本文整理汇总了Python中scipy.comb函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python comb函数的具体用法?Python comb怎么用?Python comb使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: pdf
def pdf(self, x, k, n, p):
'''distribution of success runs of length k or more
x : float
count of runs of length n
k : int
length of runs
n : int
total number of observations or trials
p : float
probability of success in each Bernoulli trial
pdf : float
probability that x runs of length of k are observed
not yet vectorized
Muselli 1996, theorem 3
q = 1-p
m = np.arange(x, (n+1)//(k+1)+1)[:,None]
terms = (-1)**(m-x) * comb(m, x) * p**(m*k) * q**(m-1) \
* (comb(n - m*k, m - 1) + q * comb(n - m*k, m))
return terms.sum(0)
示例2: mv_hypergeometric
def mv_hypergeometric(x,m):
x : number of draws for each category.
m : size of each category.
x = np.asarray(x)
m = np.asarray(m)
return log(comb(m,x).prod()/comb(m.sum(), x.sum()))
示例3: runs_prob_odd
def runs_prob_odd(self, r):
n0, n1 = self.n0, self.n1
k = (r+1)//2
tmp0 = comb(n0-1, k-1)
tmp1 = comb(n1-1, k-2)
tmp3 = comb(n0-1, k-2)
tmp4 = comb(n1-1, k-1)
return (tmp0 * tmp1 + tmp3 * tmp4) / self.comball
示例4: hypergProb
def hypergProb(k, N, m, n):
""" Wikipedia: There is a shipment of N objects in which m are defective. The hypergeometric distribution describes the probability that in a sample of n distinctive objects drawn from the shipment exactly k objects are defective. """
#return float(choose(m, k) * choose(N-m, n-k)) / choose(N, n)
hp = float(scipy.comb(m, k) * scipy.comb(N-m, n-k)) / scipy.comb(N, n)
if scipy.isnan(hp):
stderr.write("error: not possible to calculate hyperg probability in util.py for k=%d, N=%d, m=%d, n=%d\n" %(k, N, m,n))
stdout.write("error: not possible to calculate hyperg probability in util.py for k=%d, N=%d, m=%d, n=%d\n" %(k, N, m,n))
return hp
示例5: dumb_factor
def dumb_factor(goal, n):
# Assumes factors are not equal to each other and bounded above by
# upper_bound.
comb0 = comb(n, 2)
for i in range(0, n):
comb1 = comb(n - i, 2)
for j in range(i + 1, n):
if goal == round(comb0 - comb1 + (j - i - 1)):
return i, j
示例6: hypergeometric
def hypergeometric(x, n, m, N):
x : number of successes drawn
n : number of draws
m : number of successes in total
N : successes + failures in total.
if x < max(0, n-(N-m)):
return 0.
elif x > min(n, m):
return 0.
return comb(N-m, x) * comb(m, n-x) / comb(N,n)
示例7: _calculate_orders
def _calculate_orders(self):
k = self.k
n = self.n
m = self.m
dim = self.dim
# Calculate the length of each order
self.order_idx = np.zeros(n+2, dtype=int)
self.order_length = np.zeros(n+1, dtype=int)
self.row_counter = 0
for ordi in xrange(n+1):
self.order_length[ordi] = (sp.comb(n, ordi+1, exact=1) *
self.order_idx[ordi] = self.row_counter
self.row_counter += self.order_length[ordi]
self.order_idx[n+1] = dim+1
# Calculate nnz for A
# not needed for lil sparse format
x = (m*np.ones(n))**np.arange(n-1,-1,-1)
x = x[:k]
y = self.order_length[:k]
self.Annz = np.sum(x*y.T)
示例8: triple
def triple(g, P, T, r, family):
if g.intersection_matrix[g.schubert_list.index(P)][g.schubert_list.index(T)] == 0:
return 0
delta = 1
quad, lin = num_equations(g,P, T)
subspace_eqns = g.m + r - 1
#if g.type == 'D' and quad == 0 and r == g.k:
# delta = int(family + h(g,P,T))%2
#if g.type == 'B':
# if quad > 0:
# quad -=1
# if r > g.k:
# subspace_eqns +=1
if g.OG:
if r > g.k:
subspace_eqns += 1
if quad > 0:
quad -= 1
if r == g.k and g.type == 'D':
if quad == 0:
delta = int(family + h(g,P,T))%2
if quad > 0:
subspace_eqns +=1
quad -=1
#subspace_eqns += (1-delta)
triple_list = []
for j in range(int(g.N - quad - lin - subspace_eqns)):
triple_list.append((-1)**j * 2**(quad - j) * sp.comb(quad,j))
return delta*sum(triple_list)
示例9: backward_difference_formula
def backward_difference_formula(k):
Construct the k-step backward differentiation method.
The methods are implicit and have order k.
They have the form:
`\sum_{j=0}^{k} \alpha_j y_{n+k-j+1} = h \beta_j f(y_{n+1})`
They are generated using equation (1.22') from Hairer & Wanner III.1,
along with the binomial expansion.
.. note::
Accuracy is lost when evaluating the order conditions
for methods with many steps. This could be avoided by using
SAGE rationals instead of NumPy doubles for the coefficient
#.[hairer1993]_ pp. 364-365
from scipy import comb
for j in range(1,k+1):
gamma[j]= 1./j
for i in range(0,j+1):
name=str(k)+'-step BDF method'
return LinearMultistepMethod(alpha,beta,name=name)
示例10: triple
def triple(g, P, T, r, family):
#if not g.index_set_leq(T,P):
if g.intersection_matrix[g.schubert_list.index(P)][g.schubert_list.index(T)] == 0:
return 0
delta = 1
quad, lin = num_equations(g,P, T)
subspace_eqns = g.m + r - 1
if g.OG and r > g.k:
subspace_eqns += 1
if quad > 0:
quad -= 1
if g.type == 'D' and r == g.k:
subspace_eqns = g.n+1
#if quad == 0 or single_ruling(g,P,T):
if quad == 0:
#subspace_eqns -= int((family + h(g,P,T)))%2
delta = int((family + h(g,P,T)))%2
subspace_eqns = g.n
if quad > 0:
quad -= 1
triple_list = []
for j in range(int(g.N - quad - lin - subspace_eqns)):
triple_list.append((-1)**j * 2**(quad - j) * sp.comb(quad,j))
return delta*sum(triple_list)
示例11: triple
def triple(self, P, T, r, family):
#if not self.index_set_leq(T,P):
if self.intersection_matrix[self.schubert_list.index(P)][self.schubert_list.index(T)] == 0:
return 0
delta = 1
quad, lin = self.outsourced_num_equations(P, T)
subspace_eqns = self.m + r - 1
if self.OG and r > self.k:
subspace_eqns += 1
if quad > 0:
quad -= 1
if self.type == 'D' and r == self.k:
subspace_eqns = self.n+1
#if quad == 0 or self.single_ruling(P,T):
if quad == 0:
#subspace_eqns -= int((family + self.h(P,T)))%2
delta = int((family + self.h(P,T)))%2
subspace_eqns = self.n
if quad > 0:
quad -= 1
triple_list = []
for j in range(int(self.N - quad - lin - subspace_eqns)):
triple_list.append((-1)**j * 2**(quad - j) * sp.comb(quad,j))
return delta*sum(triple_list)
示例12: similarity_matrix
def similarity_matrix(db, sim_func, check_func):
matrix = numpy.zeros((len(db["genomes"]), len(db["genomes"])))
sys.stderr.write("populating matrix\n")
num_work_to_do = int(scipy.comb(len(db["genomes"]), 2))
work_done = 0
for nameA, nameB in itertools.combinations(db["genomes"], 2):
nameA_num = db["genomes"].index(nameA)
nameB_num = db["genomes"].index(nameB)
sizeA = db["cds_counts"][nameA_num]
sizeB = db["cds_counts"][nameB_num]
hits_count = check_func((db["hit_matrix"][nameA_num][nameB_num],
matrix[nameA_num][nameB_num] = sim_func(sizeA, sizeB, hits_count)
matrix[nameB_num][nameA_num] = sim_func(sizeB, sizeA, hits_count)
work_done += 1
if work_done % 100 == 0:
sys.stderr.write("\r %s/%s completed" % (work_done, num_work_to_do))
sys.stderr.write("\r %s/%s completed\n" % (work_done, num_work_to_do))
return matrix
示例13: beta_binomial
def beta_binomial(k, n, a, b):
"""The pmf/pdf of the Beta-binomial distribution.
Computation based on beta function.
See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beta-binomial_distribution
and http://mathworld.wolfram.com/BetaBinomialDistribution.html
k = a vector of non-negative integers <= n
n = an integer
a = an array of non-negative real numbers
b = an array of non-negative real numbers
return (comb(n, k) * beta(k+a, n-k+b) / beta(a,b)).prod(0)
示例14: mnc2cum
def mnc2cum(mnc_):
'''convert non-central moments to cumulants
recursive formula produces as many cumulants as moments
mnc = [1] + list(mnc_)
kappa = [1]
for nn,m in enumerate(mnc[1:]):
n = nn+1
for k in range(1,n):
kappa[n] -= scipy.comb(n-1,k-1,exact=1) * kappa[k]*mnc[n-k]
return kappa[1:]
示例15: Test
def Test():
# Double check stirlings approximation implementation
test_vals = [(30, 5),
(18, 7),
(91, 32)]
for n, k in test_vals:
print np.log(scipy.comb(n, k))
print ln_stirling_binomial(n, k)
m = np.matrix([[50, 39],
[66, 5]])
print CalcPValues(m)
prob_m = np.matrix([[0.25, 0.25],
[0.25, 0.25]])
print CalcPValues(m, prob_m)