本文整理汇总了Python中sage.all.matrix函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python matrix函数的具体用法?Python matrix怎么用?Python matrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: _load_bp
def _load_bp(self, fname):
bp = []
with open(fname) as f:
for line in f:
if line.startswith('#'):
bp_json = json.loads(line)
for step in bp_json['steps']:
Layer(int(step['position']), matrix(step['0']), matrix(step['1'])))
assert len(bp_json['outputs']) == 1 and \
len(bp_json['outputs'][0]) == 2
first_out = bp_json['outputs'][0][0].lower()
if first_out not in ['false', '0']:
if first_out not in ['true', '1']:
print('warning: interpreting %s as a truthy output' % first_out)
bp[-1].one .swap_columns(0,1)
return bp
except IOError as e:
except ValueError as e:
print('expected numeric position while parsing branching program JSON')
示例2: run_example
def run_example(filepath,more_info=False):
e = E.Example(filepath)
mA = S.matrix(S.QQ,lmatrix_to_numbers(e.matrix_A))
mB_s = S.matrix(S.QQ,lmatrix_to_numbers(e.matrix_B_strict))
mB_w = S.matrix(S.QQ,lmatrix_to_numbers(e.matrix_B_weak))
print "Checking termination for example '"+ e.example_name +"'"
print "published in " + e.published_in
if more_info:
print "Matrix A:"
print mA
print "Matrix jnf(A):"
print mA.jordan_form(S.QQbar)
print "Matrix B strict:"
print mB_s
print "Matrix B weak:"
print mB_w
print ("applicable to complexity theorem: " + str(C.are_absolute_eigenvalues_of_jordan_blocks_distinct(mA)))
print ("polynomial update: " + str(C.has_polynomial_growth(mA)))
print ("max growth: " + str(C.pretty_growth(C.max_growth(mA))))
start_time = time.time()
result = T.termination_check(mA,mB_s,mB_w,more_info)
end_time = time.time()
print "result:",result
print ("time: %0.4f seconds" % (end_time - start_time))
print "-"*40+"\n"
示例3: compatibility_degree
def compatibility_degree(self, alpha, beta):
if self.is_finite():
tube_contribution = -1
elif self.is_affine():
gck = self.gamma().associated_coroot()
if any([gck.scalar(alpha) != 0, gck.scalar(beta) != 0]):
tube_contribution = -1
sup_a = self._tube_support(alpha)
sup_b = self._tube_support(beta)
if all([x in sup_b for x in sup_a]) or all([x in sup_a for x in sup_b]):
tube_contribution = -1
nbh_a = self._tube_nbh(alpha)
tube_contribution = len([ x for x in nbh_a if x in sup_b ])
raise ValueError("compatibility degree is implemented only for finite and affine types")
initial = self.initial_cluster()
if alpha in initial:
return max(beta[initial.index(alpha)],0)
alphacheck = alpha.associated_coroot()
if beta in initial:
return max(alphacheck[initial.index(beta)],0)
Ap = -matrix(self.rk, map(lambda x: max(x,0), self.b_matrix().list() ) )
Am = matrix(self.rk, map(lambda x: min(x,0), self.b_matrix().list() ) )
a = vector(alphacheck)
b = vector(beta)
return max( -a*b-a*Am*b, -a*b-a*Ap*b, tube_contribution )
示例4: coxeter
def coxeter(self):
Returns a list expressing the coxeter element corresponding to self._B
(twisted) reflections are applied from top of the list, for example
[2, 1, 0] correspond to s_2s_1s_0
Sources == non positive columns == leftmost letters
zero_vector = vector([0 for x in range(self.rk)])
coxeter = []
B = copy(self.B0)
columns = B.columns()
source = None
for j in range(self.rk):
for i in range(self.rk):
if all(x <=0 for x in columns[i]) and columns[i] != zero_vector:
source = i
if source == None:
if B != matrix(self.rk):
raise ValueError("Unable to find a Coxeter element representing self.B0")
coxeter += [ x for x in range(self.rk) if x not in coxeter]
columns[source] = zero_vector
B = matrix(columns).transpose()
B[source] = zero_vector
columns = B.columns()
source = None
return tuple(coxeter)
示例5: kernel_lattice
def kernel_lattice(A, mod=None):
''' Lattice of vectors x with Ax = 0 (potentially mod m) '''
A = matrix(ZZ if mod is None else Integers(mod), A)
L = [vector(ZZ, row) for row in A.right_kernel().basis()]
if mod is not None:
cols = len(L[0])
for i in range(cols):
L.append([0]*i + [mod] + [0]*(cols-i-1))
return matrix(L)
示例6: _blocks_to_quad_form
def _blocks_to_quad_form(blcs, p):
h = matrix([[QQ(0), QQ(1) / QQ(2)],
[QQ(1) / QQ(2), QQ(0)]])
y = matrix([[QQ(1), QQ(1) / QQ(2)],
[QQ(1) / QQ(2), QQ(1)]])
mat_dict = {"h": h, "y": y}
mats_w_expt = [(expt, mat_dict[qf] if qf in ("h", "y") else matrix([[qf]]))
for expt, qf in blcs]
qfs = [QuadraticForm(ZZ, m * ZZ(2) * p ** expt) for expt, m in mats_w_expt]
return reduce(operator.add, qfs)
示例7: _rankin_cohen_triple_det_sym2_pol
def _rankin_cohen_triple_det_sym2_pol(k1, k2, k3):
(r11, r12, r22, s11, s12, s22, t11, t12, t22), (u1, u2) = _triple_gens()
m0 = matrix([[r11, s11, t11], [2 * r12, 2 * s12, 2 * t12], [k1, k2, k3]])
m1 = matrix([[r11, s11, t11], [k1, k2, k3], [r22, s22, t22]])
m2 = matrix([[k1, k2, k3], [2 * r12, 2 * s12, 2 * t12], [r22, s22, t22]])
Q = m0.det() * u1**2 - 2 * m1.det() * u1 * u2 + m2.det() * u2**2
return Q
示例8: matrix_representaion
def matrix_representaion(self, lin_op):
'''Let lin_op(f, t) be an endomorphsim of self, where f is
a modular form and t is a object corresponding to a matrix.
This medthod returns the matrix representation of lin_op.
basis = self.basis()
lin_indep_tuples = self.linearly_indep_tuples()
m1 = matrix([[f[t] for t in lin_indep_tuples] for f in basis])
m2 = matrix([[lin_op(f, t) for t in lin_indep_tuples]
for f in basis])
return (m2 * m1 ** (-1)).transpose()
示例9: cvp_embed
def cvp_embed(L, v, b=None):
if not b:
b = max(max(row) for row in L.rows())
L2 = matrix([list(row) + [0] for row in L] + [list(v) + [b]])
res = None
for x in lll(matrix(L2)):
if x[-1] > 0: x = -x
if x[-1] == -b:
u = vector(x[:-1]) + v
assert in_lattice(L, u)
if res is None or (v - u).norm() < (v - res).norm():
res = u
return res
示例10: mod_right_kernel
def mod_right_kernel(A, mod):
# from https://ask.sagemath.org/question/33890/how-to-find-kernel-of-a-matrix-in-mathbbzn/
# too slow though
Zn = ZZ**A.ncols()
M = Zn/(mod*Zn)
phi = M.hom([M(a) for a in A] + [M(0) for _ in range(A.ncols()-A.nrows())])
return matrix([M(b) for b in phi.kernel().gens()])
示例11: test_division_generators
def test_division_generators(self):
prec = 6
div_consts = [c for c in gens_consts if isinstance(c, ConstDivision)]
consts = (even_gen_consts() + odd_gen_consts() +
[CVH(_wt18_consts[0], 2), CVH(sym10_19_consts[0], 2)])
calculator = CalculatorVectValued(consts, data_dir)
calculator.calc_forms_and_save(prec, verbose=True, force=True)
gens_dct = calculator.forms_dict(prec)
for c in div_consts:
k = c.weight()
print "checking when k = %s" % (str(k), )
if k % 2 == 0:
sccst = _find_const_of_e4_e6_of_same_wt(18 - k)
M = Sym10EvenDiv(sccst, prec)
sccst = _find_const_of_e4_e6_of_same_wt(19 - k)
M = Sym10OddDiv(sccst, prec)
pl = _anihilate_pol(k, M)
hol_basis = M.basis_of_subsp_annihilated_by(pl)
N = Sym10GivenWtBase(prec, k, hol_basis)
# Check this prec is sufficient.
mt = matrix(QQ, [[b[t] for b in N.basis()]
for t in N.linearly_indep_tuples()])
mt.is_invertible(), "False when k = %s" % (str(k),))
# Check our construction gives a holomorphic modular form
"False when k = %s" % (str(k),))
示例12: is_independent
def is_independent(self, v):
Return True if the Hecke operators in v are independent.
- `v` -- four elements of the Hecke algebra mod 2 (represented as matrices)
- bool
sage: from mdsage import *
sage: C = KamiennyCriterion(29)
sage: C.is_independent([C.T(1), C.T(2), C.T(3), C.T(4)])
sage: C.is_independent([C.T(1), C.T(2), C.T(3), C.T(1)+C.T(3)])
# X = matrix(GF(2), 4, sum([a.list() for a in v], []))
# c = sage.matrix.matrix_modn_dense.Matrix_modn_dense(X.parent(),X.list(),False,True)
# return c.rank() == 4
# This crashes! See http://trac.sagemath.org/sage_trac/ticket/8301
return matrix(GF(2), len(v), sum([a.list() for a in v], [])).rank() == len(v)
raise NotImplementedError
示例13: _arc
def _arc(p,q,s,**kwds):
#rewrite this to use polar_plot and get points to do filled triangles
from sage.misc.functional import det
from sage.plot.line import line
from sage.misc.functional import norm
from sage.symbolic.all import pi
from sage.plot.arc import arc
p,q,s = map( lambda x: vector(x), [p,q,s])
# to avoid running into division by 0 we set to be colinear vectors that are
# almost colinear
if abs(det(matrix([p-s,q-s])))<0.01:
return line((p,q),**kwds)
2*cx*(s[0]-p[0])+2*cy*(s[1]-p[1]) == s[0]**2+s[1]**2-p[0]**2-p[1]**2,
2*cx*(s[0]-q[0])+2*cy*(s[1]-q[1]) == s[0]**2+s[1]**2-q[0]**2-q[1]**2
c = vector( [solve( equations, (cx,cy), solution_dict=True )[0][i] for i in [cx,cy]] )
r = norm(p-c)
a_p, a_q, a_s = map(lambda x: atan2(x[1],x[0]), [p-c,q-c,s-c])
a_p, a_q = sorted([a_p,a_q])
if a_s < a_p or a_s > a_q:
return arc( c, r, angle=a_q, sector=(0,2*pi-a_q+a_p), **kwds)
return arc( c, r, angle=a_p, sector=(0,a_q-a_p), **kwds)
示例14: isom
def isom(A,B):
# First check that A is a symmetric matrix.
if not matrix(A).is_symmetric():
return False
# Then check A against the viable database candidates.
for i in range(n):
for j in range(i,n):
if i==j:
for i in range(m):
for j in range(i,m):
if i==j:
# check positive definite
if Aquad.is_positive_definite():
return Aquad.is_globally_equivalent_to(Bquad)
return False
示例15: do_import
def do_import(ll):
dim,det,level,gram,density,hermite,minimum,kissing,shortest,aut,theta_series,class_number,genus_reps,name,comments = ll
mykeys = ['dim','det','level','gram','density','hermite', 'minimum','kissing','shortest','aut','theta_series','class_number','genus_reps','name','comments']
data = {}
for j in range(len(mykeys)):
data[mykeys[j]] = ll[j]
blabel = base_label(data['dim'],data['det'],data['level'], data['class_number'])
data['base_label'] = blabel
data['index'] = label_lookup(blabel)
label= last_label(blabel, data['index'])
data['label'] = label
lattice = lat.find_one({'label': label})
if lattice is None:
print "new lattice"
print "***********"
print "check for isometries..."
result=[B for B in lat.find({'dim': int(n), 'det' : int(d)}) if isom(A, B['gram'])]
if len(result)>0:
print "... the lattice with base label "+ blabel + " is isometric to " + str(result[0]['gram'])
print "***********"
lattice = data
print "lattice already in the database"
if saving:
lat.update({'label': label} , {"$set": lattice}, upsert=True)