本文整理汇总了Python中safe_qgis.keyword_io.KeywordIO.copyKeywords方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python KeywordIO.copyKeywords方法的具体用法?Python KeywordIO.copyKeywords怎么用?Python KeywordIO.copyKeywords使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类safe_qgis.keyword_io.KeywordIO
示例1: _clipRasterLayer
# 需要导入模块: from safe_qgis.keyword_io import KeywordIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from safe_qgis.keyword_io.KeywordIO import copyKeywords [as 别名]
Path to the output clipped layer (placed in the
system temp dir).
Exception if input layer is a density layer in projected coordinates -
see issue #123
if not theLayer or not theExtent:
myMessage = tr('Layer or Extent passed to clip is None.')
raise InvalidParameterException(myMessage)
if theLayer.type() != QgsMapLayer.RasterLayer:
myMessage = tr('Expected a raster layer but received a %s.' %
raise InvalidParameterException(myMessage)
myWorkingLayer = str(theLayer.source())
# Check for existence of keywords file
myKeywordsPath = myWorkingLayer[:-4] + '.keywords'
myMessage = tr('Input file to be clipped "%s" does not have the '
'expected keywords file %s' % (myWorkingLayer,
verify(os.path.isfile(myKeywordsPath), myMessage)
# Raise exception if layer is projected and refers to density (issue #123)
# FIXME (Ole): Need to deal with it - e.g. by automatically reprojecting
# the layer at this point and setting the native resolution accordingly
# in its keywords.
myKeywords = readKeywordsFromFile(myKeywordsPath)
if 'datatype' in myKeywords and myKeywords['datatype'] == 'density':
if theLayer.srs().epsg() != 4326:
# This layer is not WGS84 geographic
myMessage = ('Layer %s represents density but has spatial '
'reference "%s". Density layers must be given in '
'WGS84 geographic coordinates, so please reproject '
'and try again. For more information, see issue '
% (myWorkingLayer, theLayer.srs().toProj4()))
raise InvalidProjectionException(myMessage)
# We need to provide gdalwarp with a dataset for the clip
# because unline gdal_translate, it does not take projwin.
myClipKml = extentToKml(theExtent)
# Create a filename for the clipped, resampled and reprojected layer
myHandle, myFilename = tempfile.mkstemp('.tif', 'clip_',
# If no cell size is specified, we need to run gdalwarp without
# specifying the output pixel size to ensure the raster dims
# remain consistent.
if theCellSize is None:
myCommand = ('gdalwarp -q -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r near '
'-cutline %s -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff '
'"%s" "%s"' % (myClipKml,
myCommand = ('gdalwarp -q -t_srs EPSG:4326 -r near -tr %f %f '
'-cutline %s -crop_to_cutline -of GTiff '
'"%s" "%s"' % (theCellSize,
myExecutablePrefix = ''
if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Mac OS X
# .. todo:: FIXME - softcode gdal version in this path
myExecutablePrefix = ('/Library/Frameworks/GDAL.framework/'
myCommand = myExecutablePrefix + myCommand
myResult = QProcess().execute(myCommand)
# For QProcess exit codes see
# http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qprocess.html#execute
if myResult == -2: # cannot be started
myMessageDetail = tr('Process could not be started.')
myMessage = tr('<p>Error while executing the following shell command:'
'</p><pre>%s</pre><p>Error message: %s'
% (myCommand, myMessageDetail))
raise CallGDALError(myMessage)
elif myResult == -1: # process crashed
myMessageDetail = tr('Process could not be started.')
myMessage = tr('<p>Error while executing the following shell command:'
'</p><pre>%s</pre><p>Error message: %s'
% (myCommand, myMessageDetail))
raise CallGDALError(myMessage)
# .. todo:: Check the result of the shell call is ok
myKeywordIO = KeywordIO()
myKeywordIO.copyKeywords(theLayer, myFilename,
return myFilename # Filename of created file
示例2: _clipVectorLayer
# 需要导入模块: from safe_qgis.keyword_io import KeywordIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from safe_qgis.keyword_io.KeywordIO import copyKeywords [as 别名]
if type(theExtent) is list:
myRect = QgsRectangle(
theExtent[0], theExtent[1],
theExtent[2], theExtent[3])
# noinspection PyCallByClass
myClipPolygon = QgsGeometry.fromRect(myRect)
elif (type(theExtent) is QgsGeometry and
theExtent.wkbType in myAllowedClipTypes):
myRect = theExtent.boundingBox().toRectF()
myClipPolygon = theExtent
raise InvalidClipGeometryError(
'Clip geometry must be an extent or a single part'
'polygon based geometry.'))
myProjectedExtent = myXForm.transformBoundingBox(myRect)
# Get vector layer
myProvider = theLayer.dataProvider()
if myProvider is None:
myMessage = tr('Could not obtain data provider from '
'layer "%s"' % theLayer.source())
raise Exception(myMessage)
# Get the layer field list, select by our extent then write to disk
# .. todo:: FIXME - for different geometry types we should implement
# different clipping behaviour e.g. reject polygons that
# intersect the edge of the bbox. Tim
myAttributes = myProvider.attributeIndexes()
myFetchGeometryFlag = True
myUseIntersectFlag = True
myFieldList = myProvider.fields()
myWriter = QgsVectorFileWriter(
#'SQLite') # FIXME (Ole): This works but is far too slow
'ESRI Shapefile')
if myWriter.hasError() != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:
myMessage = tr('Error when creating shapefile: <br>Filename:'
'%s<br>Error: %s' %
(myFilename, myWriter.hasError()))
raise Exception(myMessage)
# Reverse the coordinate xform now so that we can convert
# geometries from layer crs to geocrs.
myXForm = QgsCoordinateTransform(theLayer.crs(), myGeoCrs)
# Retrieve every feature with its geometry and attributes
myFeature = QgsFeature()
myCount = 0
while myProvider.nextFeature(myFeature):
myGeometry = myFeature.geometry()
# Loop through the parts adding them to the output file
# we write out single part features unless theExplodeFlag is False
if theExplodeFlag:
myGeometryList = explodeMultiPartGeometry(myGeometry)
myGeometryList = [myGeometry]
for myPart in myGeometryList:
if theHardClipFlag:
# Remove any dangling bits so only intersecting area is
# kept.
myPart = clipGeometry(myClipPolygon, myPart)
if myPart is None:
myCount += 1
del myWriter # Flush to disk
if myCount < 1:
myMessage = tr('No features fall within the clip extents. '
'Try panning / zooming to an area containing data '
'and then try to run your analysis again.'
'If hazard and exposure data doesn\'t overlap '
'at all, it is not possible to do an analysis.'
'Another possibility is that the layers do overlap '
'but because they may have different spatial '
'references, they appear to be disjoint. '
'If this is the case, try to turn on reproject '
'on-the-fly in QGIS.')
raise NoFeaturesInExtentError(myMessage)
myKeywordIO = KeywordIO()
theLayer, myFilename, theExtraKeywords=theExtraKeywords)
return myFilename # Filename of created file
示例3: _clipVectorLayer
# 需要导入模块: from safe_qgis.keyword_io import KeywordIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from safe_qgis.keyword_io.KeywordIO import copyKeywords [as 别名]
if not theLayer or not theExtent:
myMessage = tr('Layer or Extent passed to clip is None.')
raise InvalidParameterException(myMessage)
if theLayer.type() != QgsMapLayer.VectorLayer:
myMessage = tr('Expected a vector layer but received a %s.' %
raise InvalidParameterException(myMessage)
#myHandle, myFilename = tempfile.mkstemp('.sqlite', 'clip_',
# temp_dir())
myHandle, myFilename = tempfile.mkstemp('.shp', 'clip_',
# Ensure the file is deleted before we try to write to it
# fixes windows specific issue where you get a message like this
# ERROR 1: c:\temp\inasafe\clip_jpxjnt.shp is not a directory.
# This is because mkstemp creates the file handle and leaves
# the file open.
# Get the clip extents in the layer's native CRS
myGeoCrs = QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem()
myGeoCrs.createFromId(4326, QgsCoordinateReferenceSystem.EpsgCrsId)
myXForm = QgsCoordinateTransform(myGeoCrs, theLayer.crs())
myRect = QgsRectangle(theExtent[0], theExtent[1],
theExtent[2], theExtent[3])
myProjectedExtent = myXForm.transformBoundingBox(myRect)
# Get vector layer
myProvider = theLayer.dataProvider()
if myProvider is None:
myMessage = tr('Could not obtain data provider from '
'layer "%s"' % theLayer.source())
raise Exception(myMessage)
# Get the layer field list, select by our extent then write to disk
# .. todo:: FIXME - for different geometry types we should implement
# different clipping behaviour e.g. reject polygons that
# intersect the edge of the bbox. Tim
myAttributes = myProvider.attributeIndexes()
myFetchGeometryFlag = True
myUseIntersectFlag = True
myFieldList = myProvider.fields()
myWriter = QgsVectorFileWriter(myFilename,
#'SQLite') # FIXME (Ole): This works but is far too slow
'ESRI Shapefile')
if myWriter.hasError() != QgsVectorFileWriter.NoError:
myMessage = tr('Error when creating shapefile: <br>Filename:'
'%s<br>Error: %s' %
(myFilename, myWriter.hasError()))
raise Exception(myMessage)
# Reverse the coordinate xform now so that we can convert
# geometries from layer crs to geocrs.
myXForm = QgsCoordinateTransform(theLayer.crs(), myGeoCrs)
# Retrieve every feature with its geometry and attributes
myFeature = QgsFeature()
myCount = 0
while myProvider.nextFeature(myFeature):
myGeometry = myFeature.geometry()
# Loop through the parts adding them to the output file
# we write out single part features unless explodeMultipart is False
if explodeMultipart:
myGeometryList = explodeMultiPartGeometry(myGeometry)
myGeometryList = [myGeometry]
for myPart in myGeometryList:
myCount += 1
del myWriter # Flush to disk
if myCount < 1:
myMessage = tr('No features fall within the clip extents. '
'Try panning / zooming to an area containing data '
'and then try to run your analysis again.')
raise NoFeaturesInExtentException(myMessage)
myKeywordIO = KeywordIO()
myKeywordIO.copyKeywords(theLayer, myFilename,
return myFilename # Filename of created file
示例4: tr
# 需要导入模块: from safe_qgis.keyword_io import KeywordIO [as 别名]
# 或者: from safe_qgis.keyword_io.KeywordIO import copyKeywords [as 别名]
myMessage = tr('<p>Error while executing the following shell command:'
'</p><pre>%s</pre><p>Error message: %s'
% (myCommand, str(e)))
# shameless hack - see https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/141
if sys.platform == 'darwin': # Mac OS X
if 'Errno 4' in str(e):
# continue as the error seems to be non critical
raise Exception(myMessage)
raise Exception(myMessage)
# .. todo:: Check the result of the shell call is ok
myKeywordIO = KeywordIO()
myKeywordIO.copyKeywords(theLayer, myFilename,
return myFilename # Filename of created file
def extentToKml(theExtent):
"""A helper to get a little kml doc for an extent so that
we can use it with gdal warp for clipping."""
myBottomLeftCorner = '%f,%f' % (theExtent[0], theExtent[1])
myTopLeftCorner = '%f,%f' % (theExtent[0], theExtent[3])
myTopRightCorner = '%f,%f' % (theExtent[2], theExtent[3])
myBottomRightCorner = '%f,%f' % (theExtent[2], theExtent[1])
myKml = ("""<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<kml xmlns="http://www.opengis.net/kml/2.2">