本文整理汇总了Python中safe_qgis.utilities.clipper.clip_layer函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python clip_layer函数的具体用法?Python clip_layer怎么用?Python clip_layer使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_clip_raster_small
def test_clip_raster_small(self):
"""Raster layers can be clipped in small and precise size. For #710."""
# Create a raster layer
layer_name = 'shake'
raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(RASTERPATH, layer_name)
message = (
'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % (layer_name, RASTERPATH))
assert raster_layer is not None, message
# Create a bounding box
bounding_box = [97, -3, 104, 1]
# Clip the vector to the bbox
result = clip_layer(raster_layer, bounding_box)
# Check the output is valid
assert os.path.exists(result.source())
# Clip and give a desired resolution for the output
# small pixel size and high precision
# based on pixel size of Flood_Current_Depth_Jakarta_geographic.asc
size = 0.00045228819716
result = clip_layer(raster_layer, bounding_box, size)
new_raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(result.source(), layer_name)
assert new_raster_layer.isValid(), 'Resampled raster is not valid'
message = (
'Resampled raster has incorrect pixel size. Expected: %.14f, '
'Actual: %.14f' % (
size, new_raster_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()))
result_size = new_raster_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()
self.assertAlmostEqual(result_size, size, places=13, msg=message)
示例2: test_clipRaster
def test_clipRaster(self):
"""Raster layers can be clipped
# Create a raster layer
myName = 'shake'
myRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(RASTERPATH, myName)
myMessage = 'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % \
assert myRasterLayer is not None, myMessage
# Create a bounding box
myRect = [97, -3, 104, 1]
# Clip the vector to the bbox
myResult = clip_layer(myRasterLayer, myRect)
# Check the output is valid
assert os.path.exists(myResult.source())
# Clip and give a desired resolution for the output
mySize = 0.05
myResult = clip_layer(myRasterLayer, myRect, mySize)
myNewRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(myResult.source(), myName)
assert myNewRasterLayer.isValid(), 'Resampled raster is not valid'
myMessage = ('Resampled raster has incorrect pixel size.'
'Expected: %f, Actual: %f' %
(mySize, myNewRasterLayer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()))
assert myNewRasterLayer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX() == mySize, myMessage
示例3: test_clip_raster
def test_clip_raster(self):
"""Raster layers can be clipped."""
# Create a raster layer
layer_name = 'shake'
raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(RASTERPATH, layer_name)
message = (
'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % (layer_name, RASTERPATH))
assert raster_layer is not None, message
# Create a bounding box
bounding_box = [97, -3, 104, 1]
# Clip the vector to the bbox
result = clip_layer(raster_layer, bounding_box)
# Check the output is valid
assert os.path.exists(result.source())
# Clip and give a desired resolution for the output
# big pixel size
size = 0.05
result = clip_layer(raster_layer, bounding_box, size)
new_raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(result.source(), layer_name)
assert new_raster_layer.isValid(), 'Resampled raster is not valid'
message = (
'Resampled raster has incorrect pixel size. Expected: %5f, '
'Actual: %5f' % (size, new_raster_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX()))
assert new_raster_layer.rasterUnitsPerPixelX() == size, message
示例4: test_raster_scaling_projected
def test_raster_scaling_projected(self):
"""Attempt to scale projected density raster layers raise exception.
Automatic scaling when resampling density data
does not currently work for projected layers. See issue #123.
For the time being this test checks that an exception is raised
when scaling is attempted on projected layers.
When we resolve issue #123, this test should be rewritten.
test_filename = 'Population_Jakarta_UTM48N.tif'
raster_path = ('%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, test_filename))
# Get reference values
safe_layer = read_safe_layer(raster_path)
min_value, max_value = safe_layer.get_extrema()
native_resolution = safe_layer.get_resolution()
print min_value, max_value
print native_resolution
# Define bounding box in EPSG:4326
bounding_box = [106.61, -6.38, 107.05, -6.07]
resolutions = [0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001]
# Test for a range of resolutions
for resolution in resolutions:
# Clip the raster to the bbox
extra_keywords = {'resolution': native_resolution}
raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(raster_path, 'xxx')
except InvalidProjectionError:
message = 'Should have raised InvalidProjectionError'
raise Exception(message)
示例5: testRasterScaling_projected
def testRasterScaling_projected(self):
"""Attempt to scale projected density raster layers raise exception
Automatic scaling when resampling density data
does not currently work for projected layers. See issue #123.
For the time being this test checks that an exception is raised
when scaling is attempted on projected layers.
When we resolve issue #123, this test should be rewritten.
myTestFilename = 'Population_Jakarta_UTM48N.tif'
myRasterPath = ('%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, myTestFilename))
# Get reference values
mySafeLayer = readSafeLayer(myRasterPath)
myMinimum, myMaximum = mySafeLayer.get_extrema()
myNativeResolution = mySafeLayer.get_resolution()
print myMinimum, myMaximum
print myNativeResolution
# Define bounding box in EPSG:4326
myBoundingBox = [106.61, -6.38, 107.05, -6.07]
# Test for a range of resolutions
for myResolution in [0.02, 0.01, 0.005, 0.002, 0.001]:
# Clip the raster to the bbox
myExtraKeywords = {'resolution': myNativeResolution}
myRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(myRasterPath, 'xxx')
except InvalidProjectionError:
myMessage = 'Should have raised InvalidProjectionError'
raise Exception(myMessage)
示例6: test_clipOnePixel
def test_clipOnePixel(self):
# Create a raster layer
myRasterPath = os.path.join(EXPDATA, 'glp10ag.asc')
myTitle = 'people'
myRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(myRasterPath, myTitle)
# Create very small bounding box
mySmallRect = [100.3430, -0.9089, 100.3588, -0.9022]
# Clip the raster to the bbox
_ = clip_layer(myRasterLayer, mySmallRect)
except CallGDALError:
except Exception, e:
raise Exception('Exception is not expected, %s' % e)
示例7: test_vector_projections
def test_vector_projections(self):
"""Test that vector input data is reprojected properly during clip."""
# Input data is OSM in GOOGLE CRS
# We are reprojecting to GEO and expecting the output shp to be in GEO
# see https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/119
# and https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/95
vector_layer = QgsVectorLayer(
VECTOR_PATH2, 'OSM Buildings', 'ogr')
message = 'Failed to load osm buildings'
assert vector_layer is not None, message
assert vector_layer.isValid()
set_canvas_crs(GEOCRS, True)
clip_rectangle = [106.52, -6.38, 107.14, -6.07]
# Clip the vector to the bbox
result = clip_layer(vector_layer, clip_rectangle)
示例8: test_clip_one_pixel
def test_clip_one_pixel(self):
"""Test for clipping less than one pixel."""
# Create a raster layer
raster_path = os.path.join(EXPDATA, 'glp10ag.asc')
title = 'people'
raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(raster_path, title)
# Create very small bounding box
small_bounding_box = [100.3430, -0.9089, 100.3588, -0.9022]
# Clip the raster to the bbox
_ = clip_layer(raster_layer, small_bounding_box)
except CallGDALError:
except Exception, e:
raise Exception('Exception is not expected, %s' % e)
示例9: test_clip_vector_hard
def test_clip_vector_hard(self):
"""Vector layers can be hard clipped.
Hard clipping will remove any dangling, non intersecting elements.
vector_layer = QgsVectorLayer(
VECTOR_PATH3, 'OSM Buildings', 'ogr')
message = 'Failed to load osm buildings'
assert vector_layer is not None, message
assert vector_layer.isValid()
set_canvas_crs(GEOCRS, True)
clip_rectangle = [106.8218, -6.1842, 106.8232, -6.1830]
# Clip the vector to the bbox
result = clip_layer(vector_layer, clip_rectangle, hard_clip_flag=True)
# Check the output is valid
示例10: test_clip_vector
def test_clip_vector(self):
"""Vector layers can be clipped."""
# Create a vector layer
layer_name = 'padang'
vector_layer = QgsVectorLayer(VECTOR_PATH, layer_name, 'ogr')
message = (
'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % (layer_name, VECTOR_PATH))
assert vector_layer is not None, message
assert vector_layer.isValid()
# Create a bounding box
bounding_box = [100.03, -1.14, 100.81, -0.73]
# Clip the vector to the bbox
result = clip_layer(vector_layer, bounding_box)
# Check the output is valid
示例11: test_clipVector
def test_clipVector(self):
"""Vector layers can be clipped.
# Create a vector layer
myName = 'padang'
myVectorLayer = QgsVectorLayer(VECTOR_PATH, myName, 'ogr')
myMessage = 'Did not find layer "%s" in path "%s"' % \
assert myVectorLayer is not None, myMessage
assert myVectorLayer.isValid()
# Create a bounding box
myRect = [100.03, -1.14, 100.81, -0.73]
# Clip the vector to the bbox
myResult = clip_layer(myVectorLayer, myRect)
# Check the output is valid
示例12: _aggregate
def _aggregate(self, myImpactLayer, myExpectedResults):
myAggregationLayer = QgsVectorLayer(
os.path.join(BOUNDDATA, 'kabupaten_jakarta.shp'),
'test aggregation',
# create a copy of aggregation layer
myGeoExtent = extent_to_geo_array(
myAggrAttribute = self.keywordIO.read_keywords(
myAggregationLayer, self.defaults['AGGR_ATTR_KEY'])
# noinspection PyArgumentEqualDefault
myAggregationLayer = clip_layer(
myAggregator = Aggregator(None, myAggregationLayer)
# setting up
myAggregator.isValid = True
myAggregator.layer = myAggregationLayer
myAggregator.safeLayer = safe_read_layer(
myAggregator.aoiMode = False
myProvider = myAggregator.layer.dataProvider()
myFeature = QgsFeature()
myResults = []
while myProvider.nextFeature(myFeature):
myFeatureResults = {}
myAtMap = myFeature.attributeMap()
for (k, attr) in myAtMap.iteritems():
myFeatureResults[k] = str(attr.toString())
self.assertEqual(myExpectedResults, myResults)
示例13: test_clip_raster_with_no_extension
def test_clip_raster_with_no_extension(self):
"""Test we can clip a raster with no extension - see #659."""
# Create a raster layer
source_file = os.path.join(UNITDATA, 'other', 'tenbytenraster.asc')
test_file = unique_filename(prefix='tenbytenraster-')
shutil.copyfile(source_file, test_file)
# Create a keywords file
source_file = os.path.join(
UNITDATA, 'other', 'tenbytenraster.keywords')
keywords_file = test_file + '.keywords'
shutil.copyfile(source_file, keywords_file)
# Test the raster layer
raster_layer = QgsRasterLayer(test_file, 'ten by ten')
# Create a bounding box
rectangle = [1535380, 5083260, 1535380 + 40, 5083260 + 40]
# Clip the vector to the bounding box
result = clip_layer(raster_layer, rectangle)
# Check the output is valid
assert os.path.exists(result.source())
示例14: _prepareLayer
def _prepareLayer(self):
"""Prepare the aggregation layer to match analysis extents."""
myMessage = m.Message(
self.tr('Preparing aggregation layer'),
'We are clipping the aggregation layer to match the '
'intersection of the hazard and exposure layer extents.')))
# This is used to hold an *in memory copy* of the aggregation layer
# or a in memory layer with the clip extents as a feature.
if self.aoiMode:
self.layer = self._extentsToLayer()
# Area Of Interest (AOI) mode flag
# we use only the exposure extent, because both exposure and hazard
# have the same extent at this point.
myGeoExtent = extent_to_geo_array(
myAggrAttribute = self.keywordIO.read_keywords(
self.layer, self.defaults['AGGR_ATTR_KEY'])
myClippedLayer = clip_layer(
myName = '%s %s' % (self.layer.name(), self.tr('aggregation'))
self.layer = myClippedLayer
if self.showIntermediateLayers:
self.keywordIO.update_keywords(self.layer, {'title': myName})
示例15: testRasterScaling
def testRasterScaling(self):
"""Raster layers can be scaled when resampled
This is a test for ticket #52
Native test .asc data has
ncols 638
nrows 649
cellsize 0.00045228819716044
ncols 5525
nrows 2050
cellsize 0.0083333333333333
Scaling is necessary for raster data that represents density
such as population per km^2
for myFilename in ['Population_Jakarta_geographic.asc',
myRasterPath = ('%s/%s' % (TESTDATA, myFilename))
# Get reference values
mySafeLayer = readSafeLayer(myRasterPath)
myMinimum, myMaximum = mySafeLayer.get_extrema()
del myMaximum
del myMinimum
myNativeResolution = mySafeLayer.get_resolution()
# Get the Hazard extents as an array in EPSG:4326
myBoundingBox = mySafeLayer.get_bounding_box()
# Test for a range of resolutions
for myResolution in [0.02,
0.0005, # Coarser
0.0002]: # Finer
# To save time only do two resolutions for the
# large population set
if myFilename.startswith('Population_2010'):
if myResolution > 0.01 or myResolution < 0.005:
# Clip the raster to the bbox
myExtraKeywords = {'resolution': myNativeResolution}
myRasterLayer = QgsRasterLayer(myRasterPath, 'xxx')
myResult = clip_layer(myRasterLayer,
mySafeLayer = readSafeLayer(myResult.source())
myNativeData = mySafeLayer.get_data(scaling=False)
myScaledData = mySafeLayer.get_data(scaling=True)
mySigma = (mySafeLayer.get_resolution()[0] /
myNativeResolution[0]) ** 2
# Compare extrema
myExpectedScaledMax = mySigma * numpy.nanmax(myNativeData)
myMessage = ('Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly: '
'max(myScaledData) was %f but expected %f'
% (numpy.nanmax(myScaledData),
# FIXME (Ole): The rtol used to be 1.0e-8 -
# now it has to be 1.0e-6, otherwise we get
# max(myScaledData) was 12083021.000000 but
# expected 12083020.414316
# Is something being rounded to the nearest
# integer?
assert numpy.allclose(myExpectedScaledMax,
rtol=1.0e-6, atol=1.0e-8), myMessage
myExpectedScaledMin = mySigma * numpy.nanmin(myNativeData)
myMessage = ('Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly: '
'min(myScaledData) was %f but expected %f'
% (numpy.nanmin(myScaledData),
assert numpy.allclose(myExpectedScaledMin,
rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-12), myMessage
# Compare elementwise
myMessage = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'
assert nan_allclose(myNativeData * mySigma, myScaledData,
rtol=1.0e-8, atol=1.0e-8), myMessage
# Check that it also works with manual scaling
myManualData = mySafeLayer.get_data(scaling=mySigma)
myMessage = 'Resampled raster was not rescaled correctly'