本文整理汇总了Python中safe.common.utilities.verify函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python verify函数的具体用法?Python verify怎么用?Python verify使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: rings_equal
def rings_equal(x, y, rtol=1.0e-6, atol=1.0e-8):
"""Compares to linear rings as numpy arrays
* x, y: Nx2 numpy arrays
* True if x == y or x' == y (up to the specified tolerance)
where x' is x reversed in the first dimension. This corresponds to
linear rings being seen as equal irrespective of whether they are
organised in clock wise or counter clock wise order
x = ensure_numeric(x, numpy.float)
y = ensure_numeric(y, numpy.float)
msg = 'Arrays must a 2d arrays of vertices. I got %s and %s' % (x, y)
verify(len(x.shape) == 2 and len(y.shape) == 2, msg)
msg = 'Arrays must have two columns. I got %s and %s' % (x, y)
verify(x.shape[1] == 2 and y.shape[1] == 2, msg)
if (numpy.allclose(x, y, rtol=rtol, atol=atol) or
numpy.allclose(x, y[::-1], rtol=rtol, atol=atol)):
return True
return False
示例2: bboxstring2list
def bboxstring2list(bbox_string):
"""Convert bounding box string to list
* bbox_string: String of bounding box coordinates of the form 'W,S,E,N'
* bbox: List of floating point numbers with format [W, S, E, N]
msg = ('Bounding box must be a string with coordinates following the '
'format 105.592,-7.809,110.159,-5.647\n'
'Instead I got %s of type %s.' % (str(bbox_string),
verify(isinstance(bbox_string, basestring), msg)
fields = bbox_string.split(',')
msg = ('Bounding box string must have 4 coordinates in the form '
'"W,S,E,N". I got bbox == "%s"' % bbox_string)
verify(len(fields) == 4, msg)
except VerificationError:
raise BoundingBoxError(msg)
for x in fields:
except ValueError, e:
msg = ('Bounding box %s contained non-numeric entry %s, '
'original error was "%s".' % (bbox_string, x, e))
raise BoundingBoxError(msg)
示例3: geotransform2resolution
def geotransform2resolution(geotransform, isotropic=False, rtol=1.0e-6, atol=1.0e-8):
"""Convert geotransform to resolution
* geotransform: GDAL geotransform (6-tuple).
(top left x, w-e pixel resolution, rotation,
top left y, rotation, n-s pixel resolution).
See e.g. http://www.gdal.org/gdal_tutorial.html
* isotropic: If True, verify that dx == dy and return dx
If False (default) return 2-tuple (dx, dy)
* rtol, atol: Used to control how close dx and dy must be
to quality for isotropic. These are passed on to
numpy.allclose for comparison.
* resolution: grid spacing (resx, resy) in (positive) decimal
degrees ordered as longitude first, then latitude.
or resx (if isotropic is True)
resx = geotransform[1] # w-e pixel resolution
resy = -geotransform[5] # n-s pixel resolution (always negative)
if isotropic:
msg = (
"Resolution requested with "
"isotropic=True, but "
"resolutions in the horizontal and vertical "
"are different: resx = %.12f, resy = %.12f. " % (resx, resy)
verify(numpy.allclose(resx, resy, rtol=rtol, atol=atol), msg)
return resx
return resx, resy
示例4: bboxlist2string
def bboxlist2string(bbox, decimals=6):
"""Convert bounding box list to comma separated string
* bbox: List of coordinates of the form [W, S, E, N]
* bbox_string: Format 'W,S,E,N' - each will have 6 decimal points
msg = 'Got string %s, but expected bounding box as a list' % str(bbox)
verify(not isinstance(bbox, basestring), msg)
bbox = list(bbox)
msg = 'Could not coerce bbox %s into a list' % str(bbox)
raise BoundingBoxError(msg)
msg = ('Bounding box must have 4 coordinates [W, S, E, N]. '
'I got %s' % str(bbox))
verify(len(bbox) == 4, msg)
except VerificationError:
raise BoundingBoxError(msg)
for x in bbox:
except ValueError, e:
msg = ('Bounding box %s contained non-numeric entry %s, '
'original error was "%s".' % (bbox, x, e))
raise BoundingBoxError(msg)
示例5: convert_polygons_to_centroids
def convert_polygons_to_centroids(V):
"""Convert polygon vector data to point vector data
* V: Vector layer with polygon data
* Vector layer with point data and the same attributes as V
msg = 'Input data %s must be polygon vector data' % V
verify(V.is_polygon_data, msg)
geometry = V.get_geometry()
N = len(V)
# Calculate points for each polygon
centroids = []
for i in range(N):
c = calculate_polygon_centroid(geometry[i])
# Create new point vector layer with same attributes and return
V = Vector(data=V.get_data(),
name='%s_centroid_data' % V.get_name(),
return V
示例6: _keywords_to_string
def _keywords_to_string(keywords, sublayer=None):
"""Create a string from a keywords dict.
* keywords: A required dictionary containing the keywords to stringify.
* sublayer: str optional group marker for a sub layer.
str: a String containing the rendered keywords list
Any exceptions are propogated.
.. note: Only simple keyword dicts should be passed here, not multilayer
For example you pass a dict like this::
{'datatype': 'osm',
'category': 'exposure',
'title': 'buildings_osm_4326',
'subcategory': 'building',
'purpose': 'dki'}
and the following string would be returned:
datatype: osm
category: exposure
title: buildings_osm_4326
subcategory: building
purpose: dki
If sublayer is provided e.g. _keywords_to_string(keywords, sublayer='foo'),
the following:
datatype: osm
category: exposure
title: buildings_osm_4326
subcategory: building
purpose: dki
# Write
result = get_unicode("")
if sublayer is not None:
result = "[%s]\n" % sublayer
for k, value in keywords.items():
# Create key
msg = "Key in keywords dictionary must be a string. " "I got %s with type %s" % (k, str(type(k))[1:-1])
verify(isinstance(k, basestring), msg)
key = k
msg = 'Key in keywords dictionary must not contain the ":" ' 'character. I got "%s"' % key
verify(":" not in key, msg)
# Store
result += "%s: %s\n" % (key, value)
return result
示例7: bbox_intersection
def bbox_intersection(*args):
"""Compute intersection between two or more bounding boxes
* args: two or more bounding boxes.
Each is assumed to be a list or a tuple with
four coordinates (W, S, E, N)
* result: The minimal common bounding box
msg = 'Function bbox_intersection must take at least 2 arguments.'
verify(len(args) > 1, msg)
result = [-180, -90, 180, 90]
for a in args:
if a is None:
msg = ('Bounding box expected to be a list of the '
'form [W, S, E, N]. '
'Instead i got "%s"' % str(a))
box = list(a)
raise Exception(msg)
if not len(box) == 4:
raise BoundingBoxError(msg)
msg = ('Western boundary must be less than or equal to eastern. '
'I got %s' % box)
if not box[0] <= box[2]:
raise BoundingBoxError(msg)
msg = ('Southern boundary must be less than or equal to northern. '
'I got %s' % box)
if not box[1] <= box[3]:
raise BoundingBoxError(msg)
# Compute intersection
# West and South
for i in [0, 1]:
result[i] = max(result[i], box[i])
# East and North
for i in [2, 3]:
result[i] = min(result[i], box[i])
# Check validity and return
if result[0] <= result[2] and result[1] <= result[3]:
return result
return None
示例8: interpolate_raster_vector
def interpolate_raster_vector(source,
"""Interpolate from raster layer to vector data
* source: Raster data set (grid)
* target: Vector data set (points or polygons)
* layer_name: Optional name of returned interpolated layer.
If None the name of V is used for the returned layer.
* attribute_name: Name for new attribute.
If None (default) the name of R is used
I: Vector data set; points located as target with values
interpolated from source
Note: If target geometry is polygon, data will be interpolated to
its centroids and the output is a point data set.
# Input checks
if target.is_point_data:
# Interpolate from raster to point data
R = interpolate_raster_vector_points(
#elif target.is_line_data:
# TBA - issue https://github.com/AIFDR/inasafe/issues/36
elif target.is_polygon_data:
# Use centroids, in case of polygons
P = convert_polygons_to_centroids(target)
R = interpolate_raster_vector_points(
source, P, layer_name=layer_name, attribute_name=attribute_name)
# In case of polygon data, restore the polygon geometry
# Do this setting the geometry of the returned set to
# that of the original polygon
R = Vector(
msg = ('Unknown datatype for raster2vector interpolation: '
'I got %s' % str(target))
raise InaSAFEError(msg)
# Return interpolated vector layer
return R
示例9: copy_keywords
def copy_keywords(
"""Helper to copy the keywords file from a source to a target dataset.
copyKeywords('foo.shp', 'bar.shp')
Will result in the foo.keywords file being copied to bar.keyword.
Optional argument extraKeywords is a dictionary with additional
keywords that will be added to the destination file e.g::
copyKeywords('foo.shp', 'bar.shp', {'resolution': 0.01})
:param source_layer: A QGIS QgsMapLayer instance.
:type source_layer: QgsMapLayer
:param destination_file: The output filename that should be used
to store the keywords in. It can be a .shp or a .keywords for
example since the suffix will always be replaced with .keywords.
:type destination_file: str
:param extra_keywords: A dict containing all the extra keywords
to be written for the layer. The written keywords will consist of
any original keywords from the source layer's keywords file and
and the extra keywords (which will replace the source layers
keywords if the key is identical).
:type extra_keywords: dict
keywords = self.read_keywords(source_layer)
if extra_keywords is None:
extra_keywords = {}
message = self.tr(
'Expected extraKeywords to be a dictionary. Got '
'%s' % str(type(extra_keywords))[1:-1])
verify(isinstance(extra_keywords, dict), message)
# compute the output keywords file name
destination_base = os.path.splitext(destination_file)[0]
new_destination = destination_base + '.keywords'
# write the extra keywords into the source dict
for key in extra_keywords:
keywords[key] = extra_keywords[key]
write_keywords_to_file(new_destination, keywords)
except Exception, e:
message = self.tr(
'Failed to copy keywords file from : \n%s\nto\n%s: %s' % (
source_layer.source(), new_destination, str(e)))
raise Exception(message)
示例10: tag_polygons_by_grid
def tag_polygons_by_grid(polygons, grid, threshold=0, tag='affected'):
"""Tag polygons by raster values
* polygons: Polygon layer
* grid: Raster layer
* threshold: Threshold for grid value to tag polygon
* tag: Name of new tag
Polygon layer: Same as input polygon but with extra attribute tag
set according to grid values
polygon_attributes = polygons.get_data()
polygon_geometry = polygons.get_geometry(as_geometry_objects=True)
# Separate grid points by polygon
res, _ = clip_grid_by_polygons(
# Create new polygon layer with tag set according to grid values
# and threshold
new_attributes = []
for i, (_, values) in enumerate(res):
# For each polygon check if any grid value in it exceeds the threshold
affected = False
for val in values:
# Check each grid value in this polygon
if val > threshold:
affected = True
# Existing attributes for this polygon
attr = polygon_attributes[i].copy()
# Create tagged polygon feature
if affected:
attr[tag] = True
attr[tag] = False
R = Vector(data=new_attributes,
name='%s_tagged_by_%s' % (polygons.name, grid.name))
return R
示例11: dom2object
def dom2object(node):
"""Convert DOM representation to XML_object hierarchy.
value = []
textnode_encountered = None
for n in node.childNodes:
if n.nodeType == 3:
# Child is a text element - omit the dom tag #text and
# go straight to the text value.
# Note - only the last text value will be recorded
msg = 'Text element has child nodes - this shouldn\'t happen'
verify(len(n.childNodes) == 0, msg)
x = n.nodeValue.strip()
if len(x) == 0:
# Skip empty text children
textnode_encountered = value = x
# XML element
if textnode_encountered is not None:
msg = 'A text node was followed by a non-text tag. This is not allowed.\n'
msg += 'Offending text node: "%s" ' %str(textnode_encountered)
msg += 'was followed by node named: "<%s>"' %str(n.nodeName)
raise Exception, msg
# Deal with empty elements
if len(value) == 0: value = ''
if node.nodeType == 9:
# Root node (document)
tag = None
# Normal XML node
tag = node.nodeName
X = XML_element(tag=tag,
return X
示例12: sigab2bnpb
def sigab2bnpb(E, target_attribute='VCLASS'):
"""Map SIGAB point data to BNPB vulnerability classes
E: Vector object representing the OSM data
target_attribute: Optional name of the attribute containing
the mapped vulnerability class. Default
value is 'VCLASS'
Vector object like E, but with one new attribute (e.g. 'VCLASS')
representing the vulnerability class used in the guidelines
# Input check
required = ['Struktur_B', 'Lantai', 'Atap', 'Dinding', 'Tingkat']
actual = E.get_attribute_names()
msg = ('Input data to sigab2bnpb must have attributes %s. '
'It has %s' % (str(required), str(actual)))
for attribute in required:
verify(attribute in actual, msg)
# Start mapping
N = len(E)
attributes = E.get_data()
for i in range(N):
levels = E.get_data('Tingkat', i).lower()
structure = E.get_data('Struktur_B', i).lower()
roof_type = E.get_data('Atap', i).lower()
wall_type = E.get_data('Dinding', i).lower()
floor_type = E.get_data('Lantai', i).lower()
if levels == 'none' or structure == 'none':
vulnerability_class = 'URM'
elif structure.startswith('beton') or structure.startswith('kayu'):
vulnerability_class = 'RM'
if int(levels) >= 2:
vulnerability_class = 'RM'
vulnerability_class = 'URM'
# Store new attribute value
attributes[i][target_attribute] = vulnerability_class
# Create new vector instance and return
V = Vector(data=attributes,
name=E.get_name() + ' mapped to BNPB vulnerability classes',
return V
示例13: calculate_polygon_area
def calculate_polygon_area(polygon, signed=False):
"""Calculate the signed area of non-self-intersecting polygon
:param polygon: Numeric array of points (longitude, latitude). It is
assumed to be closed, i.e. first and last points are identical
:type polygon: numpy.ndarray
:param signed: Optional flag deciding whether returned area retains its
If points are ordered counter clockwise, the signed area
will be positive.
If points are ordered clockwise, it will be negative
Default is False which means that the area is always
:type signed: bool
:returns: area: Area of polygon (subject to the value of argument signed)
:rtype: numpy.ndarray
# Make sure it is numeric
P = numpy.array(polygon)
msg = ('Polygon is assumed to consist of coordinate pairs. '
'I got second dimension %i instead of 2' % P.shape[1])
verify(P.shape[1] == 2, msg)
x = P[:, 0]
y = P[:, 1]
# Calculate 0.5 sum_{i=0}^{N-1} (x_i y_{i+1} - x_{i+1} y_i)
a = x[:-1] * y[1:]
b = y[:-1] * x[1:]
A = numpy.sum(a - b) / 2.
if signed:
return A
return abs(A)
示例14: raster_geometry_to_geotransform
def raster_geometry_to_geotransform(longitudes, latitudes):
"""Convert vectors of longitudes and latitudes to geotransform
This is the inverse operation of Raster.get_geometry().
:param longitudes: Vectors of geographic coordinates
:type longitudes:
:param latitudes: Vectors of geographic coordinates
:type latitudes:
:returns: geotransform: 6-tuple (top left x, w-e pixel resolution,
rotation, top left y, rotation, n-s pixel resolution)
nx = len(longitudes)
ny = len(latitudes)
msg = ('You must specify more than 1 longitude to make geotransform: '
'I got %s' % str(longitudes))
verify(nx > 1, msg)
msg = ('You must specify more than 1 latitude to make geotransform: '
'I got %s' % str(latitudes))
verify(ny > 1, msg)
dx = float(longitudes[1] - longitudes[0]) # Longitudinal resolution
dy = float(latitudes[0] - latitudes[1]) # Latitudinal resolution (neg)
# Define pixel centers along each directions
# This is to achieve pixel registration rather
# than gridline registration
dx2 = dx / 2
dy2 = dy / 2
geotransform = (longitudes[0] - dx2, # Longitude of upper left corner
dx, # w-e pixel resolution
0, # rotation
latitudes[-1] - dy2, # Latitude of upper left corner
0, # rotation
dy) # n-s pixel resolution
return geotransform
示例15: write_to_file
def write_to_file(self, filename):
"""Save raster data to file
* filename: filename with extension .tif
# Check file format
basename, extension = os.path.splitext(filename)
msg = ('Invalid file type for file %s. Only extension '
'tif allowed.' % filename)
verify(extension in ['.tif', '.asc'], msg)
file_format = DRIVER_MAP[extension]
# Get raster data
A = self.get_data()
# Get Dimensions. Note numpy and Gdal swap order
N, M = A.shape
# Create empty file.
# FIXME (Ole): It appears that this is created as single
# precision even though Float64 is specified
# - see issue #17
driver = gdal.GetDriverByName(file_format)
fid = driver.Create(filename, M, N, 1, gdal.GDT_Float64)
if fid is None:
msg = ('Gdal could not create filename %s using '
'format %s' % (filename, file_format))
raise WriteLayerError(msg)
self.filename = filename
# Write metada
# Write data
# Write keywords if any
write_keywords(self.keywords, basename + '.keywords')