本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.matrix函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python matrix函数的具体用法?Python matrix怎么用?Python matrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: initialize_sequential
def initialize_sequential(X_bar0, P_bar0, x_bar0):
Generate t=0 values for a new iteration from an initial state, covariance
and a-priori estimate.
# Get initial state and STM and initialize integrator
X_bar0_list = X_bar0.T.tolist()[0]
stm0 = sp.matrix(sp.eye(18))
stm0_list = sp.eye(18).reshape(1,324).tolist()[0]
eom = ode(Udot).set_integrator('dop853', atol=1.0E-10, rtol=1.0E-9)
eom.set_initial_value(X_bar0_list + stm0_list, 0)
# Perform measurement update for t=0 observation
obs0 = OBS[0]
stn0 = obs0[0]
comp0, Htilda0 = Htilda_matrix(X_bar0_list, 0, stn0)
resid0 = [ obs0[1] - float(comp0[0]),
obs0[2] - float(comp0[1]) ]
y0 = sp.matrix([resid0]).T
K0 = P_bar0 * Htilda0.T * (Htilda0 * P_bar0 * Htilda0.T + W.I).I
x_hat0 = x_bar0 + K0 * (y0 - Htilda0 * x_bar0)
P0 = (I - K0 * Htilda0) * P_bar0
#P0 = (I - K0 * Htilda0) * P_bar0 * (I - K0 * Htilda0).T + K0 * W.I * K0.T
return [stm0, comp0, resid0, Htilda0, x_hat0, P0, eom]
示例2: compute_kernel_matrix
def compute_kernel_matrix(self):
"""Compute the whole kernel matrix (see 2.1 from the SVM doc)"""
print "Computing kernel matrix..."
n = self.n
X = self.X
tau = self.tau
# 1. compute d
xxt = X * X.transpose()
d = s.diag(xxt)
d = s.matrix(d).transpose()
# 2. compute A
ones = s.matrix(s.ones(n))
A = 0.5 * d * ones
A += 0.5 * ones.transpose() * d.transpose()
A -= xxt
# 3. compute K with Gaussian kernel
A = -tau*A
K = s.exp(A)
assert K.shape == (n,n), "Invalid shape of kernel matrix"
self.K = K
print "Finished computing kernel matrix."
示例3: GetPrincipalAxes
def GetPrincipalAxes(Angle1,Angle2,Angle3):
"Input: the three euler angles from Tipsy. Output: the three axes..."
pi = 3.14159265359
phi = Angle1 * pi/180.0
theta = Angle2 * pi/180.0
psi = Angle3 * pi/180.0
a11 = cos(psi) * cos(phi) - cos(theta) * sin(phi) * sin(psi)
a12 = cos(psi) * sin(phi) + cos(theta) * cos(phi) * sin(psi)
a13 = sin(psi) * sin(theta)
a21 = -sin(psi) * cos(phi) - cos(theta) * sin(phi) * cos(psi)
a22 = -sin(psi) * sin(phi) + cos(theta) * cos(phi) * cos(psi)
a23 = cos(psi) * sin(theta)
a31 = sin(theta) * sin(phi)
a32 = -sin(theta) * cos(phi)
a33 = cos(theta)
a=scipy.matrix( [[a11,a12,a13],[a21,a22,a23],[ a31,a32,a33]])
x=scipy.matrix( [[1.0],[0.0],[0.0]])
y=scipy.matrix( [[0.0],[1.0],[0.0]])
z=scipy.matrix( [[0.0],[0.0],[1.0]])
# print a*x
# print ''
# print a*y
# print ''
# print a*z
return a*x,a*y,a*z
示例4: stream2xyz
def stream2xyz (u, v, w, mu, r, theta, phi, wedge, nu=0.0):
""" Converts to galactic x,y,z from custom stream coordinates u,v,w;
ACCEPTS ONLY 1 POINT AT A TIME - don't know what will happen if arrays are passed in
stream is aligned along w-axis; rotation is theta about y-axis, then phi about z-axis
(See Nathan Cole's thesis, page 17)"""
theta, phi = (theta*rad), (phi*rad) #THETA, PHI INPUT SHOULD BE IN DEGREES!!
# Get uvw origin in xyz
ra, dec = GCToEq(mu, nu, wedge)
l, b = EqTolb(ra, dec)
xyz0 = lbr2xyz(l,b,r)
# Rotate uvw into xyz
R_M = sc.matrix([
[(sc.cos(phi)*sc.cos(theta)), (-1.0*sc.sin(phi)), (sc.cos(phi)*sc.sin(theta))],
[(sc.sin(phi)*sc.cos(theta)), (sc.cos(phi)), (sc.sin(phi)*sc.sin(theta))],
[(-1.0*sc.sin(theta)), (0.0), (sc.cos(theta))]
"""R_inv = sc.matrix([
[(sc.sin(theta)*sc.cos(phi)), (-1.0*sc.sin(theta)*sc.sin(phi)), (-1.0*sc.cos(theta))],
[(sc.sin(phi)), (sc.cos(phi)), (0.0)],
[(sc.cos(theta)*sc.cos(phi)), (-1.0*sc.cos(theta)*sc.sin(phi)), (sc.sin(theta))]
]) OLD CRAP"""
uvw_M = sc.matrix([u,v,w])
xyz_M = R_M*uvw_M.T
xyzR = sc.array(xyz_M)
# Translate rotated values
x = xyzR[0] + xyz0[0]
y = xyzR[1] + xyz0[1]
z = xyzR[2] + xyz0[2]
return x[0],y[0],z[0]
示例5: linsys
def linsys(xdot, x, u, y, x0=None, u0=None):
# y is required for linsys, but not linearize
# apparently 'ss' does not support multiple outputs; linearize does
As,Bs,Cs,Ds,F0,G0 = linearize(xdot, x, u, y, x0, u0)
sumF0 = 0
for i in F0:
sumF0 += i
if sumF0 > 0.001:
print('Warning: The system was not linearized about an equilibrium point!')
print 'xdot at x0 = ', F0
if Cs.shape[0] > 1:
raise ValueError, "C matrix cannot have more than one row; system must be SISO"
A = scipy.matrix(As).astype(np.float)
B = scipy.matrix(Bs).astype(np.float)
C = scipy.matrix(Cs).astype(np.float)
D = scipy.matrix(Ds).astype(np.float)
sys = 0 #ss(A,B,C,D)
return sys
示例6: __init__
def __init__(self, x, y, z, a, g, h):
Construct a Scatterer object, encapsulating the shape and material
properties of a deformed-cylindrical object with sound speed and
density similar to the surrounding fluid medium.
x, y, z : array-like
Posiions delimiting the central axis of the scatterer.
a : array-like
Array of radii along the centerline of the scatterer.
g : array-like
Array of sound speed contrasts (sound speed inside the scatterer
divided by sound speed in the surrounding medium)
h : array-like
Array of density contrasts (density inside the scatterer
divided by density in the surrounding medium)
super(Scatterer, self).__init__()
self.r = sp.matrix([x, y, z])
self.a = sp.array(a)
self.g = sp.array(g)
self.h = sp.array(h)
self.cum_rotation = sp.matrix(sp.eye(3))
示例7: problem_params
def problem_params(lr, gam, memories, inpst, neurons):
Return the lowest eigenvector of the classical Hamiltonian
constructed by the learning rule, gamma, memories, and input.
# Bias Hamiltonian
alpha = gam * np.array(inpst)
# Memory Hamiltonian
beta = np.zeros((qubits, qubits))
if lr == "hebb":
# Hebb rule
memMat = sp.matrix(memories).T
beta = sp.triu(memMat * memMat.T) / float(neurons)
elif lr == "stork":
# Storkey rule
Wm = sp.zeros((neurons, neurons))
for m, mem in enumerate(memories):
Am = sp.outer(mem, mem) - sp.eye(neurons)
Wm += (Am - Am * Wm - Wm * Am) / float(neurons)
beta = sp.triu(Wm)
elif lr == "proj":
# Moore-Penrose pseudoinverse rule
memMat = sp.matrix(memories).T
beta = sp.triu(memMat * sp.linalg.pinv(memMat))
# Find the eigenvectors
evals, evecs = sp.linalg.eig(np.diag(alpha) + beta)
idx = evals.argsort()
return evals[idx], evecs[:, idx], np.diag(alpha), beta
示例8: plotm
def plotm(self):
Lambda = sp.matrix(map(self.T,[i*60 for i in range(N)])).T
Load = sp.matrix(sp.zeros([N,1]))
Fs = sp.matrix(sp.zeros([N,1]))
for i in range(self.ts/60,(self.ts+self.ld)/60):
for i in range(self.ts/60,self.tf/60):
ax1 = plt.subplot2grid((3,5),(0,0),rowspan=1,colspan=5)
ax1.set_ylabel("Load (W)")
ax2 = plt.subplot2grid((3,5),(1,0),rowspan=1,colspan=5)
ax3 = plt.subplot2grid((3,5),(2,0),rowspan=1,colspan=5)
示例9: computeVarianceContributions
def computeVarianceContributions( self, firstDerivatives ) :
qlist = []
i = 0
while i < self.dim :
#print "Compute var %d" % i
# derivatives of the eigenvalue for this state
s = matrix( firstDerivatives[ i,0: ], float64 ).T
##print s.shape
# cross probability matrix for this state
Pi = matrix( self.dirmat[ i,0: ], float64 ).T
##print Pi.shape
part1 = diag( arr2lst( Pi.T ) )
part1 = matrix(part1, float64)
##print part1.shape
##print common_type(part1)
Cp = matrix( part1 - Pi * Pi.T )
##print common_type(Cp)
##print Cp.shape
del part1
# degree of sensitivity for this state
q = float( abs( s.T * Cp * s ) )
del s
del Pi
del Cp
qlist.append( q )
i += 1
return matrix( qlist )
示例10: initialize_batch
def initialize_batch(X_bar0, P_bar0, x_bar0):
Generate t=0 values for a new iteration from an initial state, covariance
and a-priori estimate.
# Get initial state and STM and initialize integrator
X_bar0_list = X_bar0.T.tolist()[0]
stm0 = sp.matrix(sp.eye(18))
stm0_list = sp.eye(18).reshape(1,324).tolist()[0]
eom = ode(Udot).set_integrator('dop853', atol=1.0E-10, rtol=1.0E-9)
eom.set_initial_value(X_bar0_list + stm0_list, 0)
# Accumulate measurement at t=0
obs0 = OBS[0]
stn0 = obs0[0]
comp0, Htilda0 = Htilda_matrix(X_bar0_list, 0, stn0)
resid0 = [ obs0[1] - float(comp0[0]),
obs0[2] - float(comp0[1]) ]
y0 = sp.matrix([resid0]).T
H0 = Htilda0 * stm0
L0 = P_bar0.I + H0.T * W * H0
N0 = P_bar0.I * x_bar0 + H0.T * W * y0
return [stm0, comp0, resid0, Htilda0, H0, L0, N0, eom]
示例11: process_collision_geometry_for_table
def process_collision_geometry_for_table(self, firsttable, additional_tables = []):
table_object = CollisionObject()
table_object.operation.operation = CollisionObjectOperation.ADD
table_object.header.frame_id = firsttable.pose.header.frame_id
table_object.header.stamp = rospy.Time.now()
#create a box for each table
for table in [firsttable,]+additional_tables:
object = Shape()
object.type = Shape.BOX;
#set the origin of the table object in the middle of the firsttable
table_mat = self.pose_to_mat(firsttable.pose.pose)
table_offset = scipy.matrix([(firsttable.x_min + firsttable.x_max)/2.0, (firsttable.y_min + firsttable.y_max)/2.0, 0.0]).T
table_offset_mat = scipy.matrix(scipy.identity(4))
table_offset_mat[0:3,3] = table_offset
table_center = table_mat * table_offset_mat
origin_pose = self.mat_to_pose(table_center)
table_object.id = "table"
示例12: test_poisson3d_7pt
def test_poisson3d_7pt(self):
stencil = array([[[0, 0, 0],
[0, -1, 0],
[0, 0, 0]],
[[0, -1, 0],
[-1, 6, -1],
[0, -1, 0]],
[[0, 0, 0],
[0, -1, 0],
[0, 0, 0]]])
cases = []
cases.append(((1, 1, 1), matrix([[6]])))
cases.append(((2, 1, 1), matrix([[6, -1],
[-1, 6]])))
cases.append(((2, 2, 1), matrix([[6, -1, -1, 0],
[-1, 6, 0, -1],
[-1, 0, 6, -1],
[0, -1, -1, 6]])))
cases.append(((2, 2, 2), matrix([[6, -1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0],
[-1, 6, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0],
[-1, 0, 6, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0],
[0, -1, -1, 6, 0, 0, 0, -1],
[-1, 0, 0, 0, 6, -1, -1, 0],
[0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 6, 0, -1],
[0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 6, -1],
[0, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, -1, 6]])))
for grid, expected in cases:
result = stencil_grid(stencil, grid).todense()
assert_equal(result, expected)
示例13: poly_fit
def poly_fit(x, y, sig, order, verbose=1):
n_params = order + 1
#initialize matrices as arrays
beta = sc.zeros(n_params, float)
solution = sc.zeros(n_params, float)
alpha = sc.zeros( (n_params,n_params), float)
#Fill Matrices
for k in range(n_params):
# Fill beta
for i in range(len(x)):
holder = ( y[i]*poly(x[i], k) ) / (sig[i]*sig[i])
beta[k] = beta[k] + holder
# Fill alpha
for l in range(n_params):
for i in range(len(x)):
holder = (poly(x[i],l)*poly(x[i],k)) / (sig[i]*sig[i])
alpha[l,k] = alpha[l,k] + holder
# Re-type matrices
beta_m = sc.matrix(beta)
alpha_m = sc.matrix(alpha)
#Invert alpha,, then multiply beta on the right by the new matrix
#epsilon_m = alpha_m.I
a_m = beta_m * alpha_m.I
if verbose==1:
print "beta:\n", beta_m
print "alpha:\n", alpha_m
print "best-fit parameter matrix:\n", a_m
return sc.array(a_m)[0,:]
示例14: static
def static():
tmp = scipy.zeros((3, 3), float)
for i in range(0, len(l)):
L1 = L0[0, 0] / Lk[1, 1]
L2 = L0[1, 1] / Lk[1, 1]
D = scipy.matrix([[math.cos(fi[i]), - math.sin(fi[i]), 0.0],
[math.sin(fi[i]), math.cos(fi[i]), 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
B = scipy.matrix([[math.cos(fi[i]), math.sin(fi[i]), 0.0],
[- L1 * math.sin(fi[i]), L2 * math.cos(fi[i]), 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
tmp += l[i] * D * B
E = S0 / S * I + tmp * d / S
E = scipy.matrix(E).I
tmp = scipy.zeros((3, 3), float)
for i in range(0, len(l)):
L1 = L0[0, 0] / Lk[1, 1]
L2 = L0[1, 1] / Lk[1, 1]
B = scipy.matrix([[math.cos(fi[i]), math.sin(fi[i]), 0.0],
[- L1 * math.sin(fi[i]), L2 * math.cos(fi[i]), 0.0],
[0.0, 0.0, 1.0]])
tmp += l[i] * B.T * Lk * B
L = E.T * (S0 / S * L0 + d / S * tmp) * E
print L[0, 0], L[1, 1], L[2, 2]
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, respond = None, regressors = None, intercept = False, D = None, d = None, G = None, a = None, b = None, **args):
"""Input: paras where they are expected to be tuple or dictionary"""
ECRegression.__init__(self,respond, regressors, intercept, D, d, **args)
if self.intercept and G != None:
self.G = scipy.zeros((self.n, self.n))
self.G[1:, 1:] = G
elif self.intercept and G == None :
self.G = scipy.identity(self.n)
self.G[0, 0] = 0.0
elif not self.intercept and G != None:
self.G = G
self.G = scipy.identity(self.n)
if self.intercept:
self.a = scipy.zeros((self.n, 1))
self.a[1:] = a
self.b = scipy.zeros((self.n, 1))
self.b[1:] = b
if a is None:
self.a = scipy.matrix( scipy.zeros((self.n,1)))
else: self.a = a
if b is None:
self.b = scipy.matrix( scipy.ones((self.n,1)))
else: self.b = b