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Python scipy.empty函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.empty函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python empty函数的具体用法?Python empty怎么用?Python empty使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: v1like_filter

def v1like_filter(hin, conv_mode, filterbank, use_cache=False):
    """ V1LIKE linear filtering
    Perform separable convolutions on an image with a set of filters

      hin -- input image (a 2-dimensional array)
      filterbank -- TODO list of tuples with 1d filters (row, col)
                    used to perform separable convolution
      use_cache -- Boolean, use internal fft_cache (works _well_ if the input
      shapes don't vary much, otherwise you'll blow away the memory)

      hout -- a 3-dimensional array with outputs of the filters
              (width X height X n_filters)


    nfilters = len(filterbank)

    filt0 = filterbank[0]
    fft_shape = N.array(hin.shape) + N.array(filt0.shape) - 1
    hin_fft = scipy.signal.fftn(hin, fft_shape)

    if conv_mode == "valid":
        hout_shape = list( N.array(hin.shape[:2]) - N.array(filt0.shape[:2]) + 1 ) + [nfilters]
        hout_new = N.empty(hout_shape, 'f')
        begy = filt0.shape[0]
        endy = begy + hout_shape[0]
        begx = filt0.shape[1]
        endx = begx + hout_shape[1]
    elif conv_mode == "same":
        hout_shape = hin.shape[:2] + (nfilters,)
        hout_new = N.empty(hout_shape, 'f')
        begy = filt0.shape[0] / 2
        endy = begy + hout_shape[0]
        begx = filt0.shape[1] / 2
        endx = begx + hout_shape[1]
        raise NotImplementedError

    for i in xrange(nfilters):
        filt = filterbank[i]

        if use_cache:
            key = (filt.tostring(), tuple(fft_shape))
            if key in fft_cache:
                filt_fft = fft_cache[key]
                filt_fft = scipy.signal.fftn(filt, fft_shape)
                fft_cache[key] = filt_fft
            filt_fft = scipy.signal.fftn(filt, fft_shape)

        res_fft = scipy.signal.ifftn(hin_fft*filt_fft)
        res_fft = res_fft[begy:endy, begx:endx]
        hout_new[:,:,i] = N.real(res_fft)

    hout = hout_new

    return hout

示例2: find_direction

    def find_direction(self, grad_diffs, steps, grad, hessian_diag, idxs):
        grad = grad.copy()  # We will change this.
        n_current_factors = len(idxs)

        # TODO: find a good name for this variable.
        rho = scipy.empty(n_current_factors)

        # TODO: vectorize this function
        for i in idxs:
            rho[i] = 1 / scipy.inner(grad_diffs[i], steps[i])

        # TODO: find a good name for this variable as well.
        alpha = scipy.empty(n_current_factors)

        for i in idxs[::-1]:
            alpha[i] = rho[i] * scipy.inner(steps[i], grad)
            grad -= alpha[i] * grad_diffs[i]
        z = hessian_diag * grad

        # TODO: find a good name for this variable (surprise!)
        beta = scipy.empty(n_current_factors)

        for i in idxs:
            beta[i] = rho[i] * scipy.inner(grad_diffs[i], z)
            z += steps[i] * (alpha[i] - beta[i])

        return z, {}

示例3: setUp

 def setUp(self):
     # Make a positive definite noise matrix, clean map, and dirty_map.
     self.nra = 10
     self.ndec = 5
     self.nf = 20
     self.shape = (self.nf, self.nra, self.ndec)
     self.size = self.nra * self.ndec * self.nf
     # Clean map.
     clean_map = sp.empty(self.shape, dtype=float)
     clean_map = al.make_vect(clean_map, axis_names=('freq', 'ra', 'dec'))
     clean_map[...] = sp.sin(sp.arange(self.nf))[:,None,None]
     clean_map *= sp.cos(sp.arange(self.nra))[:,None]
     clean_map *= sp.cos(sp.arange(self.ndec))
     # Noise inverse matrix.
     noise_inv = sp.empty(self.shape * 2, dtype=float)
     noise_inv = al.make_mat(noise_inv, axis_names=('freq', 'ra', 'dec')*2,
                             row_axes=(0, 1, 2), col_axes=(3, 4, 5))
     rand_mat = rand.randn(*((self.size,) * 2))
     information_factor = 1.e6  # K**-2
     rand_mat = sp.dot(rand_mat, rand_mat.transpose()) * information_factor
     noise_inv.flat[...] = rand_mat.flat
     # Dirty map.
     dirty_map = al.partial_dot(noise_inv, clean_map)
     # Store in self.
     self.clean_map = clean_map
     self.noise_inv = noise_inv
     self.dirty_map = dirty_map

示例4: deref_array

def deref_array(data, file):
    """Take an array of references and dereference them"""
    ret = sp.empty(shape=data.shape, dtype='object')
    if len(data.shape) > 1:
        for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
            for j in xrange(data.shape[1]):
                ref = data[i, j]
                dref = h5py.h5r.dereference(ref, file._id)
                if isinstance(dref, h5py.h5g.GroupID):
                    ret[i, j] = get_data(dref)
                    ret[i, j] = sp.empty(dref.shape, dtype=dref.dtype)
                    dref.read(h5py.h5s.ALL, h5py.h5s.ALL, ret[i, j])
                    ret[i, j] = ret[i, j].T
                if isinstance(ret[i, j], sp.ndarray):
                    shp = ret[i, j].shape
                    if len(shp) == 2 and isinstance(ret[i, j][0, 0], h5py.h5r.Reference):
                        ret[i, j] = deref_array(ret[i, j], file)
                    elif len(shp) == 1 and isinstance(ret[i, j][0], h5py.h5r.Reference):
                        ret[i, j] = deref_array(ret[i, j], file)
        for i in xrange(data.shape[0]):
            ref = data[i]
            dref = h5py.h5r.dereference(ref, file._id)
            ret[i] = sp.empty(dref.shape, dtype=dref.dtype)
            dref.read(h5py.h5s.ALL, h5py.h5s.ALL, ret[i])
            ret[i] = ret[i].T
            if isinstance(ret[i], sp.ndarray):
                shp = ret[i].shape
                if len(shp) == 2 and isinstance(ret[i][0, 0], h5py.h5r.Reference):
                    ret[i] = deref_array(ret[i], file)
                elif len(shp) == 1 and isinstance(ret[i][0], h5py.h5r.Reference):
                    ret[i] = deref_array(ret[i], file)
    return ret

示例5: block_structure5

def block_structure5(T):
    computes the block structure of the upper quasi-triangular matrix T
    m is the number of diagonal blocks
    bb is the array containing the begin of each block
    eb is the array containing the end of each block + 1
    s is an array containing the sizes of the diagonal blocks
    n = len(T)
    tol = 1e-15
    i,j = 0,0
    bb = sp.empty(n,dtype="int")
    eb = sp.empty(n,dtype="int")
    s  = sp.empty(n,dtype="int")
    while i < n-1:
        bb[j] = i
        if abs(T[i+1,i])<tol:
            i +=1
            s[j] = 1
            eb[j] = i
            i +=2
            s[j] = 2
            eb[j] = i
        j += 1
    if i == n-1:
        bb[j],eb[j] = i,i+1
        s[j] = 1
    bb = bb[0:j]
    eb = eb[0:j]
    s = s[0:j]
    return j, bb, eb, s

示例6: _init_arrays

    def _init_arrays(self):
        super(EvoMPS_TDVP_Generic, self)._init_arrays()
        #Make indicies correspond to the thesis
        self.K = sp.empty((self.N + 1), dtype=sp.ndarray) #Elements 1..N
        self.C = sp.empty((self.N), dtype=sp.ndarray) #Elements 1..N-1 

        for n in xrange(1, self.N + 1):
            self.K[n] = sp.zeros((self.D[n - 1], self.D[n - 1]), dtype=self.typ, order=self.odr)    
            if n <= self.N - self.ham_sites + 1:
                ham_shape = []
                for i in xrange(self.ham_sites):
                    ham_shape.append(self.q[n + i])
                C_shape = tuple(ham_shape + [self.D[n - 1], self.D[n - 1 + self.ham_sites]])
                self.C[n] = sp.empty(C_shape, dtype=self.typ, order=self.odr)
        self.eta = sp.zeros((self.N + 1), dtype=self.typ)
        """The per-site contributions to the norm of the TDVP tangent vector 
           (projection of the exact time evolution onto the MPS tangent plane. 
           Only available after calling take_step()."""
        self.h_expect = sp.zeros((self.N + 1), dtype=self.typ)
        """The local energy expectation values (of each Hamiltonian term), 
           available after calling update() or calc_K()."""
        self.H_expect = sp.NaN
        """The energy expectation value, available after calling update()

示例7: _create_block

 def _create_block(self, block_size, order, dtype):
     matches_order = self.is_col_major == (order =="F")
     opposite_order = "C" if order == "F" else "F"
     if matches_order:
         return np.empty([len(self._row),block_size], dtype=dtype, order=order), order
         return np.empty([len(self._row),block_size], dtype=dtype, order=opposite_order), opposite_order

示例8: plot_optimal_tau_for_mean_uncertainty_reduction

def plot_optimal_tau_for_mean_uncertainty_reduction(
        results_for_exp, results_for_exp_inftau):
    """ Plot the optimal tau for the mean of uncertainty reduction.

    :param results_for_exp: The results of one experiment as 4-D array of the
        shape (metrics, z-values, tau-values, experimental repetitions).
    :type results_for_exp: 4-D array
    :param result_list_inftau: The results of one experiment for `tau = inf` as
        3-D array of the shape (metrics, z-values, experimental repetitions).
    :type results_for_exp_inftau: 3-D array.
    values = sp.empty((results_for_exp.shape[0], results_for_exp.shape[1]))
    err = sp.empty((results_for_exp.shape[0], results_for_exp.shape[1], 2, 1))
    mark = sp.empty((results_for_exp.shape[0], results_for_exp.shape[1]))
    for m, metric in enumerate(cfg['metrics']):
        for z in xrange(len(cfg['zs'])):
            r = sp.mean(results_for_exp[m, z], axis=1)
            mark[m, z] = r.max()
            values[m, z] = sp.mean(cfg['time_scales'][r == r.max()]).magnitude
            r = cfg['time_scales'][r > 0.8 * r.max()]
            err[m, z, 0] = values[m, z] - min(r).magnitude
            err[m, z, 1] = max(r).magnitude + values[m, z]
    plot_param_per_metric_and_z(values, err)
        sp.mean(results_for_exp_inftau, axis=2) >= mark)

示例9: estimateBeta

def estimateBeta(X,Y,K,C=None,addBiasTerm=False,numintervals0=100,ldeltamin0=-5.0,ldeltamax0=5.0):
    """ compute all pvalues
    If numintervalsAlt==0 use EMMA-X trick (keep delta fixed over alternative models)
    if (C==None):
        if (addBiasTerm):
    beta = SP.empty((n_pheno,s,n_covar+1));
    for phen in SP.arange(n_pheno):
        for snp in SP.arange(s):
            nLL_, beta_, sigg2_=nLLeval(ldelta[phen,snp],UY_,UX_,S,MLparams=True);
    return beta, ldelta

示例10: learn_gmm

 def learn_gmm(self,x,y,tau=None):
     Function that learns the GMM from training samples
         It is possible to add a regularizer term Sigma = Sigma + tau*I 
         x : the training samples
         y :  the labels
         tau : the value of the regularizer, if tau = None (default) no regularization
         the mean, covariance and proportion of each class
     ## Get information from the data
     C = int(y.max(0))   # Number of classes
     n = x.shape[0]  # Number of samples
     d = x.shape[1]  # Number of variables
     ## Initialization
     self.ni = sp.empty((C,1))    # Vector of number of samples for each class
     self.prop = sp.empty((C,1))  # Vector of proportion
     self.mean = sp.empty((C,d))  # Vector of means
     self.cov = sp.empty((C,d,d)) # Matrix of covariance
     ## Learn the parameter of the model for each class
     for i in range(C):
         j = sp.where(y==(i+1))[0]
         self.ni[i] = float(j.size)    
         self.prop[i] = self.ni[i]/n
         self.mean[i,:] = sp.mean(x[j,:],axis=0)
         self.cov[i,:,:] = sp.cov(x[j,:],bias=1,rowvar=0)  # Normalize by ni to be consistent with the update formulae
     if tau is not None:
         self.tau = tau*sp.eye(d)

示例11: globs

def globs(globs):
    # setup mock urllib2 module to avoid downloading from mldata.org
    mock_datasets = {
        'mnist-original': {
            'data': sp.empty((70000, 784)),
            'label': sp.repeat(sp.arange(10, dtype='d'), 7000),
        'iris': {
            'data': sp.empty((150, 4)),
        'datasets-uci-iris': {
            'double0': sp.empty((150, 4)),
            'class': sp.empty((150,)),

    global custom_data_home
    custom_data_home = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    makedirs(join(custom_data_home, 'mldata'))
    globs['custom_data_home'] = custom_data_home

    global _urllib2_ref
    _urllib2_ref = datasets.mldata.urllib2
    globs['_urllib2_ref'] = _urllib2_ref
    globs['mock_urllib2'] = mock_urllib2(mock_datasets)
    return globs

示例12: crossValidate

def crossValidate(y, X, K=None, folds=3, model=None, returnModel=False):
    errors =  SP.empty(folds)
    n = y.shape[0]
    indexes = crossValidationScheme(folds,n)
    predictions = SP.empty(y.shape)
    alpha = []
    alphas = []
    msePath = []
    for cvRun in SP.arange(len(indexes)):
        testIndexes = indexes[cvRun]
        yTrain = y[~testIndexes]
        XTrain = X[~testIndexes]
        if K == None:
            model.fit(XTrain, yTrain)
            prediction = SP.reshape(model.predict(X[testIndexes]), (-1,1))
        else: # models having population structure
            KTrain = K[~testIndexes]
            KTrain = KTrain[:,~testIndexes]
            model.kernel = KTrain #TODO: make nice integration
            model.fit(XTrain, yTrain)
            prediction = SP.reshape(model.predict(X[testIndexes], k=KTest), (-1,1))
        predictions[testIndexes] = prediction
        errors[cvRun] = predictionError(y[testIndexes], prediction)
        print(('prediction error right now is', errors[cvRun]))
        if returnModel:
    if returnModel:
        return indexes, predictions, errors, alpha, alphas, msePath
        return indexes, predictions, errors

示例13: max_filter_bord

def max_filter_bord(im, size=3):
    """The function performs a local max filter on a flat image. Border's
    pixels are processed.

    im: the image to process
    size: the size in pixels of the local square window. Default value is 3.
    out: the filtered image

    ## Get the size of the image
    [nl, nc, d] = im.shape

    ## Get the size of the moving window
    s = (size - 1) / 2

    ## Initialization of the output
    out = sp.empty((nl, nc, d), dtype=im.dtype.name)
    temp = sp.empty((nl + 2 * s, nc + 2 * s, d), dtype=im.dtype.name)  # A temporary file is created
    temp[0:s, :, :] = sp.NaN
    temp[:, 0:s, :] = sp.NaN
    temp[-s:, :, :] = sp.NaN
    temp[:, -s:, :] = sp.NaN
    temp[s : s + nl, s:nc, :] = im

    ## Apply the max filter
    for i in range(s, nl + s):  # Shift the origin to remove border effect
        for j in range(s, nc + s):
            for k in range(d):
                out[i - s, j - s, k] = sp.nanmax(temp[i - s : i + 1 + s, j - s : j + s + 1, k])

    return out.astype(im.dtype.name)

示例14: rebin

def rebin(Data, n_bins_combined) :
    """The function that acctually does the rebinning on a Data Block."""
    nt = Data.data.shape[0]
    new_nt = nt // n_bins_combined
    new_shape = (new_nt,) + Data.data.shape[1:]
    unmask = sp.logical_not(ma.getmaskarray(Data.data))
    data = Data.data.filled(0)
    # Allowcate memeory for the rebinned data.
    new_data = ma.zeros(new_shape, dtype=data.dtype)
    counts = sp.zeros(new_shape, dtype=int)
    # Add up the bins to be combined.
    for ii in range(n_bins_combined):
        new_data += data[ii:new_nt * n_bins_combined:n_bins_combined,...]
        counts += unmask[ii:new_nt * n_bins_combined:n_bins_combined,...]
    new_data[counts == 0] = ma.masked
    counts[counts == 0] = 1
    new_data /= counts
    # Now deal with all the other records that aren't the main data.
    for field_name in Data.field.iterkeys():
        # DATE-OBS is a string field so we have to write special code for it.
        if field_name == "DATE-OBS":
            time_field = Data.field[field_name]
            new_field = sp.empty(new_nt, dtype=Data.field[field_name].dtype)
            # Convert to float, average, then convert back to a string.
            time_float = utils.time2float(time_field)
            for ii in range(new_nt):
                tmp_time = sp.mean(time_float[n_bins_combined * ii
                                              : n_bins_combined * (ii + 1)])
                new_field[ii] = utils.float2time(tmp_time)
            Data.set_field(field_name, new_field, 
        # Only change fields that have a 'time' axis.
            time_axis = list(Data.field_axes[field_name]).index('time')
        except ValueError:
        # For now, the time axis has to be the first axis.
        if time_axis != 0:
            msg = "Expected time to be the first axis for all fields."
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)
        field_data = Data.field[field_name]
        if not field_data.dtype.name == "float64":
            msg = "Field data type is not float. Handle explicitly."
            raise NotImplementedError(msg)
        new_field = sp.empty(field_data.shape[:time_axis] + (new_nt,) 
                             + field_data.shape[time_axis + 1:],
        for ii in range(new_nt):
            tmp_data = sp.sum(field_data[n_bins_combined * ii
                                         :n_bins_combined * (ii + 1),...], 0)
            tmp_data /= n_bins_combined
            new_field[ii,...] = tmp_data
        Data.set_field(field_name, new_field, 

示例15: create_block

 def create_block(self, blocksize, dtype, order):
     N_original = len(self.original_iids) #similar code else where -- make a method
     matches_order = self.is_snp_major == (order =="F") #similar code else where -- make a method
     opposite_order = "C" if order == "F" else "F"#similar code else where -- make a method
     if matches_order:
         return sp.empty([N_original,blocksize], dtype=dtype, order=order)
         return sp.empty([N_original,blocksize], dtype=dtype, order=opposite_order)
