本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.where函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python where函数的具体用法?Python where怎么用?Python where使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: est_condprob2
def est_condprob2(data, val, given):
"""Calculate the probability of P(X|Y,Z)
est_condprob2(data, 'A', ['M', 'LC'])"""
if not isinstance(given, list):
raise IndexError("Given must be a list or tuple of givens")
elif len(given) != 2:
raise IndexError("I need multiple givens! Give me more...give me more!")
gcols = []
for g in given:
if g in ['M', 'F']:
elif g in ['LC', 'SC', 'T']:
elif g in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
if val in ['M', 'F']:
vcol = 1
elif val in ['LC', 'SC', 'T']:
vcol = 2
elif val in ['A', 'B', 'C']:
vcol = 0
datsize = data.shape[0]
needed = [val, given[0], given[1]]
t = sp.where([sp.all(data[i]==needed) for i in range(datsize)])[0]
t2 = sp.where([sp.all(data[i,1:]==given) for i in range(datsize)])[0]
return float(t.size)/t2.size
示例2: cross_validation
def cross_validation(self, x, y, v=5, sig_r=2.0 ** sp.arange(-8, 0), mu_r=10.0 ** sp.arange(-15, 0)):
# Get parameters
n = x.shape[0]
ns = sig_r.size
nm = mu_r.size
err = sp.zeros((ns, nm))
# Initialization of the indices for the cross validation
cv = CV()
cv.split_data_class(y, v=v)
for i in range(ns):
for j in range(nm):
for k in range(v):
model_temp = KDA()
model_temp.train(x[cv.it[k], :], y[cv.it[k]], sig=sig_r[i], mu=mu_r[j])
yp = model_temp.predict(x[cv.iT[k], :], x[cv.it[k], :], y[cv.it[k]])
yp.shape = y[cv.iT[k]].shape
t = sp.where(yp != y[cv.iT[k]])[0]
err[i, j] += float(t.size) / yp.size
del model_temp
err /= v
t = sp.where(err == err.min())
self.sig = sig_r[t[0][0]]
self.mu = mu_r[t[1][0]]
return sig_r[t[0][0]], mu_r[t[1][0]], err
示例3: compute_ndvi
def compute_ndvi(im, r=0, ir=1, NODATA=-10000):
"""The function computes the NDVI of a multivalued image. It checks if
there is NODATA value or division per zeros.
im: the image to process
r: the number of the band that corresponds to the red band.
ir: the number of the band that corresponds to the infra-red band.
NODATA: the value of the NODATA
ndvi = the ndvi of the image
## Get the size fo the image
[nl, nc, nb] = im.shape
## Be sure that we can do 'floating operation'
imf = im.astype(sp.float64)
ndvi = sp.empty((nl, nc))
if nb < 2:
print "Two bands are needed to compute the NDVI"
return None
den = imf[:, :, ir - 1] + imf[:, :, r - 1] # Pre compute the denominator
t = sp.where((den > 0) & (imf[:, :, 1] != NODATA))
ndvi[t] = (imf[t[0], t[1], ir - 1] - imf[t[0], t[1], r - 1]) / den[t] # compute the ndvi on the safe samples
if len(t[0]) < nl * nc:
t = sp.where((den == 0) | (imf[:, :, 1] == NODATA)) # check for problematic pixels
ndvi[t] = NODATA
imf = []
return ndvi
示例4: _generate_masked_mesh
def _generate_masked_mesh(self, cell_mask=None):
Generates the mesh based on the cell mask provided
if cell_mask is None:
cell_mask = sp.ones(self.data_map.shape, dtype=bool)
# initializing arrays
self._edges = sp.ones(0, dtype=str)
self._merge_patch_pairs = sp.ones(0, dtype=str)
# building face arrays
mapper = sp.ravel(sp.array(cell_mask, dtype=int))
mapper[mapper == 1] = sp.arange(sp.count_nonzero(mapper))
mapper = sp.reshape(mapper, (self.nz, self.nx))
mapper[~cell_mask] = -sp.iinfo(int).max
boundary_dict = {
{'bottom': mapper[0, :][cell_mask[0, :]]},
{'top': mapper[-1, :][cell_mask[-1, :]]},
{'left': mapper[:, 0][cell_mask[:, 0]]},
{'right': mapper[:, -1][cell_mask[:, -1]]},
{'front': mapper[cell_mask]},
{'back': mapper[cell_mask]},
{'bottom': [], 'top': [], 'left': [], 'right': []}
# determining cells linked to a masked cell
cell_mask = sp.where(~sp.ravel(cell_mask))[0]
inds = sp.in1d(self._field._cell_interfaces, cell_mask)
inds = sp.reshape(inds, (len(self._field._cell_interfaces), 2))
inds = inds[:, 0].astype(int) + inds[:, 1].astype(int)
inds = (inds == 1)
links = self._field._cell_interfaces[inds]
# adjusting order so masked cells are all on links[:, 1]
swap = sp.in1d(links[:, 0], cell_mask)
links[swap] = links[swap, ::-1]
# setting side based on index difference
sides = sp.ndarray(len(links), dtype='<U6')
sides[sp.where(links[:, 1] == links[:, 0]-self.nx)[0]] = 'bottom'
sides[sp.where(links[:, 1] == links[:, 0]+self.nx)[0]] = 'top'
sides[sp.where(links[:, 1] == links[:, 0]-1)[0]] = 'left'
sides[sp.where(links[:, 1] == links[:, 0]+1)[0]] = 'right'
# adding each block to the internal face dictionary
inds = sp.ravel(mapper)[links[:, 0]]
for side, block_id in zip(sides, inds):
self.set_boundary_patches(boundary_dict, reset=True)
示例5: simulate
def simulate(self,x0,lambd):
Dt = self.param['Dt']
# Dt needs to be a multiple of param['Dt']
dt = self.param['dt']
D = lambd[1]
a = lambd[0]
N = self.param['N']
drift = self.param['drift']
x = scipy.array(x0)
tstart = 0
tcur = tstart
while (tcur < tstart + Dt + dt/2 ):
tcur += dt
# the random number
# if tcur == dt: #only print random number for first time step
# print 'dW =', dW
# the process
drift_term = a * drift(x)
# and reflecting boundary conditions
return x
示例6: populate_out_of_dip_theta
def populate_out_of_dip_theta(self, n, dip):
out_of_dip = asarray(self.populate_distribution(
self.out_of_dip_theta_dist, n))
(errorIndexes,) = where((out_of_dip > (175 - dip)) &
(out_of_dip < (185 - dip)))
if len(errorIndexes) > 0:
for i in errorIndexes:
blnBadNum = True
count = 0
while blnBadNum:
newNum = self.populate_distribution(
self.out_of_dip_theta_dist, 1)
if ((newNum[0] <= (175 - dip)) | (newNum[0] >= (185 - dip))):
blnBadNum = False
count = count + 1
if count > 1000:
msg = "Bad out of dip theta range in fault \
source file"
raise IOError(msg)
out_of_dip[i] = newNum[0]
(errorIndexes,) = where((out_of_dip > (175 - dip)) &
(out_of_dip < (185 - dip)))
if len(errorIndexes) > 0:
msg = "Bad out of dip theta range in fault \
source file"
raise IOError(msg)
return out_of_dip
示例7: fit_dispersion
def fit_dispersion(counts, disp_raw, disp_conv, sf, CFG, dmatrix1):
mean_count = sp.mean(counts / sf, axis=1)[:, sp.newaxis]
index = sp.where(disp_conv)[0]
lowerBound = sp.percentile(sp.unique(disp_raw[index]), 1)
upperBound = sp.percentile(sp.unique(disp_raw[index]), 99)
idx = sp.where((disp_raw > lowerBound) & (disp_raw < upperBound))[0]
matrix = sp.ones((idx.shape[0], 2), dtype='float')
matrix[:, 0] /= mean_count[idx].ravel()
modGamma = sm.GLM(disp_raw[idx], matrix, family=sm.families.Gamma(sm.families.links.identity))
res = modGamma.fit()
Lambda = res.params
disp_fitted = disp_raw.copy()
ok_idx = sp.where(~sp.isnan(disp_fitted))[0]
disp_fitted[ok_idx] = Lambda[0] / mean_count[ok_idx] + Lambda[1]
if sp.sum(disp_fitted > 0) > 0:
print "Found dispersion fit"
if CFG['diagnose_plots']:
figtitle='Fitted Dispersion Estimate',
filename=os.path.join(CFG['plot_dir'], 'dispersion_fitted.pdf'),
return (disp_fitted, Lambda, idx)
示例8: getEncodedData
def getEncodedData(filename,encoding="additive",phenotype_id=None,maf=0.0):
f = h5py.File(filename,'r')
phenotype_id = str(phenotype_id)
if not phenotype_id==None:
sample_ids = f['Genotype/sample_ids'][:]
p_sample_ids = f['Phenotypes'][phenotype_id]['sample_ids'][:]
y = f['Phenotypes'][phenotype_id]['y'][:]
ind = sp.where(~sp.isnan(y))[0]
y = y[ind]
p_sample_ids = p_sample_ids[ind]
ind = (sp.reshape(sample_ids,(sample_ids.shape[0],1))==p_sample_ids).nonzero()
raw = f['Genotype/raw'][:]
raw = raw[ind[0],:]
[encoded,maf_v] = encodeHeterozygousData(raw)
ind = sp.where(maf_v>=maf)[0]
encoded = encoded[:,ind]
identifiers = f['Genotype/identifiers'][:]
identifiers = identifiers[ind]
maf_v = maf_v[ind]
return [encoded,maf_v,identifiers]
if encoding=="additive":
if 'encoded_additive' in f['Genotype'].keys():
encoded = f['Genotype/encoded_additive'][:]
maf_v = f['Genotype/global_maf'][:]
[encoded,maf_v] = encodeHeterozygousData(f['Genotype/raw'][:])
identifiers = f['Genotype/identifiers'][:]
return [encoded,maf_v,identifiers]
示例9: newEpisode
def newEpisode(self):
if self.learning:
params = ravel(self.explorationlayer.module.params)
target = ravel(sum(self.history.getSequence(self.history.getNumSequences()-1)[2]) / 500)
if target != 0.0:
self.gp.addSample(params, target)
if len(self.gp.trainx) > 20:
self.gp.trainx = self.gp.trainx[-20:, :]
self.gp.trainy = self.gp.trainy[-20:]
self.gp.noise = self.gp.noise[-20:]
# get new parameters where mean was highest
max_cov = diag(self.gp.pred_cov).max()
indices = where(diag(self.gp.pred_cov) == max_cov)[0]
pick = indices[random.randint(len(indices))]
new_param = self.gp.testx[pick]
# check if that one exists already in gp training set
if len(where(self.gp.trainx == new_param)[0]) > 0:
# add some normal noise to it
new_param += random.normal(0, 1, len(new_param))
# don't call StateDependentAgent.newEpisode() because it randomizes the params
示例10: cryptoInternal
def cryptoInternal(self, data, base):
addresses = scipy.array(range(base, base + (len(data) * 2), 2), scipy.uint32)
for mask, xorVal in self.XOR_TABLE1:
data = scipy.where((addresses & mask) == mask, data ^ xorVal, data)
for mask, xorVal in self.XOR_TABLE2:
data = scipy.where((addresses & mask) != 0, data ^ xorVal, data)
return data
示例11: smart_threshold
def smart_threshold(self):
self.median = numpy.median(self.data)
self.std = numpy.std(self.data)
blank = scipy.where(self.data < self.median+0.25*self.std)
signal = scipy.where(self.data > self.median+0.25*self.std)
self.data[blank] = 0.0
self.data[signal] = 1.0
示例12: maskLowStddVoxels
def maskLowStddVoxels(self, dds, nMeanDds, nStddDds):
unique = np.unique(sp.where(nStddDds.subd.asarray() <= 1.0/3, dds.subd.asarray(), dds.mtype.maskValue()))
unique = unique[sp.where(unique != dds.mtype.maskValue())]
if (dds.mpi.comm != None):
unique = dds.mpi.comm.allreduce(unique.tolist(), op=mpi.SUM)
unique = np.unique(unique)
rootLogger.info("Unique constant stdd values = %s" % (unique,))
rootLogger.info("Creating mask from unique constant values...")
mskDds = mango.zeros_like(dds, mtype="segmented")
for uVal in unique:
mskDds.asarray()[...] = sp.where(dds.asarray() == uVal, 1, mskDds.asarray())
rootLogger.info("Done creating mask from unique constant values.")
rootLogger.info("Labeling connected constant zero-stdd regions...")
self.writeIntermediateDds("_000ZeroStddForLabeling", mskDds)
lblDds = mango.image.label(mskDds, 1)
rootLogger.info("Done labeling connected constant stdd regions.")
self.writeIntermediateDds("_000ZeroStdd", lblDds)
countThresh = 0.01 * sp.product(lblDds.shape)
rootLogger.info("Eliminating large clusters...")
lblDds = mango.image.eliminate_labels_by_size(lblDds, minsz=int(countThresh), val=lblDds.mtype.maskValue())
self.writeIntermediateDds("_000ZeroStddLargeEliminated", lblDds)
rootLogger.info("Assigning mask values...")
mskDds.subd.asarray()[...] = \
sp.where(lblDds.subd.asarray() == lblDds.mtype.maskValue(), True, False)
self.writeIntermediateDds("_000ZeroStddMskd", mskDds)
del lblDds
for tmpDds in [dds, nMeanDds, nStddDds]:
tmpDds.subd.asarray()[...] = \
sp.where(mskDds.subd.asarray(), tmpDds.mtype.maskValue(), tmpDds.subd.asarray())
示例13: eliminatePercentileTails
def eliminatePercentileTails(self, mskDds, loPercentile=10.0, hiPercentile=90.0):
Trims lower and/or upper image histogram tails by replacing :samp:`mskDds`
voxel values with :samp:`mskDds.mtype.maskValue()`.
rootLogger.info("Eliminating percentile tails...")
rootLogger.info("Calculating element frequencies...")
elems, counts = elemfreq(mskDds)
rootLogger.info("elems:\n%s" % (elems,))
rootLogger.info("counts:\n%s" % (counts,))
cumSumCounts = sp.cumsum(counts, dtype="float64")
percentiles = 100.0*(cumSumCounts/float(cumSumCounts[-1]))
percentileElems = elems[sp.where(sp.logical_and(percentiles > loPercentile, percentiles < hiPercentile))]
loThresh = percentileElems[0]
hiThresh = percentileElems[-1]
rootLogger.info("Masking percentiles range (%s,%s) = (%s,%s)" % (loPercentile, hiPercentile, loThresh, hiThresh))
mskDds.asarray()[...] = \
sp.logical_and(mskDds.asarray() >= loThresh, mskDds.asarray() <= hiThresh),
mskDds.asarray() != mskDds.mtype.maskValue()
rootLogger.info("Done eliminating percentile tails.")
示例14: step
def step(self, *args):
"""First update the step size, then actually take a step along the gradient."""
g = self.model.grad(*args);
# Update the weighted Exponential sq avg.
self.sqExpAvgGrad *= self.exponentAvgM;
self.sqExpAvgGrad += (1-self.exponentAvgM) * g**2;
self.sqExpAvgGrad[:] = where(self.sqExpAvgGrad < EPSILON, EPSILON, self.sqExpAvgGrad);
# Uodate the muVect
possUpdate = 1 + self.qLearningRate * g * self.expAvgGrad / self.sqExpAvgGrad
#log.debug('max(possUpdate): %.4f, min(possUpdate): %.4f' % (max(possUpdate), min(possUpdate)))
## Keep this from going negative.
possUpdate = where(possUpdate < 0.001, 0.001, possUpdate);
self.muVect *= possUpdate
# Do something to cap the update rate. This is allowing the step rate to overpower the decay completely
self.muVect = where(self.muVect > self.maxMuVect, self.maxMuVect, self.muVect);
# Then update the exponential average
self.expAvgGrad *= self.exponentAvgM;
self.expAvgGrad += (1-self.exponentAvgM) * g;
self.model.params -= self.muVect * g
示例15: _do_outer_iteration_stage
def _do_outer_iteration_stage(self):
#Generate curve from points
for inv_val in self._inv_points:
#Apply one applied pressure and determine invaded pores
logger.info('Applying capillary pressure: '+str(inv_val))
#Store results using networks' get/set method
self['pore.inv_Pc'] = self._p_inv
self['throat.inv_Pc'] = self._t_inv
#Find invasion sequence values (to correspond with IP algorithm)
self._p_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._p_inv),self._p_inv)
self._t_seq = sp.searchsorted(sp.unique(self._t_inv),self._t_inv)
self['pore.inv_seq'] = self._p_seq
self['throat.inv_seq'] = self._t_seq
#Calculate Saturations
v_total = sp.sum(self._net['pore.volume'])+sp.sum(self._net['throat.volume'])
sat = 0.
self['pore.inv_sat'] = 1.
self['throat.inv_sat'] = 1.
for i in range(self._npts):
inv_pores = sp.where(self._p_seq==i)[0]
inv_throats = sp.where(self._t_seq==i)[0]
new_sat = (sum(self._net['pore.volume'][inv_pores])+sum(self._net['throat.volume'][inv_throats]))/v_total
sat += new_sat
self['pore.inv_sat'][inv_pores] = sat
self['throat.inv_sat'][inv_throats] = sat