本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.imag函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python imag函数的具体用法?Python imag怎么用?Python imag使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: SusceptibilityHF
def SusceptibilityHF(U,GF_A,X_A):
''' susceptibility calculated from the full spectral self-energy derivative '''
Int1_A = FD_A*sp.imag(GF_A**2*(1.0-U*X_A))
Int2_A = FD_A*sp.imag(GF_A**2*X_A)
I1 = simps(Int1_A,En_A)/sp.pi
I2 = simps(Int2_A,En_A)/sp.pi
return 2.0*I1/(1.0+U**2*I2)
示例2: XIntegralsFFT
def XIntegralsFFT(GF_A,Bubble_A,Lambda,BubZero):
''' calculate X integral to susceptibilities using FFT '''
N = int((len(En_A)-1)/2)
Kappa_A = TwoParticleBubble(GF_A,GF_A**2,'eh')
Bubble_A = TwoParticleBubble(GF_A,GF_A,'eh')
V_A = 1.0/(1.0+Lambda*Bubble_A)
KV_A = Lambda*Kappa_A*V_A**2
KmV_A = Lambda*sp.flipud(sp.conj(Kappa_A))*V_A**2
## zero-padding the arrays
exFD_A = sp.concatenate([FD_A[N:],sp.zeros(2*N+2),FD_A[:N+1]])
ImGF_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(GF_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(GF_A[:N+1])])
ImGF2_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(GF_A[N:]**2),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(GF_A[:N+1]**2)])
ImV_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(V_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(V_A[:N+1])])
ImKV_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(KV_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(KV_A[:N+1])])
ImKmV_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(KmV_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+2),sp.imag(KmV_A[:N+1])])
## performing the convolution
ftImX11_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImV_A))*fft(ImGF2_A)*dE
ftImX12_A = fft(exFD_A*ImGF2_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImV_A))*dE
ftImX21_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImKV_A))*fft(ImGF_A)*dE
ftImX22_A = fft(exFD_A*ImGF_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImKV_A))*dE
ftImX31_A = -sp.conj(fft(exFD_A*ImKmV_A))*fft(ImGF_A)*dE
ftImX32_A = fft(exFD_A*ImGF_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImKmV_A))*dE
## inverse transform
ImX1_A = sp.real(ifft(ftImX11_A+ftImX12_A))/sp.pi
ImX2_A = sp.real(ifft(ftImX21_A+ftImX22_A))/sp.pi
ImX3_A = -sp.real(ifft(ftImX31_A+ftImX32_A))/sp.pi
ImX1_A = sp.concatenate([ImX1_A[3*N+4:],ImX1_A[:N+1]])
ImX2_A = sp.concatenate([ImX2_A[3*N+4:],ImX2_A[:N+1]])
ImX3_A = sp.concatenate([ImX3_A[3*N+4:],ImX3_A[:N+1]])
## getting real part from imaginary
X1_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX1_A) + 1.0j*ImX1_A + BubZero # constant part !!!
X2_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX2_A) + 1.0j*ImX2_A
X3_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImX3_A) + 1.0j*ImX3_A
return [X1_A,X2_A,X3_A]
示例3: root_locus
def root_locus(sys, kvect, xlim=None, ylim=None, plotstr='-', Plot=True,
"""Calculate the root locus by finding the roots of 1+k*TF(s)
where TF is self.num(s)/self.den(s) and each k is an element
of kvect.
sys : linsys
Linear input/output systems (SISO only, for now)
kvect : gain_range (default = None)
List of gains to use in computing diagram
Plot : boolean (default = True)
If True, plot magnitude and phase
PrintGain: boolean (default = True)
If True, report mouse clicks when close to the root-locus branches,
calculate gain, damping and print
Return values
rlist : list of computed root locations
# Convert numerator and denominator to polynomials if they aren't
(nump, denp) = _systopoly1d(sys);
# Compute out the loci
mymat = _RLFindRoots(sys, kvect)
mymat = _RLSortRoots(sys, mymat)
# Create the plot
if (Plot):
f = pylab.figure()
if PrintGain:
cid = f.canvas.mpl_connect(
'button_release_event', partial(_RLFeedbackClicks, sys=sys))
ax = pylab.axes();
# plot open loop poles
poles = array(denp.r)
ax.plot(real(poles), imag(poles), 'x')
# plot open loop zeros
zeros = array(nump.r)
if zeros.any():
ax.plot(real(zeros), imag(zeros), 'o')
# Now plot the loci
for col in mymat.T:
ax.plot(real(col), imag(col), plotstr)
# Set up plot axes and labels
if xlim:
if ylim:
return mymat
示例4: confMap
def confMap(shape,mapfunc):
shapemapped = [None]*len(shape)
for i in range(0,len(shape)):
shapemapped[i] = mapfunc(shape[i])
plt . show ()
示例5: solve_P
def solve_P(F,G,H):
"""This function takes arguments for F,G,H and solves the matrix quadratic given by
F*P^2+G*P+H=0. Note F, G, and H must be square.
The function returns the matrix P and the resulting matrix, given by F*P^2+G*P+H
which should be close to zero.
The algorithm used to solve for P is outlined in 'A Toolkit for Analyzing Nonlinear
Dynamic Stochastic Models Easily' by Harald Uhlig.
Xi=sp.concatenate((-G,-H), axis=1)
(L,V) = la.eig(Xi,Delta)
boolean = sp.zeros(len(L))
trueCount =0
for i in range(len(L)):
if L[i]<1 and L[i]>-1 and sp.imag(L[i])==0 and trueCount<m:
boolean[i] = True
#display(L, boolean)
if trueCount<m:
print "Imaginary eigenvalues being used"
for i in range(len(L)):
if math.sqrt(real(L[i])**2+imag(L[i])**2)<1 and trueCount<m:
if trueCount==m:
print "true count is m"
count =0
for i in range(len(L)):
if boolean[i]==1:
print 'Omega not invertable'
return P,diff
print "Problem with input, not enough 'good' eigenvalues"
return sp.zeros((m,m)),sp.ones((m,m))*100
示例6: pltFunction
def pltFunction (cavity1,cavity2,cavity3,plotType):
if (plotType==0):
return sp.absolute(cavity1[:])**2,sp.absolute(cavity2[:])**2,sp.absolute(cavity3[:])**2
elif (plotType==1):
return sp.real(cavity1[:]),sp.real(cavity2[:]),sp.real(cavity3[:])
elif (plotType==2):
return sp.imag(cavity1[:]),sp.imag(cavity2[:]),sp.imag(cavity3[:])
return cavity1, cavity2, cavity3
示例7: SelfEnergy
def SelfEnergy(GF_A,ChiGamma_A):
''' calculating the dynamical self-energy from the Schwinger-Dyson equation '''
N = int((len(En_A)-1)/2)
## zero-padding the arrays
exFD_A = sp.concatenate([FD_A[N:],sp.zeros(2*N+3),FD_A[:N]])
exBE_A = sp.concatenate([BE_A[N:],sp.zeros(2*N+3),BE_A[:N]])
ImGF_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(GF_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+3),sp.imag(GF_A[:N])])
ImCG_A = sp.concatenate([sp.imag(ChiGamma_A[N:]),sp.zeros(2*N+3),sp.imag(ChiGamma_A[:N])])
## performing the convolution
ftImSE1_A = -sp.conj(fft(exBE_A*ImCG_A))*fft(ImGF_A)*dE
ftImSE2_A = -fft(exFD_A*ImGF_A)*sp.conj(fft(ImCG_A))*dE
ImSE_A = sp.real(ifft(ftImSE1_A+ftImSE2_A))/sp.pi
ImSE_A = sp.concatenate([ImSE_A[3*N+4:],ImSE_A[:N+1]])
Sigma_A = KramersKronigFFT(ImSE_A) + 1.0j*ImSE_A
return Sigma_A
示例8: process
def process(self, X, V, C):
"""Tolerance for eigenvalues a possible problem when checking for neutral saddles."""
BifPoint.process(self, X, V, C)
J_coords = C.CorrFunc.jac(X, C.coords)
eigs, LV, RV = linalg.eig(J_coords,left=1,right=1)
# Check for neutral saddles
found = False
for i in range(len(eigs)):
if abs(imag(eigs[i])) < 1e-5:
for j in range(i+1,len(eigs)):
if C.verbosity >= 2:
if abs(eigs[i]) < 1e-5 and abs(eigs[j]) < 1e-5:
print 'Fold-Fold point found in Hopf!\n'
elif abs(imag(eigs[j])) < 1e-5 and abs(real(eigs[i]) + real(eigs[j])) < 1e-5:
print 'Neutral saddle found!\n'
elif abs(real(eigs[i])) < 1e-5:
for j in range(i+1, len(eigs)):
if abs(real(eigs[j])) < 1e-5 and abs(real(eigs[i]) - real(eigs[j])) < 1e-5:
found = True
w = abs(imag(eigs[i]))
if imag(eigs[i]) > 0:
p = conjugate(LV[:,j])/linalg.norm(LV[:,j])
q = RV[:,i]/linalg.norm(RV[:,i])
p = conjugate(LV[:,i])/linalg.norm(LV[:,i])
q = RV[:,j]/linalg.norm(RV[:,j])
if not found:
del self.found[-1]
return False
direc = conjugate(1/matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),q))
p = direc*p
# Alternate way to compute 1st lyapunov coefficient (from Kuznetsov [4])
#print (1./(w*w))*real(1j*matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),b1)*matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),b3) + \
# w*matrixmultiply(conjugate(p),trilinearform(D,q,q,conjugate(q))))
self.found[-1].w = w
self.found[-1].l1 = firstlyapunov(X, C.CorrFunc, w, J_coords=J_coords, p=p, q=q, check=(C.verbosity==2))
self.found[-1].eigs = eigs
self.info(C, -1)
return True
示例9: write
def write(self, vals, name, label='Mie'):
with open(name, 'w') as fp:
N = len(self.elems)
fp.write("View \"{0}\" {{\n".format(label))
for ii, elem in enumerate(self.elems):
fp.write('ST( ')
for jj, n in enumerate(elem):
x, y, z = self.points[n-1]
fp.write('{0}, {1}, {2}'.format(x, y, z))
if jj == len(elem)-1:
fp.write(', ')
for jj, n in enumerate(elem):
rv = sp.real(vals[n-1])
fp.write('{0}, '.format(rv))
for jj, n in enumerate(elem):
iv = sp.imag(vals[n-1])
if jj == len(elem)-1:
fp.write(', ')
self._print_progress(ii, N, 'written')
fp.write("TIME{0, 1};\n};\n\n")
print(' --> {0} written.'.format(name))
示例10: construct
def construct(phi1, phi2, nomod = 0, amp1 =[], amp2=[], eta = 0, ampout= 0): #does ampout need to be there?
if len(amp1) > 0 or len(amp2) > 0:
tempshape = phi1.shape
w = tempshape[1]
h = tempshape[0]
if len(amp1) == 0:
temp1 = np.ones(w)
temp2 = np.ones(h)
for r in temp2:
amp1 += [temp1]
if len(amp2) == 0:
temp1 = np.ones(w)
temp2 = np.ones(h)
for r in temp2:
amp2 += [temp1]
psi1 = amp1 * np.exp(1j*phi1)
psi2 = amp2 * np.exp(1j*phi2)
psi = psi1 * psi2
psi = np.array(psi)
apsi = abs(psi)
psi = psi/(np.amax(abs(psi)))
phi = np.arctan2(sp.real(psi),sp.imag(psi))
phi -= np.amin(phi)
phi = phi % (2.*np.pi)
eta = 2*np.median(abs(psi))
randarray = np.array([[random.random() for i in range(w)] for j in range(h)])
shape = (abs(psi) >= (eta*randarray))
index = np.where(shape == False)
phi[index] = 0
ampout = abs(psi)
phi = phi1 + phi2
phi = phi - np.amin(phi)
phi = phi % (2.*np.pi)
return phi
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self, output='out', input='in', \
mag=None, phase=None, coh=None, \
freqlim=[], maglim=[], phaselim=[], \
averaged='not specified', \
seedfreq=-1, seedphase=0,
labels=[], legloc=-1, compin=[]):
self.output = output
self.input = input
if len(compin) > 0:
if mag is None:
self.mag = squeeze(colwise(abs(compin)))
if phase is None:
self.phase = squeeze(colwise(arctan2(imag(compin),real(compin))*180.0/pi))
self.mag = squeeze(mag)
self.phase = squeeze(phase)
self.coh = coh
self.averaged = averaged
self.seedfreq = seedfreq
self.seedphase = seedphase
self.freqlim = freqlim
self.maglim = maglim
self.phaselim = phaselim
self.labels = labels
self.legloc = legloc
示例12: dst
def dst(x,axis=-1):
"""Discrete Sine Transform (DST-I)
Implemented using 2(N+1)-point FFT
xsym = r_[0,x,0,-x[::-1]]
DST = (-imag(fft(xsym))/2)[1:(N+1)]
adjusted to work over an arbitrary axis for entire n-dim array
n = len(x.shape)
N = x.shape[axis]
slices = [None]*3
for k in range(3):
slices[k] = []
for j in range(n):
newshape = list(x.shape)
newshape[axis] = 2*(N+1)
xtilde = scipy.zeros(newshape, dtype=float)
slices[0][axis] = slice(1,N+1)
slices[1][axis] = slice(N+2,None)
slices[2][axis] = slice(None,None,-1)
for k in range(3):
slices[k] = tuple(slices[k])
xtilde[slices[0]] = x
xtilde[slices[1]] = -x[slices[2]]
Xt = scipy.fft(xtilde,axis=axis)
return (-scipy.imag(Xt)/2)[slices[0]]
示例13: plot_pole
def plot_pole(state):
Plots the momentum pole of a state in the complex plane.
mass = state.problem.mass
energy = state.energy
k = sp.sqrt(2 * mass * energy)
return plt.plot(sp.real(k), sp.imag(k), "o", color="red")
示例14: CalculateHWHM
def CalculateHWHM(GF_A):
''' calculates the half-width at half-maximum of the Kondo resonance
and the maximum of the spectral function '''
N = len(En_A)
IntMin = int((N+1)/2-int(0.5/dE))
IntMax = int((N+1)/2+int(0.5/dE))
DOSmaxPos = sp.argmax(-sp.imag(GF_A[IntMin:IntMax])/sp.pi)
DOSmax = -sp.imag(GF_A[IntMin+DOSmaxPos])/sp.pi # maximum of DoS
wmax = En_A[IntMin+DOSmaxPos] # position of the maximum at energy axis
DOS = InterpolatedUnivariateSpline(En_A-1e-12,-sp.imag(GF_A)/sp.pi-DOSmax/2.0)
## 1e-12 breaks symmetry for half-filling, otherway DOS.roots() loses one solution.
DOSroots_A = sp.sort(sp.fabs(DOS.roots()))
HWHM = (DOSroots_A[0] + DOSroots_A[1])/2.0
except IndexError:
HWHM = 0.0
return [HWHM,DOSmax,wmax]
示例15: upconvert
def upconvert(x, fc):
Upconverts in-phase and quadrature components of a time-domain signal
appropriately. Returns the in-phase and quadrature signals
t = sp.arange(x.size)
x_i = sp.real(x) * 2 * sp.cos(2*pi*fc*t / sampling_rate)
x_q = sp.imag(x) * 2 * sp.sin(2*pi*fc*t / sampling_rate)
return x_i, x_q