本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.linalg.hilbert函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python hilbert函数的具体用法?Python hilbert怎么用?Python hilbert使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_basic
def test_basic(self):
h3 = array([[1.0, 1 / 2.0, 1 / 3.0], [1 / 2.0, 1 / 3.0, 1 / 4.0], [1 / 3.0, 1 / 4.0, 1 / 5.0]])
assert_array_almost_equal(hilbert(3), h3)
assert_array_equal(hilbert(1), [[1.0]])
h0 = hilbert(0)
assert_equal(h0.shape, (0, 0))
示例2: test_inverse
def test_inverse(self):
for n in xrange(1, 10):
a = hilbert(n)
b = invhilbert(n)
# The Hilbert matrix is increasingly badly conditioned,
# so take that into account in the test
c = cond(a)
assert_allclose(a.dot(b), eye(n), atol=1e-15*c, rtol=1e-15*c)
示例3: test_svd_which
def test_svd_which():
# check that the which parameter works as expected
x = hilbert(6)
for which in ['LM', 'SM']:
_, s, _ = sorted_svd(x, 2, which=which)
ss = svds(x, 2, which=which, return_singular_vectors=False)
assert_allclose(s, ss, atol=np.sqrt(1e-15))
示例4: test_svd_maxiter
def test_svd_maxiter():
# check that maxiter works as expected
x = hilbert(6)
# ARPACK shouldn't converge on such an ill-conditioned matrix with just
# one iteration
assert_raises(ArpackNoConvergence, svds, x, 1, maxiter=1)
# but 100 iterations should be more than enough
u, s, vt = svds(x, 1, maxiter=100)
assert_allclose(s, [1.7], atol=0.5)
示例5: run_stats
def run_stats(dimension):
matrices = {}
# Generation of the 4 relevant matrices
matrices['normal'] = np.matrix(np.random.randn(dimension, dimension))
matrices['hilbert'] = np.matrix(sp.hilbert(dimension))
matrices['pascal'] = np.matrix(pascal(dimension))
if dimension != 100:
matrices['magic'] = np.matrix(magic(dimension))
matrices['magic'] = np.matrix(np.identity(100))
x = np.matrix(np.ones((dimension,1)))
data = {} # these are just bookkeeping things that keep track of variables for future use
for name, matr in matrices.items():
this_matrix_data = {}
b = matr * x
xhat = sp.solve(matr, b)
xhat1 = np.linalg.inv(matr) * b
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
xhat = x
xhat1 = x
this_matrix_data['delta_b'] = matr * xhat - b
norm_data = {}
# Loop through the three norms we're asked to do
for norm_type in [1, 2, np.inf]:
values = {}
values['x_relative_error'] = sp.norm(x - xhat, norm_type) / sp.norm(x, norm_type)
values['x_relative_error_inv'] = sp.norm(x - xhat1, norm_type) / sp.norm(x, norm_type)
values['condition_no'] = np.linalg.cond(matr, norm_type)
values['condition_no'] = 0
values['cond_rel_b_err'] = values['condition_no'] * (sp.norm(this_matrix_data['delta_b'], norm_type) / sp.norm(b, norm_type))
norm_data[norm_type] = values
this_matrix_data['norm_dep_vals'] = norm_data
data[name] = this_matrix_data
return data
示例6: demo
def demo(n):
from numpy import random
from scipy import linalg
A = random.randn(n, n)
x = random.randn(n)
print('\n\t\t Random matrix of dimension', n)
showerr(A, x)
A = linalg.hilbert(n)
print('\n\t\t Hilbert matrix of dimension', n)
showerr(A, x)
from . import cond
A = cond.laplace(n)
print('\n\t\t Disc Laplacian of dimension', n)
showerr(A, x)
示例7: main
def main():
for n in range(12, 20):
H = hilbert(n)
x = [1000 for _ in range(n)]
b = H.dot(x)
x = np.linalg.solve(H, b)
Hx = H.dot(x)
r = b - Hx
print np.linalg.norm(r, np.inf)
iter = 0
while np.linalg.norm(r, np.inf) > 1e-5 and iter < 50:
z = np.linalg.solve(H, r)
x = x + z
Ax = H.dot(x)
r = b - Ax
iter += 1
print iter, x
示例8: print
#sprawdzenie poprawności rozwiązania
# powinno wyjść coś bliskiego zeru
#sprawdzenie poprawności rozwiązania
# powinno wyjść coś bliskiego zeru
示例9: test_svd_return
def test_svd_return():
# check that the return_singular_vectors parameter works as expected
x = hilbert(6)
_, s, _ = sorted_svd(x, 2)
ss = svds(x, 2, return_singular_vectors=False)
assert_allclose(s, ss)
示例10: array
# Out[3]:
# array([[ 1., 2., 3., 4.],
# [ 2., 3., 4., 5.],
# [ 3., 4., 5., 6.],
# [ 4., 5., 6., 7.]])
# In[4]:
A = 1/B
from scipy.linalg import hilbert
A2 = hilbert(n)
print "difference: %g" % la.norm(A-A2)
print "cond: %g" % np.linalg.cond(A)
# Out[4]:
# difference: 0
# cond: 15513.7
# /usr/lib/pymodules/python2.7/numpy/oldnumeric/__init__.py:11: ModuleDeprecationWarning: The oldnumeric module will be dropped in Numpy 1.9
# warnings.warn(_msg, ModuleDeprecationWarning)
示例11: range
for k in range(n-1,-1,-1):
b[k] = (b[k] - np.dot(L[k+1:n,k],b[k+1:n]))/L[k,k]
return b
print ("The answer for problem 11 is:")
print (choleskiSol(a2,b2))
#Problem 15
#Code is not working correctly. I did not have enough time to finish it.
a3 = hilbert(2)
b3 = []
x = []
i = 0
actNorm = 1*10**-6
while True:
xNorm = np.linalg.norm(x, np.inf)
xApprox = np.linalg.solve(a3, b3)
xHat = np.linalg.norm(xApprox, np.inf)
approxErr = xNorm - xHat
if abs(approxErr) < actNorm:
i = i + 1
示例12: test_badcall
def test_badcall(self):
A = hilbert(5).astype(np.float32)
assert_raises(ValueError, pymatrixid.interp_decomp, A, 1e-6, rand=False)
示例13: check_id
def check_id(self, dtype):
# Test ID routines on a Hilbert matrix.
# set parameters
n = 300
eps = 1e-12
# construct Hilbert matrix
A = hilbert(n).astype(dtype)
if np.issubdtype(dtype, np.complexfloating):
A = A * (1 + 1j)
L = aslinearoperator(A)
# find rank
S = np.linalg.svd(A, compute_uv=False)
rank = np.nonzero(S < eps)[0][0]
rank = n
# print input summary
_debug_print("Hilbert matrix dimension: %8i" % n)
_debug_print("Working precision: %8.2e" % eps)
_debug_print("Rank to working precision: %8i" % rank)
# set print format
fmt = "%8.2e (s) / %5s"
# test real ID routines
_debug_print("Real ID routines")
# fixed precision
_debug_print("Calling iddp_id / idzp_id ...",)
t0 = time.clock()
k, idx, proj = pymatrixid.interp_decomp(A, eps, rand=False)
t = time.clock() - t0
B = pymatrixid.reconstruct_matrix_from_id(A[:, idx[:k]], idx, proj)
_debug_print(fmt % (t, np.allclose(A, B, eps)))
assert_(np.allclose(A, B, eps))
_debug_print("Calling iddp_aid / idzp_aid ...",)
t0 = time.clock()
k, idx, proj = pymatrixid.interp_decomp(A, eps)
t = time.clock() - t0
B = pymatrixid.reconstruct_matrix_from_id(A[:, idx[:k]], idx, proj)
_debug_print(fmt % (t, np.allclose(A, B, eps)))
assert_(np.allclose(A, B, eps))
_debug_print("Calling iddp_rid / idzp_rid ...",)
t0 = time.clock()
k, idx, proj = pymatrixid.interp_decomp(L, eps)
t = time.clock() - t0
B = pymatrixid.reconstruct_matrix_from_id(A[:, idx[:k]], idx, proj)
_debug_print(fmt % (t, np.allclose(A, B, eps)))
assert_(np.allclose(A, B, eps))
# fixed rank
k = rank
_debug_print("Calling iddr_id / idzr_id ...",)
t0 = time.clock()
idx, proj = pymatrixid.interp_decomp(A, k, rand=False)
t = time.clock() - t0
B = pymatrixid.reconstruct_matrix_from_id(A[:, idx[:k]], idx, proj)
_debug_print(fmt % (t, np.allclose(A, B, eps)))
assert_(np.allclose(A, B, eps))
_debug_print("Calling iddr_aid / idzr_aid ...",)
t0 = time.clock()
idx, proj = pymatrixid.interp_decomp(A, k)
t = time.clock() - t0
B = pymatrixid.reconstruct_matrix_from_id(A[:, idx[:k]], idx, proj)
_debug_print(fmt % (t, np.allclose(A, B, eps)))
assert_(np.allclose(A, B, eps))
_debug_print("Calling iddr_rid / idzr_rid ...",)
t0 = time.clock()
idx, proj = pymatrixid.interp_decomp(L, k)
t = time.clock() - t0
B = pymatrixid.reconstruct_matrix_from_id(A[:, idx[:k]], idx, proj)
_debug_print(fmt % (t, np.allclose(A, B, eps)))
assert_(np.allclose(A, B, eps))
# check skeleton and interpolation matrices
idx, proj = pymatrixid.interp_decomp(A, k, rand=False)
P = pymatrixid.reconstruct_interp_matrix(idx, proj)
B = pymatrixid.reconstruct_skel_matrix(A, k, idx)
assert_(np.allclose(B, A[:,idx[:k]], eps))
assert_(np.allclose(B.dot(P), A, eps))
# test SVD routines
_debug_print("SVD routines")
# fixed precision
_debug_print("Calling iddp_svd / idzp_svd ...",)
t0 = time.clock()
示例14: time_hilbert
def time_hilbert(self, size):
b=np.matrix('1;1;1') #noise free right hand side
#Example 3 Hilbert A
from scipy.linalg import hilbert
#Now add noise to b of size ro
# dimension of A
r= np.matrix(A.shape)[0,0]
nb= np.random.normal(0, .50, r) #compute vector of normal variants mean=0,std=0.1
#nb= np.random.normal(0, 50, r) #compute vector of normal variants mean=0,std=50
#note that nb is 3 by 1, so we need to flip it
be=b+np.matrix(nb).transpose() #add noise