本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.misc.fromimage函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python fromimage函数的具体用法?Python fromimage怎么用?Python fromimage使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: liner
def liner():
#import os
#try: os.mkdir('glassline')
#except: pass
import PIL.Image
glassmodel = np.empty((len(glasslist),(70-25)*(90-0)),np.uint8)
idx = 0
for i in glasslist:
img = PIL.Image.open(s2o(dataset.read(i)))
glassmodel[idx] = misc.fromimage(img).flatten()
print i
print glassmodel.shape
nglassmodel = np.empty((len(noglasslist),(70-25)*(90-0)),np.uint8)
idx = 0
for i in noglasslist:
img = PIL.Image.open(s2o(dataset.read(i)))
nglassmodel[idx] = misc.fromimage(img).flatten()
print i
print nglassmodel.shape
示例2: read_captcha
def read_captcha( file ):
from time import time
image = Image.open( file )
image = image.convert( "P" )
image = image.resize( ( image.size[0] * 3, image.size[1] * 3 ), Image.ANTIALIAS )
image2 = Image.new( "P", image.size, 255 )
for x in range( image.size[1] ):
for y in range( image.size[0] ):
pix = image.getpixel( ( y, x ) )
if pix > 15 and pix < 150:
image2.putpixel( ( y, x ), 0 )
image2 = image2.convert( 'RGB' )
data = misc.fromimage( image2 )
data_slices = find_paws( 255-data, smooth_radius = 2, threshold = 200 )
draw = ImageDraw.Draw( image2 )
letters = []
bboxes = slice_to_bbox( data_slices )
for bbox in bboxes:
xwidth = bbox.x2 - bbox.x1
ywidth = bbox.y2 - bbox.y1
if xwidth < 40 and ywidth < 40:
draw.rectangle( ( bbox.x1 - 1, bbox.y1 - 1, bbox.x2 + 1, bbox.y2 + 1 ), fill='white' )
elif xwidth > 60 and ywidth > 69:
letters.append( ( bbox.x1, bbox.y1, bbox.x2, bbox.y2 ) )
#draw.rectangle( ( bbox.x1 - 1, bbox.y1 - 1, bbox.x2 + 1, bbox.y2 + 1 ), outline='red' )
letters = sorted( letters, key=lambda i: i[0] )
if len( letters ) == 5:
i = 0
final_result = []
for letter in letters:
i += 1
im = image2.crop( letter )
image = image.convert( "P" )
im = im.resize( ( im.size[0], im.size[1] ), Image.ANTIALIAS )
im = im.filter( ImageFilter.DETAIL )
dt = misc.fromimage( im )
filename = 'resources/%s-%d.png' % ( file, i )
im = misc.toimage( dt )
im.save( filename )
tempFile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete = False )
process = subprocess.Popen(['tesseract', filename, tempFile.name, '-psm', '10', 'letters' ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
final_result.append( open( tempFile.name + '.txt', 'r' ).read() )
return ''.join( [ l.upper().strip() for l in final_result ] )
示例3: _loadImageY
def _loadImageY(self, path, is_noise):
im = Image.open(path).convert('YCbCr')
if is_noise:
im = misc.fromimage(im).astype('float32')
im = misc.fromimage(im.resize((2*im.size[0], 2*im.size[1]), resample=Image.NEAREST)).astype('float32')
x = np.reshape(np.array(im[:,:,0]), (1, 1, im.shape[0], im.shape[1])) / 255.0
return im, x
示例4: _loadImageRGB
def _loadImageRGB(self, path, is_noise):
im = Image.open(path)
if is_noise:
im = misc.fromimage(im).astype('float32')
im = misc.fromimage(im.resize((2*im.size[0], 2*im.size[1]), resample=Image.NEAREST)).astype('float32')
x = np.array([[im[:,:,0], im[:,:,1], im[:,:,2]]])/255.0
return im, x
示例5: original_color_transform
def original_color_transform(content, generated, mask=None):
generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='RGB'), mode='YCbCr') # Convert to YCbCr color space
if mask is None:
generated[:, :, 1:] = content[:, :, 1:] # Generated CbCr = Content CbCr
width, height, channels = generated.shape
for i in range(width):
for j in range(height):
if mask[i, j] == 1:
generated[i, j, 1:] = content[i, j, 1:]
generated = fromimage(toimage(generated, mode='YCbCr'), mode='RGB') # Convert to RGB color space
return generated
示例6: threshold2
def threshold2(frame, threshold):
'''Returns a list of the pixel indicies of all of the pixels in the image
whose value is below the given threshold. Requires 'im_array' to be a 2D
bitmap array of numbers (for our purposes these numbers represent an
8-bit image and therefore take on values from 0-255.)'''
points = []
frame = frame.point(lambda p: p < threshold)
im_array = fromimage(frame).astype('float')
B = argwhere(im_array)
(ystart, xstart), (ystop, xstop) = B.min(0), B.max(0) + 1
cropped_array = im_array[ystart:ystop, xstart:xstop]
p = array(nonzero(cropped_array)).swapaxes(0,1)
for (y,x) in p:
except ValueError:
return points
示例7: fonts_template
def fonts_template(fn=None,ttf=None):
ttf = ttf or 'c:/windows/fonts/ariali.ttf'
fn = fn or 'd:/temp/fonts.arrs'
m = dict()
font = ImageFont.truetype(ttf, 18)
arr = font.getmask(e, mode='L')
arr = Image.Image()._new(arr)
arr = misc.fromimage(arr)
h,w = arr.shape
print '%s:<%s,%s> %s'%(e, h,w, arr[0,0])
if w<10:
tmp = numpy.ndarray( (h,10), dtype=arr.dtype )
i = (10-w)/2
tmp[:,i:i+w] = arr
arr = tmp
#arr = arr[3:18,:]
arr = arr[2:19,:]
arr = im_norm(arr)
rs = ndimage.correlate(arr,arr, mode='constant', cval=0.0)
limit = numpy.max(rs)
m[e] = (limit,arr)
cPickle.dump(m, open(fn,'wb'))
示例8: prepare_image_for_correlation
def prepare_image_for_correlation(im):
letterArray = fromimage(im.convert('RGB'))
# Black and white
letterArray = scipy.inner(letterArray, [299, 587, 114]) / 1000.0
# Normalize
letterArray = (letterArray - letterArray.mean()) / letterArray.std()
return letterArray
示例9: im2ar
def im2ar( image_ ):
"""Convert PIL Image to Numpy array."""
if image_.mode in ('L', 'I', 'F'):
# Warning: only works with PIL.Image.Image whose mode is 'L', 'I' or 'F'
# => error if mode == 'I;16' for instance
array_ = fromimage( image_ )
return array_
示例10: snapshot
def snapshot(image=None, size=None):
r"""Acquires an image as a numpy array.
If the image argument is None, a screenshot is grabbed. otherwise, the
given image is converted to a 2- or 3-dimensional numpy array, depending
on whether it's colour or grayscale.
if isinstance(image, ndarray):
return image
if image == None:
from ImageGrab import grab
image = grab()
from os import system
name = "screenshot.png"
command = "scrot %s" % name
image = loadimage(name)
elif isinstance(image, basestring):
image = loadimage(image)
if size != None:
(m, n) = size
image = image.resize((n, m), ANTIALIAS)
return dstack(fromimage(channel) for channel in image.split())
示例11: tst_fromimage
def tst_fromimage(filename, irange):
fp = open(filename, "rb")
img = misc.fromimage(PIL.Image.open(fp))
imin,imax = irange
assert_(img.min() >= imin)
assert_(img.max() <= imax)
示例12: resize
def resize(data, dims):
""" Wrapper to resize an image """
import scipy.misc as smp
import Image
tmp = smp.fromimage(smp.toimage(data, mode='F'))
tmp = tmp.resize(dims, Image.ANTIALIAS)
return tmp
示例13: score
def score(filename):
Score individual image files for the genetic algorithm.
The idea is to derive predictive factors for the langmuir performance
(i.e., max power) based on the connectivity, phase fractions, domain sizes,
etc. The scoring function should be based on multivariate fits from a database
of existing simulations. To ensure good results, use robust regression techniques
and cross-validate the best-fit.
:param filename: image file name
:type filename: str
:return score (ideally as an estimated maximum power in W/(m^2))
:rtype float
# this works around a weird bug in scipy.misc.imread with 1-bit images
# open them with PIL as 8-bit greyscale "L" and then convert to ndimage
pil_img = Image.open(filename)
image = misc.fromimage(pil_img.convert("L"))
width, height = image.shape
if width != 256 or height != 256:
print "Size Error: ", filename
# isize = analyze.interface_size(image)
ads1, std1 = analyze.average_domain_size(image)
# we now need to invert the image to get the second domain size
inverted = (image < image.mean())
ads2, std2 = analyze.average_domain_size(inverted)
#overall average domain size
ads = (ads1 + ads2) / 2.0
# transfer distances
# connectivity
td1, connect1, td2, connect2 = analyze.transfer_distance(image)
spots = np.logical_xor(image,
ndimage.binary_erosion(image, structure=np.ones((2,2))))
erosion = np.count_nonzero(spots)
spots = np.logical_xor(image,
ndimage.binary_dilation(image, structure=np.ones((2,2))))
dilation = np.count_nonzero(spots)
# fraction of phase one
nonzero = np.count_nonzero(image)
fraction = float(nonzero) / float(image.size)
# scores zero at 0, 1 and maximum at 0.5
ps = fraction*(1.0-fraction)
# from simulations with multivariate nonlinear regression
return (-1.98566e8) + (-1650.14)/ads + (-680.92)*math.pow(ads,0.25) + \
1.56236e7*math.tanh(14.5*(connect1 + 0.4)) + 1.82945e8*math.tanh(14.5*(connect2 + 0.4)) \
+ 2231.32*connect1*connect2 \
+ (-4.72813)*td1 + (-4.86025)*td2 \
+ 3.79109e7*ps**8 \
+ 0.0540293*dilation + 0.0700451*erosion
示例14: tst_fromimage
def tst_fromimage(filename, irange, shape):
fp = open(filename, "rb")
img = misc.fromimage(PIL.Image.open(fp))
imin, imax = irange
assert_equal(img.min(), imin)
assert_equal(img.max(), imax)
assert_equal(img.shape, shape)
示例15: convert_profile_numpy_transform
def convert_profile_numpy_transform(image_np, transform):
if (not have_pilutil) or (not have_cms):
return image_np
in_image_pil = toimage(image_np)
convert_profile_pil_transform(in_image_pil, transform, inPlace=True)
image_out = fromimage(in_image_pil)
return image_out