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Python scipy.concatenate函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.concatenate函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python concatenate函数的具体用法?Python concatenate怎么用?Python concatenate使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __init__

 def __init__(self,layers,gridOpts):
   ''' Initialize the grid using the given layers and grid options.
   segments = []
   qStart   =  scipy.inf
   qEnd     = -scipy.inf
   for layer in layers:
     if layer.isQuantum:
       d1 = dn = gridOpts.dzQuantum
       segments += [self.get_dz_segment(d1,dn,layer.thickness)]
       qStart = min(qStart,sum([len(seg) for seg in segments[:-1]]))
       qEnd   = max(qEnd,  sum([len(seg) for seg in segments]))
     elif gridOpts.useFixedGrid:
       d1 = dn = gridOpts.dz
       segments += [self.get_dz_segment(d1,dn,layer.thickness)]
     elif layer.thickness*gridOpts.dzCenterFraction > gridOpts.dzEdge:
       d1 = dn = gridOpts.dzEdge
       dc = gridOpts.dzCenterFraction*layer.thickness
       segments += [self.get_dz_segment(d1,dc,layer.thickness/2),
       d1 = dn = gridOpts.dzEdge
       segments += [self.get_dz_segment(d1,dn,layer.thickness)]
   self.dz       = scipy.concatenate(segments)
   self.z        = scipy.concatenate(([0],scipy.cumsum(self.dz)))
   self.zr       = (self.z[:-1]+self.z[1:])/2
   self.znum     = len(self.z)
   self.rnum     = len(self.zr)
   self.gridOpts = gridOpts
   self.qIndex   = scipy.arange(qStart,qEnd+1)   # Wavefunction index
   self.qrIndex  = scipy.arange(qStart,qEnd)     # Quantum region index   

示例2: _initParams_fast

	def _initParams_fast(self):
		initialize the gp parameters
			1) project Y on the known factor X0 -> Y0
				average variance of Y0 is used to initialize the variance explained by X0
			2) considers the residual Y1 = Y-Y0 (this equivals to regress out X0)
			3) perform PCA on cov(Y1) and considers the first k PC for initializing X
			4) the variance of all other PCs is used to initialize the noise
			5) the variance explained by interaction is set to a small random number 
		Xd = LA.pinv(self.X0)
		Y0 = self.X0.dot(Xd.dot(self.Y))
		Y1 = self.Y-Y0
		YY = SP.cov(Y1)
		S,U = LA.eigh(YY)
		X = U[:,-self.k:]*SP.sqrt(S[-self.k:])
		a = SP.array([SP.sqrt(Y0.var(0).mean())])
		b = 1e-3*SP.randn(1)
		c = SP.array([SP.sqrt((YY-SP.dot(X,X.T)).diagonal().mean())])
		# gp hyper params
		params = limix.CGPHyperParams()
		if self.interaction:
			params['covar'] = SP.concatenate([a,X.reshape(self.N*self.k,order='F'),SP.ones(1),b])
			params['covar'] = SP.concatenate([a,X.reshape(self.N*self.k,order='F')])
		params['lik'] = c
		return params

示例3: dwt_2d

def dwt_2d(image, poly, l=1):
    Computes the discrete wavelet transform for a 2D input image
    :param image: input image to be processed
    :param poly: polyphase filter matrix cointing the lowpass and highpass coefficients
    :param l: amount of transforms to be applied
    :return: the transformed image
    assert max(mod(image.shape, 2**l)) == 0, 'image dimension ({}) does not allow for a {}-level decomposition'.format(image.shape, l)

    image_ = image.copy()
    for level in range(l):
        sub_image = image_[:(image.shape[0]/(2**level)), :(image.shape[1]/(2**level))]

        for row in range(sub_image.shape[0]):
            s = sub_image[row, :]
            a, d = dwt(s, poly)

            sub_image[row, :] = concatenate((a[newaxis, :], d[0][newaxis, :]), axis=1)

        for col in range(sub_image.shape[1]):
            s = sub_image[:, col]
            a, d = dwt(s, poly)

            sub_image[:, col] = concatenate((a, d[0]), axis=0)

    return image_

示例4: idwt

def idwt(a, d, poly, l=1):
    Computes the inverse discrete wavelet transform for a 1D signal
    :param a: the approximation coefficients at the deepest level
    :param d: a list of detail coefficients for each level
    :param poly: polyphase filter matrix cointing the lowpass and highpass coefficients
    :param l: amount of transforms to be applied
    :return: the transformed signal
    assert len(d) == l, 'insufficient detail coefficients provided for reconstruction depth {}'.format(l)

    if len(a.shape) == 1:
        a = a[newaxis, :]

    for level in reversed(range(l)):
        decomposition = concatenate((a, d[level][newaxis, :]), axis=0)

        reconstruction = zeros_like(decomposition, dtype=float)
        for z in range(poly.shape[1]/2):
            reconstruction += dot(poly[:, 2*z:2*z+2].transpose(), concatenate(
                (decomposition[:, decomposition.shape[1]-z:], decomposition[:, :decomposition.shape[1]-z]), axis=1))

        a = reconstruction.transpose().reshape(1, 2*a.shape[1])

    return a

示例5: mlr

def mlr(x,y,order):
    """Multiple linear regression fit of the columns of matrix x 
    (dependent variables) to constituent vector y (independent variables)
    order -     order of a smoothing polynomial, which can be included 
                in the set of independent variables. If order is
                not specified, no background will be included.
    b -         fit coeffs
    f -         fit result (m x 1 column vector)
    r -         residual   (m x 1 column vector)
    if order > 0:
        for j in range(order):
        X=scipy.concatenate((x, s),1)
        X = x
    #calc fit b=fit coefficients
    b = scipy.dot(scipy.dot(scipy.linalg.pinv(scipy.dot(scipy.transpose(X),X)),scipy.transpose(X)),y)
    f = scipy.dot(X,b)
    r = y - f

    return b,f,r

示例6: invert_epochs

def invert_epochs(epochs, end=None):
    """inverts epochs inverted

    The first epoch will be mapped to [0, start] and the last will be mapped
    to [end of last epoch, :end:]. Epochs that accidentally become negative
    or zero-length will be omitted.

    :type epochs: ndarray
    :param epochs: epoch set to invert
    :type end: int
    :param end: If not None, it i taken for the end of the last epoch,
        else max(index-dtype) is taken instead.
    :returns: ndarray - inverted epoch set

    # checks
    if end is None:
        end = sp.iinfo(INDEX_DTYPE).max
        end = INDEX_DTYPE.type(end)

    # flip them
    rval = sp.vstack((sp.concatenate(([0], epochs[:, 1])), sp.concatenate((epochs[:, 0], [end])))).T
    return (rval[rval[:, 1] - rval[:, 0] > 0]).astype(INDEX_DTYPE)

示例7: ar_model_check_stable

def ar_model_check_stable(A):
    """check if this AR model is stable

        A : ndarray
            The coefficient matrix of the model

    # inits and checks
    m, p = A.shape
    p /= m
    if p != round(p):
        raise ValueError('bad inputs!')

    # check for stable model
    A1 = N.concatenate((
            N.eye((p - 1) * m),
            N.zeros(((p - 1) * m, m))
        ), axis=1)
    lambdas = NL.eigvals(A1)
    rval = True
    if (N.absolute(lambdas) > 1).any():
        rval = False
    del A1, lambdas
    return rval

示例8: _update_6

 def _update_6(self):
     # construct system
     Ax = scipy.zeros((len(self.data), 6))
     Ax[:, 0] = 1.0
     Ax[:, 2] = self.data[:, 0] - self.center[0]
     Ax[:, 3] = self.data[:, 1] - self.center[1]
     Ay = scipy.zeros((len(self.data), 6))
     Ay[:, 1] = 1.0
     Ay[:, 4] = self.data[:, 0] - self.center[0]
     Ay[:, 5] = self.data[:, 1] + self.center[1]
     A = scipy.concatenate((Ax, Ay), axis = 0)
     del Ax, Ay
     b = scipy.concatenate((self.data[:, 2], self.data[:, 3]))
     # solve for parameters
     parameters, residual, rank, sigma = scipy.linalg.lstsq(A, b)
     self.tx = parameters[0]
     self.ty = parameters[1]
     self.exx = parameters[2]
     self.exy = parameters[3]
     self.eyx = parameters[4]
     self.eyy = parameters[5]
     del parameters
     # compute residuals
     self.residuals[:, 2] = self.data[:, 2] - self.tx - self.exx * (self.data[:, 0] - self.center[0]) - self.exy * (self.data[:, 1] - self.center[1])
     self.residuals[:, 3] = self.data[:, 3] - self.ty - self.eyx * (self.data[:, 0] - self.center[0]) - self.eyy * (self.data[:, 1] - self.center[1])

示例9: shift_row

def shift_row(row, shift):
    if shift == 0:
        return row
    if shift > 0:
        return sp.concatenate(([0] * shift, row[:-shift]))
        return sp.concatenate((row[-shift:], [0] * -shift))

示例10: ideal_data

def ideal_data(num, dimU, dimY, dimX, noise=1):
    """Linear system data"""
    # generate randomized linear system matrices
    A = randn(dimX, dimX)
    B = randn(dimX, dimU)
    C = randn(dimY, dimX)
    D = randn(dimY, dimU)

    # make sure state evolution is stable
    U, S, V = svd(A)
    A = dot(U, dot(diag(S / max(S)), V))
    U, S, V = svd(B)
    S2 = zeros((size(U,1), size(V,0)))
    S2[:,:size(U,1)] = diag(S / max(S))
    B = dot(U, dot(S2, V))

    # random input
    U = randn(num, dimU)

    # initial state
    X = reshape(randn(dimX), (1,-1))

    # initial output
    Y = reshape(dot(C, X[-1]) + dot(D, U[0]), (1,-1))

    # generate next state
    X = concatenate((X, reshape(dot(A, X[-1]) + dot(B, U[0]), (1,-1))))

    # and so forth
    for u in U[1:]:
        Y = concatenate((Y, reshape(dot(C, X[-1]) + dot(D, u), (1,-1))))
        X = concatenate((X, reshape(dot(A, X[-1]) + dot(B, u), (1,-1))))

    return U, Y + randn(num, dimY) * noise

示例11: roc

def roc(labels, predictions):
    """roc - calculate receiver operator curve
    labels: true labels (>0 : True, else False)
    predictions: the ranking generated from whatever predictor is used"""
    #1. convert to arrays
    labels = S.array(labels).reshape([-1])
    predictions = S.array(predictions).reshape([-1])

    t = labels>0
    #sort predictions in desceninding order
    #get order implied by predictor (descending)
    Ix = S.argsort(predictions)[::-1]
    #reorder truth
    t = t[Ix]

    #compute true positiive and false positive rates
    tp = S.double(N.cumsum(t))/t.sum()
    fp = S.double(N.cumsum(~t))/(~t).sum()

    #add end points
    tp = S.concatenate(([0],tp,[1]))
    fp = S.concatenate(([0],fp,[1]))

    return [tp,fp]

示例12: run_interact

def run_interact(Y, intA, intB, covs, K):
    """ Calculate pvalues for the nested model of including a multiplicative term between intA and intB into the additive model """
    [N, Ny] = Y.shape

    Na = intA.shape[1] # number of interaction terms 1
    Nb = intB.shape[1] # number of interaction terms 2
    # for each snp/gene/factor combination, run a lod
    # snps need to be diced bc of missing values - iterate over them, else in arrays
    lods = SP.zeros([Na, Nb, Ny])

    #add mean column:
    if covs is None: covs = SP.ones([Ny,1])

    # for each pair of interacting terms
    for a in range(Na):
        for b in range(Nb):
            # calculate additive and interaction terms
            C = SP.concatenate((Ucovs, UintA[:,a:a+1], UintB[:,b:b+1]))
            X = intA[:,a:a+1]*intB[:,b:b+1]
            UX = SP.dot(U.T,X);
            UX = SP.concatenate((UX, C))
            for phen in SP.arange(Ny):
                lods[a,b,phen] = nllalt-nllalt;
    return lods

示例13: generateNodesAdaptive

    def generateNodesAdaptive(self):
        innerDomainSize = self.innerDomainSize
        innerMeshSize   = self.innerMeshSize
        numberElementsInnerDomain = innerDomainSize/innerMeshSize
	assert(numberElementsInnerDomain < self.numberElements)
        domainCenter = (self.domainStart+self.domainEnd)/2
        nodes0 = np.linspace(domainCenter,innerDomainSize/2.0,(numberElementsInnerDomain/2.0)+1.0)
        nodes0 = np.delete(nodes0,-1)
        numberOuterIntervalsFromDomainCenter = (self.numberElements - numberElementsInnerDomain)/2.0
        const = np.log2(innerDomainSize/2.0)/0.5
        exp = np.linspace(const,np.log2(self.domainEnd*self.domainEnd),numberOuterIntervalsFromDomainCenter+1)
        nodes1 = np.power(np.sqrt(2),exp)
        nodesp = np.concatenate((nodes0,nodes1))
        nodesn = -nodesp[::-1]
        nodesn = np.delete(nodesn,-1)
        linNodalCoordinates = np.concatenate((nodesn,nodesp))
        nodalCoordinates = 0

        #Introduce higher order nodes
        if self.elementType == "quadratic" or self.elementType == "cubic":
           if self.elementType == "quadratic":
              numberNodesPerElement = 3 
           elif self.elementType == "cubic":
              numberNodesPerElement = 4

           for i in range(0,len(linNodalCoordinates)-1):
              newnodes = np.linspace(linNodalCoordinates[i],linNodalCoordinates[i+1],numberNodesPerElement)
              nodalCoordinates = np.delete(nodalCoordinates,-1)
              nodalCoordinates = np.concatenate((nodalCoordinates,newnodes))

           nodalCoordinates = linNodalCoordinates
        return nodalCoordinates

示例14: main

def main():
    points = generate_gaussian(1000, 2, 0, 2, center=(10, 0))
    pylab.plot (points[:,0], points[:,1], 'r+')
    #export("Classe A", points)
    points2 = generate_gaussian(1000, 2, 0, 2, center=(5, 5))
    pylab.plot (points2[:,0], points2[:,1], 'b+')
    #export("Classe C", points)
    points3 = generate_gaussian(1000, 2, 0, 2, center=(0, 10))
    pylab.plot (points3[:,0], points3[:,1], 'y+')
    points4 = generate_gaussian(1000, 2, 0, 2, center=(0, 0))
    pylab.plot (points4[:,0], points4[:,1], 'g+')
    pylab.axis([-10, 20, -10, 20])

    labels = []
    for i in xrange(len(points)):
    for i in xrange(len(points2)):
    for i in xrange(len(points3)):
    for i in xrange(len(points4)):

    points = scipy.concatenate ((points, points2))
    points = scipy.concatenate ((points, points3))
    points = scipy.concatenate ((points, points4))

    data = dataset.Dataset (points, labels)
    data.random ()

    dataset.save (data, "../datasets/4gaussians1k.data")

示例15: __call__

 def __call__(self, Xi, Xj, ni, nj, hyper_deriv=None, symmetric=False):
     """Evaluate the covariance between points `Xi` and `Xj` with derivative order `ni`, `nj`.
     Xi : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `N`)
         `M` inputs with dimension `N`.
     Xj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `N`)
         `M` inputs with dimension `N`.
     ni : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `N`)
         `M` derivative orders for set `i`.
     nj : :py:class:`Matrix` or other Array-like, (`M`, `N`)
         `M` derivative orders for set `j`.
     hyper_deriv : Non-negative int or None, optional
         The index of the hyperparameter to compute the first derivative
         with respect to. If None, no derivatives are taken. Hyperparameter
         derivatives are not supported at this point. Default is None.
     symmetric : bool, optional
         Whether or not the input `Xi`, `Xj` are from a symmetric matrix.
         Default is False.
     Kij : :py:class:`Array`, (`M`,)
         Covariances for each of the `M` `Xi`, `Xj` pairs.
         If the `hyper_deriv` keyword is not None.
     if hyper_deriv is not None:
         raise NotImplementedError("Hyperparameter derivatives have not been implemented!")
     n_cat = scipy.asarray(scipy.concatenate((ni, nj), axis=1), dtype=int)
     X_cat = scipy.asarray(scipy.concatenate((Xi, Xj), axis=1), dtype=float)
     n_cat_unique = unique_rows(n_cat)
     k = scipy.zeros(Xi.shape[0], dtype=float)
     # Loop over unique derivative patterns:
     if self.num_proc > 1:
         pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=self.num_proc)
     for n_cat_state in n_cat_unique:
         idxs = scipy.where(scipy.asarray((n_cat == n_cat_state).all(axis=1)).squeeze())[0]
         if (n_cat_state == 0).all():
             k[idxs] = self.cov_func(Xi[idxs, :], Xj[idxs, :], *self.params)
             if self.num_proc > 1 and len(idxs) > 1:
                 k[idxs] = scipy.asarray(
                     pool.map(_ArbitraryKernelEval(self, n_cat_state), X_cat[idxs, :]),
                 for idx in idxs:
                     k[idx] = mpmath.chop(mpmath.diff(self._mask_cov_func,
                                                      X_cat[idx, :],
     if self.num_proc > 0:
     return k
