本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.diag函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python diag函数的具体用法?Python diag怎么用?Python diag使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: orlancz
def orlancz(A, v0, k):
full orthogonalized Lanczos algorithm (Krylov approximation of a matrix)
A: matrix to approximate
v0: initial vector (should be in matrix form)
k: number of Krylov steps
V: matrix (large, N*k) containing the orthogonal vectors
H: matrix (small, k*k) containing the Krylov approximation of A
Author: Vasile Gradinaru, 21.10.2008 (Zuerich)
from numpy import finfo, sqrt
reps = 10*sqrt(finfo(float).eps)
V = mat( v0.copy() / norm(v0) )
alpha = zeros(k)
beta = zeros(k+1)
for m in xrange(k):
#vt = A * V[ :, m]
vt = multMv( A , V[ :, m])
if m > 0: vt -= beta[m] * V[:, m-1]
alpha[m] = (V[:, m].H * vt )[0, 0]
vt -= alpha[m] * V[:, m]
beta[m+1] = norm(vt)
# reortogonalization
h1 = multMv(V.H, vt)
vt -= multMv(V, h1)
if norm(h1) > reps: vt -= multMv(V, (multMv(V.H,vt)))
V = hstack( (V, vt.copy() / beta[m+1] ) )
rbeta = beta[1:-1]
H = diag(alpha) + diag(rbeta, 1) + diag(rbeta, -1)
return V, H
示例2: lanczos
def lanczos(A, v0, k):
Lanczos algorithm (Krylov approximation of a matrix)
A: matrix to approximate
v0: initial vector (should be in matrix form)
k: number of Krylov steps
V: matrix (large, N*k) containing the orthogonal vectors
H: matrix (small, k*k) containing the Krylov approximation of A
Author: Vasile Gradinaru, 14.12.2007 (Rennes)
V = mat( v0.copy() / norm(v0) )
alpha = zeros(k)
beta = zeros(k+1)
for m in xrange(k):
vt = multMv( A , V[ :, m])
#vt = A * V[ :, m]
if m > 0: vt -= beta[m] * V[:, m-1]
alpha[m] = (V[:, m].H * vt )[0, 0]
vt -= alpha[m] * V[:, m]
beta[m+1] = norm(vt)
V = hstack( (V, vt.copy() / beta[m+1] ) )
rbeta = beta[1:-1]
H = diag(alpha) + diag(rbeta, 1) + diag(rbeta, -1)
return V, H
示例3: LMLdebug
def LMLdebug(self):
LML function for debug
assert self.N*self.P<5000, 'gp2kronSum:: N*P>=5000'
y = SP.reshape(self.Y,(self.N*self.P), order='F')
V = SP.kron(SP.eye(self.P),self.F)
XX = SP.dot(self.Xr,self.Xr.T)
K = SP.kron(self.Cr.K(),XX)
K += SP.kron(self.Cn.K()+self.offset*SP.eye(self.P),SP.eye(self.N))
# inverse of K
cholK = LA.cholesky(K)
Ki = LA.cho_solve((cholK,False),SP.eye(self.N*self.P))
# Areml and inverse
Areml = SP.dot(V.T,SP.dot(Ki,V))
cholAreml = LA.cholesky(Areml)
Areml_i = LA.cho_solve((cholAreml,False),SP.eye(self.K*self.P))
# effect sizes and z
b = SP.dot(Areml_i,SP.dot(V.T,SP.dot(Ki,y)))
z = y-SP.dot(V,b)
Kiz = SP.dot(Ki,z)
# lml
lml = y.shape[0]*SP.log(2*SP.pi)
lml += 2*SP.log(SP.diag(cholK)).sum()
lml += 2*SP.log(SP.diag(cholAreml)).sum()
lml += SP.dot(z,Kiz)
lml *= 0.5
return lml
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self,data,cov_matrix=False,loc=None):
data : array of data, shape=(number points,number dim)
If cov_matrix is True then data is the covariance matrix (see below)
cov_matrix : bool (optional)
If True data is treated as a covariance matrix with shape=(number dim, number dim)
loc : the mean of the data if a covarinace matrix is given, shape=(number dim)
if cov_matrix:
self.n,self.dim=data.shape #the shape of input data
self.mu=data.mean(axis=0) #the mean of the data
self.data_t=data-self.mu #remove the mean
self.evec,eval,V=sl.svd(self.data_t.T,full_matrices=False) #get the eigenvectors (axes of the ellipsoid)
data_p=dot(self.data_t,self.evec) #project the data onto the eigenvectors
self.sigma=data_p.std(axis=0) #get the spread of the distribution (the axis ratos for the ellipsoid)
self.Sigma=diag(1./self.sigma) #the eigenvalue matrix for the ellipsoid equation
self.B=dot(self.evec,self.Sigma) #used in the ellipsoid equation
self.Binv=sl.inv(self.B) #also useful to have around
示例5: newEpisode
def newEpisode(self):
if self.learning:
params = ravel(self.explorationlayer.module.params)
target = ravel(sum(self.history.getSequence(self.history.getNumSequences()-1)[2]) / 500)
if target != 0.0:
self.gp.addSample(params, target)
if len(self.gp.trainx) > 20:
self.gp.trainx = self.gp.trainx[-20:, :]
self.gp.trainy = self.gp.trainy[-20:]
self.gp.noise = self.gp.noise[-20:]
# get new parameters where mean was highest
max_cov = diag(self.gp.pred_cov).max()
indices = where(diag(self.gp.pred_cov) == max_cov)[0]
pick = indices[random.randint(len(indices))]
new_param = self.gp.testx[pick]
# check if that one exists already in gp training set
if len(where(self.gp.trainx == new_param)[0]) > 0:
# add some normal noise to it
new_param += random.normal(0, 1, len(new_param))
# don't call StateDependentAgent.newEpisode() because it randomizes the params
示例6: diag_Ctilde_o_Sr
def diag_Ctilde_o_Sr(self, i):
if i < self.Cg.getNumberParams():
r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCgLc(i)), self.Sr())
_i = i - self.Cg.getNumberParams()
r = sp.kron(sp.diag(self.LcGradCnLc(_i)), sp.ones(self.dim_r))
return r
示例7: _LMLgrad_lik
def _LMLgrad_lik(self,hyperparams):
"""derivative of the likelihood parameters"""
logtheta = hyperparams['covar']
KV = self.get_covariances(hyperparams)
except linalg.LinAlgError:
LG.error("exception caught (%s)" % (str(hyperparams)))
return 1E6
#loop through all dimensions
#logdet term:
Kd = 2*KV['Knoise']
dldet = 0.5*(Kd*KV['Si']).sum(axis=0)
#quadratic term
y_roti = KV['y_roti']
dlquad = -0.5 * (y_roti * Kd * y_roti).sum(axis=0)
dldet_ = SP.zeros([self.d])
dlquad_ = SP.zeros([self.d])
for d in xrange(self.d):
_K = KV['K'] + SP.diag(KV['Knoise'][:,d])
_Ki = SP.linalg.inv(_K)
dldet_[d] = 0.5* SP.dot(_Ki,SP.diag(Kd[:,d])).trace()
dlquad_[d] = -0.5*SP.dot(self.y[:,d],SP.dot(_Ki,SP.dot(SP.diag(Kd[:,d]),SP.dot(_Ki,self.y[:,d]))))
assert (SP.absolute(dldet-dldet_)<1E-3).all(), 'outch'
assert (SP.absolute(dlquad-dlquad_)<1E-3).all(), 'outch'
LMLgrad = dldet + dlquad
RV = {'lik': LMLgrad}
return RV
示例8: build_sample_nn
def build_sample_nn():
means = [(-1,0),(2,4),(3,1)]
cov = [diag([1,1]), diag([0.5,1.2]), diag([1.5,0.7])]
alldata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3)
for n in xrange(400):
for klass in range(3):
input = multivariate_normal(means[klass],cov[klass])
alldata.addSample(input, [klass])
tstdata_temp, trndata_temp = alldata.splitWithProportion(0.25)
tstdata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3)
for n in xrange(0, tstdata_temp.getLength()):
tstdata.addSample( tstdata_temp.getSample(n)[0], tstdata_temp.getSample(n)[1] )
trndata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3)
for n in xrange(0, trndata_temp.getLength()):
trndata.addSample( trndata_temp.getSample(n)[0], trndata_temp.getSample(n)[1] )
trndata._convertToOneOfMany( )
tstdata._convertToOneOfMany( )
fnn = buildNetwork( trndata.indim, 5, trndata.outdim, outclass=SoftmaxLayer )
trainer = BackpropTrainer( fnn, dataset=trndata, momentum=0.1, verbose=True, weightdecay=0.01)
return trainer, fnn, tstdata
示例9: get_whitener
def get_whitener( A, k ):
"""Return the matrix W that whitens A, i.e. W^T A W = I. Assumes A
is k-rank"""
U, D, V = svdk(A, k)
Ds = sqrt(D)
Di = 1./Ds
return U.dot(diag(Di)), U.dot(diag(Ds))
示例10: segmented
def segmented():
radius = 5
sigmaI = 0.02
sigmaX = 3.0
height = img.shape[0]
width = img.shape[1]
flatImg = img.flatten()
darkImg = flatImg
brightImg = flatImg
nodes = img.flatten()
W = spar.lil_matrix((nodes.size, nodes.size),dtype=float)
D = sp.zeros((1,nodes.size))
for row in range(height):
for col in range(width):
for k in range(row-radius,row+radius):
for l in range(col-radius,col+radius):
w = weight(row,col,k,l)
W[row*width+col,k*width+l] = w
D[0,row*width+col] += w
D = spar.spdiags(D, 0, nodes.size, nodes.size)
Q = D - W
D1 = D.todense()
Q1 = Q.todense()
diags = sp.diag(D1)
DminusHalf = sp.diag(diags**-0.5)
segQ = sp.dot(sp.dot(DminusHalf, Q1),DminusHalf)
vals, vecs = la.eig(segQ)
vecind = sp.argsort(vals)[1]
theVec = vecs[vecind]
for i in range(0,height**2):
if theVec[i] < 0:
darkImg[i] = 0.0
brightImg[i] = 0.0
darkImg = sp.reshape(darkImg, (height,height))
brightImg = sp.reshape(brightImg, (height,height))
return darkImg, flatImg, brightImg
示例11: exact_moments
def exact_moments( A, w ):
"""Get the exact moments of a components distribution"""
k = len(w)
P = A.dot( diag( w ) ).dot( A.T )
#T = sum( [ w[i] * tensorify( A.T[i], A.T[i], A.T[i] ) for i in xrange( k ) ] )
T = lambda theta: A.dot( diag( w) ).dot( diag( A.T.dot( theta ) ) ).dot( A.T )
return P, T
示例12: MikotaPair
def MikotaPair(n):
# Mikota pair acts as a nice test since the eigenvalues
# are the squares of the integers n, n=1,2,...
x = arange(1,n+1)
B = diag(1./x)
y = arange(n-1,0,-1)
z = arange(2*n-1,0,-2)
A = diag(z)-diag(y,-1)-diag(y,1)
return A,B
示例13: MikotaPair
def MikotaPair(n, dtype=np.dtype("d")):
# Mikota pair acts as a nice test since the eigenvalues
# are the squares of the integers n, n=1,2,...
x = np.arange(1,n+1, dtype=dtype)
B = diag(1./x)
y = np.arange(n-1,0,-1, dtype=dtype)
z = np.arange(2*n-1,0,-2, dtype=dtype)
A = diag(z)-diag(y,-1)-diag(y,1)
return A, B
示例14: main
def main():
means = [(-1,0),(2,4),(3,1)]
cov = [diag([1,1]), diag([0.5,1.2]), diag([1.5,0.7])]
alldata = ClassificationDataSet(2, 1, nb_classes=3)
for n in xrange(400):
for klass in range(3):
input = multivariate_normal(means[klass],cov[klass])
alldata.addSample(input, [klass])
tstdata, trndata = alldata.splitWithProportion( 0.25 )
trndata._convertToOneOfMany( )
tstdata._convertToOneOfMany( )
print "Number of training patterns: ", len(trndata)
print "Input and output dimensions: ", trndata.indim, trndata.outdim
print "First sample (input, target, class):"
print trndata['input'][0], trndata['target'][0], trndata['class'][0]
fnn = buildNetwork( trndata.indim, 5, trndata.outdim, outclass=SoftmaxLayer )
trainer = BackpropTrainer( fnn, dataset=trndata, momentum=0.1, verbose=True, weightdecay=0.01)
ticks = arange(-3.,6.,0.2)
X, Y = meshgrid(ticks, ticks)
# need column vectors in dataset, not arrays
griddata = ClassificationDataSet(2,1, nb_classes=3)
for i in xrange(X.size):
griddata.addSample([X.ravel()[i],Y.ravel()[i]], [0])
griddata._convertToOneOfMany() # this is still needed to make the fnn feel comfy
for i in range(20):
trnresult = percentError( trainer.testOnClassData(),
trndata['class'] )
tstresult = percentError( trainer.testOnClassData(
dataset=tstdata ), tstdata['class'] )
print "epoch: %4d" % trainer.totalepochs, \
" train error: %5.2f%%" % trnresult, \
" test error: %5.2f%%" % tstresult
out = fnn.activateOnDataset(griddata)
out = out.argmax(axis=1) # the highest output activation gives the class
out = out.reshape(X.shape)
ioff() # interactive graphics off
clf() # clear the plot
hold(True) # overplot on
for c in [0,1,2]:
here, _ = where(tstdata['class']==c)
if out.max()!=out.min(): # safety check against flat field
contourf(X, Y, out) # plot the contour
ion() # interactive graphics on
draw() # update the plot
示例15: exact_moments
def exact_moments( alphas, topics ):
"""Get the exact moments of a components distribution"""
a0 = alphas.sum()
O = topics
P = 1/((a0 +1)*a0) * O.dot( diag( alphas ) ).dot( O.T )
T = lambda theta: 2/((a0+2)*(a0 +1)*a0) * O.dot( diag( O.T.dot(
theta ) ) ).dot( diag( alphas ) ).dot( O.T )
return P, T