本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.linalg.lu函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python lu函数的具体用法?Python lu怎么用?Python lu使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: simulate_lu_decom
def simulate_lu_decom(sim_locations,sample_locations,vmodel):
c11 = fill_cova(sample_locations,None,vmodel)
c21 = fill_cova(sim_locations,sample_locations,vmodel)
c22 = fill_cova(sim_locations,None,vmodel)
u11 = cholesky(c11)
l11 = u11.T
u11_inv = inv(u11)
l21 = c21 @ u11_inv
u12 = l21.T
l22 = cholesky([email protected],lower=True)
return u11_inv.T,l21,l22
l11,u11 = lu(c11,permute_l= True)
l11_inv = inv(l11)
a21t = l11_inv @ c21.T
a21 = a21t.T
b12 = a21t
l22,u22 = lu([email protected],permute_l= True)
return a21,l11_inv,l22
示例2: randomized_pca
def randomized_pca(A, n_components, n_oversamples=10, n_iter="auto",
flip_sign=True, random_state=0):
"""Compute the randomized PCA decomposition of a given matrix.
This method differs from the scikit-learn implementation in that it supports
and handles sparse matrices well.
if n_iter == "auto":
# Checks if the number of iterations is explicitly specified
# Adjust n_iter. 7 was found a good compromise for PCA. See sklearn #5299
n_iter = 7 if n_components < .1 * min(A.shape) else 4
n_samples, n_features = A.shape
c = np.atleast_2d(A.mean(axis=0))
if n_samples >= n_features:
Q = random_state.normal(size=(n_features, n_components + n_oversamples))
Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
# Normalized power iterations
for _ in range(n_iter):
Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)
Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)
Q, _ = qr(Q, mode="economic")
QA = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
R, s, V = svd(QA.T, full_matrices=False)
U = Q.dot(R)
else: # n_features > n_samples
Q = random_state.normal(size=(n_samples, n_components + n_oversamples))
Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
# Normalized power iterations
for _ in range(n_iter):
Q = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)
Q = safe_sparse_dot(A.T, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c.T, Q.sum(axis=0)[None, :])
Q, _ = lu(Q, permute_l=True)
Q, _ = qr(Q, mode="economic")
QA = safe_sparse_dot(A, Q) - safe_sparse_dot(c, Q)
U, s, R = svd(QA, full_matrices=False)
V = R.dot(Q.T)
if flip_sign:
U, V = svd_flip(U, V)
return U[:, :n_components], s[:n_components], V[:n_components, :]
示例3: decompose
def decompose( matrix ):
# Returns the decomposition of a matrix A where
# Q.A.Q = P.L.U
# P.L.U is the factoring of Q.A.Q such that L is a lower triangular matrix with 1's
# on the diagonal and U is an upper triangular matrix; P is the permutation (row-swapping
# operations) required for this procedure. The permutation matrix Q is chosen such that
# the last element of U is its smallest diagnoal element. If A has a zero eigenvalue,
# then U's last element will be zero.
dim = matrix.shape[ 0 ]
# first decomposition
( P, L, U ) = lu( matrix )
# detect the smallest element of U
smallestIndex = findsmallestdiag( U )
smallest = U[ smallestIndex, smallestIndex ]
#show( matrix, "M" )
#show( U, "U" )
#print "Smallest element is %f at %d" % ( smallest, smallestIndex )
# is the permutation Q not just the identity matrix?
Q = identity( dim )
if smallestIndex+1 != dim :
# trick: exchange row 'smallestIndex' with row 'dim-1' of the identity matrix
swaprow( Q, smallestIndex, dim-1 )
return ( P, L, U, Q )
示例4: __get_Qd
def __get_Qd(self):
Sets the integration matrices QI and QE for the IMEX sweeper
QI: St. Martin's trick, use LU decomposition
QE: explicit Euler matrix, will also act on u0
# QI = np.zeros(np.shape(self.coll.Qmat))
QE = np.zeros(np.shape(self.coll.Qmat))
for m in range(self.coll.num_nodes + 1):
# QI[m, 1:m+1] = self.coll.delta_m[0:m]
QE[m, 0:m] = self.coll.delta_m[0:m]
# This is for using LU decomposition
# strip Qmat by initial value u0
QT = self.coll.Qmat[1:,1:].T
# do LU decomposition of QT
[P,L,U] = LA.lu(QT,overwrite_a=True)
# enrich QT by initial value u0
Qd = np.zeros(np.shape(self.coll.Qmat))
Qd[1:,1:] = U.T
QI = Qd
return QI, QE
示例5: part_b
def part_b(run_count, a, b):
Solve using LU decomposition
_, l, u = lu(a)
for run in xrange(run_count):
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self, num_nodes, tleft, tright):
super(CollGaussRadau_Right_LU_Trick, self).__init__(num_nodes, tleft, tright)
Q = self.Qmat
p, l, u = lu(Q[1:, 1:].transpose())
# print np.diag(l)
self.QDmat = u.transpose()
示例7: lu
def lu(A, b):
#sol = []
# Edit here to implement your code
return list(x)
示例8: find_basis
def find_basis(M):
"""Find the indices of the columns of M that form a basis or range(M)"""
p,l,u = sla.lu(M)
ind = [i for i in range(u.shape[0]) if u[i,i] != 0.0]
if u[i,i] == 0:
for j in range(i+1,u.shape[1]):
if u[i,j] != 0.0: ind.append(j); break
return ind
示例9: _traverse_grid_
def _traverse_grid_(self):
""" Solve using linear systems of equations """
P, L, U = linalg.lu(self.M1)
for j in reversed(range(self.N)):
x1 = linalg.solve(L, np.dot(self.M2, self.grid[1:self.M, j+1]))
x2 = linalg.solve(U, x1)
self.grid[1:self.M, j] = x2
示例10: _traverse_grid_
def _traverse_grid_(self):
for j in reversed(range(self.N)):
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self,Z,Az,r,apply='LU'):
if apply=='eig':
elif apply =='LU':
示例12: _traverse_grid_
def _traverse_grid_(self):
""" Solve using linear systems of equations """
P, L, U = linalg.lu(self.coeffs)
aux = np.zeros(self.M-1)
for j in reversed(range(self.N)):
aux[0] = np.dot(-self.a[1], self.grid[0, j])
x1 = linalg.solve(L, self.grid[1:self.M, j+1]+aux)
x2 = linalg.solve(U, x1)
self.grid[1:self.M, j] = x2
示例13: Lu
def Lu(A):
"""(L,U,P) = Lu(A)
Compute pivoted LU decompostion of a matrix.
where A = PLU
(P,L,U) = lu(A)
return ( L,U,P )
示例14: lu
def lu(A, b):
sol = []
P, L, U = sci.lu(A)
#P is Permutation matrix
#L is Lower Triangular matrix
#U is Upper Triangular matrix
#A = PLU
#Ax = b => PLUx = b
sol = np.dot(sci.inv(U),np.dot(sci.inv(L),np.dot(sci.inv(P),b)))
return list(sol)
示例15: G2AH
def G2AH(G):
n = len(G)
A,B = npG2SVAR(G)
P,L,U = linalg.lu(B)
A = linalg.inv(L).tolist()
B = B.tolist()
A = listplace(A, 0.0, 0.0)
for i in range(0,n): A[i][i] = 1
B = listplace(B, 0.0, 'e')
for i in range(0,n): B[i][i] = 'e'
return A,B,P