本文整理汇总了Python中sage.all.pari函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python pari函数的具体用法?Python pari怎么用?Python pari使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: to_polredabs
def to_polredabs(K):
* "K" - a number field
* "phi" - an isomorphism K -> L, where L = QQ['x']/f and f a polynomial such that f = polredabs(f)
R = PolynomialRing(QQ,'x')
x = R.gen(0)
if K == QQ:
L = QQ.extension(x,'w')
return QQ.hom(L)
L = K.absolute_field('a')
m1 = L.structure()[1]
f = L.absolute_polynomial()
g = pari(f).polredabs(1)
g,h = g[0].sage(locals={'x':x}),g[1].lift().sage(locals={'x':x})
if debug:
print 'f',f
print 'g',g
print 'h',h
M = QQ.extension(g,'w')
m2 = L.hom([h(M.gen(0))])
return m2*m1
示例2: sage_residue_field_degrees_function
def sage_residue_field_degrees_function(nf):
""" Version of above which takes a sage number field
Used by Artin representation code when the Artin field is not
in the database.
D = nf.disc()
return main_work(pari(nf),D,'sage')
示例3: f
def f(l_min, l_max):
from pymongo import Connection
C = Connection(address).research
C.authenticate(user, password)
C = C.ellcurves
for v in C.find({'level':{'$gte':level_min, '$lt':level_max},
E = pari('ellinit(%s,1)'%v['weq'])
ap = dict([(str(p),int(E.ellap(p))) for p in P])
C.update({'_id':v['_id']}, {'$set':{'ap':ap}})
示例4: polredabs
def polredabs(self):
if "polredabs" in self._data.keys():
return self._data["polredabs"]
pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(self.polynomial())
pol *= pol.denominator()
R = pol.parent()
from sage.all import pari
pol = R(pari(pol).polredabs())
self._data["polredabs"] = pol
return pol
示例5: polredabs
def polredabs(self):
if "polredabs" in self._data.keys():
return self._data["polredabs"]
pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(map(str,self.polynomial()))
# Need to map because the coefficients are given as unicode, which does not convert to QQ
pol *= pol.denominator()
R = pol.parent()
from sage.all import pari
pol = R(pari(pol).polredabs())
self._data["polredabs"] = pol
return pol
示例6: bounded_elements
def bounded_elements(N):
Return elements in maximal order of B that have reduced norm
whose trace is at most N.
sage: from sage.modular.hilbert.sqrt5 import bounded_elements
sage: X = bounded_elements(3)
sage: len(X)
sage: rnX = [a.reduced_norm() for a in X]
sage: set([a.trace() for a in rnX])
set([2, 3])
sage: set([a.norm() for a in rnX])
sage: X = bounded_elements(5)
sage: len(X)
sage: rnX = [a.reduced_norm() for a in X]
sage: set([a.trace() for a in rnX])
set([2, 3, 4, 5])
sage: set([a.norm() for a in rnX])
set([1, 4, 5])
# Get our maximal order
R = icosian_ring_gens_over_ZZ()
# Compute Gram matrix of R
G = gram_matrix_of_maximal_order(R)
# Make PARI quadratic form
from sage.all import pari
qf = pari(G)
# Get the vectors of norm up to N.
# The 2 is because we had to scale by 2 to get
# rid of denominator in Gram matrix.
Z = qfminim(qf, N)
Z2 = Z[2].sage().transpose()
# For each vector, make the corresponding element of B.
# TODO: This step massively dominates the runtime, and can be
# easily made trivial with careful thought.
V = []
for i in range(Z2.nrows()):
w = Z2[i]
V.append(sum(w[j]*R[j] for j in range(8)))
return V
示例7: alpha
def alpha(self, z):
- z - an element of P^1(O_F/P).
W = self.ideal_basis(z)
G = self.ideal_gram(W)
from sage.all import pari
qf = pari(G)
t = self.pi.trace()
c = qfminim(qf, t)
#print "number of vectors", c[0]
for r in c[2].sage().transpose():
a = sum([W[i]*r[i] for i in range(8)])
if a.reduced_norm() == self.pi:
return a
raise ValueError, "bug"
示例8: modular_units_of_degree
def modular_units_of_degree(G,deg,rational = True, verbose = False,qfminim_bound = 10**5):
Returns an iterator over all modular units on the curve X(G).
- ``G`` - a congruence subgroup
- ``deg`` - int, the degree of modular unit to search for
- ``rational`` - bool, true means modular unit should be defined over QQ
- ``verbose`` - bool (default = false), wether or not to print progress
- ``qfminim_bound`` - int (default - 10^5), given to pari's qfminim command, and is an upper bound on
how many vectors of short l2 norm are returned by pari
this function will raise an error if pari finds more short
vectors then it returns
if rational:
M = L.basis_matrix().change_ring(ZZ).LLL()
if verbose:
print short_vectors[:2]
count = 0
for i in short_vectors[2]:
if verbose and count%10000==0:
print count
if v.norm(1)/2 == deg:
yield L(v)
assert short_vectors[0].sage() < 2*qfminim_bound
示例9: G_name
def G_name(self):
More-or-less standardized name of the abstract group
import re
wnf = WebNumberField.from_polredabs(self.polredabs())
if not wnf.is_null():
mygalstring = wnf.galois_string()
if re.search('Trivial', mygalstring) is not None:
return '$C_1$'
# Have to remove dollar signs
return mygalstring
if self.polredabs().degree() < 12:
# Let pari compute it for us now
from sage.all import pari
galt = int(list(pari('polgalois(' + str(self.polredabs()) + ')'))[2])
from lmfdb.transitive_group import WebGaloisGroup
tg = WebGaloisGroup.from_nt(self.polredabs().degree(), galt)
return tg.display_short()
return self._data["G-Name"]
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self, number_field, mod_ideal = 1, mod_archimedean = None):
if mod_archimedean == None:
mod_archimedean = [0] * len(number_field.real_places())
mod_ideal = number_field.ideal( mod_ideal )
bnf = gp(number_field.pari_bnf())
# Use PARI to compute ray class group
bnr = bnf.bnrinit([mod_ideal, mod_archimedean],1)
invariants = bnr[5][2] # bnr.clgp.cyc
invariants = tuple([ Integer(x) for x in invariants ])
names = tuple([ "I%i"%i for i in range(len(invariants)) ])
generators = bnr[5][3] # bnr.gen = bnr.clgp[3]
generators = [ number_field.ideal(pari(x)) for x in generators ]
AbelianGroup_class.__init__(self, invariants, names)
self.__number_field = number_field
self.__bnr = bnr
self.__pari_mod = bnr[2][1]
self.__mod_ideal = mod_ideal
self.__mod_arch = mod_archimedean
self.__generators = generators
示例11: residue_field_degrees_function
def residue_field_degrees_function(K):
""" Given a sage field, returns a function that has
input: a prime p
output: the residue field degrees at the prime p
k1 = pari(K)
D = K.disc()
def decomposition(p):
if not ZZ(p).divides(D):
#dec = k1.idealprimedec(p)
# ar = ArtinRepresentation(1,29,1)
print 'decomposing prime...***'
print 'TRYING GP2'
dec = gp2.idealprimedec(k1, p)
dec = gp.idealprimedec(k1, p)
dec = [z[3] for z in dec]
return dec
raise ValueError("Expecting a prime not dividing D")
return decomposition
示例12: polredabs
def polredabs(pol):
return sagepol(pari(pol).polredabs()) if pol.base_ring()==QQ else pol
示例13: from_polynomial
def from_polynomial(cls, pol):
pol = PolynomialRing(QQ, 'x')(str(pol))
pol *= pol.denominator()
R = pol.parent()
pol = R(pari(pol).polredbest().polredabs())
return cls.from_coeffs([int(c) for c in pol.coefficients(sparse=False)])
示例14: zk
def zk(self):
if self.haskey('zk'):
zkstrings = self._data['zk']
return [str(u) for u in zkstrings]
return list(pari(self.poly()).nfbasis())
示例15: render_field_webpage
def render_field_webpage(args):
data = None
C = base.getDBConnection()
info = {}
bread = [("Global Number Fields", url_for(".number_field_render_webpage"))]
if "label" in args:
label = clean_input(args["label"])
nf = WebNumberField(label)
data = {}
if nf.is_null():
bread.append(("Search results", " "))
label2 = re.sub(r"[<>]", "", args["label"])
if "You need to enter a field" in label2:
info["err"] = label2
info["err"] = "No such field: %s in the database" % label2
info["label"] = args["label_orig"] if "label_orig" in args else args["label"]
return search_input_error(info, bread)
info["wnf"] = nf
data["degree"] = nf.degree()
data["class_number"] = nf.class_number()
t = nf.galois_t()
n = nf.degree()
data["is_galois"] = nf.is_galois()
data["is_abelian"] = nf.is_abelian()
if nf.is_abelian():
conductor = nf.conductor()
data["conductor"] = conductor
dirichlet_chars = nf.dirichlet_group()
if len(dirichlet_chars) > 0:
data["dirichlet_group"] = [
'<a href = "%s">$\chi_{%s}(%s,·)$</a>'
% (url_character(type="Dirichlet", modulus=data["conductor"], number=j), data["conductor"], j)
for j in dirichlet_chars
data["dirichlet_group"] = r"$\lbrace$" + ", ".join(data["dirichlet_group"]) + r"$\rbrace$"
if data["conductor"].is_prime() or data["conductor"] == 1:
data["conductor"] = "\(%s\)" % str(data["conductor"])
data["conductor"] = "\(%s=%s\)" % (str(data["conductor"]), latex(data["conductor"].factor()))
data["galois_group"] = group_display_knowl(n, t, C)
data["cclasses"] = cclasses_display_knowl(n, t, C)
data["character_table"] = character_table_display_knowl(n, t, C)
data["class_group"] = nf.class_group()
data["class_group_invs"] = nf.class_group_invariants()
data["signature"] = nf.signature()
data["coefficients"] = nf.coeffs()
D = nf.disc()
ram_primes = D.prime_factors()
data["disc_factor"] = nf.disc_factored_latex()
if D.abs().is_prime() or D == 1:
data["discriminant"] = "\(%s\)" % str(D)
data["discriminant"] = "\(%s=%s\)" % (str(D), data["disc_factor"])
npr = len(ram_primes)
ram_primes = str(ram_primes)[1:-1]
if ram_primes == "":
ram_primes = r"\textrm{None}"
data["frob_data"], data["seeram"] = frobs(nf.K())
data["phrase"] = group_phrase(n, t, C)
zk = pari(nf.K()).nf_subst("a")
zk = list(zk.nf_get_zk())
Ra = PolynomialRing(QQ, "a")
zk = [latex(Ra(x)) for x in zk]
zk = ["$%s$" % x for x in zk]
zk = ", ".join(zk)
grh_label = (
'<small>(<a title="assuming GRH" knowl="nf.assuming_grh">assuming GRH</a>)</small>' if nf.used_grh() else ""
# Short version for properties
grh_lab = nf.short_grh_string()
pretty_label = field_pretty(label)
if label != pretty_label:
pretty_label = "%s: %s" % (label, pretty_label)
"label": pretty_label,
"label_raw": label,
"polynomial": web_latex_split_on_pm(nf.K().defining_polynomial()),
"ram_primes": ram_primes,
"integral_basis": zk,
"regulator": web_latex(nf.regulator()),
"unit_rank": nf.unit_rank(),
"root_of_unity": web_latex(nf.K().primitive_root_of_unity()),
"fund_units": nf.units(),
"grh_label": grh_label,
bread.append(("%s" % info["label_raw"], " "))
info["downloads_visible"] = True
info["downloads"] = [("worksheet", "/")]
info["friends"] = []
if nf.can_class_number():
info["friends"].append(("L-function", "/L/NumberField/%s" % label))
info["friends"].append(("Galois group", "/GaloisGroup/%dT%d" % (n, t)))