本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.io.savemat函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python savemat函数的具体用法?Python savemat怎么用?Python savemat使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: store
def store(self, filename=None, label=None, desc=None, date=None):
"""Store object to mat-file. TODO: determine format specification
date = date if date else datetime.now()
date = date.replace(microsecond=0).isoformat()
filename = filename if filename else date + '.mat'
matfile = {
'model': str(type(self)),
'date': date,
'dim': len(self.init_sol.shape),
'dimlesses': self.coeffs,
'init_solution': self.init_sol,
'num_iters': self.num_iters,
'num_nodes': self.num_nodes,
'order': self.order,
'originals': self.originals,
'pumping': self.getPumping(),
'spatial_step': self.dx,
'time_step': self.dt,
if desc:
matfile['desc'] = desc
if label:
matfile['label'] = label
savemat(filename, matfile)
示例2: vti2mat
def vti2mat(fileIn, fileOut):
"""Convert voxel-array from VTI to MAT (MATLAB(R)) format.
fileIn : str
Path for input VTI file.
fileOut : str
Path for output MAT file.
import numpy as np
import vtk
import scipy.io as sio
from vtk.util import numpy_support as nps
from math_utils import lcmm
reader = vtk.vtkXMLImageDataReader()
vtkImageData = reader.GetOutput()
dim = vtkImageData.GetDimensions()
flatV = nps.vtk_to_numpy(vtkImageData.GetPointData().GetScalars())
V = flatV.reshape(dim[::-1])
spacing = np.array(vtkImageData.GetSpacing())[::-1]
estimatedFactors = lcmm(*spacing) / spacing
estimatedVoxelSize = 1. / estimatedFactors
sio.savemat(fileOut, {'volume':V, 'spacing': spacing, 'estimated_voxel_size': estimatedVoxelSize})
示例3: diagrams2cellarray
def diagrams2cellarray( dia_list, outname, chop_inf=True, mat_type=np.float ):
"""dia_list : n-length list of k x 2 diagrams
outname : name of output file. '.mat' will be automatically appended.
chop_inf : Remove the row corresponding to the infinite generator.
mat_type : some matlab programs expect a certain data type for
diagrams (eg. Error using '+' will be thrown). defaults to
double. Standard options should diverge far from np.int, np.float,
np.int64, etc.
Recipe from http://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/tutorial/io.html#matlab-cell-arrays
n = len( dia_list )
# object array to hold different length diagrams. Exclude the last
# (inf) generator if chop_inf==True.
C = np.zeros( (n,), dtype=np.object )
for i,d in enumerate( dia_list ):
# exclude last row
if chop_inf:
d = d[:-1]
if d.dtype != mat_type:
d = d.astype( mat_type )
C[i] = d
sio.savemat( outname+'.mat', { 'diagrams': C } )
示例4: RR_cv_estimate_alpha
def RR_cv_estimate_alpha(sspacing, tspacing, alphas):
Estimate the optimal regularization parameter using grid search from a list
and via k-fold cross validation
sspacing : 2D subsampling ratio in space (in one direction)
tspacing : 1D subsampling ratio in time
alphas : list of regularization parameters to do grid search
#Load all training data
(Xl_tr, mea_l, sig_l, Xh_tr,mea_h,sig_h) = data_preprocess(sspacing, tspacing)
# RidgeCV
from sklearn.linear_model import RidgeCV
ridge = RidgeCV(alphas = alphas, cv = 10, fit_intercept=False, normalize=False)
ridge.fit(Xl_tr, Xh_tr)
RR_alpha_opt = ridge.alpha_
print('\n Optimal lambda:', RR_alpha_opt)
# save to .mat file
import scipy.io as io
filename = "".join(['/data/PhDworks/isotropic/regerssion/RR_cv_alpha_sspacing',
io.savemat(filename, dict(alphas=alphas, RR_alpha_opt=RR_alpha_opt))
# return
return RR_alpha_opt
示例5: run
def run(self, y, x, initial_value, num_its, altered):
"""Run the model with the arguments: y_length, x_length, initial_value, number_of_iterations, altered"""
self.initialise_grid(y, x, initial_value)
self.num_iterations = num_its
# Standard parameter values
self.jump_length = 1
self.pd_s = 0.6
self.pd_ns = 0.4
self.altered = altered
if self.altered == True:
# Create the depth grid
self.depth = np.load("Gradual_Stepped_Full.npy")
self.avcount = np.zeros(num_its + 1)
# Run the model
print self.avcount
io.savemat("Counts.mat", { "count":self.avcount})
np.save("Counts.npy", self.avcount)
示例6: update_extra_mat
def update_extra_mat(matfile,to_remove):
""" updates the time_frames, confounds and mask_suppressed arrays to
reflect the removed volumes. However, does not change other items in
_extra.mat file
mat = loadmat(matfile)
# update time_frames
ntf = np.delete(mat['time_frames'][0],to_remove)
mat.update({'time_frames': ntf})
# update confounds
ncon = np.delete(mat['confounds'],to_remove,axis = 0)
mat.update({'confounds': ncon})
# update mask_suppressed
ms = mat['mask_suppressed']
for supp in to_remove:
ms[supp][0] = 1
mat.update({'mask_suppressed': ms})
# save updated mat file
jnk, flnme = os.path.split(matfile)
示例7: save_x
def save_x(tmpdir,x,i):
# handle both vector and matrix inputs
if x.ndim == 1:
sio.savemat(tmpdir+"/x_"+`i`+".mat", {'x': x})
sio.savemat(tmpdir+"/x_"+`i`+".mat", {'x': x[:,i]})
示例8: write_file
def write_file(self, ofile):
Writes the file
# Creates the Matlab dictionary
mat_dict = {'longitude': self.longitude,
'latitude': self.latitude,
'imls': self.imls,
'imt': self.meta_info['imt'],
'period': None,
'damping': None,
'curves': self.curves,
'statistics': self.meta_info['statistics'],
'investigation_time': self.investigation_time}
if self.meta_info['imt'] == 'SA':
mat_dict['period'] = self.meta_info['period']
mat_dict['damping'] = self.meta_info['damping']
elif self.meta_info['imt'] == 'PGA':
mat_dict['period'] = 0.
mat_dict['damping'] = np.nan
# Save to binary
savemat(ofile, mat_dict, oned_as='row')
示例9: createDictionary
def createDictionary(self):
fileName = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self , 'Save dictionary to a file' , expanduser('~')+'/dictionary' , 'Matlab file (*.mat);;Python pickle (*.p);;Comma sep. values (*.csv);;Excel file (*.xlsx)')
if len(fileName) == 0:
self.displayInformation('Saving dictionary...' , flag='new')
fileName = str(fileName)
config = generateFinalConfig(self.dictionaryConfig , self.dataMatrixes[self.filePath][1] , self.dataMatrixes[self.filePath][2])
time = np.arange(0,self.dataMatrixes[self.filePath][1]['numberOfSamples'])
dictionary = generateDictionary(time , config)
if fileName[-4:] == '.mat':
dic = {col_name : dictionary[col_name].values for col_name in dictionary.columns.values}
savemat(fileName , dic)
elif fileName[-2:] == '.p':
elif fileName[-4:] == '.csv':
elif fileName[-5:] == '.xlsx':
dictionary.to_excel(fileName, sheet_name='dictionary')
self.displayInformation('Dictionary saved.' , flag='new')
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self, userParameters):
num = 7+8
VV = np.linspace(-0.6, 0.6, num)
RR = []
for V in VV:
print("Start V = ", V)
tic = time.clock()
lL = tb.Lead(1.2, 2.0, -0.4, -0.4, 300, 0, 0)
T1 = "-0.4, 0.0; 0.0, -0.4"
B1 = tb.Insulator(5.4, 5.4, -0.4, -0.4, 5, 0, 0, V)
T2 = "-0.4, 0.0; 0.0, -0.4"
lR = tb.Lead(1.2, 2.0, -0.4, -0.4, 300, pi/2, V)
wire = tb.Chain(lL, T1, B1, T2, lR)
RR.append(self.__func3__(wire, V))
print("Result = ", RR[-1])
toc = time.clock()
print("Δt = ", toc-tic, "sec\n")
sio.savemat("result.mat", {"VV": VV, "RR": RR})
print("All calculation finish")
示例11: write
def write(array, file, format, varname=None):
if format == 'matlab':
savemat(file+".mat", mdict={varname: array}, oned_as='column', do_compression='true')
if format == 'npy':
save(file, array)
if format == 'text':
savetxt(file+".txt", array, fmt="%.6f")
示例12: saveFVs
def saveFVs(QuadDir,NumberofFrame,gmm,nbc,halfWindows):
savefilename = "{}FVS/FVsnbc_{}_halfwin_{}.mat".format(QuadDir,str(nbc),str(halfWindows[-1]))
# if not os.path.isfile(savefilename):
XX = []
print "Saving Framwise FVS for ", QuadDir;
for numFrame in range(1,NumberofFrame+1):
filename = '{}desc{}.mat'.format(QuadDir,str(numFrame).zfill(5))
Quads = sio.loadmat(filename)['QuadDescriptors']
num = np.shape(XX)[0]
# fvs = np.zeros((NumberofFrame,nbc*13))
Allfvs = [np.zeros((NumberofFrame,nbc*13)) for k in range(len(halfWindows)) ]
# del fvs
print np.shape(Allfvs),' one ',np.shape(Allfvs[0])
for numFrame in xrange(1,NumberofFrame+1):
wincount = -1
for halfwin in halfWindows:
XXtemp = []
for fnum in np.arange(max(0,numFrame-halfwin-1),min(numFrame+halfwin,NumberofFrame),1):
Quads = XX[fnum]
if np.shape(Quads)[0]>1:
num = np.shape(XXtemp)[0]
if num>0:
Allfvs[wincount][numFrame-1,:] = mytools.fisher_vector(XXtemp, gmm)
wincount = -1
for halfwin in halfWindows:
savefilename = "{}FVS/FVsnbc_{}_halfwin_{}.mat".format(QuadDir,str(nbc),str(halfwin))
fvs = Allfvs[wincount]
sio.savemat(savefilename,mdict = {'fvs':fvs})
示例13: debug_ana_speed
def debug_ana_speed(nnode=1000):
# get the speed of the series solution for the calculation of the Stokeslets.
node = np.random.sample(nnode * 3).reshape((-1, 3))
b = 0.5
from time import time
cth_list = np.arange(10, 1000, 10)
dt = np.zeros_like(cth_list, dtype=np.float)
for i0, cth in enumerate(cth_list):
greenFun = detail(threshold=cth, b=b)
t0 = time()
t1 = time()
dt[i0] = t1 - t0
PETSc.Sys.Print('cth=%d: solve stokeslets analytically use: %fs' % (cth, dt[i0]))
comm = PETSc.COMM_WORLD.tompi4py()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
if rank == 0:
{'cth': cth_list,
'dt_ana': dt,
'node': node, },
return True
示例14: do_export_mat
def do_export_mat(fileHandle, b, f1_list, f2_list, f3_list, residualNorm, err, dp, ep, lp, rp, th, with_cover,
stokesletsInPipe_pipeFactor, vp_nodes, fp_nodes):
comm = PETSc.COMM_WORLD.tompi4py()
rank = comm.Get_rank()
fileHandle = check_file_extension(fileHandle, extension='_force_pipe.mat')
if rank == 0:
{'b': b,
'f1_list': f1_list,
'f2_list': f2_list,
'f3_list': f3_list,
'residualNorm': residualNorm,
'err': err,
'dp': dp,
'ep': ep,
'lp': lp,
'rp': rp,
'th': th,
'with_cover': with_cover,
'stokesletsInPipe_pipeFactor': stokesletsInPipe_pipeFactor,
'vp_nodes': vp_nodes,
'fp_nodes': fp_nodes},
PETSc.Sys().Print('export mat file to %s ' % fileHandle)
示例15: main
def main(argv):
leveldb_name = sys.argv[1]
print "%s" % sys.argv[1]
print "%s" % sys.argv[2]
print "%s" % sys.argv[3]
print "%s" % sys.argv[4]
# window_num = 1000;
# window_num = 12736;
window_num = int(sys.argv[2]);
# window_num = 2845;
start = time.time()
if 'db' not in locals().keys():
db = leveldb.LevelDB(leveldb_name)
datum = feat_helper_pb2.Datum()
ft = np.zeros((window_num, int(sys.argv[3])))
for im_idx in range(window_num):
ft[im_idx, :] = datum.float_data
print 'time 1: %f' %(time.time() - start)
sio.savemat(sys.argv[4], {'feats':ft},oned_as='row')
print 'time 2: %f' %(time.time() - start)
print 'done!'