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Python misc.setup_for_eval_on_grid函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中sage.plot.misc.setup_for_eval_on_grid函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python setup_for_eval_on_grid函数的具体用法?Python setup_for_eval_on_grid怎么用?Python setup_for_eval_on_grid使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _parametric_plot3d_curve

def _parametric_plot3d_curve(f, urange, plot_points, **kwds):
    This function is used internally by the
    ``parametric_plot3d`` command.
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(f, [urange], plot_points)
    f_x,f_y,f_z = g
    w = [(f_x(u), f_y(u), f_z(u)) for u in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)]
    return line3d(w, **kwds)

示例2: _parametric_plot3d_curve

def _parametric_plot3d_curve(f, urange, plot_points, **kwds):
    Return a parametric three-dimensional space curve.
    This function is used internally by the
    :func:`parametric_plot3d` command.

    There are two ways this function is invoked by

    - ``parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u_min,
      `f_x, f_y, f_z` are three functions and
      `u_{\min}` and `u_{\max}` are real numbers

    - ``parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, u_min,
      `f_x, f_y, f_z` can be viewed as functions of


    - ``f`` - a 3-tuple of functions or expressions, or vector of size 3

    - ``urange`` - a 2-tuple (u_min, u_max) or a 3-tuple
      (u, u_min, u_max)

    - ``plot_points`` - (default: "automatic", which is 75) initial
      number of sample points in each parameter; an integer.


    We demonstrate each of the two ways of calling this.  See
    :func:`parametric_plot3d` for many more examples.

    We do the first one with a lambda function, which creates a
    callable Python function that sends `u` to `u/10`::

        sage: parametric_plot3d((sin, cos, lambda u: u/10), (0,20)) # indirect doctest
        Graphics3d Object

    Now we do the same thing with symbolic expressions::

        sage: u = var('u')
        sage: parametric_plot3d((sin(u), cos(u), u/10), (u,0,20))
        Graphics3d Object

    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(f, [urange], plot_points)
    f_x, f_y, f_z = g
    w = [(f_x(u), f_y(u), f_z(u)) for u in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)]
    return line3d(w, **kwds)

示例3: _parametric_plot3d_surface

def _parametric_plot3d_surface(f, urange, vrange, plot_points, boundary_style, **kwds):
    This function is used internally by the
    ``parametric_plot3d`` command.
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(f, [urange,vrange], plot_points)
    urange = srange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)
    vrange = srange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True)
    G = ParametricSurface(g, (urange, vrange), **kwds)
    if boundary_style is not None:
        for u in (urange[0], urange[-1]):
            G += line3d([(g[0](u,v), g[1](u,v), g[2](u,v)) for v in vrange], **boundary_style)
        for v in (vrange[0], vrange[-1]):
            G += line3d([(g[0](u,v), g[1](u,v), g[2](u,v)) for u in urange], **boundary_style)
    return G

示例4: density_plot


    - ``(ymin, ymax)`` -- 2-tuple, the range of ``y`` values OR 3-tuple

    The following inputs must all be passed in as named parameters:

    - ``plot_points`` -- integer (default: 25); number of points to plot
      in each direction of the grid

    - ``cmap`` -- a colormap (type ``cmap_help()`` for more information).

    - ``interpolation`` -- string (default: ``'catrom'``), the interpolation
      method to use: ``'bilinear'``, ``'bicubic'``, ``'spline16'``,
      ``'spline36'``, ``'quadric'``, ``'gaussian'``, ``'sinc'``,
      ``'bessel'``, ``'mitchell'``, ``'lanczos'``, ``'catrom'``,
      ``'hermite'``, ``'hanning'``, ``'hamming'``, ``'kaiser'``


    Here we plot a simple function of two variables.  Note that
    since the input function is an expression, we need to explicitly
    declare the variables in 3-tuples for the range::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: density_plot(sin(x)*sin(y), (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    Here we change the ranges and add some options; note that here
    ``f`` is callable (has variables declared), so we can use 2-tuple ranges::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: f(x,y) = x^2*cos(x*y)
        sage: density_plot(f, (x,-10,5), (y, -5,5), interpolation='sinc', plot_points=100)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    An even more complicated plot::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: density_plot(sin(x^2 + y^2)*cos(x)*sin(y), (x, -4, 4), (y, -4, 4), cmap='jet', plot_points=100)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    This should show a "spotlight" right on the origin::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: density_plot(1/(x^10+y^10), (x, -10, 10), (y, -10, 10))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    Some elliptic curves, but with symbolic endpoints.  In the first
    example, the plot is rotated 90 degrees because we switch the
    variables `x`, `y`::

        sage: density_plot(y^2 + 1 - x^3 - x, (y,-pi,pi), (x,-pi,pi))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: density_plot(y^2 + 1 - x^3 - x, (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    Extra options will get passed on to show(), as long as they are valid::

        sage: density_plot(log(x) + log(y), (x, 1, 10), (y, 1, 10), dpi=20)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: density_plot(log(x) + log(y), (x, 1, 10), (y, 1, 10)).show(dpi=20) # These are equivalent


    Check that :trac:`15315` is fixed, i.e., density_plot respects the
    ``aspect_ratio`` parameter. Without the fix, it looks like a thin line
    of width a few mm. With the fix it should look like a nice fat layered

        sage: density_plot((x*y)^(1/2), (x,0,3), (y,0,500), aspect_ratio=.01)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    Default ``aspect_ratio`` is ``"automatic"``, and that should work too::

        sage: density_plot((x*y)^(1/2), (x,0,3), (y,0,500))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    from sage.plot.all import Graphics
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid([f], [xrange, yrange], options['plot_points'])
    g = g[0]
    xrange,yrange=[r[:2] for r in ranges]

    xy_data_array = [[g(x, y) for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)]
                              for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True)]

    g = Graphics()
    g._set_extra_kwds(Graphics._extract_kwds_for_show(options, ignore=['xmin', 'xmax']))
    g.add_primitive(DensityPlot(xy_data_array, xrange, yrange, options))
    return g

示例5: region_plot

    Here we plot a simple function of two variables::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: region_plot(cos(x^2+y^2) <= 0, (x, -3, 3), (y, -3, 3))
    Here we play with the colors::

        sage: region_plot(x^2+y^3 < 2, (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2), incol='lightblue', bordercol='gray')
    An even more complicated plot, with dashed borders::

        sage: region_plot(sin(x)*sin(y) >= 1/4, (x,-10,10), (y,-10,10), incol='yellow', bordercol='black', borderstyle='dashed', plot_points=250)

    A disk centered at the origin::

        sage: region_plot(x^2+y^2<1, (x,-1,1), (y,-1,1))

    A plot with more than one condition (all conditions must be true for the statement to be true)::

        sage: region_plot([x^2+y^2<1, x<y], (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2))

    Since it doesn't look very good, let's increase ``plot_points``::

        sage: region_plot([x^2+y^2<1, x<y], (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), plot_points=400)

    To get plots where only one condition needs to be true, use a function.
    Using lambda functions, we definitely need the extra ``plot_points``::

        sage: region_plot(lambda x,y: x^2+y^2<1 or x<y, (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), plot_points=400)
    The first quadrant of the unit circle::

        sage: region_plot([y>0, x>0, x^2+y^2<1], (x,-1.1, 1.1), (y,-1.1, 1.1), plot_points = 400)

    Here is another plot, with a huge border::

        sage: region_plot(x*(x-1)*(x+1)+y^2<0, (x, -3, 2), (y, -3, 3), incol='lightblue', bordercol='gray', borderwidth=10, plot_points=50)

    If we want to keep only the region where x is positive::

        sage: region_plot([x*(x-1)*(x+1)+y^2<0, x>-1], (x, -3, 2), (y, -3, 3), incol='lightblue', plot_points=50)

    Here we have a cut circle::

        sage: region_plot([x^2+y^2<4, x>-1], (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2), incol='lightblue', bordercol='gray', plot_points=200)

    The first variable range corresponds to the horizontal axis and
    the second variable range corresponds to the vertical axis::

        sage: s,t=var('s,t')
        sage: region_plot(s>0,(t,-2,2),(s,-2,2))


        sage: region_plot(s>0,(s,-2,2),(t,-2,2))


    from sage.plot.plot import Graphics
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    import numpy

    if not isinstance(f, (list, tuple)):
        f = [f]

    f = [equify(g) for g in f]

    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(f, [xrange, yrange], plot_points)
    xrange,yrange=[r[:2] for r in ranges]

    xy_data_arrays = numpy.asarray([[[func(x, y) for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)]
                                     for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True)]
                                    for func in g],dtype=float)
    # Now we need to set entries to negative iff all
    # functions were negative at that point.
    neg_indices = (xy_data_arrays<0).all(axis=0)

    from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap
    incol = rgbcolor(incol)
    outcol = rgbcolor(outcol)
    cmap = ListedColormap([incol, outcol])
    g = Graphics()
    g._set_extra_kwds(Graphics._extract_kwds_for_show(options, ignore=['xmin', 'xmax']))
    g.add_primitive(ContourPlot(xy_data_array, xrange,yrange, 
                                dict(contours=[-1e307, 0, 1e307], cmap=cmap, fill=True, **options)))

    if bordercol or borderstyle or borderwidth:
        cmap = [rgbcolor(bordercol)] if bordercol else ['black']
        linestyles = [borderstyle] if borderstyle else None
        linewidths = [borderwidth] if borderwidth else None
        g.add_primitive(ContourPlot(xy_data_array, xrange, yrange, 
                                    dict(linestyles=linestyles, linewidths=linewidths,
                                         contours=[0], cmap=[bordercol], fill=False, **options)))
    return g

示例6: contour_plot

        sage: P


        sage: P=contour_plot(y^2 + 1 - x^3 - x, (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi), fill=False, cmap='hsv',labels=True,\
        ...    contours=[-4,0,4],  label_fmt=lambda x: "$z=%s$"%x, label_colors='black', label_inline=True, \
        ...    label_fontsize=12)
        sage: P


        sage: P=contour_plot(y^2 + 1 - x^3 - x, (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi), \
        ...    fill=False, cmap='hsv', labels=True, label_fontsize=18)
        sage: P


        sage: P=contour_plot(y^2 + 1 - x^3 - x, (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi), \
        ...    fill=False, cmap='hsv', labels=True, label_inline_spacing=1)
        sage: P


        sage: P= contour_plot(y^2 + 1 - x^3 - x, (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi), \
        ...    fill=False, cmap='hsv', labels=True, label_inline=False)
        sage: P
    We can change the color of the labels if so desired::

        sage: contour_plot(f, (-2,2), (-2,2), labels=True, label_colors='red')

    We can add a colorbar as well::

        sage: f(x,y)=x^2-y^2
        sage: contour_plot(f, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), colorbar=True)


        sage: contour_plot(f, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), colorbar=True,colorbar_orientation='horizontal')


        sage: contour_plot(f, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), contours=[-2,-1,4],colorbar=True)


        sage: contour_plot(f, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), contours=[-2,-1,4],colorbar=True,colorbar_spacing='uniform')


        sage: contour_plot(f, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), contours=[0,2,3,6],colorbar=True,colorbar_format='%.3f')


        sage: contour_plot(f, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), labels=True,label_colors='red',contours=[0,2,3,6],colorbar=True)


        sage: contour_plot(f, (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), cmap='winter', contours=20, fill=False, colorbar=True)

    This should plot concentric circles centered at the origin::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: contour_plot(x^2+y^2-2,(x,-1,1), (y,-1,1))

    Extra options will get passed on to show(), as long as they are valid::

        sage: f(x, y) = cos(x) + sin(y)
        sage: contour_plot(f, (0, pi), (0, pi), axes=True)


        sage: contour_plot(f, (0, pi), (0, pi)).show(axes=True) # These are equivalent

    Note that with ``fill=False`` and grayscale contours, there is the 
    possibility of confusion between the contours and the axes, so use
    ``fill=False`` together with ``axes=True`` with caution::

        sage: contour_plot(f, (-pi, pi), (-pi, pi), fill=False, axes=True) 


    To check that ticket 5221 is fixed, note that this has three curves, not two::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: contour_plot(x-y^2,(x,-5,5),(y,-3,3),contours=[-4,-2,0], fill=False)
    from sage.plot.plot import Graphics
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid([f], [xrange, yrange], options['plot_points'])
    g = g[0]
    xrange,yrange=[r[:2] for r in ranges]
    xy_data_array = [[g(x, y) for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)]
                              for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True)]

    g = Graphics()
    g._set_extra_kwds(Graphics._extract_kwds_for_show(options, ignore=['xmin', 'xmax']))
    g.add_primitive(ContourPlot(xy_data_array, xrange, yrange, options))
    return g        

示例7: var

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: plot_vector_field( (-x/sqrt(x^2+y^2), -y/sqrt(x^2+y^2)), (x, -10, 10), (y, -10, 10))


        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: plot_vector_field( (-x/sqrt(x+y), -y/sqrt(x+y)), (x, -10, 10), (y, -10, 10))

    Extra options will get passed on to show(), as long as they are valid::

        sage: plot_vector_field((x, y), (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2), xmax=10)
        sage: plot_vector_field((x, y), (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2)).show(xmax=10) # These are equivalent
    from sage.plot.plot import Graphics
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    z, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid([f,g], [xrange, yrange], options['plot_points'])
    f,g = z

    xpos_array, ypos_array, xvec_array, yvec_array = [],[],[],[]
    for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True):
        for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True):

    import numpy
    xvec_array = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(numpy.array(xvec_array, dtype=float))
    yvec_array = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(numpy.array(yvec_array, dtype=float))
    g = Graphics()

示例8: plot_vector_field3d

def plot_vector_field3d(functions, xrange, yrange, zrange, plot_points=5, colors="jet", center_arrows=False, **kwds):
    Plot a 3d vector field


    - ``functions`` - a list of three functions, representing the x-,
      y-, and z-coordinates of a vector

    - ``xrange``, ``yrange``, and ``zrange`` - three tuples of the
      form (var, start, stop), giving the variables and ranges for each axis

    - ``plot_points`` (default 5) - either a number or list of three
      numbers, specifying how many points to plot for each axis

    - ``colors`` (default 'jet') - a color, list of colors (which are
      interpolated between), or matplotlib colormap name, giving the coloring
      of the arrows.  If a list of colors or a colormap is given,
      coloring is done as a function of length of the vector

    - ``center_arrows`` (default False) - If True, draw the arrows
      centered on the points; otherwise, draw the arrows with the tail
      at the point

    - any other keywords are passed on to the plot command for each arrow


        sage: x,y,z=var('x y z')
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi))
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),colors=['red','green','blue'])
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),colors='red')
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),plot_points=4)
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),plot_points=[3,5,7])
        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),center_arrows=True)


    This tests that :trac:`2100` is fixed in a way compatible with this command::

        sage: plot_vector_field3d((x*cos(z),-y*cos(z),sin(z)), (x,0,pi), (y,0,pi), (z,0,pi),center_arrows=True,aspect_ratio=(1,2,1))
    (ff, gg, hh), ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(functions, [xrange, yrange, zrange], plot_points)
    xpoints, ypoints, zpoints = [srange(*r, include_endpoint=True) for r in ranges]
    points = [vector((i, j, k)) for i in xpoints for j in ypoints for k in zpoints]
    vectors = [vector((ff(*point), gg(*point), hh(*point))) for point in points]

        from matplotlib.cm import get_cmap

        cm = get_cmap(colors)
    except (TypeError, ValueError):
        cm = None
    if cm is None:
        if isinstance(colors, (list, tuple)):
            from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap

            cm = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("mymap", colors)
            cm = lambda x: colors

    max_len = max(v.norm() for v in vectors)
    scaled_vectors = [v / max_len for v in vectors]

    if center_arrows:
        return sum([plot(v, color=cm(v.norm()), **kwds).translate(p - v / 2) for v, p in zip(scaled_vectors, points)])
        return sum([plot(v, color=cm(v.norm()), **kwds).translate(p) for v, p in zip(scaled_vectors, points)])

示例9: _parametric_plot3d_surface

def _parametric_plot3d_surface(f, urange, vrange, plot_points, boundary_style, **kwds):
    Return a parametric three-dimensional space surface.
    This function is used internally by the
    :func:`parametric_plot3d` command.

    There are two ways this function is invoked by

    - ``parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u_min, u_max),
      (v_min, v_max))``:
      `f_x, f_y, f_z` are each functions of two variables

    - ``parametric_plot3d([f_x, f_y, f_z], (u, u_min,
      u_max), (v, v_min, v_max))``:
      `f_x, f_y, f_z` can be viewed as functions of
      `u` and `v`


    - ``f`` - a 3-tuple of functions or expressions, or vector of size 3

    - ``urange`` - a 2-tuple (u_min, u_max) or a 3-tuple
      (u, u_min, u_max)

    - ``vrange`` - a 2-tuple (v_min, v_max) or a 3-tuple
      (v, v_min, v_max)

    - ``plot_points`` - (default: "automatic", which is [40,40]
      for surfaces) initial number of sample points in each parameter;
      a pair of integers.

    - ``boundary_style`` - (default: None, no boundary) a dict that describes
      how to draw the boundaries of regions by giving options that are passed
      to the line3d command.


    We demonstrate each of the two ways of calling this.  See
    :func:`parametric_plot3d` for many more examples.

    We do the first one with lambda functions::

        sage: f = (lambda u,v: cos(u), lambda u,v: sin(u)+cos(v), lambda u,v: sin(v))
        sage: parametric_plot3d(f, (0, 2*pi), (-pi, pi)) # indirect doctest
        Graphics3d Object

    Now we do the same thing with symbolic expressions::

        sage: u, v = var('u,v')
        sage: parametric_plot3d((cos(u), sin(u) + cos(v), sin(v)), (u, 0, 2*pi), (v, -pi, pi), mesh=True)
        Graphics3d Object
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(f, [urange, vrange], plot_points)
    urange = srange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)
    vrange = srange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True)
    G = ParametricSurface(g, (urange, vrange), **kwds)

    if boundary_style is not None:
        for u in (urange[0], urange[-1]):
            G += line3d([(g[0](u,v), g[1](u,v), g[2](u,v)) for v in vrange], **boundary_style)
        for v in (vrange[0], vrange[-1]):
            G += line3d([(g[0](u,v), g[1](u,v), g[2](u,v)) for u in urange], **boundary_style)
    return G

示例10: plot3d_adaptive

def plot3d_adaptive(f, x_range, y_range, color="automatic",
                    max_bend=.5, max_depth=5, initial_depth=4, num_colors=128, **kwds):
    Adaptive 3d plotting of a function of two variables.

    This is used internally by the plot3d command when the option
    ``adaptive=True`` is given.


    -  ``f`` - a symbolic function or a Python function of
       3 variables.

    -  ``x_range`` - x range of values: 2-tuple (xmin,
       xmax) or 3-tuple (x,xmin,xmax)

    -  ``y_range`` - y range of values: 2-tuple (ymin,
       ymax) or 3-tuple (y,ymin,ymax)

    -  ``grad_f`` - gradient of f as a Python function

    -  ``color`` - "automatic" - a rainbow of num_colors

    -  ``num_colors`` - (default: 128) number of colors to
       use with default color

    -  ``max_bend`` - (default: 0.5)

    -  ``max_depth`` - (default: 5)

    -  ``initial_depth`` - (default: 4)

    -  ``**kwds`` - standard graphics parameters


    We plot `\sin(xy)`::

        sage: from sage.plot.plot3d.plot3d import plot3d_adaptive
        sage: x,y=var('x,y'); plot3d_adaptive(sin(x*y), (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi), initial_depth=5)
        Graphics3d Object
    .. PLOT::
        from sage.plot.plot3d.plot3d import plot3d_adaptive
        sphinx_plot(plot3d_adaptive(sin(x*y), (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi), initial_depth=5))

    if initial_depth >= max_depth:
        max_depth = initial_depth

    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    g, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(f, [x_range,y_range], plot_points=2)
    xmin,xmax = ranges[0][:2]
    ymin,ymax = ranges[1][:2]

    opacity = kwds.get('opacity',1)

    if color == "automatic":
        texture = rainbow(num_colors, 'rgbtuple')
        if isinstance(color, list):
            texture = color
            kwds['color'] = color
            texture = Texture(kwds)

    factory = TrivialTriangleFactory()
    plot = TrianglePlot(factory, g, (xmin, xmax), (ymin, ymax), g = grad_f,
                        min_depth=initial_depth, max_depth=max_depth,
                        max_bend=max_bend, num_colors = None)

    P = IndexFaceSet(plot._objects)
    if isinstance(texture, (list, tuple)):
        if len(texture) == 2:
            # do a grid coloring
            xticks = (xmax - xmin)/2**initial_depth
            yticks = (ymax - ymin)/2**initial_depth
            parts = P.partition(lambda x,y,z: (int((x-xmin)/xticks) + int((y-ymin)/yticks)) % 2)
            # do a topo coloring
            bounds = P.bounding_box()
            min_z = bounds[0][2]
            max_z = bounds[1][2]
            if max_z == min_z:
                span = 0
                span = (len(texture)-1) / (max_z - min_z)    # max to avoid dividing by 0
            parts = P.partition(lambda x,y,z: int((z-min_z)*span))
        all = []
        for k, G in parts.iteritems():
            G.set_texture(texture[k], opacity=opacity)
        P = Graphics3dGroup(all)

示例11: plot_vector_field

def plot_vector_field(f_g, xrange, yrange, **options):
    ``plot_vector_field`` takes two functions of two variables xvar and yvar
    (for instance, if the variables are `x` and `y`, take `(f(x,y), g(x,y))`)
    and plots vector arrows of the function over the specified ranges, with
    xrange being of xvar between xmin and xmax, and yrange similarly (see below).

    ``plot_vector_field((f, g), (xvar, xmin, xmax), (yvar, ymin, ymax))``


    Plot some vector fields involving sin and cos::

        sage: x,y = var('x y')
        sage: plot_vector_field((sin(x), cos(y)), (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: plot_vector_field(( y, (cos(x)-2)*sin(x)), (x,-pi,pi), (y,-pi,pi))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    Plot a gradient field::

        sage: u,v = var('u v')
        sage: f = exp(-(u^2+v^2))
        sage: plot_vector_field(f.gradient(), (u,-2,2), (v,-2,2), color='blue')
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    Plot two orthogonal vector fields::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: a=plot_vector_field((x,y), (x,-3,3),(y,-3,3),color='blue')
        sage: b=plot_vector_field((y,-x),(x,-3,3),(y,-3,3),color='red')
        sage: show(a+b)

    We ignore function values that are infinite or NaN::

        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: plot_vector_field( (-x/sqrt(x^2+y^2), -y/sqrt(x^2+y^2)), (x, -10, 10), (y, -10, 10))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: x,y = var('x,y')
        sage: plot_vector_field( (-x/sqrt(x+y), -y/sqrt(x+y)), (x, -10, 10), (y, -10, 10))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    Extra options will get passed on to show(), as long as they are valid::

        sage: plot_vector_field((x, y), (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2), xmax=10)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: plot_vector_field((x, y), (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2)).show(xmax=10) # These are equivalent
    (f, g) = f_g
    from sage.plot.all import Graphics
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    z, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid([f,g], [xrange, yrange], options['plot_points'])
    f,g = z

    xpos_array, ypos_array, xvec_array, yvec_array = [],[],[],[]
    for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True):
        for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True):

    import numpy
    xvec_array = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(numpy.array(xvec_array, dtype=float))
    yvec_array = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(numpy.array(yvec_array, dtype=float))
    g = Graphics()
    g.add_primitive(PlotField(xpos_array, ypos_array, xvec_array, yvec_array, options))
    return g

示例12: plot_vector_field_on_curve

from sage.misc.decorators import options
def plot_vector_field_on_curve( (xf, yf), (x, y), range, **options ):
    r"""Plot values of a vector-values function along points of a curve
    in the plane.

    Note this function doesn't plot the curve itself."""
    from sage.plot.all import Graphics
    from sage.misc.misc import xsrange
    from sage.plot.plot_field import PlotField
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    zz, rangez = setup_for_eval_on_grid( (x, y, xf, yf), [ range ], options['plot_points'] )
    #print 'setup: ', zz, rangez
    x, y, xf, yf = zz
    xpos_array, ypos_array, xvec_array, yvec_array = [],[],[],[]
    for t in xsrange( *rangez[0], include_endpoint=True ):
       xpos_array.append( x(t) )
       ypos_array.append( y(t) )
       xvec_array.append( xf(t) )
       yvec_array.append( yf(t) )
    import numpy
    xvec_array = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(numpy.array(xvec_array, dtype=float))
    yvec_array = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(numpy.array(yvec_array, dtype=float))
    g = Graphics()
    g.add_primitive(PlotField(xpos_array, ypos_array, xvec_array, yvec_array, options))
    return g


示例13: region_plot

        sage: region_plot(s>0,(t,-2,2),(s,-2,2))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


        sage: region_plot(s>0,(s,-2,2),(t,-2,2))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    An example of a region plot in 'loglog' scale::

        sage: region_plot(x^2+y^2<100, (x,1,10), (y,1,10), scale='loglog')
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


    To check that :trac:`16907` is fixed::

        sage: x, y = var('x, y')
        sage: disc1 = region_plot(x^2+y^2 < 1, (x, -1, 1), (y, -1, 1), alpha=0.5)
        sage: disc2 = region_plot((x-0.7)^2+(y-0.7)^2 < 0.5, (x, -2, 2), (y, -2, 2), incol='red', alpha=0.5)
        sage: disc1 + disc2
        Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives

    To check that :trac:`18286` is fixed::
        sage: x, y = var('x, y')
        sage: region_plot([x == 0], (x, -1, 1), (y, -1, 1))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: region_plot([x^2+y^2==1, x<y], (x, -1, 1), (y, -1, 1))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive


    from sage.plot.all import Graphics
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    from sage.symbolic.expression import is_Expression
    from warnings import warn
    import numpy

    if not isinstance(f, (list, tuple)):
        f = [f]

    feqs = [equify(g) for g in f if is_Expression(g) and g.operator() is operator.eq and not equify(g).is_zero()]
    f = [equify(g) for g in f if not (is_Expression(g) and g.operator() is operator.eq)]
    neqs = len(feqs)
    if neqs > 1:
        warn("There are at least 2 equations; If the region is degenerated to points, plotting might show nothing.")
        feqs = [sum([fn**2 for fn in feqs])]
        neqs = 1
    if neqs and not bordercol:
        bordercol = incol
    if not f:
        return implicit_plot(feqs[0], xrange, yrange, plot_points=plot_points, fill=False, \
                             linewidth=borderwidth, linestyle=borderstyle, color=bordercol, **options)
    f_all, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid(feqs + f, [xrange, yrange], plot_points)
    xrange,yrange=[r[:2] for r in ranges]

    xy_data_arrays = numpy.asarray([[[func(x, y) for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True)]
                                     for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True)]
                                    for func in f_all[neqs::]],dtype=float)
    # Now we need to set entries to negative iff all
    # functions were negative at that point.
    neg_indices = (xy_data_arrays<0).all(axis=0)

    from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap

示例14: streamline_plot


        sage: streamline_plot((x, y), (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), xmax=10)
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive
        sage: streamline_plot((x, y), (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2)).show(xmax=10) # These are equivalent

    .. PLOT::

        x, y = var('x y')
        g = streamline_plot((x, y), (x,-2,2), (y,-2,2), xmax=10)

    We can also construct streamlines in a slope field::

        sage: x, y = var('x y')
        sage: streamline_plot((x + y) / sqrt(x^2 + y^2), (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3))
        Graphics object consisting of 1 graphics primitive

    .. PLOT::

        x, y = var('x y')
        g = streamline_plot((x + y) / sqrt(x**2 + y**2), (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3))

    We choose some particular points the streamlines pass through::

        sage: pts = [[1, 1], [-2, 2], [1, -3/2]]
        sage: g = streamline_plot((x + y) / sqrt(x^2 + y^2), (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), start_points=pts)
        sage: g += point(pts, color='red')
        sage: g
        Graphics object consisting of 2 graphics primitives

    .. PLOT::

        x, y = var('x y')
        pts = [[1, 1], [-2, 2], [1, -3/2]]
        g = streamline_plot((x + y) / sqrt(x**2 + y**2), (x,-3,3), (y,-3,3), start_points=pts)
        g += point(pts, color='red')

    .. NOTE::

        Streamlines currently pass close to ``start_points`` but do
        not necessarily pass directly through them. That is part of
        the behavior of matplotlib, not an error on your part.

    # Parse the function input
    if isinstance(f_g, (list, tuple)):
        (f,g) = f_g
        from sage.functions.all import sqrt
        from inspect import isfunction
        if isfunction(f_g):
            f = lambda x,y: 1 / sqrt(f_g(x, y)**2 + 1)
            g = lambda x,y: f_g(x, y) * f(x, y)
            f = 1 / sqrt(f_g**2 + 1)
            g = f_g * f

    from sage.plot.all import Graphics
    from sage.plot.misc import setup_for_eval_on_grid
    z, ranges = setup_for_eval_on_grid([f,g], [xrange,yrange], options['plot_points'])
    f, g = z

    # The density values must be floats
    if isinstance(options['density'], (list, tuple)):
        options['density'] = [float(x) for x in options['density']]
        options['density'] = float(options['density'])

    xpos_array, ypos_array, xvec_array, yvec_array = [], [], [], []
    for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True):
    for y in xsrange(*ranges[1], include_endpoint=True):
        xvec_row, yvec_row = [], []
        for x in xsrange(*ranges[0], include_endpoint=True):
            xvec_row.append(f(x, y))
            yvec_row.append(g(x, y))

    import numpy
    xpos_array = numpy.array(xpos_array, dtype=float)
    ypos_array = numpy.array(ypos_array, dtype=float)
    xvec_array = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(numpy.array(xvec_array, dtype=float))
    yvec_array = numpy.ma.masked_invalid(numpy.array(yvec_array, dtype=float))

    if 'start_points' in options:
        xstart_array, ystart_array = [], []
        for point in options['start_points']:
        options['start_points'] = numpy.array([xstart_array, ystart_array]).T

    g = Graphics()
    g.add_primitive(StreamlinePlot(xpos_array, ypos_array,
                                   xvec_array, yvec_array, options))
    return g
