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Python LatLng.from_point方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中s2sphere.LatLng.from_point方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python LatLng.from_point方法的具体用法?Python LatLng.from_point怎么用?Python LatLng.from_point使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在s2sphere.LatLng的用法示例。


示例1: main

# 需要导入模块: from s2sphere import LatLng [as 别名]
# 或者: from s2sphere.LatLng import from_point [as 别名]
def main():
    origin_lat_i, origin_lng_i = f2i(origin_lat), f2i(origin_lng)
    api_endpoint, access_token, profile_response = login(origin_lat_i, origin_lng_i)

    with sqlite3.connect('database.db') as db:

    while True:
        pos = 1
        x = 0
        y = 0
        dx = 0
        dy = -1
        steplimit2 = steplimit**2
        for step in range(steplimit2):
            #print('looping: step {} of {}'.format(step + 1, steplimit**2))
            # Scan location math
            if -steplimit2 / 2 < x <= steplimit2 / 2 and -steplimit2 / 2 < y <= steplimit2 / 2:
                step_lat = x * 0.0025 + origin_lat
                step_lng = y * 0.0025 + origin_lng
                step_lat_i = f2i(step_lat)
                step_lng_i = f2i(step_lng)
            if x == y or x < 0 and x == -y or x > 0 and x == 1 - y:
                (dx, dy) = (-dy, dx)

            (x, y) = (x + dx, y + dy)

            #print('[+] Searching for Pokemon at location {} {}'.format(step_lat, step_lng))
            origin = LatLng.from_degrees(step_lat, step_lng)
            parent = CellId.from_lat_lng(origin).parent(15)
            h = get_heartbeat(api_endpoint, access_token, profile_response, step_lat, step_lng, step_lat_i, step_lng_i)
            hs = [h]

            for child in parent.children():
                latlng = LatLng.from_point(Cell(child).get_center())
                child_lat, child_lng = latlng.lat().degrees, latlng.lng().degrees
                child_lat_i, child_lng_i = f2i(child_lat), f2i(child_lng)
                hs.append(get_heartbeat(api_endpoint, access_token, profile_response, child_lat, child_lng, child_lat_i, child_lng_i))
            visible = []

            data = []
            for hh in hs:
                for cell in hh.cells:
                    for poke in cell.WildPokemon:
                        disappear_ms = cell.AsOfTimeMs + poke.TimeTillHiddenMs
            if data:
                print('Upserting {} pokemon'.format(len(data)))
                with sqlite3.connect('database.db') as db:
                    insert_data(db, data)

示例2: add_plan

# 需要导入模块: from s2sphere import LatLng [as 别名]
# 或者: from s2sphere.LatLng import from_point [as 别名]
 def add_plan():
     location = (request.args.get('lat', type=float),request.args.get('lng', type=float))
     all_loc,border,cid = mapl.get_area_cell(location,True)
     # grid = mapl.Hexgrid()
     # all_loc = grid.cover_cell(cid)
     center = LatLng.from_point(Cell(cid).get_center())
     center = (center.lat().degrees, center.lng().degrees)
     token = cid.to_token()
     return jsonify((all_loc, border,[center,token],[]))

示例3: neighbor_s2_circle

# 需要导入模块: from s2sphere import LatLng [as 别名]
# 或者: from s2sphere.LatLng import from_point [as 别名]
def neighbor_s2_circle(location, i_dir=0.0, j_dir=0.0):  # input location can be list, tuple or Point
    if type(location) in (list, tuple):
        ll_location = LatLng.from_degrees(location[0], location[1])
    elif type(location) is Point:
        ll_location = LatLng.from_point(location)
    elif type(location) is LatLng:
        ll_location = location
        return None

    cid_large = CellId.from_lat_lng(ll_location).parent(lvl_big)

    cid_small = cid_large.child_begin(lvl_small)
    vec_to_j = (Cell(ij_offs(cid_small, 0, 1)).get_center() - Cell(cid_small).get_center()).normalize()
    vec_to_i = (Cell(ij_offs(cid_small, 1, 0)).get_center() - Cell(cid_small).get_center()).normalize()

    vec_newlocation = ll_location.to_point() + safety * HEX_R / earth_Rrect * (i_dir * 3 ** 0.5 * vec_to_i + j_dir * 1.5 * vec_to_j)

    return vec_newlocation  # output is Point

示例4: get_meta_cell

# 需要导入模块: from s2sphere import LatLng [as 别名]
# 或者: from s2sphere.LatLng import from_point [as 别名]
    def get_meta_cell(self):
        location = self.position[0:2]
        cells = self.find_close_cells(*location)

        # Combine all cells into a single dict of the items we care about.
        forts = []
        wild_pokemons = []
        catchable_pokemons = []
        nearby_pokemons = []
        for cell in cells:
            if "forts" in cell and len(cell["forts"]):
                forts += cell["forts"]
            if "wild_pokemons" in cell and len(cell["wild_pokemons"]):
                wild_pokemons += cell["wild_pokemons"]
            if "catchable_pokemons" in cell and len(cell["catchable_pokemons"]):
                catchable_pokemons += cell["catchable_pokemons"]
            if "nearby_pokemons" in cell and len(cell["nearby_pokemons"]):
                latlng = LatLng.from_point(Cell(CellId(cell["s2_cell_id"])).get_center())

                for p in cell["nearby_pokemons"]:
                    p["latitude"] = latlng.lat().degrees
                    p["longitude"] = latlng.lng().degrees
                    p["s2_cell_id"] = cell["s2_cell_id"]

                nearby_pokemons += cell["nearby_pokemons"]

        # If there are forts present in the cells sent from the server or we don't yet have any cell data, return all data retrieved
        if len(forts) > 1 or not self.cell:
            return {
                "forts": forts,
                "wild_pokemons": wild_pokemons,
                "catchable_pokemons": catchable_pokemons,
                "nearby_pokemons": nearby_pokemons
        # If there are no forts present in the data from the server, keep our existing fort data and only update the pokemon cells.
            return {
                "forts": self.cell["forts"],
                "wild_pokemons": wild_pokemons,
                "catchable_pokemons": catchable_pokemons,
                "nearby_pokemons": nearby_pokemons

示例5: get_search_points

# 需要导入模块: from s2sphere import LatLng [as 别名]
# 或者: from s2sphere.LatLng import from_point [as 别名]
    def get_search_points(self, cell_id):
        points = []

        # For cell level 15
        for c in Cell(CellId(cell_id)).subdivide():
            for cc in c.subdivide():
                latlng = LatLng.from_point(cc.get_center())
                point = (latlng.lat().degrees, latlng.lng().degrees)

        points[0], points[1] = points[1], points[0]
        points[14], points[15] = points[15], points[14]
        point = points.pop(2)
        points.insert(7, point)
        point = points.pop(13)
        points.insert(8, point)

        closest = min(points, key=lambda p: great_circle(self.bot.position, p).meters)
        index = points.index(closest)

        return points[index:] + points[:index]

示例6: get_area_cell

# 需要导入模块: from s2sphere import LatLng [as 别名]
# 或者: from s2sphere.LatLng import from_point [as 别名]
def get_area_cell(location,unfilled=False):
    border = []
    locs = []

    cid_large = CellId.from_lat_lng(LatLng.from_degrees(location[0], location[1])).parent(lvl_big)

    if unfilled:
        return [], border, cid_large

    corner = neighbor_s2_circle(LatLng.from_degrees(border[-1][0][0], border[-1][0][1]), safety_border*0.5, safety_border/3.0)
    j_maxpoint = LatLng.from_point(neighbor_s2_circle(LatLng.from_degrees(border[-1][1][0], border[-1][1][1]), safety_border*0.5, (1-safety_border)/3.0))
    i_maxpoint = LatLng.from_point(neighbor_s2_circle(LatLng.from_degrees(border[-1][3][0], border[-1][3][1]), (1-safety_border)*0.5, safety_border/3.0))

    base = corner
    p_start = base

    dist_j = j_maxpoint.get_distance(LatLng.from_point(p_start))
    last_dist_j = None
    j = 0
    while last_dist_j is None or dist_j < last_dist_j:
        dist_i = i_maxpoint.get_distance(LatLng.from_point(p_start))
        last_dist_i = None
        while last_dist_i is None or dist_i < last_dist_i:
            p_start = neighbor_s2_circle(p_start, 1.0, 0.0)
            last_dist_i = dist_i
            dist_i = i_maxpoint.get_distance(LatLng.from_point(p_start))
        base = neighbor_s2_circle(base, 0.0, 1.0)
        last_dist_j = dist_j
        dist_j = j_maxpoint.get_distance(LatLng.from_point(base))
        if j % 2 == 1:
            p_start = base
            p_start = neighbor_s2_circle(base, -0.5, 0.0)
        j += 1

    all_loc = []
    for loc in locs:
        all_loc.append([loc.lat().degrees, loc.lng().degrees])

    return all_loc, border,cid_large

示例7: writeplans

# 需要导入模块: from s2sphere import LatLng [as 别名]
# 或者: from s2sphere.LatLng import from_point [as 别名]
    def writeplans():
        subplans = request.args.get('subplans', type=int)
        plans = []
        for token in list_plans:
            center = LatLng.from_point(Cell(CellId.from_token(token)).get_center())
            center = (center.lat().degrees, center.lng().degrees)
            for ind_sub in range(1,subplans+1):
                plans.append({'type': 'seikur0_s2', 'token': token, 'location': [center[0],center[1]], 'subplans': subplans, 'subplan_index': ind_sub})

        for plan in plans:
            filename = '{}_{}_{}.plan'.format(plan['token'],plan['subplan_index'],plan['subplans'])
                f = open(plandir+'/'+filename, 'w', 0)
                json.dump(plan, f, indent=1, separators=(',', ': '))
                print('[+] Plan file {} was written.'.format(filename))
            except Exception as e:
                print('[+] Error while writing plan file, error : {}'.format(e))
                if 'f' in vars() and not f.closed:

        return jsonify("")
