本文整理汇总了Python中sagenb.misc.misc.unicode_str函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python unicode_str函数的具体用法?Python unicode_str怎么用?Python unicode_str使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: worksheet_new_cell_after
def worksheet_new_cell_after(worksheet):
"""Add a new cell after a given cell."""
id = get_cell_id()
input = unicode_str(request.values.get('input', ''))
cell = worksheet.new_cell_after(id, input=input)
from sagenb.notebook.twist import encode_list
return encode_list([cell.id(), cell.html(div_wrap=False), id])
示例2: worksheet_new_text_cell_after
def worksheet_new_text_cell_after(worksheet):
"""Add a new text cell after a given cell."""
id = get_cell_id()
input = unicode_str(request.values.get('input', ''))
cell = worksheet.new_text_cell_after(id, input=input)
from sagenb.notebook.twist import encode_list
# XXX: Does editing correspond to TinyMCE? If so, we should try
# to centralize that code.
return encode_list([cell.id(), cell.html(editing=True), id])
示例3: worksheet_new_cell_after
def worksheet_new_cell_after(worksheet):
"""Add a new cell after a given cell."""
r = {}
r['id'] = id = get_cell_id()
input = unicode_str(request.values.get('input', ''))
cell = worksheet.new_cell_after(id, input=input)
r['new_id'] = cell.id()
r['new_html'] = cell.html(div_wrap=True)
return encode_response(r)
示例4: worksheet_new_cell_before
def worksheet_new_cell_before(self, worksheet):
"""Add a new cell before a given cell."""
r = {}
r['id'] = id = self.get_cell_id()
input = unicode_str(self.request_values.get('input', ''))
cell = worksheet.new_cell_before(id, input=input)
r['new_id'] = cell.id()
#r['new_html'] = cell.html(div_wrap=False)
return encode_response(r)
示例5: worksheet_new_cell_before
def worksheet_new_cell_before(worksheet):
"""Add a new cell before a given cell."""
r = {}
r["id"] = id = get_cell_id()
input = unicode_str(request.values.get("input", ""))
cell = worksheet.new_cell_before(id, input=input)
r["new_id"] = cell.id()
# r['new_html'] = cell.html(div_wrap=False)
return encode_response(r)
示例6: worksheet_new_cell_before
def worksheet_new_cell_before(worksheet):
"""Add a new cell before a given cell."""
r = {}
r['id'] = id = get_cell_id()
input = unicode_str(request.values.get('input', ''))
cell = worksheet.new_cell_before(id, input=input)
r['new_id'] = cell.id()
r['new_html'] = cell.html(div_wrap=False)
from sagenb.notebook.misc import encode_response
return encode_response(r)
示例7: worksheet_list
def worksheet_list():
Returns a worksheet listing.
- ``args`` - ctx.args where ctx is the dict passed
into a resource's render method
- ``pub`` - boolean, True if this is a listing of
public worksheets
- ``username`` - the user whose worksheets we are
a string
from sagenb.notebook.notebook import sort_worksheet_list
from sagenb.misc.misc import unicode_str, SAGE_VERSION
from sagenb.notebook.misc import encode_response
r = {}
pub = 'pub' in request.args
readonly = g.notebook.readonly_user(g.username)
typ = request.args['type'] if 'type' in request.args else 'active'
search = unicode_str(request.args['search']) if 'search' in request.args else None
sort = request.args['sort'] if 'sort' in request.args else 'last_edited'
reverse = (request.args['reverse'] == 'True') if 'reverse' in request.args else False
if not pub:
r['worksheets'] = [x.basic() for x in g.notebook.worksheet_list_for_user(g.username, typ=typ, sort=sort, search=search, reverse=reverse)]
r['worksheets'] = [x.basic() for x in g.notebook.worksheet_list_for_public(g.username, sort=sort, search=search, reverse=reverse)]
except ValueError as E:
# for example, the sort key was not valid
print "Error displaying worksheet listing: ", E
return current_app.message(_("Error displaying worksheet listing."))
#if pub and (not g.username or g.username == tuple([])):
# r['username'] = 'pub'
r['accounts'] = g.notebook.user_manager().get_accounts()
r['sage_version'] = SAGE_VERSION
# r['pub'] = pub
return encode_response(r)
示例8: worksheet_new_text_cell_after
def worksheet_new_text_cell_after(worksheet):
"""Add a new text cell after a given cell."""
r = {}
r['id'] = id = get_cell_id()
input = unicode_str(request.values.get('input', ''))
cell = worksheet.new_text_cell_after(id, input=input)
r['new_id'] = cell.id()
r['new_html'] = cell.html(editing=True)
# XXX: Does editing correspond to TinyMCE? If so, we should try
# to centralize that code.
return encode_response(r)
示例9: render_worksheet_list
def render_worksheet_list(args, pub, username):
Returns a rendered worksheet listing.
- ``args`` - ctx.args where ctx is the dict passed
into a resource's render method
- ``pub`` - boolean, True if this is a listing of
public worksheets
- ``username`` - the user whose worksheets we are
a string
from sagenb.notebook.notebook import sort_worksheet_list
from sagenb.misc.misc import unicode_str, SAGE_VERSION
typ = args['typ'] if 'typ' in args else 'active'
search = unicode_str(args['search']) if 'search' in args else None
sort = args['sort'] if 'sort' in args else 'last_edited'
reverse = (args['reverse'] == 'True') if 'reverse' in args else False
readonly = g.notebook.readonly_user(g.username)
if not pub:
worksheets = g.notebook.worksheet_list_for_user(username, typ=typ, sort=sort,
search=search, reverse=reverse)
worksheets = g.notebook.worksheet_list_for_public(username, sort=sort,
search=search, reverse=reverse)
except ValueError as E:
# for example, the sort key was not valid
print "Error displaying worksheet listing: ", E
return current_app.message(_("Error displaying worksheet listing."))
worksheet_filenames = [x.filename() for x in worksheets]
if pub and (not username or username == tuple([])):
username = 'pub'
accounts = g.notebook.user_manager().get_accounts()
sage_version = SAGE_VERSION
return render_template('html/worksheet_listing.html', **locals())
示例10: worksheet_eval
def worksheet_eval(worksheet):
Evaluate a worksheet cell.
If the request is not authorized (the requester did not enter the
correct password for the given worksheet), then the request to
evaluate or introspect the cell is ignored.
If the cell contains either 1 or 2 question marks at the end (not
on a comment line), then this is interpreted as a request for
either introspection to the documentation of the function, or the
documentation of the function and the source code of the function
from sagenb.notebook.twist import encode_list
from base import notebook_updates
id = get_cell_id()
input_text = unicode_str(request.values.get('input', '')).replace('\r\n', '\n') #DOS
cell = worksheet.get_cell_with_id(id)
if request.values.get('save_only', '0') == '1':
return ''
elif request.values.get('text_only', '0') == '1':
return encode_list([str(id), cell.html()])
new_cell = int(request.values.get('newcell', 0)) #wheter to insert a new cell or not
if cell.is_last():
new_cell = worksheet.append_new_cell()
s = encode_list([new_cell.id(), 'append_new_cell', new_cell.html(div_wrap=False)])
elif new_cell:
new_cell = worksheet.new_cell_after(id)
s = encode_list([new_cell.id(), 'insert_cell', new_cell.html(div_wrap=False), str(id)])
s = encode_list([cell.next_id(), 'no_new_cell', str(id)])
return s
示例11: displayhook_hack
def displayhook_hack(string):
Modified version of string so that ``exec``'ing it results in
displayhook possibly being called.
- ``string`` - a string
- string formated so that when exec'd last line is printed if
it is an expression
sage: from sagenb.misc.format import displayhook_hack
sage: displayhook_hack('\n12\n')
"\nexec compile(u'12' + '\\n', '', 'single')"
sage: displayhook_hack('\ndef my_fun(foo):\n print(foo)\n')
'\ndef my_fun(foo):\n print(foo)'
sage: print(displayhook_hack('\nclass A:\n def __init__(self, foo):\n self.foo\nb = A(8)\nb'))
class A:
def __init__(self, foo):
b = A(8)
exec compile(u'b' + '\n', '', 'single')
# This function is all so the last line (or single lines) will
# implicitly print as they should, unless they are an assignment.
# If anybody knows a better way to do this, please tell me!
string = string.splitlines()
i = len(string)-1
if i >= 0:
while len(string[i]) > 0 and string[i][0] in ' \t':
i -= 1
final_lines = unicode_str('\n'.join(string[i:]))
if not final_lines.startswith('def '):
compile(final_lines + '\n', '', 'single')
string[i] = "exec compile(%r + '\\n', '', 'single')" % final_lines
string = string[:i+1]
except SyntaxError:
return '\n'.join(string)
示例12: __init__
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds):
self.startup_token = kwds.pop('startup_token', None)
Flask.__init__(self, *args, **kwds)
self.session_interface = OldSecureCookieSessionInterface()
self.config['SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY'] = False
self.root_path = SAGENB_ROOT
self.add_static_path('/css', os.path.join(DATA, "sage", "css"))
self.add_static_path('/images', os.path.join(DATA, "sage", "images"))
self.add_static_path('/javascript', DATA)
self.add_static_path('/static', DATA)
self.add_static_path('/java', DATA)
self.add_static_path('/java/jmol', os.path.join(os.environ["SAGE_SHARE"],"jmol"))
self.add_static_path('/jsmol', os.path.join(os.environ["SAGE_SHARE"],"jsmol"))
self.add_static_path('/jsmol/js', os.path.join(os.environ["SAGE_SHARE"],"jsmol","js"))
self.add_static_path('/j2s', os.path.join(os.environ["SAGE_SHARE"],"jsmol","j2s"))
self.add_static_path('/jsmol/j2s', os.path.join(os.environ["SAGE_SHARE"],"jsmol","j2s"))
self.add_static_path('/j2s/core', os.path.join(os.environ["SAGE_SHARE"],"jsmol","j2s","core"))
self.add_static_path('/threejs', os.path.join(os.environ["SAGE_SHARE"],"threejs"))
import mimetypes
# Doc #
#These "should" be in doc.py
DOC = os.path.join(SAGE_DOC, 'html', 'en')
self.add_static_path('/pdf', os.path.join(SAGE_DOC, 'pdf'))
self.add_static_path('/doc/static', DOC)
# Template globals
# Template filters
self.add_template_filter(lambda x: repr(unicode_str(x))[1:],
self.add_template_filter(dumps, 'tojson')
示例13: process_doc_html
def process_doc_html(self, doc_in):
Returns processed HTML input as HTML output. This is the only
method that needs to be called externally.
- ``doc_in`` - a string containing properly formed HTML
- a string; the processed HTML
sage: rst = ""
sage: rst += "Title\n"
sage: rst += "-----\n"
sage: rst += "n"
sage: rst += "Some text\n"
sage: from docutils.core import publish_string
sage: html = publish_string(rst, writer_name='html')
sage: from sagenb.notebook.docHTMLProcessor import docutilsHTMLProcessor
sage: p = docutilsHTMLProcessor()
sage: txt = p.process_doc_html(html)
sage: len(txt)
sage: txt
u'<h1 class="title">Title</h1>\n\n<p>nSome text</p>\n\n\n\n'
# self.feed() is a SGMLParser method and starts everything
# off; Most of the functions here are extensions to
# SGMLParser, and may never actually be visibly called here.
# This module works with unicode literals. In case that input data is
# ascii, exceptions may occur. So, input data must be converted to
# unicode if it were not.
doc_in = unicode_str(doc_in)
self.feed(doc_in) #SGMLParser call
self.close() #SGMLParser call
return self.all_pieces.replace('\\(', '').replace('\\)', '').replace('\\[', '').replace('\\]', '')
示例14: clean_name
sage: from sagenb.notebook.template import clean_name
sage: print clean_name('[email protected]+string')
return ''.join([x if x.isalnum() else '_' for x in name])
env.filters['css_escape'] = css_escape
env.filters['number_of_rows'] = number_of_rows
env.filters['clean_name'] = clean_name
env.filters['prettify_time_ago'] = prettify_time_ago
env.filters['math_parse'] = math_parse
env.filters['max'] = max
env.filters['repr_str'] = lambda x: repr(unicode_str(x))[1:]
def template(filename, **user_context):
Returns HTML, CSS, etc., for a template file rendered in the given
- ``filename`` - a string; the filename of the template relative
to ``sagenb/data/templates``
- ``user_context`` - a dictionary; the context in which to evaluate
the file's template variables
示例15: worksheet_eval
def worksheet_eval(worksheet):
Evaluate a worksheet cell.
If the request is not authorized (the requester did not enter the
correct password for the given worksheet), then the request to
evaluate or introspect the cell is ignored.
If the cell contains either 1 or 2 question marks at the end (not
on a comment line), then this is interpreted as a request for
either introspection to the documentation of the function, or the
documentation of the function and the source code of the function
from base import notebook_updates
r = {}
r['id'] = id = get_cell_id()
cell = worksheet.get_cell_with_id(id)
public = worksheet.tags().get('_pub_', [False])[0] #this is set in pub_worksheet
if public and not cell.is_interactive_cell():
r['command'] = 'error'
r['message'] = 'Cannot evaluate non-interactive public cell with ID %r.' % id
return encode_response(r)
if public:
# Make public input cells read-only.
input_text = cell.input_text()
input_text = unicode_str(request.values.get('input', '')).replace('\r\n', '\n') #DOS
# Handle an updated / recomputed interact. TODO: JSON encode
# the update data.
if 'interact' in request.values:
r['interact'] = 1
variable = request.values.get('variable', '')
if variable!='':
adapt_number = int(request.values.get('adapt_number', -1))
value = request.values.get('value', '')
input_text += "\n_interact_.update('%s', '%s', %s, _interact_.standard_b64decode('%s'), globals())" % (id, variable, adapt_number, value)
if int(request.values.get('recompute', 0)):
input_text += "\n_interact_.recompute('%s')" % id
if int(request.values.get('save_only', '0')):
return encode_response(r)
elif int(request.values.get('text_only', '0')):
r['cell_html'] = cell.html()
return encode_response(r)
new_cell = int(request.values.get('newcell', 0)) #whether to insert a new cell or not
if new_cell:
new_cell = worksheet.new_cell_after(id)
r['command'] = 'insert_cell'
r['new_cell_id'] = new_cell.id()
r['new_cell_html'] = new_cell.html(div_wrap=False)
r['next_id'] = cell.next_compute_id()
return encode_response(r)