadTop, DRU.rlMaxPadTop)
if layer_query is not None and self.get_file().get_layer(layer_query).get_number() > 16 and not self._layer_matches(layer_query, "tStop") and not self._layer_matches(layer_query,"bStop"):
return shapes.LineString()
if self.get_shape() == "square":
shape = shapes.box(self.get_x() - radius ,
self.get_y() - radius,
self.get_x() + radius,
self.get_y() + radius)
elif self.get_shape() == "round" or self.get_shape() is None:
shape = shapes.point.Point(self.get_x(), self.get_y()).buffer(radius)
elif self.get_shape() == "octagon":
shape = shapes.box(self.get_x() - radius,
self.get_y() - radius,
self.get_x() + radius,
self.get_y() + radius)
shape = shape.intersection(affinity.rotate(shape, 45))
elif self.get_shape() == "long":
shape = shapely.ops.unary_union([shapes.point.Point(self.get_x() + DRU.psElongationLong/100.0 * radius,
shapes.point.Point(self.get_x() - DRU.psElongationLong/100.0 * radius,
shapes.box(self.get_x() - DRU.psElongationLong/100.0 * radius,
self.get_y() - radius,
self.get_x() + DRU.psElongationLong/100.0 * radius,
self.get_y() + radius)])
elif self.get_shape() == "offset":
shape = shapely.ops.unary_union([shapes.point.Point(self.get_x() + DRU.psElongationOffset/100.0 * radius * 2,
self.get_y() - radius,
self.get_x() + DRU.psElongationLong/100.0 * radius * 2,
self.get_y() + radius)
raise Swoop.SwoopError("Unknown pad shape: '{}'".format(self.get_shape()))
if shape is not None:
if self._layer_matches(layer_query,"tStop") or self._layer_matches(layer_query, "bStop"):
shape = shape.buffer(computeStopMaskExtra(radius, DRU))
if options and "fail_on_missing" in options and options["fail_on_missing"] and shape is None:
raise NotImplemented("Geometry for pad shape '{}' is not implemented yet.".format(self.get_shape()))
elif shape is None:
shape = shapes.LineString()
return shape
示例7: __init__
def __init__(self, element):
self._root = element
OM_NS = ns.get_versioned_namespace('om','1.0')
GML_NS = ns.get_versioned_namespace('gml','3.1.1')
SWE_NS = ns.get_versioned_namespace('swe','1.0')
XLINK_NS = ns.get_namespace("xlink")
self.name = testXMLValue(self._root.find(nsp("name", GML_NS)))
self.description = testXMLValue(self._root.find(nsp("description", GML_NS)))
self.observedProperties = []
for op in self._root.findall(nsp('observedProperty', OM_NS)):
self.observedProperties.append(testXMLAttribute(op,nsp('href', XLINK_NS)))
envelope = self._root.find(nsp('boundedBy/Envelope', GML_NS))
lower_left_corner = testXMLValue(envelope.find(nsp('lowerCorner', GML_NS))).split(" ")
upper_right_corner = testXMLValue(envelope.find(nsp('upperCorner', GML_NS))).split(" ")
self.bbox_srs = Crs(testXMLAttribute(envelope,'srsName'))
# Always keep the BBOX as minx, miny, maxx, maxy
if self.bbox_srs.axisorder == "yx":
self.bbox = box(float(lower_left_corner[1]), float(lower_left_corner[0]), float(upper_right_corner[1]), float(upper_right_corner[0]))
self.bbox = box(float(lower_left_corner[0]), float(lower_left_corner[1]), float(upper_right_corner[0]), float(upper_right_corner[1]))
except Exception:
self.bbox = None
self.bbox_srs = None
# Time range
fp = nsp('samplingTime', OM_NS)
mp = nsp('TimePeriod', GML_NS)
lp = nsp('beginPosition', GML_NS)
begin_position_element = self._root.find('%s/%s/%s' % (fp, mp, lp))
self.begin_position = extract_time(begin_position_element)
ep = nsp('endPosition', GML_NS)
end_position_element = self._root.find('%s/%s/%s' % (fp, mp, ep))
self.end_position = extract_time(end_position_element)
feature_of_interest_element = self._root.find(nsp("featureOfInterest", OM_NS))
self.feature_type = testXMLValue(feature_of_interest_element.find(nsp("FeatureCollection/metaDataProperty/name", GML_NS)))
# Now the fields change depending on the FeatureType
result_element = self._root.find(nsp("result", OM_NS))
#TODO: This should be implemented as a Factory
self.feature = None
if self.feature_type == 'timeSeries':
self.feature = SweTimeSeries(feature_of_interest=feature_of_interest_element, result=result_element, GML_NS=GML_NS, OM_NS=OM_NS, SWE_NS=SWE_NS)
elif self.feature_type == 'trajectoryProfile':
self.feature = SweTrajectoryProfile(feature_of_interest=feature_of_interest_element, result=result_element, GML_NS=GML_NS, OM_NS=OM_NS, SWE_NS=SWE_NS)
elif self.feature_type == 'timeSeriesProfile':
self.feature = SweTimeseriesProfile(feature_of_interest=feature_of_interest_element, result=result_element, GML_NS=GML_NS, OM_NS=OM_NS, SWE_NS=SWE_NS)
示例8: fixture_polygon_with_hole
def fixture_polygon_with_hole(self):
outer_box = box(2.0, 10.0, 4.0, 20.0)
inner_box = box(2.5, 10.5, 3.5, 15.5)
outer_coords = list(outer_box.exterior.coords)
inner_coords = [list(inner_box.exterior.coords)]
with_interior = Polygon(outer_coords, holes=inner_coords)
return with_interior
示例9: setUp
def setUp(self):
self.f1 = FeatureTest(1, influence="notall")
self.f2 = FeatureTest(10, influence="notall")
self.f3 = FeatureTestReplace(100, influence="notall")
self.f4 = FeatureTestAddition(1000, influence="notall")
self.f1.shape = geom.box(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0)
self.f2.shape = geom.box(0.5, 0.5, 1.5, 1.5)
self.f3.shape = geom.box(0.75, 0, 0.8, 2)
self.f4.shape = geom.box(0.75, 0, 0.8, 2)
示例10: test
def test(self):
gs = self.fixture_grid_chunker()
desired_dst_grid_sum = gs.dst_grid.parent['data'].get_value().sum()
desired_dst_grid_sum = MPI_COMM.gather(desired_dst_grid_sum)
if vm.rank == 0:
desired_sum = np.sum(desired_dst_grid_sum)
desired = [{'y': slice(0, 180, None), 'x': slice(0, 240, None)},
{'y': slice(0, 180, None), 'x': slice(240, 480, None)},
{'y': slice(0, 180, None), 'x': slice(480, 720, None)},
{'y': slice(180, 360, None), 'x': slice(0, 240, None)},
{'y': slice(180, 360, None), 'x': slice(240, 480, None)},
{'y': slice(180, 360, None), 'x': slice(480, 720, None)}]
actual = list(gs.iter_dst_grid_slices())
self.assertEqual(actual, desired)
if vm.rank == 0:
rank_sums = []
for ctr in range(1, gs.nchunks_dst[0] * gs.nchunks_dst[1] + 1):
src_path = gs.create_full_path_from_template('src_template', index=ctr)
dst_path = gs.create_full_path_from_template('dst_template', index=ctr)
src_field = RequestDataset(src_path).get()
dst_field = RequestDataset(dst_path).get()
src_envelope_global = box(*src_field.grid.extent_global)
dst_envelope_global = box(*dst_field.grid.extent_global)
self.assertTrue(does_contain(src_envelope_global, dst_envelope_global))
actual = get_variable_names(src_field.data_variables)
self.assertIn('data', actual)
actual = get_variable_names(dst_field.data_variables)
self.assertIn('data', actual)
actual_data_sum = dst_field['data'].get_value().sum()
actual_data_sum = MPI_COMM.gather(actual_data_sum)
if MPI_RANK == 0:
actual_data_sum = np.sum(actual_data_sum)
if vm.rank == 0:
self.assertAlmostEqual(desired_sum, np.sum(rank_sums))
index_path = gs.create_full_path_from_template('index_file')
index_path = gs.create_full_path_from_template('index_file')
index_field = RequestDataset(index_path).get()
self.assertTrue(len(list(index_field.keys())) > 2)
示例11: load_polys_and_clip
def load_polys_and_clip(shpfile, wl, el, nl, sl, dateline=False, lev=1):
Loop through polygons in shapefile, if they overlap with user
specified rectangle, load the polygon and clip
Note that GSHHS polygons are -180-->180, shorelines that cross the 180 line are
clipped into west and east polygons, so there is some special casing to handle
clip rectangles that cross the dateline
Change lev to 2 if loading lakes
These *may not* be able to be used to clip trajectories from GAn in Arc?
bound_box = (wl, sl, el, nl)
clip_box = sgeo.box(*bound_box)
if dateline:
bound_box = (-180, sl, 180, nl)
bna_polys = []
with fiona.open(shpfile) as source:
for s in source.filter(bbox=bound_box):
geo = s['geometry']['coordinates']
for c in geo:
poly = sgeo.Polygon(c)
if dateline:
poly_bnds = poly.bounds
if poly_bnds[0] > -10 and poly_bnds[2] <= 180:
clip_box = sgeo.box(wl, sl, 180, nl)
clip_box = sgeo.box(-180, sl, el, nl)
clipped_polys = poly.intersection(clip_box)
if type(clipped_polys) is sgeo.multipolygon.MultiPolygon:
for clipped_poly in clipped_polys:
except AttributeError:
elif type(clipped_polys) is sgeo.polygon.Polygon:
except AttributeError:
if len(bna_polys) < 1 and lev == 1: # all water
levels = [2]
else: # define levels and add lakes if specified
levels = [lev for x in range(len(bna_polys))]
if lev == 1:
bna_polys.insert(0, ([wl, wl, el, el], [sl, nl, nl, sl]))
levels.insert(0, 0)
return bna_polys, levels
示例12: __init__
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(TestClassesNodes, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.f1 = FeatureTest(1)
self.f2 = FeatureTest(10)
self.f2.shape = geom.box(1.0, 0.0, 2.0, 1.0)
self.f3 = FeatureTest(100)
self.f3.shape = geom.box(1.0, 0.0, 3.0, 1.0)
self.n1 = BlendNode([self.f1])
self.n2 = BlendNode([self.f2])
self.n3 = BlendNode([self.f3])
示例13: testRuleBasedDispatcher
def testRuleBasedDispatcher(self):
# prepare data for test
box1 = box(0, 0, 100, 100)
box2 = box(0, 0, 10, 10)
dispatcher = RuleBasedDispatcher([CatchAllRule()], ["catchall"])
self.assertEqual(dispatcher.dispatch(None, box1), "catchall")
dispatch_batch = dispatcher.dispatch_batch(None, [box1, box2])
assert_array_equal(dispatch_batch, ["catchall", "catchall"])
labels, dispatch_map = dispatcher.dispatch_map(None, [box1, box2])
assert_array_equal(labels, dispatch_batch)
assert_array_equal(dispatch_map, [0, 0])
示例14: _generate_points
def _generate_points(self, polygon: Polygon, n) -> list:
"""Generates sample points within a given geometry
:param shapely.geometry.Polygon polygon: the polygon to create points in
:param int n: Number of points to generate in polygon
:return: A list with point in the polygon
:rtype: list[Point]
if n <= 0:
return []
if polygon.area <= 0:
return []
bbox = polygon.envelope
"""(minx, miny, maxx, maxy) bbox"""
if (polygon.area * self.t) < bbox.area:
if (bbox.bounds[2] - bbox.bounds[0]) > (bbox.bounds[3] - bbox.bounds[1]):
bbox_1 = box(*self._bbox_left(bbox.bounds))
bbox_2 = box(*self._bbox_right(bbox.bounds))
bbox_1 = box(*self._bbox_bottom(bbox.bounds))
bbox_2 = box(*self._bbox_top(bbox.bounds))
p1 = shape(polygon)
p1 = p1.difference(bbox_1)
p2 = shape(polygon)
p2 = p2.difference(bbox_2)
del bbox_1, bbox_2
# k = bisect.bisect_left(u, p1.area / polygon.area)
k = int(round(n * (p1.area / polygon.area)))
v = self._generate_points(p1, k) + self._generate_points(p2, n - k)
del polygon, p1, p2
v = []
max_iterations = self.t * n + 5 * math.sqrt(self.t * n)
v_length = len(v)
while v_length < n and max_iterations > 0:
max_iterations -= 1
v_length = len(v)
if len(v) < n:
raise Exception('Too many iterations')
self.logging.debug('Generated %s points', n)
del bbox
return v
示例15: setUp
def setUp(self):
self.background = FeatureTest(100, influence="notall", val_influence=1)
self.background.shape = geom.box(5, 5, 45, 45)
self.up = FeatureTest(150, influence="notall", val_influence=1)
self.up.shape = geom.box(10, 10, 30, 30)
self.rep = FeatureTestReplace(0, influence="notall", val_influence=1)
self.rep.shape = geom.box(10, 10, 30, 30)
self.forest = Vegetation(geom.box(5, 5, 45, 45), model=AbstractModel(), tree_number=50)
self.env = Environment([self.rep, self.up, self.background, self.forest])