本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.io.readsav函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python readsav函数的具体用法?Python readsav怎么用?Python readsav使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: main
def main():
postx=readsav('samples_x1.sav', python_dict=True)
postt=readsav('samples_t2.sav', python_dict=True)
#alpha is the intercept and beta is the slope
示例2: find_photo_z
def find_photo_z(type, file=None, file_z=None, z=None, mu=None,
"""Type: file or gauss
Note: file_z implementation NOT tested.
if type == 'file':
pz_file = io.readsav(file)
pz = pz_file['p_z']
pz_file = np.genfromtxt(file, dtype=None, names=True)
pz = pz_file['pdf']
if file_z is not None:
my_z = io.readsav(file_z)
my_z = my_z['z']
my_z = np.genfromtxt(file, dtype=None, names=True)
my_z = my_z['z']
my_z = np.arange(0, 5, .01)
if np.shape(pz) != np.shape(my_z):
raise ValueError("pz array and z array are different sizes!")
func_my_photo_z = interpolate.interp1d(my_z, pz)
my_photo_z = func_my_photo_z(z)
my_photo_z = np.asarray(my_photo_z/my_photo_z.max())
elif type == 'gauss':
my_photo_z = stats.norm.pdf(z, mu, sigma)
my_photo_z = np.asarray(my_photo_z/my_photo_z.max())
return my_photo_z
示例3: get_dict_from_file
def get_dict_from_file(date, prefix="eis3"):
Reads an IDL .sav file containing EIS housekeeping data and returns its
contents as a python dictionary. For speed, if the file has already been
read, it may return the contents from a hidden memo. If the file is not
found in the location specified it will attempt to download it once and
save the file in the location originally specified.
date: date or datetime object
Date of the observation required. If the file is present in the sunpy
data directory, it will be read from there, or downloaded to that
location if it isn't.
prefix: str
file prefix (eis3 for thermal correction, fpp1 for doppler shift)
key = '{0}_{1:%Y%m}.sav'.format(prefix, date)
if key in __housekeeping_memo__:
file_dict = __housekeeping_memo__[key]
download_dir = os.path.join(sunpy.util.config._get_home(),
'EISpy', 'eispy', 'data', key)
file_dict = readsav(download_dir, python_dict=True)
except IOError:
url = "http://sdc.uio.no/eis_wave_corr_hk_data/" + key
urllib.urlretrieve(url, filename=download_dir)
file_dict = readsav(download_dir, python_dict=True)
warnings.warn("File was not found, so it was downloaded and " +
"placed at the given location", UserWarning)
__housekeeping_memo__.update({key: file_dict})
return file_dict
示例4: run_master
def run_master(file_int, file_vv, db_images, db_vel, zero):
print(" * MASTER : reading {0}...".format(file_int))
im = io.readsav('/net/duna/scratch1/aasensio/deepLearning/opticalFlow/database/{0}.save'.format(file_int))['int']
print(" * MASTER : reading {0}...".format(file_vv))
vel = io.readsav('/net/duna/scratch1/aasensio/deepLearning/opticalFlow/database/{0}.save'.format(file_vv))
n_timesteps, nx_orig, ny_orig = im.shape
tasks = [i for i in range(n_timesteps)]
task_index = 0
num_workers = size - 1
closed_workers = 0
print("*** Master starting with {0} workers".format(num_workers))
while closed_workers < num_workers:
dataReceived = comm.recv(source=MPI.ANY_SOURCE, tag=MPI.ANY_TAG, status=status)
source = status.Get_source()
tag = status.Get_tag()
if tag == tags.READY:
# Worker is ready, so send it a task
if task_index < len(tasks):
dataToSend = {'index': task_index+zero, 'image': im[task_index,0:1008,0:1008], 'vx1': vel['vx1'][task_index,0:1008,0:1008], 'vz1': vel['vz1'][task_index,0:1008,0:1008],
'vx01': vel['vx01'][task_index,0:1008,0:1008], 'vz01': vel['vz01'][task_index,0:1008,0:1008], 'vx001': vel['vx001'][task_index,0:1008,0:1008], 'vz001': vel['vz001'][task_index,0:1008,0:1008]}
comm.send(dataToSend, dest=source, tag=tags.START)
print(" * MASTER : sending task {0} to worker {1}".format(task_index, source), flush=True)
task_index += 1
print("Sending termination")
comm.send(None, dest=source, tag=tags.EXIT)
elif tag == tags.DONE:
index = dataReceived['index']
im_r = dataReceived['image']
vx1_r = dataReceived['vx1']
vz1_r = dataReceived['vz1']
vx01_r = dataReceived['vx01']
vz01_r = dataReceived['vz01']
vx001_r = dataReceived['vx001']
vz001_r = dataReceived['vz001']
db_images[index,:,:] = im_r
db_vel[0,index,:,:] = vx1_r
db_vel[1,index,:,:] = vz1_r
db_vel[2,index,:,:] = vx01_r
db_vel[3,index,:,:] = vz01_r
db_vel[4,index,:,:] = vx001_r
db_vel[5,index,:,:] = vz001_r
print(" * MASTER : got block {0} from worker {1}".format(index, source), flush=True)
elif tag == tags.EXIT:
print(" * MASTER : worker {0} exited.".format(source))
closed_workers += 1
print("Master block finished")
return len(tasks)
示例5: loadfhdsav
def loadfhdsav(savfile):
# get the other poles
pol = savfile.split("_")[-1][:2]
if pol == "xx":
uvfile_altpol = savfile.replace("xx", "yy")
pols = [0, 1]
elif pol == "yy":
uvfile_altpol = savfile.replace("yy", "xx")
pols = [1, 0]
print "polarization not found in filename. skipping"
raise (StandardError)
if not os.path.exists(uvfile_altpol):
print "pol file", uvfile_altpol, "not found. please find"
raise (StandardError)
# paramfile = savfile.split('_')[0]+'_params.sav'
paramfile = savfile.replace("vis_%s" % (["xx", "yy"][pols[0]]), "params")
if not os.path.exists(paramfile):
print "error: paramfile=", paramfile, "not found. please find"
raise (StandardError)
# weightfile = savfile.split('_')[0]+'_flags.sav'
weightfile = savfile.replace("vis_%s" % (["xx", "yy"][pols[0]]), "flags")
if not os.path.exists(weightfile):
print "error: weightfile", weightfile, "not found, please find"
raise (StandardError)
print "loading:", savfile
uvfile = readsav(savfile)
ant1 = uvfile["obs"]["baseline_info"][0]["tile_a"][0] - 1
print "min(ant1)=", ant1.min(), "should be 0"
ant2 = uvfile["obs"]["baseline_info"][0]["tile_b"][0] - 1
print "max(ant2)=", ant2.max(), "should be 127"
data = uvfile["vis_ptr"]
# times = uvfile['obs']['baseline_info'][0]['jdate'][0]
baselines = (ant2) * 256 + ant1
freqs = uvfile["obs"]["baseline_info"][0]["freq"][0]
print "loading alternate polarization", uvfile_altpol
uv_altpol = readsav(uvfile_altpol)
data_altpol = uv_altpol["vis_ptr"]
print "loading baselines from params file:", paramfile
params = readsav(paramfile)
U = params["params"]["uu"][0] * 1e9
V = params["params"]["vv"][0] * 1e9
W = params["params"]["ww"][0] * 1e9
uvw = n.array(zip(U, V, W))
times = params["params"]["time"][0]
print "loading weights from :", weightfile
flags = readsav(weightfile)
mask = n.dstack([flags["flag_arr"][0], flags["flag_arr"][1]]) == 0 # the zeros are the flags
# create the new fits file
outdata = n.zeros((data.shape[0], data.shape[1], 2)).astype(n.complex64)
outdata[:, :, pols[0]] = data
outdata[:, :, pols[1]] = data_altpol
ant1, ant2 = i2a(ant1), i2a(ant2)
return uvw, ant1, ant2, baselines, times, freqs, outdata, mask
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self, root):
self.root = root
self.noise = noise
self.batch_size = 256
self.dataFile = "/net/duna/scratch1/aasensio/deepLearning/milne/database/database_6301_hinode_1component.h5"
f = h5py.File(self.dataFile, 'r')
self.pars = f.get("parameters")
self.lower = np.min(self.pars, axis=0)
self.upper = np.max(self.pars, axis=0)
self.root_hinode = "/net/nas4/fis/aasensio/scratch/HINODE/SUNSPOT/"
self.label_files = ["sunspot_stokesI_512x512.sav", "sunspot_stokesQ_512x512.sav", "sunspot_stokesU_512x512.sav", "sunspot_stokesV_512x512.sav"]
self.std_values = np.load('{0}_normalization.npy'.format(self.root))
labels_data = ['data_ii', 'data_qq', 'data_uu', 'data_vv']
self.stokes = np.zeros((512,512,50,4))
for i in range(4):
print("Reading file {0}".format(self.label_files[i]))
stokes = io.readsav("/net/nas4/fis/aasensio/scratch/HINODE/SUNSPOT/{0}".format(self.label_files[i]))[labels_data[i]]
if (i == 0):
mean_stokesi = np.mean(stokes[400:500,0:100,0])
stokes = stokes[:,:,0:50] / mean_stokesi
self.stokes[:,:,:,i] = stokes / self.std_values[None,None,:,i]
self.stokes = self.stokes.reshape((512*512,50,4))
示例7: z_from_photo_z
def z_from_photo_z(photo_z_file, n, my_z_array=None):
my_p_z = io.readsav(photo_z_file)
pz = my_p_z['p_z']
if my_z_array is None:
z = np.arange(0, 5, .01)
z = my_z_array
if np.shape(pz) != np.shape(z):
raise ValueError("p_z array and z array are different sizes")
dz = z[1] - z[0]
pz /= (dz * pz).sum()
ecdf = np.cumsum(pz * dz)
cdf = interpolate.interp1d(z, ecdf)
def func(x, *args):
my_cdf = args[0]
cdf = args[1]
return abs(my_cdf - cdf(x))
out_z = []
for i in range(n):
my_cdf = np.random.uniform(0, 1)
my_z = optimize.fmin(func, (1.5), args=(my_cdf, cdf), disp=0)
out_z = np.asarray(out_z)
return out_z
示例8: makeWeightsArray
def makeWeightsArray(X):
savfile = readsav(X)
wuv = savfile['weights_uv']
wxy = n.fft.fft2(wuv)
wuv = n.abs(wuv)
wxy = n.abs(wxy)
return wuv,wxy
示例9: read_padsav
def read_padsav(file_name, disable_UserWarnings=True):
Reads data from an idl_dict object into XPadDataItem objects
file_name : str
Path to XPad*.padsav file
items : list
A list of XPadDataItems
warning_action = "default"
if (disable_UserWarnings):
warning_action = "ignore"
with catch_warnings():
simplefilter(warning_action, UserWarning)
idl_dict = readsav(file_name)
return parse_padsav(idl_dict)
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self,infile):
if mypath.find('/Users/rfinn') > -1:
print "Running on Rose's mac pro or laptop"
elif mypath.find('Users/kellywhalen') > -1:
print "Running on Kelly's Laptop"
# convert all to double-precision arrays
示例11: import_cosmology
def import_cosmology(filename, structure_name="fid"):
r""" Loads an icosmo cosmology from a fiducial structure stored in an
idl save file into a cosmicpy cosmology.
filename : str
Name of the idl save from which to load the cosmology.
structure_name : str, optional
Name of the icosmo fiducial structure stored in the save file.
cosmo : cosmology
cosmicpy cosmology corresponding to the icosmo input.
icosmo_file = readsav(filename)
icosmo = icosmo_file.get(structure_name)
h = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['h'][0]
Omega_m = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['omega_m'][0]
Omega_de = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['omega_l'][0]
Omega_b = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['omega_b'][0]
w0 = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['w0'][0]
wa = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['wa'][0]
tau = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['tau'][0]
n = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['n'][0]
sigma8 = icosmo['cosmo'][0]['sigma8'][0]
cosmo = cosmicpy.cosmology(h=h, Omega_m=Omega_m, Omega_de=Omega_de,
Omega_b=Omega_b, w0=w0, wa=wa, tau=tau,
n=n, sigma8=sigma8)
return cosmo
示例12: calc_specifics
def calc_specifics(self, Temp):
"""A separate method to calculate the specific line list properties based on an input T."""
if self.specs_calced == 0:
#make sure we don't inadvertently try and do this twice
if self.ll_name == 'HITRAN04':
self.Temp = Temp
self.specs_calced = 1
#lets make sure the relevant temperature is now carried around with the linelist.
props = HT04_globals(self.spec, self.iso)
if Temp == 296.0 and self.ll_name == 'HITRAN04':
Q=getQ(self.spec, self.iso, self.ll_name, Temp)
E_temp = -1.0 * self.epp * c2 / Temp
#print E_temp
w_temp = -1.0 * self.wave * c2 / Temp
#print w_temp
self.strength = self.strength * (props.abund/ Q) * (np.exp(E_temp) * (1.0-np.exp(w_temp))) * apc.c.cgs.value
#I have no idea why Jan multiplies by C here, but he does, so lets copy it.
strengths_jan = readsav('/home/dstock/sf/idl/code/ff.xdr')
示例13: grabdate
def grabdate(d):
global rundir, srcdir, outdir
# Limit output to one line per date.
# Loop over both probes.
for p in ('a', 'b'):
# Nuke the run directory. Leave stdout and stderr.
[ os.remove(x) for x in os.listdir(rundir) if x not in ('stdoe.txt',) ]
# Create and execute an IDL script to grab position, electric field, and
# magnetic field data for the day and and dump it into a sav file.
out, err = spedas( idlcode(probe=p, date=d) )
# Make sure there's somewhere to store the pickles.
pkldir = outdir + d.replace('-', '') + '/' + p + '/'
if not os.path.exists(pkldir):
# Read in the IDL output.
if not os.path.exists('temp.sav'):
temp = io.readsav('temp.sav')
# Rewrite the data as pickles. (Pickles are Python data files. They are
# reasonably efficient in terms of both storage size and load time.)
for key, arr in temp.items():
with open(pkldir + key + '.pkl', 'wb') as handle:
pickle.dump(arr, handle, protocol=-1)
# Acknowledge successful date access.
# Move to the next line.
return status()
示例14: _get_dusty_array
def _get_dusty_array(y_window, x_window):
Returns the sliced array of dusty pixels
url = darts + 'data/cal/dp/dusty_pixels.sav'
http_down = urllib.urlretrieve(url)
dusties = readsav(http_down[0]).dp_data
return dusties[y_window[0]:y_window[1], x_window[0]: x_window[1]]
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, root, output, name_of_variable):
# Only allocate needed memory
config = tf.ConfigProto()
session = tf.Session(config=config)
self.root = root
self.nx = 576
self.ny = 576
self.n_times = 2
self.n_filters = 64
self.batch_size = 1
self.n_conv_layers = 20
self.stride = 1
self.skip_frequency = 2
self.n_frames = 1
self.output = output
self.name_of_variable = name_of_variable
telescope_radius = 0.5 * 0.965 * u.meter
pixel_size = 0.02759 * u.arcsec / u.pixel
fov = 1152 * u.pixel
lambda0 = 500 * u.nm
imax = imax_degradation(telescope_radius, pixel_size, fov)
res = io.readsav('/net/viga/scratch1/deepLearning/opticalFlow/mancha/c3d_1152_cont4_4bin_012000_continuum.sav')['continuum']
self.images = np.zeros((2,576,576), dtype='float32')
# 576 pixels are obtained by resampling 1152 pixels of 0.02759 "/px to 0.0545 "/px for IMaX
self.images[0,:,:] = congrid.resample(imax.apply_psf(res[0,:,:]), (576, 576))
self.images[1,:,:] = congrid.resample(imax.apply_psf(res[1,:,:]), (576, 576))
res = io.readsav('/net/viga/scratch1/deepLearning/opticalFlow/mancha/c3d_1152_cont4_4bin_012000.isotau.sav')
self.vx = np.zeros((3,576,576), dtype='float32')
self.vy = np.zeros((3,576,576), dtype='float32')
for i in range(3):
self.vx[i,:,:] = congrid.resample(imax.apply_psf(res['vx'][i,:,:]), (576, 576))
self.vy[i,:,:] = congrid.resample(imax.apply_psf(res['vy'][i,:,:]), (576, 576))