本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.factorial函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python factorial函数的具体用法?Python factorial怎么用?Python factorial使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: alpha
def alpha(k,m,n):
tau = t_intervals[n-1]
i = np.arange(m+1)[:,np.newaxis]
the_sum = np.sum((1j*k*omega)**(-m+i-1) * \
tau[:,np.newaxis]**i / factorial(i), axis=-2)
integral = -factorial(m) * np.exp(-1j * k * omega * tau) * the_sum
return integral[:,1] - integral[:,0]
示例2: Combinations
def Combinations(values, k):
"""This function outputs all possible combinations of k elements from the column vector values"""
n = len(values)
values = sp.row_stack(values)
raise ValueError, "I need a 2d column array"
if k > n:
raise ValueError, "k must be <= %d" % n
elif k<=0 or k%1 != 0:
raise ValueError, "k must be > 0"
#out = sp.array([],ndmin=2)
if k == 1:
return values
#This loop iterates through all the elements of the values that have at least
#k elements. For each element it then calls Combinations(values[i+1:], k-1) which
#returns combinations of size k-1 for the elements succeeding the current element
#We do not want to get repeats of combinations
#print "for i in range(%d)" % (n-(k-1))
for i in range(n-(k-1)):
#Calculate the number of possible combinations (to allow proper concatenation
#in the recursive call
numCombs = sp.factorial(n-i)/(sp.factorial(k-1)*sp.factorial(n-i-(k-1)))
combs = Combinations(values[i:], k-1)
ones = values[i]*sp.ones((numCombs,1))
#print "ones: %s \t\t combs: %s" % (str(ones.shape), str(combs.shape))
print combs
示例3: prehamiltonian
def prehamiltonian( genlags, EC, EJ, EL ):
### NB: omits a factor of EJ (on top of the flux dependency and the
### diagonal terms) for use as a derivative later
size = len(genlags)
hbar_w0 = sqrt( 8. * EL * EC )
phi0 = ( 8. * EC / EL ) ** .25
arg = phi0**2/2
genlags = [[ f(arg) for f in row ] for row in genlags]
ret = [ range(size) for i in range(size) ] #values set below
for row in range(size):
for col in range(size):
#the nonzero cosine elements
if (col-row)%2==0:
n = min(row,col)
m = abs(col-row)/2 # because of Hermitianness
ret[row][col] = -(-2)**-m \
* sqrt(factorial(n)/factorial(n+2*m)) \
* phi0**(2*m) * exp(phi0**2/-4) \
* genlags[n][2*m]
#the nonzero sine elements
n = min(row,col)
m = (abs(col-row)-1)/2
ret[row][col] = -(-2)**(-m) * 2**-.5 \
* sqrt(factorial(n)/factorial(n+2*m+1)) \
* phi0**(2*m+1) * exp(phi0**2/-4) \
* genlags[n][2*m+1] ## Check overall signs
return array(ret)
示例4: Combinations
def Combinations(values, k):
"""This function outputs all the possible combinations of k elements from the vector values"""
if int(k) < 0:
raise ValueError("k must a positive integer")
#Make input vectors column vectors
if values.shape == (1,values.size):
values = sp.atleast2d(values).T.copy()
out = sp.array([]).reshape(0,1)
n = max(values.shape)
if k == 1:
out = values
#the following loop interates through all the elements of the vector values that have at least k elements after them. For each element it then calls Combinations(values[i+1:], k-1) which returns combinations of size k-1 for the elements succeeding the current element. This is so that we do not get repeats of combinations
#nck = sp.misc.comb(n,k, exact=True)
#out = sp.zeros((nck, k))
for i in range(n-(k-1)):
#Calculate the number of possible combinations (to allow proper concatenation in the recursive call
nCombs = int(sp.factorial(n-i)/(sp.factorial(k-1)*sp.factorial(n-i-(k-1))))
#This is the recursive call
print Combinations(values[i+1:], k-1).reshape((-1,1))
out = sp.r_[out, sp.c_[values[i]*sp.ones((nCombs,1)), Combinations(values[i+1:], k-1).reshape(-1,1)]]
return out
示例5: _sch_lpmv
def _sch_lpmv(n,x):
Outputs array of Schmidt Seminormalized Associated Legendre Functions S_{n}^{m} for m<=n.
n : int
Degree of polynomial.
x : float
Point at which to evaluate
array of values for Legendre functions.
from scipy.special import lpmv
sch2=array([(-1.0)**m*sqrt((2.0*factorial(n-m))/factorial(n+m)) for m in range(1,n+1)])
if isinstance(x,float) or len(x)==1:
return array([sch*leg]).T
for j in range(0,len(x)):
if j==0:
return out
示例6: delta
def delta(a,b,c):
""" Calculate delta """
fac = zeros(4,long)
fac[0] = factorial(a+b-c)
fac[1] = factorial(a-b+c)
fac[2] = factorial(-a+b+c)
fac[3] = factorial(a+b+c+1)
return sqrt(prod(fac[0:3])/fac[3]);
示例7: basis2d
def basis2d(n0,n1,beta=[1.,1.]):
"""2d dimensionless Cartesian basis function"""
exp0=lambda x: beta[0] * b[0](x) * n.exp(-.5*(x**2))
exp1=lambda x: beta[1] * b[1](x) * n.exp(-.5*(x**2))
return [exp0,exp1]
示例8: bernstein
def bernstein(n):
""" Bernstein-Polynome (n!/(i!(n-i)!)* t^i (1-t)^(n-i)"""
t = linspace(0,1,20)
bmat = zeros((20,n+1))
for i in range(0,n+1):
bmat[:,i] = sp.factorial(n)/(sp.factorial(i)*sp.factorial(n-i))*t**i*(1-t)**(n-i)
return bmat
示例9: plot_messung
def plot_messung(n, t, b_len, y_lim, lens, rate):
mu, sigma = np.mean(n), np.std(n)
print "Mittelwert: %.3f" % mu
print "Varianz: %.3f Poisson: %.3f" % (sigma ** 2, mu)
print "Standardabweichung: %.3f Poisson: %.3f" % (sigma, np.sqrt(mu))
print "Standardabweichung des Mittelwerts: %.3f Poisson: %.3f" % (
sigma / np.sqrt(len(n)),
np.sqrt(mu) / np.sqrt(len(n)),
print "Gesamtanzahl der Ereignisse:", np.sum(n)
print "mittlere Zaehlrate: %.3f 1/s" % (np.mean(n) / (rate))
print "Standardabweichung der Zaehlrate: %.3f 1/s" % (np.std(n) / rate)
print "Standardabweichung der mittleren Zaehlrate: %.3f 1/s" % (np.std(n) / rate / np.sqrt(len(n)))
print "Schiefe: %.3f Poisson: %.3f" % (np.mean((n - n.mean()) ** 3) / sigma ** 3, 1 / np.sqrt(mu))
print "Kurtosis: %.3f Poisson: %.3f" % (np.mean((n - n.mean()) ** 4) / sigma ** 4 - 3, 1 / (mu))
print ""
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16, 12))
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
# the histogram of the data
n, bins, patches = ax.hist(n, lens, normed=1, facecolor="yellow", alpha=0.75)
bincenters = 0.5 * (bins[1:] + bins[:-1])
b = np.linspace(0, b_len, 1000)
b2 = np.arange(0, b_len, 1) + 0.5
# add a 'best fit' line for the normal PDF
# y = mlab.normpdf( b, mu, sigma)
# y2 =mlab.normpdf( b2, mu, sigma)
# l = ax.plot(b, y, 'b--', linewidth=1)
poisson = lambda k: 1.0 / (sc.factorial(k) * np.exp(mu)) * mu ** k
poisson2 = lambda k: 1.0 / (sc.factorial(k) * np.exp(mu + sigma)) * (mu + sigma) ** k
poisson3 = lambda k: 1.0 / (sc.factorial(k) * np.exp(mu - sigma)) * (mu - sigma) ** k
normal_k = lambda k: 1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * mu) * np.exp(-(k - mu) ** 2 / (2 * mu))
normal_k2 = (
lambda k: 1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (mu + sigma)) * np.exp(-(k - (mu + sigma)) ** 2 / (2 * (mu + sigma)))
normal_k3 = (
lambda k: 1.0 / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * (mu - sigma)) * np.exp(-(k - (mu - sigma)) ** 2 / (2 * (mu - sigma)))
nk = ax.plot(b, normal_k(b), "g--", linewidth=1)
nk = ax.plot(b, normal_k2(b), "g--", linewidth=1)
nk = ax.plot(b, normal_k3(b), "g--", linewidth=1)
p = ax.plot(b, poisson(b), "r--", linewidth=1)
p = ax.plot(b, poisson2(b), "r--", linewidth=1)
p = ax.plot(b, poisson3(b), "r--", linewidth=1)
l = ax.scatter(b2, normal_k(b2), marker="x", c="b")
p = ax.scatter(b2, poisson(b2), marker="x", c="b")
ax.set_xlabel("Anzahl der Impulse")
plt.xlim(0, b_len)
plt.ylim(0, y_lim)
示例10: dimBasis2d
def dimBasis2d(n0,n1,beta=[1.,1.],phs=[1.,1.]):
"""2d dimensional Cartesian basis function of characteristic size beta
phs: additional phase factor, used in the Fourier Transform"""
exp0=lambda x: b[0](x/beta[0]) * n.exp(-.5*((x/beta[0])**2)) * phs[0]
exp1=lambda x: b[1](x/beta[1]) * n.exp(-.5*((x/beta[1])**2)) * phs[1]
return [exp0,exp1]
示例11: C
def C(n, r):
if n - r > r:
num = np.prod(np.arange(n - r + 1, n+1))
den = factorial(r)
return num / den
num = np.prod(np.arange(r + 1, n+1))
den = factorial(n - r)
return num / den
示例12: plot_pdf
def plot_pdf(order, N, iterations):
order_stats = []
for it in range(iterations):
numbers = [np.random.uniform(0,1) for i in range(N)]
n, bins, patches = plt.hist(order_stats, iterations/20, normed=1, facecolor='green')
y = lambda x: int(sp.factorial(N))/(int(sp.factorial(N-order))*int(sp.factorial(order-1))) * x**(order-1) * (1-x)**(N-order)
plt.plot(bins, y(bins), 'r--', linewidth=3)
示例13: factorialQuotient
def factorialQuotient(numerator, denominator):
diff = numerator - denominator
if diff > 0:
result = factorial(diff)
result = 1.0 / factorial(-diff)
return result
示例14: Wigner6j
def Wigner6j(j1,j2,j3,J1,J2,J3):
# Calculating the Wigner6j-Symbols using the Racah-Formula
# Author: Ulrich Krohn
# Date: 13th November 2009
# Based upon Wigner3j.m from David Terr, Raytheon
# Reference: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/Wigner6j-Symbol.html
# Usage:
# from wigner import Wigner6j
# WignerReturn = Wigner6j(j1,j2,j3,J1,J2,J3)
# / j1 j2 j3 \
# < >
# \ J1 J2 J3 /
# Check that the js and Js are only integer or half integer
if ( ( 2*j1 != round(2*j1) ) | ( 2*j2 != round(2*j2) ) | ( 2*j2 != round(2*j2) ) | ( 2*J1 != round(2*J1) ) | ( 2*J2 != round(2*J2) ) | ( 2*J3 != round(2*J3) ) ):
print 'All arguments must be integers or half-integers.'
return -1
# Check if the 4 triads ( (j1 j2 j3), (j1 J2 J3), (J1 j2 J3), (J1 J2 j3) ) satisfy the triangular inequalities
if ( ( abs(j1-j2) > j3 ) | ( j1+j2 < j3 ) | ( abs(j1-J2) > J3 ) | ( j1+J2 < J3 ) | ( abs(J1-j2) > J3 ) | ( J1+j2 < J3 ) | ( abs(J1-J2) > j3 ) | ( J1+J2 < j3 ) ):
print '6j-Symbol is not triangular!'
return 0
# Check if the sum of the elements of each traid is an integer
if ( ( 2*(j1+j2+j3) != round(2*(j1+j2+j3)) ) | ( 2*(j1+J2+J3) != round(2*(j1+J2+J3)) ) | ( 2*(J1+j2+J3) != round(2*(J1+j2+J3)) ) | ( 2*(J1+J2+j3) != round(2*(J1+J2+j3)) ) ):
print '6j-Symbol is not triangular!'
return 0
# Arguments for the factorials
t1 = j1+j2+j3
t2 = j1+J2+J3
t3 = J1+j2+J3
t4 = J1+J2+j3
t5 = j1+j2+J1+J2
t6 = j2+j3+J2+J3
t7 = j1+j3+J1+J3
# Finding summation borders
tmin = max(0, max(t1, max(t2, max(t3,t4))))
tmax = min(t5, min(t6,t7))
tvec = arange(tmin,tmax+1,1)
# Calculation the sum part of the 6j-Symbol
WignerReturn = 0
for t in tvec:
WignerReturn += (-1)**t*factorial(t+1)/( factorial(t-t1)*factorial(t-t2)*factorial(t-t3)*factorial(t-t4)*factorial(t5-t)*factorial(t6-t)*factorial(t7-t) )
# Calculation of the 6j-Symbol
return WignerReturn*sqrt( TriaCoeff(j1,j2,j3)*TriaCoeff(j1,J2,J3)*TriaCoeff(J1,j2,J3)*TriaCoeff(J1,J2,j3) )
示例15: multivariate_polya_vectorized
def multivariate_polya_vectorized(x,alpha):
"""Multivariate Pólya PDF. Vectorized implementation.
x = np.atleast_1d(x)
alpha = np.atleast_1d(alpha)
N = x.sum()
A = alpha.sum()
likelihood = factorial(N) / factorial(x).prod() * gamma(A) / gamma(N + A)
likelihood *= (gamma(x + alpha) / gamma(alpha)).prod()
return likelihood