本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.spatial.Delaunay类的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Delaunay类的具体用法?Python Delaunay怎么用?Python Delaunay使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: show_hull
def show_hull(cname, ccol):
ccoords = coords[names==cname]
hull = ConvexHull(ccoords)
xs = ccoords.ix[:,0]
ys = ccoords.ix[:,1]
zs = ccoords.ix[:,2]
#ax.scatter(xs, ys, zs, c=ccol, marker='o')
for simplex in hull.simplices:
s = ccoords.irow(simplex)
#print s
sx = list(s.ix[:,0])
sy = list(s.ix[:,1])
sz = list(s.ix[:,2])
ax.plot(sx, sy, sz, ccol, alpha=0.2)
hulld = Delaunay(ccoords.irow(hull.vertices))
hcol = ['grey' if x<0 else 'green' for x in hulld.find_simplex(coords)]
hxs = coords.ix[:,0]
hys = coords.ix[:,1]
hzs = coords.ix[:,2]
ax.scatter(hxs, hys, hzs, c=hcol, marker='o', alpha=0.2)
示例2: zonotope_quadrature_rule
def zonotope_quadrature_rule(avmap, N, NX=10000):
Description of zonotope_quadrature_rule
NX: (default=10000)
vert = avmap.domain.vertY
W1 = avmap.domain.subspaces.W1
# number of dimensions
m, n = W1.shape
# points
y = np.vstack((vert, maximin_design(vert, N)))
T = Delaunay(y)
c = []
for t in T.simplices:
c.append(np.mean(T.points[t], axis=0))
points = np.array(c)
# approximate weights
Y_samples = np.dot(np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=(NX,m)), W1)
I = T.find_simplex(Y_samples)
weights = np.zeros((T.nsimplex, 1))
for i in range(T.nsimplex):
weights[i] = np.sum(I==i) / float(NX)
return points.reshape((T.nsimplex,n)), weights.reshape((T.nsimplex,1))
示例3: _simplex_interp
def _simplex_interp(self, teff, logg, fe, model_indecies):
Perform barycentric interpolation on simplecies
teff (float): effective temperature
logg (float): surface gravity
fe (float): metalicity
model_indecies (array): models to use in the interpolation
array: spectrum at teff, logg, fe
ndim = 3
model_table = np.array(self.model_table['teff logg fe'.split()])
points = model_table[model_indecies]
tri = Delaunay(points) # Delaunay triangulation
p = np.array([teff, logg, fe]) # cartesian coordinates
simplex = tri.find_simplex(p)
r = tri.transform[simplex,ndim,:]
Tinv = tri.transform[simplex,:ndim,:ndim]
c = Tinv.dot(p - r)
c = np.hstack([c,1.0-c.sum()]) # barycentric coordinates
# (3,many array)
model_indecies_interp = model_indecies[tri.simplices[simplex]]
model_spectra = self.model_spectra[model_indecies_interp,:]
flux = np.dot(c,model_spectra)
if simplex==-1:
return np.ones_like(flux)
return flux
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self, target_image_dimensions, target_vertices=None):
self.target_image_dimensions = target_image_dimensions
# if target vertices are not set, assume we want to fill the entire targetImage
if not target_vertices:
rows, columns = target_image_dimensions[:2]
self.target_vertices = np.array([[0, 0],
[0, columns],
[rows, 0],
[rows, columns]])
self.target_vertices = target_vertices
r0, c0 = np.round(np.mean(self.target_vertices, axis=0)).astype(np.int32)
self.target_vertices = np.array(sorted(self.target_vertices, key=lambda (r, c): np.arctan2(r0 - r, c0 - c)))
# get barycentric coordinates and corresponding points in target (new) image
nys = np.arange(self.target_image_dimensions[0])
nxs = np.arange(self.target_image_dimensions[1])
image_pixels = np.transpose([np.repeat(nys, len(nxs)), np.tile(nxs, len(nys))])
triangles = Delaunay(self.target_vertices)
memberships = triangles.find_simplex(image_pixels) # returns the triangle that each pixel is a member of
Ts = triangles.transform[memberships, :2] # transformation matrices
prs = image_pixels - triangles.transform[memberships, 2] # intermediate transformation
barycentric_coordinates = np.array([Ts[i].dot(pr) for i, pr in enumerate(prs)])
barycentric_coordinates = np.hstack((barycentric_coordinates,
1 - np.sum(barycentric_coordinates, axis=1, keepdims=True)))
target_vertices_indices = triangles.simplices[memberships]
self.targetRow = image_pixels[:, 0]
self.targetCol = image_pixels[:, 1]
self.barycentric = barycentric_coordinates
self.indices = target_vertices_indices
示例5: draw_dimension
def draw_dimension(self, dimNumber):
Method to draw the points on the axes using the current dimension number
dim0 = self.combinations[self.dimNumber][0]
dim1 = self.combinations[self.dimNumber][1]
self.ax.plot(self.points[:,dim0][self.inCluster], self.points[:, dim1][self.inCluster], 'g.')
self.ax.plot(self.points[:, dim0][self.outsideCluster], self.points[:,dim1][self.outsideCluster], marker='.', color='0.8', linestyle='None')
self.ax.set_xlabel('Dimension {}'.format(dim0))
self.ax.set_ylabel('Dimension {}'.format(dim1))
plt.title('press c to cut, < or > to switch dimensions')
''' Method to take the current points from mouse input,
convert them to a convex hull, and then update the inCluster and
outsideCluster attributes based on the points that fall within the hull'''
if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
self.inCluster = hull.find_simplex(points)>=0
示例6: triangulate
def triangulate(self, size):
shape = self.mImg.shape
spacing = max(shape) / size
sigma = spacing / 4
coords = self._get_distributed_points(spacing, sigma, include_corners = True)
tri = Delaunay(coords)
im_pts = self.get_xy_features()
# pt_tri_membership becomes a map which is the same size as the
# original image (first two dimensions only). each element contains
# the triangle ID of that point in the source image
pt_tri_membership = tri.find_simplex(im_pts.astype(dtype = np.double))
pt_tri_membership.resize(shape[0], shape[1])
num_tri = np.max(pt_tri_membership)
tri_map = np.copy(self.mImg)
# replace elements of each triangle with the mean value of the color
# channels from the original image
for tri in range(num_tri + 1):
this_tri = pt_tri_membership == tri
if not np.any(this_tri):
for col in range(shape[2]):
tri_map[this_tri, col] = np.mean(self.mImg[this_tri, col])
return tri_map
示例7: compute
def compute(self):
"""ABC API"""
示例8: compute
def compute(self):
"""ABC API"""
self.id = "D({},{})".format(self._furthest_site, self._qhull_options)
示例9: inside_convex_poly
def inside_convex_poly(pts):
"""Returns a function that checks if inputs are inside the convex hull of polyhedron defined by pts
Alternative method to check is to get faces of the convex hull, then check if each normal is pointed away from each point.
As it turns out, this is vastly slower than using qhull's find_simplex, even though the simplex is not needed.
tri = Delaunay(pts)
return lambda x: tri.find_simplex(x) != -1
示例10: chromaticity_diagram_visual
def chromaticity_diagram_visual(
cmfs='CIE 1931 2 Degree Standard Observer',
transformation='CIE 1931',
Creates a chromaticity diagram visual based on
:class:`colour_analysis.visuals.Primitive` class.
samples : int, optional
Inner samples count used to construct the chromaticity diagram
cmfs : unicode, optional
Standard observer colour matching functions used for the chromaticity
diagram boundaries.
transformation : unicode, optional
{'CIE 1931', 'CIE 1960 UCS', 'CIE 1976 UCS'}
Chromaticity diagram transformation.
parent : Node, optional
Parent of the chromaticity diagram in the `SceneGraph`.
Chromaticity diagram visual.
cmfs = get_cmfs(cmfs)
XYZ_to_ij = (
ij_to_XYZ = (
ij_c = XYZ_to_ij(cmfs.values, illuminant)
triangulation = Delaunay(ij_c, qhull_options='QJ')
samples = np.linspace(0, 1, samples)
ii, jj = np.meshgrid(samples, samples)
ij = tstack((ii, jj))
ij = np.vstack((ij_c, ij[triangulation.find_simplex(ij) > 0]))
ij_p = np.hstack((ij, np.full((ij.shape[0], 1), 0)))
triangulation = Delaunay(ij, qhull_options='QJ')
RGB = normalise(XYZ_to_sRGB(ij_to_XYZ(ij, illuminant), illuminant),
diagram = Primitive(vertices=ij_p,
return diagram
示例11: hadrian_min
def hadrian_min(vectorized_f, xbnds, ybnds, xtol, ytol, swarm=8, mx_iters=5,
hadrian_min is a stochastic, hill climbing minimization algorithm. It
uses a stratified sampling technique (Latin Hypercube) to get good
coverage of potential new points. It also uses vectorized function
evaluations to drive concurrent function evaluations.
It is named after the Roman Emperor Hadrian, the most famous Latin hill
mountain climber of ancient times.
assert xbnds[1] > xbnds[0]
assert ybnds[1] > ybnds[0]
assert xtol > 0
assert ytol > 0
# simplexes are simplex indexes
# vertexes are vertex indexes
# points are spatial coordinates
bnds = np.vstack((xbnds, ybnds))
points = latin_sample(np.vstack((xbnds, ybnds)), swarm)
z = vectorized_f(points)
# exclude corners from possibilities, but add them to the triangulation
# this bounds the domain, but ensures they don't get picked
points = np.append(points, list(product(xbnds, ybnds)), axis=0)
z = np.append(z, 4*[z.max()])
tri = Delaunay(points, incremental=inc)
del points
for step in range(1, mx_iters+1):
i, vertexes = get_minimum_neighbors(tri, z)
disp = tri.points[i] - tri.points[np.unique(vertexes)]
disp /= np.array([xtol, ytol])
err = err_mean(disp)
if err < 1.:
return tri.points[i], z[i], tri.points, z, 1
tri_points = tri.points[vertexes]
bnds = np.cumsum(area(tri_points))
bnds /= bnds[-1]
indx = np.searchsorted(bnds, np.random.rand(swarm))
new_pts = sample_triangle(tri_points[indx])
new_z = vectorized_f(new_pts)
if inc:
# make a new triangulation if I can't append points
points = np.append(tri.points, new_pts, axis=0)
tri = Delaunay(points)
z = np.append(z, new_z)
return None, None, tri.points, z, step
示例12: interp_weights
def interp_weights(xyz, uvw,d=3):
tri = Delaunay(xyz)
simplex = tri.find_simplex(uvw)
vertices = np.take(tri.simplices, simplex, axis=0)
temp = np.take(tri.transform, simplex, axis=0)
delta = uvw - temp[:, d]
bary = np.einsum('njk,nk->nj', temp[:, :d, :], delta)
return vertices, np.hstack((bary, 1 - bary.sum(axis=1, keepdims=True)))
示例13: check_polygon_membership
def check_polygon_membership(cluster_boundary, points_to_check):
cluster_boundary_points = [[x[0], x[1]] for x in cluster_boundary]
hull = cluster_boundary_points
if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
hull = Delaunay(hull)
gps_coords_to_check = [[x[0], x[1]] for x in points_to_check]
point_in_cluster = []
for coord in gps_coords_to_check:
point_in_cluster.append(1 if hull.find_simplex(coord) >= 0 else 0)
return point_in_cluster
示例14: cut_cluster
def cut_cluster(self, points, hull):
''' Method to take the current points from mouse input,
convert them to a convex hull, and then update the inCluster and
outsideCluster attributes based on the points that fall within the hull'''
if not isinstance(hull, Delaunay):
self.inCluster = hull.find_simplex(points)>=0
示例15: inside_hull
def inside_hull(self, labels):
"""This method checks whether a requested set of labels is inside the
convex hull of the training data. Returns a bool. This method relies
on Delauynay Triangulation and is thus exceedlingly slow for large
L = flatten_struct(self.training_labels, use_labels=self.used_labels)
l = flatten_struct(labels, use_labels=self.used_labels)
hull = Delaunay(L.T)
return hull.find_simplex(l.T) >= 0