本文整理汇总了Python中sage.misc.temporary_file.tmp_filename函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python tmp_filename函数的具体用法?Python tmp_filename怎么用?Python tmp_filename使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: show
def show(self, delay=20, iterations=0):
Show this animation.
- ``delay`` - (default: 20) delay in hundredths of a
second between frames
- ``iterations`` - integer (default: 0); number of
iterations of animation. If 0, loop forever.
.. note::
Currently this is done using an animated gif, though this
could change in the future. This requires that either
ffmpeg or the ImageMagick suite (in particular, the
``convert`` command) is installed.
See also the :meth:`ffmpeg` method.
sage: a = animate([sin(x + float(k)) for k in srange(0,2*pi,0.7)],
... xmin=0, xmax=2*pi, figsize=[2,1])
sage: a.show() # optional -- ImageMagick
The preceding will loop the animation forever. If you want to show
only three iterations instead::
sage: a.show(iterations=3) # optional -- ImageMagick
To put a half-second delay between frames::
sage: a.show(delay=50) # optional -- ImageMagick
.. note::
If you don't have ffmpeg or ImageMagick installed, you will
get an error message like this::
Error: Neither ImageMagick nor ffmpeg appears to be installed. Saving an
animation to a GIF file or displaying an animation requires one of these
packages, so please install one of them and try again.
See www.imagemagick.org and www.ffmpeg.org for more information.
filename = tmp_filename(ext=".gif")
self.gif(savefile=filename, delay=delay, iterations=iterations)
self.gif(delay=delay, iterations=iterations)
filename = tmp_filename(ext=".gif")
self.gif(delay=delay, savefile=filename, iterations=iterations)
os.system("%s %s 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &" % (sage.misc.viewer.browser(), filename))
示例2: graphics_from_save
def graphics_from_save(save_function, preferred_mime_types,
allowed_mime_types=None, figsize=None, dpi=None):
Helper function to construct a graphics file.
- ``save_function`` -- callable that can save graphics to a file
and accepts options like
- ``preferred_mime_types`` -- list of mime types. The graphics
output mime types in order of preference (i.e. best quality to
- ``allowed_mime_types`` -- set of mime types (as strings). The
graphics types that we can display. Output, if any, will be one
of those.
- ``figsize`` -- pair of integers (optional). The desired graphics
size in pixels. Suggested, but need not be respected by the
- ``dpi`` -- integer (optional). The desired resolution in dots
per inch. Suggested, but need not be respected by the output.
Return an instance of
:class:`sage.structure.graphics_file.GraphicsFile` encapsulating a
suitable image file. Image is one of the
``preferred_mime_types``. If ``allowed_mime_types`` is specified,
the resulting file format matches one of these.
Alternatively, this function can return ``None`` to indicate that
textual representation is preferable and/or no graphics with the
desired mime type can be generated.
# Figure out best mime type
mime = None
if allowed_mime_types is None:
mime = Mime.PNG
# order of preference
for m in preferred_mime_types:
if m in allowed_mime_types:
mime = m
if mime is None:
return None # don't know how to generate suitable graphics
# Generate suitable temp file
filename = tmp_filename(ext=os.path.extsep + Mime.extension(mime))
# Call the save_function with the right arguments
kwds = {}
if figsize is not None:
kwds['figsize'] = figsize
if dpi is not None:
kwds['dpi'] = dpi
save_function(filename, **kwds)
return GraphicsFile(filename, mime)
示例3: is_functional
def is_functional(self):
Check whether ``theta`` works on a trivial example.
sage: from sage.features.csdp import CSDP
sage: CSDP().is_functional() # optional: csdp
FeatureTestResult('CSDP', True)
from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_filename
tf_name = tmp_filename()
with open(tf_name, 'wb') as tf:
tf.write("2\n1\n1 1")
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
command = ['theta', tf_name]
lines = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=devnull)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return FeatureTestResult(self, False,
reason = "Call to `{command}` failed with exit code {e.returncode}.".format(command=" ".join(command), e=e))
result = lines.strip().split('\n')[-1]
match = re.match("^The Lovasz Theta Number is (.*)$", result)
if match is None:
return FeatureTestResult(self, False,
reason = "Last line of the output of `{command}` did not have the expected format.".format(command=" ".join(command)))
return FeatureTestResult(self, True)
示例4: is_functional
def is_functional(self):
Test whether ``lrs`` works on a trivial input.
sage: from sage.features.lrs import Lrs
sage: Lrs().is_functional() # optional: lrslib
FeatureTestResult('lrslib', True)
from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_filename
tf_name = tmp_filename()
with open(tf_name, 'wb') as tf:
tf.write("V-representation\nbegin\n 1 1 rational\n 1 \nend\nvolume")
devnull = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
command = ['lrs', tf_name]
lines = subprocess.check_output(command, stderr=devnull)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
return FeatureTestResult(self, False,
reason = "Call to `{command}` failed with exit code {e.returncode}.".format(command=" ".join(command), e=e))
expected = "Volume= 1"
if lines.find(expected) == -1:
return FeatureTestResult(self, False,
reason = "Output of `{command}` did not contain the expected result `{expected}`.".format(command=" ".join(command),expected=expected))
return FeatureTestResult(self, True)
示例5: lrs_redund
def lrs_redund(in_str, verbose=False):
To remove redundant inequalities from an H-representation or
input points that are not vertices from a V-representation
use the command 'redund' from lrslib.
Input: lrs format in_str; Output: lrs format out_str;
Copy and edit from ``def _volume_lrs(self, verbose=False)``,
#if is_package_installed('lrslib') != True:
# print 'You must install the optional lrs package ' \
# 'for this function to work'
# raise NotImplementedError
in_filename = tmp_filename()
in_file = open(in_filename,'w')
if verbose: print(in_str)
redund_procs = Popen(['redund',in_filename],stdin = PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out_str, err = redund_procs.communicate()
if verbose:
return out_str
示例6: _launch_jmol
def _launch_jmol(self):
launch_script = tmp_filename(ext='.spt')
with open(launch_script, 'w') as f:
f.write('set defaultdirectory "{0}"\n'.format(self.filename()))
f.write('script SCRIPT\n')
from sage.env import SAGE_LOCAL
JMOL = os.path.join(SAGE_LOCAL, 'bin', 'jmol')
os.system('{0} {1} 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &'
.format(JMOL, launch_script))
示例7: _launch_jmol
def _launch_jmol(self):
launch_script = tmp_filename(ext=".spt")
with open(launch_script, "w") as f:
f.write('set defaultdirectory "{0}"\n'.format(self.filename()))
f.write("script SCRIPT\n")
from sage.env import SAGE_LOCAL
JMOL = os.path.join(SAGE_LOCAL, "bin", "jmol")
os.system("{0} {1} 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &".format(JMOL, launch_script))
示例8: file_name
def file_name(self, val=None):
Show or set self.settings['file_name']
if val is not None:
self.settings['file_name'] = val
return self.settings['file_name']
except KeyError:
return self.file_name(tmp_filename(ext=self.image_format()))
示例9: filename
def filename(self, ext=None):
Return the filename.
- ``ext`` -- string. The file extension.
Name of a file, most likely a temporary file. If ``ext`` is
specified, the filename will have that extension.
You must not modify the returned file. Its permissions are set
to readonly to help with that.
sage: from sage.repl.rich_output.buffer import OutputBuffer
sage: buf = OutputBuffer('test')
sage: buf.filename() # random output
sage: os.path.isfile(buf.filename())
sage: buf.filename(ext='txt') # random output
sage: buf.filename(ext='txt').endswith('.txt')
if ext is None:
ext = ''
elif not ext.startswith('.'):
ext = '.' + ext
if self._filename is None or not self._filename.endswith(ext):
from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_filename
output = tmp_filename(ext=ext)
output = self._filename
if self._filename is None:
assert self._data is not None
with open(output, 'wb') as f:
self._filename = output
elif self._filename != output:
os.link(self._filename, output)
except (OSError, AttributeError):
import shutil
shutil.copy2(self._filename, output)
return output
示例10: __call__
def __call__(self, model, outfile='sage.png',
verbose=1, block=True, extra_opts=''):
This executes the tachyon program, given a scene file input.
The default is to return the result as a PNG file called 'sage.png'.
sage: from sage.interfaces.tachyon import TachyonRT
sage: tgen = Tachyon()
sage: tgen.texture('t1')
sage: tgen.sphere((0,0,0),1,'t1')
sage: tgen.str()[30:40]
sage: t = TachyonRT()
sage: import os
sage: t(tgen.str(), outfile = os.devnull)
tachyon ...
Tachyon Parallel/Multiprocessor Ray Tracer...
modelfile = tmp_filename(ext='.dat')
opts = ''
ext = outfile[-4:].lower()
if ext == '.png':
opts += ' -format PNG '
elif ext == '.tga':
opts += ' -format TARGA '
elif ext == '.bmp':
opts += ' -format BMP '
elif ext == '.ppm':
opts += ' -format PPM '
elif ext == '.rgb':
opts += ' -format RGB '
opts += ' -o %s '%outfile
opts += ' ' + extra_opts + ' '
if verbose >= 2:
opts += ' +V '
elif verbose == 0:
opts += ' 1>/dev/null'
cmd = 'tachyon %s %s; rm -f "%s"'%(modelfile,opts, modelfile)
if not block:
cmd = '( ' + cmd + ' ) &'
if verbose:
print cmd
# One should always flush before system()
示例11: preparse_file_named
def preparse_file_named(name):
Preparse file named \code{name} (presumably a .sage file), outputting to a
temporary file. Returns name of temporary file.
from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_filename
tmpfilename = tmp_filename(os.path.basename(name)) + '.py'
out = open(tmpfilename, 'w')
preparse_file_named_to_stream(name, out)
return tmpfilename
示例12: tex
def tex(self, filename=None, include_header=True):
Writes the latex code to a file.
- ``filename`` -- string (default:``None``), the output filename.
If ``None``, it saves the file in a temporary directory.
- ``include_header`` -- bool (default:``True``) whether to include
the header latex part. If ``False``, it prints only the
tikzpicture part to the file.
string, path to tex file
sage: from slabbe import TikzPicture
sage: V = [[1,0,1],[1,0,0],[1,1,0],[0,0,-1],[0,1,0],[-1,0,0],[0,1,1],[0,0,1],[0,-1,0]]
sage: P = Polyhedron(vertices=V).polar()
sage: s = P.projection().tikz([674,108,-731],112)
sage: t = TikzPicture(s)
sage: _ = t.tex()
Write only the tikzpicture without header and begin/end document::
sage: _ = t.tex(include_header=False)
Write to a given filename::
sage: from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_filename
sage: filename = tmp_filename('temp','.tex')
sage: _ = t.tex(filename)
if filename is None:
filename = tmp_filename('tikz_','.tex')
filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
if include_header:
output = str(self)
output = self.tikz_picture_code()
with open(filename, 'w') as f:
return filename
示例13: runsnake
def runsnake(command):
Graphical profiling with ``runsnake``
- ``command`` -- the command to be run as a string.
sage: runsnake("list(SymmetricGroup(3))") # optional - runsnake
``command`` is first preparsed (see :func:`preparse`)::
sage: runsnake('for x in range(1,4): print(x^2)') # optional - runsnake
:func:`runsnake` requires the program ``runsnake``. Due to non
trivial dependencies (python-wxgtk, ...), installing it within the
Sage distribution is unpractical. Hence, we recommend installing
it with the system wide Python. On Ubuntu 10.10, this can be done
> sudo apt-get install python-profiler python-wxgtk2.8 python-setuptools
> sudo easy_install RunSnakeRun
See the ``runsnake`` website for instructions for other platforms.
:func:`runsnake` further assumes that the system wide Python is
installed in ``/usr/bin/python``.
.. seealso::
- `The runsnake website <http://www.vrplumber.com/programming/runsnakerun/>`_
- ``%prun``
- :class:`Profiler`
import cProfile
import os
from sage.misc.temporary_file import tmp_filename
from sage.misc.misc import get_main_globals
from sage.repl.preparse import preparse
tmpfile = tmp_filename()
cProfile.runctx(preparse(command.lstrip().rstrip()), get_main_globals(), locals(), filename=tmpfile)
os.system("/usr/bin/python -E `which runsnake` %s &" % tmpfile)
示例14: lcdd_rational
def lcdd_rational(in_str, verbose=False):
Use the command ``lcdd_gmp`` from cddlib.
Input: cdd format in_str; Output: cdd format out_str;
in_filename = tmp_filename()
in_file = open(in_filename,'w')
if verbose:
redund_procs = Popen(['lcdd_gmp',in_filename],stdin = PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
out_str, err = redund_procs.communicate()
if verbose:
return out_str
示例15: test_write_to_file
def test_write_to_file():
Test that libgap can write to files
See :trac:`16502`, :trac:`15833`.
sage: from sage.libs.gap.test import test_write_to_file
sage: test_write_to_file()
fname = tmp_filename()
message = "Ceci n'est pas une groupe"
libgap.PrintTo(fname, message)
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
assert f.read() == message
SystemFile = libgap.function_factory('StringFile')
assert SystemFile(fname).sage() == message