本文整理汇总了Python中shapely.affinity.translate函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python translate函数的具体用法?Python translate怎么用?Python translate使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: main
def main(infile, outfile, driver):
with fio.open(infile) as src:
meta = src.meta
meta['driver'] = driver
with fio.open(infile) as src, fio.open(outfile, 'w', **meta) as dst:
with click.progressbar(src) as features:
for feat in features:
east = deepcopy(feat)
west = deepcopy(feat)
east_geom = shape(east['geometry'])
west_geom = shape(west['geometry'])
# if 'Point' not in asShape(feat['geometry']).type:
# east_geom = east_geom.simplify(0.0001).buffer(0)
# west_geom = west_geom.simplify(0.0001).buffer(0)
east_geom = translate(east_geom, xoff=180)
west_geom = translate(west_geom, xoff=-180)
if not east_geom.is_empty:
east['geometry'] = mapping(east_geom)
if not west_geom.is_empty:
west['geometry'] = mapping(west_geom)
示例2: map_to_polygon
def map_to_polygon(shape,origin,position,rotation,size):
geom_obj=affinity.translate(geom_obj, -origin[0],-origin[1],0)
geom_obj=affinity.translate(geom_obj, position[0],position[1],0)
return geom_obj
示例3: _refine_predug
def _refine_predug(self, candidate):
""" uses the color information directly to specify the predug """
# determine a bounding rectangle
region = candidate.bounds
size = max(region.width, region.height)
region.buffer(0.5 * size) # < increase by 50% in each direction
# extract the region from the image
slice_x, slice_y = region.slices
img = self.image[slice_y, slice_x].astype(np.uint8, copy=True)
# build the estimate polygon
poly_p = affinity.translate(candidate.polygon, -region.x, -region.y)
poly_s = affinity.translate(self.ground.get_sky_polygon(), -region.x, -region.y)
def fill_mask(color, margin=0):
""" fills the mask with the buffered regions """
for poly in (poly_p, poly_s):
pts = np.array(poly.buffer(margin).boundary.coords, np.int32)
cv2.fillPoly(mask, [pts], color)
# prepare the mask for the grabCut algorithm
burrow_width = self.params["burrows/width"]
mask = np.full_like(img, cv2.GC_BGD, dtype=np.uint8) # < sure background
fill_mask(cv2.GC_PR_BGD, 0.25 * burrow_width) # < possible background
fill_mask(cv2.GC_PR_FGD, 0) # < possible foreground
fill_mask(cv2.GC_FGD, -0.25 * burrow_width) # < sure foreground
# run GrabCut algorithm
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_GRAY2RGB)
bgdmodel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64)
fgdmodel = np.zeros((1, 65), np.float64)
cv2.grabCut(img, mask, (0, 0, 1, 1), bgdmodel, fgdmodel, 2, cv2.GC_INIT_WITH_MASK)
# any error in the GrabCut algorithm makes the whole function useless
logging.warn("GrabCut algorithm failed for predug")
return candidate
# turn the sky into background
pts = np.array(poly_s.boundary.coords, np.int32)
cv2.fillPoly(mask, [pts], cv2.GC_BGD)
# extract a binary mask determining the predug
predug_mask = (mask == cv2.GC_FGD) | (mask == cv2.GC_PR_FGD)
predug_mask = predug_mask.astype(np.uint8)
# simplify the mask using binary operations
w = int(0.5 * burrow_width)
kernel = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (w, w))
predug_mask = cv2.morphologyEx(predug_mask, cv2.MORPH_OPEN, kernel)
# extract the outline of the predug
contour = regions.get_contour_from_largest_region(predug_mask)
# translate curves back into global coordinate system
contour = curves.translate_points(contour, region.x, region.y)
return shapes.Polygon(contour)
示例4: crop_line
def crop_line(line,pts_array):
line_start=Point(line_start); line_end=Point(line_end)
return pts2line([translate(center,xoff=(np.min(pts)*x), yoff=np.min(pts)*y),translate(center,xoff=(np.max(pts)*x), yoff=np.max(pts)*y)])
示例5: fit_shape
def fit_shape(shape, width, height, padding=0):
width -= padding * 2
height -= padding * 2
x1, y1, x2, y2 = shape.bounds
w, h = x2 - x1, y2 - y1
s = min(width / w, height / h)
shape = translate(shape, -x1, -y1)
shape = scale(shape, s, s, origin=(0, 0, 0))
shape = translate(shape, padding, padding)
return shape
示例6: findIntersect
def findIntersect( ):
time, max_area, max_time = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0
while time < 5:
temp = asteroid1.asteroid.intersection(asteroid2.asteroid).area
if temp > max_area:
max_area = temp
max_time = time
asteroid1.asteroid = translate(asteroid1.asteroid, asteroid1.velocity[0]*.001, asteroid1.velocity[1]*.001)
asteroid2.asteroid = translate(asteroid2.asteroid, asteroid2.velocity[0]*.001, asteroid2.velocity[1]*.001)
return max_time
示例7: wrap_americas
def wrap_americas(self, wrapping_point=-50):
new_mp = []
for i, p in enumerate(self.patch):
if min(p.envelope.exterior.xy[0]) < wrapping_point or\
max(p.envelope.exterior.xy[0]) < wrapping_point:
new_mp.append(translate(p, xoff=360.))
self.patch = MultiPolygon(new_mp)
except TypeError:
if self.get_maxx() < wrapping_point or\
self.get_minx() < wrapping_point:
self.patch = translate(self.patch, xoff=360.)
示例8: clip_geometry_to_srs_bounds
def clip_geometry_to_srs_bounds(geometry, pyramid, multipart=False):
Clip input geometry to SRS bounds of given TilePyramid.
If geometry passes the antimeridian, it will be split up in a multipart
geometry and shifted to within the SRS boundaries.
Note: geometry SRS must be the TilePyramid SRS!
- geometry: any shapely geometry
- pyramid: a TilePyramid object
- multipart: return list of geometries instead of a GeometryCollection
assert geometry.is_valid
except AssertionError:
raise ValueError("invalid geometry given")
assert isinstance(pyramid, TilePyramid or MetaTilePyramid)
except AssertionError:
raise ValueError("not a TilePyramid object")
pyramid_bbox = box(
pyramid.left, pyramid.bottom, pyramid.right, pyramid.top)
# Special case for global tile pyramids if geometry extends over tile
# pyramid boundaries (such as the antimeridian).
if pyramid.is_global and not geometry.within(pyramid_bbox):
inside_geom = geometry.intersection(pyramid_bbox)
outside_geom = geometry.difference(pyramid_bbox)
# shift outside geometry so it lies within SRS bounds
if isinstance(outside_geom, Polygon):
outside_geom = [outside_geom]
all_geoms = [inside_geom]
for geom in outside_geom:
geom_left = geom.bounds[0]
geom_right = geom.bounds[2]
if geom_left < pyramid.left:
geom = translate(geom, xoff=2*pyramid.right)
elif geom_right > pyramid.right:
geom = translate(geom, xoff=-2*pyramid.right)
if multipart:
return all_geoms
return GeometryCollection(all_geoms)
if multipart:
return [geometry]
return geometry
示例9: load_letters
def load_letters(letters):
x = 0.0
s = 1.82748538
p = 0.125
polygons = []
for letter in letters:
polygon = load_letter(letter)
polygon = scale(polygon, s, s)
x1, y1, x2, y2 = polygon.bounds
polygon = translate(polygon, -x1, -y1)
polygon = translate(polygon, x)
x += (x2 - x1) + p
print polygon.bounds
return MultiPolygon(polygons)
示例10: tile
def tile(self, tile_builder, offset, max_width, max_height, polygon_mask=None):
"""Extract a tile from the image
tile_builder: TileBuilder
A tile builder for constructing the Tile object
offset: (int, int)
The (x, y) coordinates of the pixel at the origin point of the tile in the parent image
max_width: int
The maximum width of the tile
max_height: int
The maximum height of the tile
polygon_mask: Polygon (optional, default: None)
The polygon representing the alpha mask to apply to the image window. The polygon must be referenced
to the full image top-left pixel.
tile: Tile
The extracted tile
IndexError: if the offset is not inside the image
TileExtractionException: if the tile cannot be extracted
if not self._check_tile_offset(offset):
raise IndexError("Offset {} is out of the image.".format(offset))
width = min(max_width, self.width - offset[0])
height = min(max_height, self.height - offset[1])
translated_polygon = translate(polygon_mask, -offset[0], -offset[1]) if polygon_mask is not None else None
return tile_builder.build(self, offset, width, height, polygon_mask=translated_polygon)
示例11: pack
def pack(items):
shifted = [ ]
for i, item in enumerate(items):
affinity.translate(item, (i%6)*15, (i//6)*15)
return ops.cascaded_union(shifted)
示例12: module_third
def module_third(wafer_size, ncells, module_center=Point((0,0)), module_id=0, triggercell_size=1):
# Compute the cell grid length for 1/3 of a module
grid_size = int(math.sqrt(ncells/3))
# This geometry is of the rotated type
# The wafer size below is the vertex to vertex distance
# The cell size is the edge to edge distance
cell_size = wafer_size/grid_size/2.
# Create grid of cells along the usual hexagon axes (60deg rotated axes)
grid_generator = GridGenerator('diamond', grid_size)
reference_position = translate(module_center,
cell_centers = grid_generator(reference_position, cell_size)
# Create cells corresponding to 1/3 of a module
hex_generator = HexagonGenerator(cell_size*tan30)
cell_transform = CellTransform(cell_size, grid_size)
cell_vertices = [cell_transform(i)(hex_generator(point)) for i,point in enumerate(cell_centers)]
# Merge cells in trigger cells if requested
if triggercell_size>1:
cell_vertices = trigger_cells(cell_vertices, size=triggercell_size)
cell_centers = [c.centroid for c in cell_vertices]
cells = []
for i,(vertices,center) in enumerate(zip(cell_vertices,cell_centers)):
id=compute_id(module=module_id, third=0, cell=i),
return cells
示例13: gen_feature
def gen_feature(feature_name, model_number, image_path, shape, transl, scaling, scn):
print("Called gen_feature @ %s" % feature_name)
# let's first translate our feature.
ip = Polygon(list(shape)) # map(lambda x: (x[0], 4x[1]), shape)))
p = translate(ip, xoff=transl[0], yoff=transl[1])
if(feature_name == "Mountain"):
center_z = 0
center_pos = p.centroid.coords[0]
rd = int((max([dist(x, center_pos) for x in p.exterior.coords]) / 2) ** 0.5)
print("Radius = %d" % rd)
print("Center = %d, %d" % (center_pos[0], center_pos[1]))
return Mountain(rd, center_z, center_pos)
elif(feature_name == "MountainImg"):
center_z = 0
center_pos = p.bounds[0:2]
print("Center = %d, %d" % (center_pos[0], center_pos[1]))
return MountainImg(p, center=center_pos)
elif(feature_name == "Roads"):
elif(feature_name == "Image"):
f = ImageFeature(image_path)
f.shape = p
return f
elif(feature_name == "Vegetation"):
for a in p.exterior.coords:
return Vegetation(p, model=AbstractModel(scn["model_path"], 0.02, (0, 0)), tree_number=model_number)
elif(feature_name == "Urban"):
elif(feature_name == "WaterArea"):
elif(feature_name == "River"):
示例14: window
def window(self, offset, max_width, max_height, polygon_mask=None):
"""Build an image object representing a window of the image
offset: (int, int)
The (x, y) coordinates of the pixel at the origin point of the window in the parent image
max_width: int
The maximum width of the window
max_height: int
The maximum height of the window
polygon_mask: Polygon (optional, default: None)
The polygon representing the alpha mask to apply to the image window. The polygon must be referenced
to the full image top-left pixel.
window: ImageWindow
The resulting image window
# width are bound to the current window size, not the parent one
width = min(max_width, self.width - offset[0])
height = min(max_height, self.height - offset[1])
translated_polygon = translate(polygon_mask, -offset[0], -offset[1]) if polygon_mask is not None else None
return ImageWindow(self, offset, width, height, polygon_mask=translated_polygon)
示例15: test_translate
def test_translate(self):
ls = load_wkt('LINESTRING(240 400 10, 240 300 30, 300 300 20)')
# test default offset of 0.0
tls = affinity.translate(ls)
# test all offsets
tls = affinity.translate(ls, 100, 400, -10)
els = load_wkt('LINESTRING(340 800 0, 340 700 20, 400 700 10)')
# Do explicit 3D check of coordinate values
for a, b in zip(tls.coords, els.coords):
for ap, bp in zip(a, b):
self.assertEqual(ap, bp)
# retest with named parameters for the same result
tls = affinity.translate(geom=ls, xoff=100, yoff=400, zoff=-10)