本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.linalg.eig函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python eig函数的具体用法?Python eig怎么用?Python eig使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
def FLQTEB(engine,app):
if app.path!=None:
if len(app.path.mesh[key].shape)==1:
for i,parameter in enumerate(list(app.path.mesh[key])):
if app.save_data:
if app.plot:
if app.show:
示例2: SlowDownFactor
def SlowDownFactor(temporalnet):
"""Returns a factor S that indicates how much slower (S>1) or faster (S<1)
a diffusion process in the temporal network evolves on a second-order model
compared to a first-order model. This value captures the effect of order
correlations on dynamical processes.
g2 = temporalnet.iGraphSecondOrder().components(mode="STRONG").giant()
g2n = temporalnet.iGraphSecondOrderNull().components(mode="STRONG").giant()
A2 = np.matrix(list(g2.get_adjacency()))
T2 = np.zeros(shape=(len(g2.vs), len(g2.vs)))
D2 = np.diag(g2.strength(mode='out', weights=g2.es["weight"]))
for i in range(len(g2.vs)):
for j in range(len(g2.vs)):
T2[i,j] = A2[i,j]/D2[i,i]
A2n = np.matrix(list(g2n.get_adjacency()))
T2n = np.zeros(shape=(len(g2n.vs), len(g2n.vs)))
D2n = np.diag(g2n.strength(mode='out', weights=g2n.es["weight"]))
for i in range(len(g2n.vs)):
for j in range(len(g2n.vs)):
T2n[i,j] = A2n[i,j]/D2n[i,i]
w2, v2 = spl.eig(T2, left=True, right=False)
w2n, v2n = spl.eig(T2n, left=True, right=False)
return np.log(np.abs(w2n[1]))/np.log(np.abs(w2[1]))
示例3: test_streamline_tensors
def test_streamline_tensors():
# Small streamline
streamline = [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 3], [5, 6, 3]]
# Non-default eigenvalues:
evals = [0.0012, 0.0006, 0.0004]
streamline_tensors = life.streamline_tensors(streamline, evals=evals)
np.array([[0.0009, 0.0003, 0.],
[0.0003, 0.0009, 0.],
[0., 0., 0.0004]]))
# Get the eigenvalues/eigenvectors:
eigvals, eigvecs = la.eig(streamline_tensors[0])
eigvecs = eigvecs[np.argsort(eigvals)[::-1]]
eigvals = eigvals[np.argsort(eigvals)[::-1]]
np.array([0.0012, 0.0006, 0.0004]))
np.array([0.70710678, -0.70710678, 0.]))
# Another small streamline
streamline = [[1, 0, 0], [2, 0, 0], [3, 0, 0]]
streamline_tensors = life.streamline_tensors(streamline, evals=evals)
for t in streamline_tensors:
eigvals, eigvecs = la.eig(t)
eigvecs = eigvecs[np.argsort(eigvals)[::-1]]
# This one has no rotations - all tensors are simply the canonical:
np.dot(eigvecs[0], [1, 0, 0]))), 0)
np.dot(eigvecs[1], [0, 1, 0]))), 0)
np.dot(eigvecs[2], [0, 0, 1]))), 0)
示例4: eig_linearised
def eig_linearised(Z, modes):
"""Solves a linearised approximation to the eigenvalue problem from
the impedance calculated at some fixed frequency.
The equation :math:`L = -s^2 S` is solved for `s`
Z : EfieImpedanceMatrixLoopStar
The impedance matrix calculated in a loop-star basis
modes : ndarray (int)
A list or array of the mode numbers required
s_mode : ndarray, complex
The resonant frequencies of the modes (in Hz)
The complex pole `s` corresponding to the mode's eigenfrequency
j_mode : ndarray, complex
Columns of this matrix contain the corresponding modal currents
modes = np.asarray(modes)
L = Z.matrices['L']
S = Z.matrices['S']
# Try to find the loop and star parts of the matrix (all relevant
# matrices and vectors follow the same decomposition)
loop, star = loop_star_indices(L)
except AttributeError:
loop = [[], []]
star = [slice(None), slice(None)]
if len(loop[0]) > 0 and len(loop[1]) > 0:
L_conv = la.solve(L[loop[0], loop[1]],
L[loop[0], star[1]])
L_red = (L[star[0], star[1]] -
np.dot(L[star[0], loop[1]], L_conv))
# find eigenvalues, and star part of eigenvectors
w, v_s = la.eig(S[star[0], star[1]], -L_red)
vr = np.empty((L.shape[0], len(w)), np.complex128)
vr[star[1]] = v_s
vr[loop[1]] = -np.dot(L_conv, v_s)
# Matrix does not have loop-star decomposition, so use the whole thing
# TODO: implement some filtering to eliminate null-space solutions?
w, vr = la.eig(S, -L)
w_freq = np.sqrt(w)
# make sure real part is negative
w_freq = np.where(w_freq.real > 0, -w_freq, w_freq)
w_selected = np.ma.masked_array(w_freq, abs(w_freq.real) > abs(w_freq.imag))
which_modes = np.argsort(abs(w_selected.imag))[modes]
return w_freq[which_modes], vr[:, which_modes]
示例5: algorithm3
def algorithm3(self, e0, M):
# Compute global maximum expansion rate
Vtest = linspace(0,0.5,1000)
muplot = []
for Vi in Vtest:
J = self.Jac(0,[Vi,0])
muplot.append( 0.5*max(real(eig(J+J.T)[0])) )
index = argmax(muplot)
mustar = muplot[index]
Vstar = Vtest[index]
self.d1 = [e0]
self.d2 = [e0]
self.theta = [0]
c = []
for i in range(len(self.T)-1):
# compute maximal expansion rate c_i in a neigbourhood of V[i] using global vector field bound M
if abs(self.V[i] - Vstar) <= self.d1[i] + M*(self.T[i+1]-self.T[i]):
elif self.V[i] + self.d1[i] + M*(self.T[i+1]-self.T[i]) < Vstar:
J = Jac(0,[self.V[i] + self.d1[i] + M*(self.T[i+1]-self.T[i]),0])
J = Jac(0,[self.V[i] - self.d1[i] - M*(self.T[i+1]-self.T[i]),0])
# compute diameter of ball based on bound on expansion rate in neighbourhood of current state
示例6: coupled_modes
def coupled_modes(self, w, ignore_damping=False, **kwargs):
M, B, C = self.linearised_matrices(w, **kwargs)
if ignore_damping:
wn, vn = linalg.eig(C, M)
order = np.argsort(abs(wn))
wn = np.sqrt(abs(wn[order]))
vn = vn[:, order]
AA = r_[c_[zeros_like(C), C], c_[C, B]]
BB = r_[c_[C, zeros_like(C)], c_[zeros_like(C), -M]]
wn, vn = linalg.eig(AA, BB)
order = np.argsort(abs(wn))
wn = abs(wn[order])
# Mode shapes are the first half of the rows; the second
# half of the rows should be same multiplied by eigenvalues.
vn = vn[:M.shape[0], order]
# We expect all the modes to be complex conjugate; return
# every other one.
# First: make sure all are the same sign
norm_vn = vn / vn[np.argmax(abs(vn), axis=0), range(vn.shape[1])]
assert (np.allclose(wn[::2], wn[1::2], rtol=1e-4) and
np.allclose(norm_vn[:, ::2], norm_vn[:, 1::2].conj(), atol=1e-2)), \
"Expect conjugate modes"
wn = wn[::2]
vn = norm_vn[:, ::2]
return wn, vn
示例7: plot_ritz
def plot_ritz(A, n, iters):
''' Plot the relative error of the Ritz values of `A'.
Amul = A.dot
b = np.random.rand(A.shape[0])
Q = np.empty((len(b), iters+1), dtype = np.complex128)
H = np.zeros((iters+1, iters), dtype = np.complex128)
Q[:, 0] = b / la.norm(b)
eigvals = np.sort(abs(la.eig(A)[0]))[::-1]
eigvals = eigvals[:n]
abs_err = np.zeros((iters,n))
for j in xrange(iters):
Q[:, j+1] = Amul(Q[:, j])
for i in xrange(j+1):
H[i,j] = np.vdot(Q[:,i].conjugate(), (Q[:, j+1]))
Q[:,j+1] = Q[:,j+1] - H[i,j] * (Q[:,i])
H[j+1, j] = np.sqrt(np.vdot(Q[:, j+1], Q[:, j+1].conjugate()))
Q[:,j+1] = Q[:,j+1] / H[j+1, j]
if j < n:
rit = np.zeros(n, dtype = np.complex128)
rit[:j+1] = np.sort(la.eig(H[:j+1, :j+1])[0])[::-1]
abs_err[j,:] = abs(eigvals - rit) / abs(eigvals)
rit = np.sort(la.eig(H[:j+1,:j+1])[0])[::-1]
rit = rit[:n]
abs_err[j,:] = abs(eigvals - rit) / abs(eigvals)
for i in xrange(n):
示例8: pca
def pca(data, base_num=1):
N, dim = data.shape
data_m = data.mean(0)
data_new = data - data_m
# データ数 > 次元数
if N > dim:
# データ行列の共分散行列
cov_mat = sp.dot(data_new.T, data_new) / float(N)
# 固有値・固有ベクトルを計算
l, vm = linalg.eig(cov_mat)
# 固有値が大きい順に並び替え
axis = vm[:, l.argsort()[-min(base_num, dim) :][::-1]].T
# 次元数 > データ数
base_num = min(base_num, N)
cov_mat = sp.dot(data_new, data_new.T) / float(N)
l, v = linalg.eig(cov_mat)
# 固有値と固有ベクトルを並び替え
idx = l.argsort()[::-1]
l = l[idx]
v = vm[:, idx]
# 固有ベクトルを変換
vm = sp.dot(data_m.T, v[:, :base_num])
# (主成分の)基底を計算
axis = sp.zeros([base_num, dim], dtype=sp.float64)
for ii in range(base_num):
if l[ii] <= 0:
axis[ii] = vm[:, ii] / linalg.norm(vm[:, ii])
return axis
示例9: FindMaximumQAQ
def FindMaximumQAQ(A, vertices, tetra):
lambdas = []
Q = np.zeros((4,4))
for i in range(4):
Q[:,i] = vertices[tetra[i],:]
print "Q", Q
# Full problem:
A_ = Q.T.dot(A).dot(Q)
B_ = Q.T.dot(Q)
e, V = eig(A_, B_)
alpha = np.real(V[:,np.argmax(e)])
if np.all(alpha >= 0.) or np.all(alpha <= 0.):
# Only three qs:
for comb in combinations(range(4), 3):
A__ = np.array([[A_[i,j] for j in comb] for i in comb])
B__ = np.array([[B_[i,j] for j in comb] for i in comb])
e, V = eig(A__, B__)
alpha = np.real(V[:,np.argmax(e)])
if np.all(alpha >= 0.) or np.all(alpha <= 0.):
# Only two qs:
for comb in combinations(range(4), 2):
A__ = np.array([[A_[i,j] for j in comb] for i in comb])
B__ = np.array([[B_[i,j] for j in comb] for i in comb])
e, V = eig(A__, B__)
alpha = np.real(V[:,np.argmax(e)])
if np.all(alpha >= 0.) or np.all(alpha <= 0.):
# Only one q:
for i in range(4):
print lambdas
return np.max(np.array(lambdas))
示例10: test_create
def test_create(self):
basis_set = SphericalGTOSet()
xyz = (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
r0 = 10.0
for n in range(-10, 10):
z = 2.0**n
basis_set.add_one_basis(0, 0, xyz, z)
for L in [0]:
basis_set.add_basis(L, (0.0, 0.0, +r0), z)
basis_set.add_basis(L, (0.0, 0.0, -r0), z)
basis_set.add_basis(L, (0.0, +r0, 0.0), z)
basis_set.add_basis(L, (0.0, -r0, 0.0), z)
basis_set.add_basis(L, (+r0, 0.0, 0.0), z)
basis_set.add_basis(L, (-r0, 0.0, 0.0), z)
smat = basis_set.s_mat()
for e in sorted(abs(la.eig(smat)[0]))[0:10]:
print e
print "-----"
hmat = basis_set.t_mat() + basis_set.v_mat(1.0, xyz)
zmat = basis_set.xyz_mat((0, 0, 1))
for e in sorted(la.eig(hmat, smat)[0].real)[0:10]:
print e
示例11: regular_svd_by_pca
def regular_svd_by_pca(K, k=0):
K_size = K.shape;
if( K_size[0] < K_size[1] ):
K_squared = np.dot(K, K.T);
tsp, tUp = la.eig(K_squared);
K_squared = np.dot(K.T, K);
tsp, tVp = la.eig(K_squared);
# As la.eig returns complex number, use its absolute value.
tsp = abs(tsp);
tsp = np.sqrt(tsp);
n_pos_sigs = sum(tsp > 0);
tSp = np.diag(map(lambda s: 1.0/s, tsp[0:n_pos_sigs]));
if( K_size[0] < K_size[1] ):
tVp = np.dot(K.T, tUp);
tVp[:, 0:n_pos_sigs] = np.dot(tVp[:, 0:n_pos_sigs], tSp);
tUp = np.dot(K, tVp);
tUp[:, 0:n_pos_sigs] = np.dot(tUp[:, 0:n_pos_sigs], tSp);
if( 0 < k and k < min(K_size) ):
tUp = tUp[:, 0:k];
tVp = tVp[:, 0:k];
tsp = tsp[0:k];
return tUp, tsp, tVp;
示例12: tridiag_eigs
def tridiag_eigs():
# Most of this code is just constructing
# tridiagonal matrices and calling functions
# they have already written.
m = 1000
k = 100
A = np.zeros((m, m))
a = rand(m)
b = rand(m-1)
np.fill_diagonal(A, a)
np.fill_diagonal(A[1:], b)
np.fill_diagonal(A[:,1:], b)
Amul = lambda u: tri_mul(a, b, u)
alpha, beta = lanczos(rand(m), Amul, k)
H = np.zeros((alpha.size, alpha.size))
np.fill_diagonal(H, alpha)
np.fill_diagonal(H[1:], beta)
np.fill_diagonal(H[:,1:], beta)
H_eigs = eig(H, right=False)
H_eigs = H_eigs[::-1]
print H_eigs[:10]
A = np.zeros((m, m))
np.fill_diagonal(A, a)
np.fill_diagonal(A[1:], b)
np.fill_diagonal(A[:,1:], b)
A_eigs = eig(A, right=False)
A_eigs = A_eigs[::-1]
print A_eigs[:10]
示例13: spatialFilter
def spatialFilter(Ra,Rb):
R = Ra + Rb
E,U = la.eig(R)
# CSP requires the eigenvalues E and eigenvector U be sorted in descending order
ord = np.argsort(E)
ord = ord[::-1] # argsort gives ascending order, flip to get descending
E = E[ord]
U = U[:,ord]
# Find the whitening transformation matrix
P = np.dot(np.sqrt(la.inv(np.diag(E))),np.transpose(U))
# The mean covariance matrices may now be transformed
Sa = np.dot(P,np.dot(Ra,np.transpose(P)))
Sb = np.dot(P,np.dot(Rb,np.transpose(P)))
# Find and sort the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvector # Find and sort the generalized eigenvalues and eigenvector
E1,U1 = la.eig(Sa,Sb)
ord1 = np.argsort(E1)
ord1 = ord1[::-1]
E1 = E1[ord1]
U1 = U1[:,ord1]
# The projection matrix (the spatial filter) may now be obtained
SFa = np.dot(np.transpose(U1),P)
return SFa.astype(np.float32)
示例14: __init__
def __init__(self,matrix,error,overlap=None,overlap_err=None):
if overlap_err is None:
self.func = lambda mat:lin.eig(mat,overlap)[0]
self.resample = lambda: gaussian_matrix_resample(matrix,error)
self.func = lambda mats:lin.eig(mats[0],mats[1])[0]
self.resample = lambda: (gaussian_matrix_resample(matrix,error),
示例15: eig
def eig(A,B):
To ensure matlab compatibility, we need to
swap matrices A and B around !!
(XX1,XX2) = LIN.eig(A,B)
(XX3,XX4) = LIN.eig(B,A)
return (mat(XX4),mat(XX1))