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Python Device.get_own_device方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中securesync.models.Device.get_own_device方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Device.get_own_device方法的具体用法?Python Device.get_own_device怎么用?Python Device.get_own_device使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在securesync.models.Device的用法示例。


示例1: zone_management

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
def zone_management(request, zone_id, org_id=None):
    context = control_panel_context(request, org_id=org_id, zone_id=zone_id)
    own_device = Device.get_own_device()
    if not context["zone"] and (zone_id != "None" or Zone.objects.count() != 0 or settings.CENTRAL_SERVER):
        raise Http404()  # on distributed server, we can make due if they're not registered.

    # Accumulate device data
    device_data = OrderedDict()
    if context["zone"]:
        devices = Device.objects.filter(devicezone__zone=context["zone"])
        devices = Device.objects.filter(devicemetadata__is_trusted=False)

    for device in list(devices.order_by("devicemetadata__is_demo_device", "name")):

        user_activity = UserLogSummary.objects.filter(device=device)
        sync_sessions = SyncSession.objects.filter(client_device=device)
        if not settings.CENTRAL_SERVER and device.id != own_device.id:  # Non-local sync sessions unavailable on distributed server
            sync_sessions = None

        exercise_activity = ExerciseLog.objects.filter(signed_by=device)

        device_data[device.id] = {
            "name": device.name or device.id,
            "num_times_synced": sync_sessions.count() if sync_sessions is not None else None,
            "last_time_synced": sync_sessions.aggregate(Max("timestamp"))["timestamp__max"] if sync_sessions is not None else None,
            "is_demo_device": device.get_metadata().is_demo_device,
            "last_time_used":   exercise_activity.order_by("-completion_timestamp")[0:1] if user_activity.count() == 0 else user_activity.order_by("-last_activity_datetime", "-end_datetime")[0],
            "counter": device.get_counter_position(),

    # Accumulate facility data
    facility_data = OrderedDict()
    if context["zone"]:
        facilities = Facility.objects.by_zone(context["zone"])
        facilities = Facility.objects.all()
    for facility in list(facilities.order_by("name")):

        user_activity = UserLogSummary.objects.filter(user__facility=facility)
        exercise_activity = ExerciseLog.objects.filter(user__facility=facility)

        facility_data[facility.id] = {
            "name": facility.name,
            "num_users":  FacilityUser.objects.filter(facility=facility).count(),
            "num_groups": FacilityGroup.objects.filter(facility=facility).count(),
            "id": facility.id,
            "last_time_used":   exercise_activity.order_by("-completion_timestamp")[0:1] if user_activity.count() == 0 else user_activity.order_by("-last_activity_datetime", "-end_datetime")[0],

        "facilities": facility_data,
        "devices": device_data,
        "upload_form": UploadFileForm(),
        "own_device_is_trusted": Device.get_own_device().get_metadata().is_trusted,
    return context

示例2: update_context

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
def update_context(request):
    device = Device.get_own_device()
    zone = device.get_zone()

    context = {
        "registered": Device.get_own_device().is_registered(),
        "zone_id": zone.id if zone else None,
        "device_id": device.id,
    return context

示例3: zone_management

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
def zone_management(request, zone_id, org_id=None):
    org = get_object_or_None(Organization, pk=org_id) if org_id else None
    zone = get_object_or_404(Zone, pk=zone_id)# if zone_id != "new" else None
    own_device = Device.get_own_device()

    # Accumulate device data
    device_data = dict()
    for device in Device.objects.filter(devicezone__zone=zone).order_by("devicemetadata__is_demo_device", "name"):

        user_activity = UserLogSummary.objects.filter(device=device)
        sync_sessions = SyncSession.objects.filter(client_device=device)
        if not settings.CENTRAL_SERVER and device.id != own_device.id:  # Non-local sync sessions unavailable on distributed server
            sync_sessions = None

        exercise_activity = ExerciseLog.objects.filter(signed_by=device)

        device_data[device.id] = {
            "name": device.name or device.id,
            "is_demo_device": device.devicemetadata.is_demo_device,
            "num_times_synced": sync_sessions.count() if sync_sessions is not None else None,
            "last_time_synced": sync_sessions.aggregate(Max("timestamp"))["timestamp__max"] if sync_sessions is not None else None,
            "is_demo_device": device.get_metadata().is_demo_device,
            "last_time_used":   exercise_activity.order_by("-completion_timestamp")[0:1] if user_activity.count() == 0 else user_activity.order_by("-end_datetime")[0],
            "counter": device.get_counter(),

    # Accumulate facility data
    facility_data = dict()
    for facility in Facility.objects.by_zone(zone):

        user_activity = UserLogSummary.objects.filter(user__facility=facility)
        exercise_activity = ExerciseLog.objects.filter(user__facility=facility)

        facility_data[facility.id] = {
            "name": facility.name,
            "num_users":  FacilityUser.objects.filter(facility=facility).count(),
            "num_groups": FacilityGroup.objects.filter(facility=facility).count(),
            "id": facility.id,
            "last_time_used":   exercise_activity.order_by("-completion_timestamp")[0:1] if user_activity.count() == 0 else user_activity.order_by("-end_datetime")[0],

    return {
        "org": org,
        "zone": zone,
        "facilities": facility_data,
        "devices": device_data,
        "upload_form": UploadFileForm(),
        "own_device_is_trusted": Device.get_own_device().get_metadata().is_trusted,

示例4: register_public_key_client

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
def register_public_key_client(request):
    if Device.get_own_device().get_zone():
        return {"already_registered": True}
    client = SyncClient()
    if client.test_connection() != "success":
        return {"no_internet": True}
    reg_response = client.register()
    reg_status = reg_response.get("code")
    if reg_status == "registered":
        return {"newly_registered": True}
    if reg_status == "device_already_registered":
        return {"already_registered": True}
    if reg_status == "public_key_unregistered":
        return {
            "unregistered": True,
            "registration_url": client.path_to_url(
                "/securesync/register/?" + urllib.quote(crypto.serialize_public_key())),
    error_msg = reg_response.get("error", "")
    if error_msg:
        return {"error_msg": error_msg}
    return HttpResponse("Registration status: " + reg_status)

示例5: register_public_key_client

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
def register_public_key_client(request):
    own_device = Device.get_own_device()
    if own_device.get_zone():
        return {"already_registered": True}
    client = SyncClient()
    if client.test_connection() != "success":
        return {"no_internet": True}
    reg_response = client.register()
    reg_status = reg_response.get("code")
    if reg_status == "registered":
        return {"newly_registered": True}
    if reg_status == "device_already_registered":
        return {"already_registered": True}
    if reg_status == "public_key_unregistered":
        return {
            "unregistered": True,
            "registration_url": client.path_to_url(
                reverse("register_public_key") + "?" + urllib.quote(own_device.public_key)
            "central_login_url": "%s://%s/accounts/login" % (settings.SECURESYNC_PROTOCOL, settings.CENTRAL_SERVER_HOST),
            "callback_url": request.build_absolute_uri(reverse("register_public_key")),
    error_msg = reg_response.get("error", "")
    if error_msg:
        return {"error_msg": error_msg}
    return HttpResponse(_("Registration status: ") + reg_status)

示例6: _do_fake_registration

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
 def _do_fake_registration(self):
     # Create a Zone and DeviceZone to fool the Device into thinking it's registered
     zone = Zone(name="The Danger Zone", description="Welcome to it.")
     device = Device.get_own_device()
     deviceZone = DeviceZone(device=device, zone=zone)

示例7: test_valid_trusted

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
    def test_valid_trusted(self):
        Chain of trust:
        1. Zone created by this device
        2. Another device joins (no central server) through an invitation
        own_device = Device.get_own_device()
        zone = Zone(name="test_zone")

        new_device = Device(name="new_device")  # make a new device
        new_device.save()  # get an ID

        # Now create an invitation, and claim that invitation for the new device.
        invitation = ZoneInvitation.generate(zone=zone, invited_by=own_device)
        self.assertEqual(invitation.used_by, new_device, "Invitation should now be used by device %s" % new_device)
        self.assertEqual(DeviceZone.objects.filter(device=new_device).count(), 1, "There should be a DeviceZone for device %s" % new_device)
        self.assertEqual(DeviceZone.objects.get(device=new_device).zone, zone, "DeviceZone for device %s should be zone %s" % (new_device, zone))

        # Now get a chain of trust establishing the new device on the zone
        chain = ChainOfTrust(zone=zone, device=new_device)
        self.assertTrue(chain.verify(), "Chain of trust should verify.")

示例8: device_management

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
def device_management(request, device_id, zone_id=None, per_page=None, cur_page=None):
    context = control_panel_context(request, zone_id=zone_id, device_id=device_id)

    #Get pagination details
    cur_page = cur_page or request.REQUEST.get("cur_page", "1")
    per_page = per_page or request.REQUEST.get("per_page", "10")

    # Retrieve sync sessions
    all_sessions = SyncSession.objects.filter(client_device=context["device"])
    total_sessions = all_sessions.count()
    shown_sessions = list(all_sessions.order_by("-timestamp").values("timestamp", "ip", "models_uploaded", "models_downloaded", "errors"))

    session_pages, page_urls = paginate_data(request, shown_sessions, page=cur_page, per_page=per_page)

        "session_pages": session_pages,
        "page_urls": page_urls,
        "total_sessions": total_sessions,
        "device_version": total_sessions and all_sessions[0].client_version or None,
        "device_os": total_sessions and all_sessions[0].client_os or None,
        "is_own_device": not settings.CENTRAL_SERVER and device_id == Device.get_own_device().id,

    # If local (and, for security purposes, a distributed server), get device metadata
    if context["is_own_device"]:

    return context

示例9: add_log_to_summary

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
    def add_log_to_summary(cls, user_log, device=None):
        """Adds total_time to the appropriate user/device/activity's summary log."""

        assert user_log.end_datetime, "all log items must have an end_datetime to be saved here."
        assert user_log.total_seconds >= 0, "all log items must have a non-negative total_seconds to be saved here."
        device = device or Device.get_own_device()  # Must be done here, or install fails

        # Check for an existing object
        log_summary = cls.objects.filter(
        assert log_summary.count() <= 1, "There should never be multiple summaries in the same time period/device/user/type combo"

        # Get (or create) the log item
        log_summary = log_summary[0] if log_summary.count() else cls(
            start_datetime=cls.get_period_start_datetime(user_log.end_datetime, settings.USER_LOG_SUMMARY_FREQUENCY),
            end_datetime=cls.get_period_end_datetime(user_log.end_datetime, settings.USER_LOG_SUMMARY_FREQUENCY),

        logging.debug("Adding %d seconds for %s/%s/%d, period %s to %s" % (user_log.total_seconds, device.name, user_log.user.username, user_log.activity_type, log_summary.start_datetime, log_summary.end_datetime))

        # Add the latest info
        log_summary.total_seconds += user_log.total_seconds
        log_summary.count += 1

示例10: test_facility_group_save

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
    def test_facility_group_save(self):

        # only perform test if we are ourselves a trusted (i.e. central server) device
        if Device.get_own_device().is_trusted():
            group = FacilityGroup(name="MyGroup", facility=self.facility)
            assert group.zone_fallback is not None, "Centrally created FacilityGroup was not assigned a zone."

示例11: zone_redirect

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
def zone_redirect(request):
    Dummy view to generate a helpful dynamic redirect to interface with 'control_panel' app
    device = Device.get_own_device()
    zone = device.get_zone()
    return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse("zone_management", kwargs={"zone_id": (zone and zone.pk) or "None"}))

示例12: confirm_or_generate_zone

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
def confirm_or_generate_zone(invitation=None, device_zone=None):

    invitation = invitation or get_object_or_None(ZoneInvitation, used_by=Device.get_own_device())
    device_zone = device_zone or get_object_or_None(DeviceZone, device=Device.get_own_device())
    if invitation:
        sys.stdout.write("Confirmed existing sharing network %s, using invitation %s.\n" % (invitation.zone, invitation))
    elif device_zone:
        sys.stdout.write("Confirmed existing sharing network %s, using device_zone %s.\n" % (device_zone.zone, device_zone))

        # Sorry dude, you weren't invited to the party.  You'll have to have your own!
        # Generate a zone (for stand-alone machines)
        sys.stdout.write("Successfully generated a sharing network, and joined!.\n")

    initialize_registration()  # would try to sync

示例13: check_setup_status_wrapper_fn

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
    def check_setup_status_wrapper_fn(request, *args, **kwargs):

        if "registered" not in request.session:
            logging.error("Key 'registered' not defined in session, but should be by now.")

        if User.objects.exists():
            request.has_superuser = True
            # next line is for testing
            # User.objects.all().delete()

        if request.is_admin:
            # TODO(bcipolli): move this to the client side?
            if not request.session.get("registered", True) and BaseClient().test_connection() == "success":
                # Being able to register is more rare, so prioritize.
                messages.warning(request, mark_safe("Please <a href='%s'>follow the directions to register your device</a>, so that it can synchronize with the central server." % reverse("register_public_key")))
            elif not request.session["facility_exists"]:
                zone_id = (Zone.objects.all() and Zone.objects.all()[0].id) or "None"
                messages.warning(request, mark_safe("Please <a href='%s'>create a facility</a> now. Users will not be able to sign up for accounts until you have made a facility." % reverse("add_facility", kwargs={"zone_id": zone_id})))

        elif not request.is_logged_in:
            if not request.session.get("registered", True) and BaseClient().test_connection() == "success":
                # Being able to register is more rare, so prioritize.
                redirect_url = reverse("register_public_key")
            elif not request.session["facility_exists"]:
                zone = Device.get_own_device().get_zone()
                zone_id = "None" if not zone else zone.id
                redirect_url = reverse("add_facility", kwargs={"zone_id": zone_id})
                redirect_url = None
            if redirect_url:
                messages.warning(request, mark_safe(
                    "Please login with the account you created while running the installation script, \
                    to complete the setup."))

        return handler(request, *args, **kwargs)

示例14: test_facility_user_save

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
    def test_facility_user_save(self):

        # only perform test if we are ourselves a trusted (i.e. central server) device
        if Device.get_own_device().is_trusted():
            user = FacilityUser(username="bobmcknob", facility=self.facility)
            assert user.zone_fallback is not None, "Centrally created FacilityUser was not assigned a zone."

示例15: test_not_redirected_when_offline

# 需要导入模块: from securesync.models import Device [as 别名]
# 或者: from securesync.models.Device import get_own_device [as 别名]
 def test_not_redirected_when_offline(self):
     self.assertFalse(Device.get_own_device().is_registered(), "The device should be unregistered!")
     self.assertFalse(am_i_online(url=settings.CENTRAL_SERVER_URL), "Central server should be unreachable!")
     updated_videos_url = self.reverse("update_videos")
     response = self.client.get(updated_videos_url, follow=True)
     redirect_chain = response.redirect_chain  # Will be the empty list if there are no redirects
     self.assertFalse(redirect_chain, "Should not be redirected when the central server is not reachable! "
                                      "Redirect chain: {0}".format(redirect_chain))
