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Python JaggedArrayNode.append_to方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sefaria.model.schema.JaggedArrayNode.append_to方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python JaggedArrayNode.append_to方法的具体用法?Python JaggedArrayNode.append_to怎么用?Python JaggedArrayNode.append_to使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在sefaria.model.schema.JaggedArrayNode的用法示例。


示例1: test_default_chain

# 需要导入模块: from sefaria.model.schema import JaggedArrayNode [as 别名]
# 或者: from sefaria.model.schema.JaggedArrayNode import append_to [as 别名]
    def test_default_chain(self):
        s = SchemaNode()
        s.key = "root"
        s.add_title("root", "en", primary=True)
        s.add_title("alt root", "en")

        s2 = SchemaNode()
        s2.key = "default"
        s2.default = True

        j = JaggedArrayNode()
        j.key = "default"
        j.depth = 1
        j.default = True
        j.sectionNames = ["Foo"]
        j.addressTypes = ["Integer"]


        assert s.has_numeric_continuation()
        assert s2.has_numeric_continuation()
        assert j.has_numeric_continuation()
        assert not s.has_titled_continuation()
        assert not s2.has_titled_continuation()
        assert not j.has_titled_continuation()

示例2: test_validate_children

# 需要导入模块: from sefaria.model.schema import JaggedArrayNode [as 别名]
# 或者: from sefaria.model.schema.JaggedArrayNode import append_to [as 别名]
    def test_validate_children(self):
        Does validate fall through to children?
        s = SchemaNode()
        s.key = "root"
        s.add_title("root", "en", primary=True)
        j = JaggedArrayNode()
        j.add_title("child", "en", primary=True)
        j.key = "child"
        j.depth = 1
        j.sectionNames = ["Foo"]

        with pytest.raises(IndexSchemaError):

示例3: test_terms_and_he

# 需要导入模块: from sefaria.model.schema import JaggedArrayNode [as 别名]
# 或者: from sefaria.model.schema.JaggedArrayNode import append_to [as 别名]
    def test_terms_and_he(self):
        s = SchemaNode()
        s.key = "root"
        s.add_title("root", "en", primary=True)
        s.add_title(u"שרש", "he", primary=True)

        j = JaggedArrayNode()
        j.key = "bereshit"
        j.depth = 1
        j.sectionNames = ["Foo"]
        j.addressTypes = ["Integer"]

        j2 = JaggedArrayNode()
        j2.key = "noah"
        j2.depth = 1
        j2.sectionNames = ["Foo"]
        j2.addressTypes = ["Integer"]


        td = s.title_dict("he")
        assert len(td) == 5

        target = {
            u'שרש': s,
            u'שרש, בראשית': j,
            u'שרש, נח': j2,
            u'שרש בראשית': j,
            u'שרש נח': j2,

        assert td == target

示例4: test_grandchild_presentation

# 需要导入模块: from sefaria.model.schema import JaggedArrayNode [as 别名]
# 或者: from sefaria.model.schema.JaggedArrayNode import append_to [as 别名]
    def test_grandchild_presentation(self):
        s = SchemaNode()
        s.key = "root"
        s.add_title("root", "en", primary=True)
        s.add_title("alt root", "en")

        s2 = SchemaNode()
        s2.key = "l2"
        s2.add_title("Level 2", "en", primary=True)
        s2.add_title("Level 2 Alone", "en", presentation="alone")
        s2.add_title("Level 2 Both", "en", presentation="both")

        j = JaggedArrayNode()
        j.key = "child1"
        j.depth = 1
        j.sectionNames = ["Foo"]
        j.addressTypes = ["Integer"]
        j.add_title("Level 3a", "en", primary=True)
        j.add_title("Level 3a alone", "en", presentation="alone")
        j.add_title("Level 3a both", "en", presentation="both")

        j2 = JaggedArrayNode()
        j2.key = "child2"
        j2.depth = 1
        j2.sectionNames = ["Foo"]
        j2.addressTypes = ["Integer"]
        j2.add_title("Level 3b", "en", primary=True)
        j2.add_title("Level 3b alone", "en", presentation="alone")
        j2.add_title("Level 3b both", "en", presentation="both")


        assert not s.has_numeric_continuation()
        assert not s2.has_numeric_continuation()

        td = s.title_dict()
        assert len(td) == 96

        target = {
            "root": s,
            "alt root": s,
            "Level 2 Alone": s2,
            "Level 3b alone": j2,
            "Level 3a alone": j,
            "Level 2 Both": s2,
            "Level 3a both": j,
            "Level 3b both": j2,

            # combined, with comma separator
            "root, Level 2 Both": s2,
            "root, Level 2": s2,
            "alt root, Level 2 Both": s2,
            "alt root, Level 2": s2,

            "root, Level 2 Both, Level 3a": j,
            "root, Level 2, Level 3a": j,
            "alt root, Level 2 Both, Level 3a": j,
            "alt root, Level 2, Level 3a": j,
            "Level 2 Alone, Level 3a": j,
            "Level 2 Both, Level 3a": j,

            "root, Level 2 Both, Level 3a both": j,
            "root, Level 2, Level 3a both": j,
            "alt root, Level 2 Both, Level 3a both": j,
            "alt root, Level 2, Level 3a both": j,
            "Level 2 Alone, Level 3a both": j,
            "Level 2 Both, Level 3a both": j,

            "root, Level 2 Both, Level 3b": j2,
            "root, Level 2, Level 3b": j2,
            "alt root, Level 2 Both, Level 3b": j2,
            "alt root, Level 2, Level 3b": j2,
            "Level 2 Alone, Level 3b": j2,
            "Level 2 Both, Level 3b": j2,

            "root, Level 2 Both, Level 3b both": j2,
            "root, Level 2, Level 3b both": j2,
            "alt root, Level 2 Both, Level 3b both": j2,
            "alt root, Level 2, Level 3b both": j2,
            "Level 2 Alone, Level 3b both": j2,
            "Level 2 Both, Level 3b both": j2,

            # combined, with space separator
            "root Level 2 Both": s2,
            "root Level 2": s2,
            "alt root Level 2 Both": s2,
            "alt root Level 2": s2,

            "root Level 2 Both Level 3a": j,
            "root Level 2 Level 3a": j,
            "alt root Level 2 Both Level 3a": j,
            "alt root Level 2 Level 3a": j,
            "Level 2 Alone Level 3a": j,
            "Level 2 Both Level 3a": j,

            "root Level 2 Both Level 3a both": j,
            "root Level 2 Level 3a both": j,
