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Python library.get_refs_in_string函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sefaria.model.text.library.get_refs_in_string函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python get_refs_in_string函数的具体用法?Python get_refs_in_string怎么用?Python get_refs_in_string使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: test_commentary

 def test_commentary(self):
     s = "Here's one with Rashi on Genesis 2:5:3"
     s2 = "Here's one with both Rashi on Genesis 3:4 and Exodus 5:2. yeah"
     s3 = "Here's one with Genesis 2:3"
     assert library.get_refs_in_string(s, "en") == [Ref("Rashi on Genesis 2:5:3")]
     assert library.get_refs_in_string(s2, "en") == [Ref("Rashi on Genesis 3:4"), Ref("Exodus 5:2")]
     assert library.get_refs_in_string(s3, "en") == [Ref("Genesis 2:3")]

示例2: test_two_single_quotes

    def test_two_single_quotes(self):
        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(u"עין ממש דכתיב (במדבר ל''ה) ולא תקחו")
        assert 1 == len(ref)
        assert ref[0] == Ref(u"במדבר ל''ה")

        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(u"דאמר קרא (שופטים כ י''א) ויאסף כל איש")
        assert 1 == len(ref)
        assert ref[0] == Ref(u"שופטים כ י''א")

示例3: test_word_boundary

    def test_word_boundary(self):
        st = u' את הכל, ובאגדה (אסתר רבה פתיחתא, יא) שמעון בן זומא בשם'
        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(st)
        assert len(ref) == 0

        #Assumes that Yalkut Shimoni Esther is not a text
        st = u"""ובמדרש (ילקוט שמעוני אסתר א, סי' חתרמ"ו) מהיכן היה לו"""
        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(st)
        assert len(ref) == 1
        assert ref[0].sections[0] == 1
        assert len(ref[0].sections) == 1

示例4: test_huge_second_addr

    def test_huge_second_addr(self):
        st = u"""וכן הוא בב"ר (ילקוט שמעוני אסתר א, תתרמו) א"ר לוי בגדי כהונה"""
        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(st)[0]
        assert ref.sections[0] == 1
        assert len(ref.sections) == 1

        ''' These only work in the js

示例5: test_inner_parenthesis

    def test_inner_parenthesis(self):

        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(u"Bereishit Rabbah (55:7)", "en")
        assert 1 == len(ref)
        assert ref[0] == Ref(u'Bereshit Rabbah 55:7')

        ''' Ranges not yet supported

示例6: test_double_talmud

 def test_double_talmud(self):
     """ includes  ב''ק - why would that work?"""
     # ref = lib.get_refs_in_string(texts['2talmud'])
     # assert 2 == len(ref)
     """ includes  ב"ק """
     ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts["bk-abbrev"])
     assert 2 == len(ref)

示例7: test_double_talmud

 def test_double_talmud(self):
     ''' includes  ב''ק - why would that work?'''
     #ref = lib.get_refs_in_string(texts['2talmud'])
     #assert 2 == len(ref)
     ''' includes  ב"ק '''
     ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts['bk-abbrev'])
     assert 2 == len(ref)

示例8: test_inner_parenthesis

    def test_inner_parenthesis(self):

        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(u"Bereishit Rabbah (55:7)", "en")
        assert 1 == len(ref)
        assert ref[0] == Ref(u'Bereshit Rabbah 55:7')

        ''' These only work in the js
        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(u'במסכת שבועות (ל, ע"א) - כיצד אפוא', "he")
        assert 1 == len(ref)
        assert ref[0] == Ref(u'Shavuot 30a')

        ref = library.get_refs_in_string(u"במשנה, מסכת נדה (פרק ו, משנה ד), נקבע", "he")
        assert 1 == len(ref)
        assert ref[0] == Ref(u'Mishnah Nidah 6:4')
        ''' Ranges not yet supported

示例9: test_positions

 def test_positions(self):
     for a in ['he_bible_mid', 'he_bible_begin', 'he_bible_end']:
         ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts[a])
         assert 1 == len(ref)
         assert ref[0] == Ref(u"שמות כא, ד")

示例10: test_false_positive

 def test_false_positive(self):
     ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts['false_pos'])
     assert 1 == len(ref)
     assert ref[0] == Ref(u"דברים טז, יח")

示例11: test_with_lead

 def test_with_lead(self):
     ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts["2with_lead"])
     assert 2 == len(ref)
     assert {Ref(u"דברים ד,ח"), Ref(u"דברים ד,ז")} == set(ref)

示例12: test_sefer_mitzvot

 def test_sefer_mitzvot(self):
     ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts["neg327"])
     assert 4 == len(ref)
     assert {Ref(u"ויקרא טז,כט"), Ref(u"ויקרא כג,כח"), Ref(u"ויקרא כג,לא"), Ref(u"במדבר כט,ז")} == set(ref)

示例13: test_three_digit_chapter

 def test_three_digit_chapter(self):
     ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts['3dig'])
     assert 1 == len(ref)
     assert Ref(u'תהילים קי"ט') == ref[0]

示例14: test_multiple

 def test_multiple(self):
     ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts['2ref'])
     assert 2 == len(ref)
     assert {Ref('Brachot 7b'), Ref('Isaiah 12:13')} == set(library.get_refs_in_string(texts['2ref']))

示例15: test_double_ref

 def test_double_ref(self):
     ref = library.get_refs_in_string(texts['he_2ref'])
     assert 2 == len(ref)
     assert {Ref(u'הושע ט ג'), Ref(u'דברי הימים ב לב יט')} == set(ref)
