本文整理汇总了Python中robottelo.cli.settings.Settings.list方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Settings.list方法的具体用法?Python Settings.list怎么用?Python Settings.list使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类robottelo.cli.settings.Settings
示例1: setUpClass
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def setUpClass(cls):
"""Steps to Configure foreman discovery
1. Build PXE default template
2. Create Organization/Location
3. Update Global parameters to set default org and location for
discovered hosts.
4. Enable auto_provision flag to perform discovery via discovery
super(DiscoveredTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
# Build PXE default template to get default PXE file
# let's just modify the timeouts to speed things up
ssh.command("sed -ie 's/TIMEOUT [[:digit:]]\\+/TIMEOUT 1/g' "
ssh.command("sed -ie '/APPEND initrd/s/$/ fdi.countdown=1/' "
# Create Org and location
cls.org = make_org()
cls.loc = make_location()
# Get default settings values
cls.default_discovery_loc = Settings.list(
{'search': 'name=%s' % 'discovery_location'})[0]
cls.default_discovery_org = Settings.list(
{'search': 'name=%s' % 'discovery_organization'})[0]
cls.default_discovery_auto = Settings.list(
{'search': 'name=%s' % 'discovery_auto'})[0]
# Update default org and location params to place discovered host
Settings.set({'name': 'discovery_location', 'value': cls.loc['name']})
{'name': 'discovery_organization', 'value': cls.org['name']})
# Enable flag to auto provision discovered hosts via discovery rules
Settings.set({'name': 'discovery_auto', 'value': 'true'})
# Flag which shows whether environment is fully configured for
# discovered host provisioning.
cls.configured_env = False
if bz_bug_is_open(1578290):
ssh.command('mkdir /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/fdi-image')
ssh.command('ln -s /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/'
' /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/fdi-image/vmlinuz0')
ssh.command('ln -s /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/'
' /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/fdi-image/initrd0.img')
ssh.command('chown -R foreman-proxy /var/lib/tftpboot/boot/')
示例2: test_positive_enable_disable_rssfeed
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_enable_disable_rssfeed(self):
"""Check if the RSS feed can be enabled or disabled
:id: 021cefab-2629-44e2-a30d-49c944d0a234
:steps: Set rss_enable true or false
:expectedresults: rss_enable is updated
:caseautomation: automated
orig_value = Settings.list({'search': 'name=rss_enable'})[0]['value']
for value in ['true', 'false']:
Settings.set({'name': 'rss_enable', 'value': value})
rss_setting = Settings.list({'search': 'name=rss_enable'})[0]
self.assertEqual(value, rss_setting['value'])
Settings.set({'name': 'rss_enable', 'value': orig_value})
示例3: test_positive_update_rssfeed_url
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_rssfeed_url(self):
"""Check if the RSS feed URL is updated
:id: 166ff6f2-e36e-4934-951f-b947139d0d73
1. Save the original RSS URL
2. Update RSS feed with a valid URL
3. Assert the RSS feed URL was really updated
4. Restore the original feed URL
:expectedresults: RSS feed URL is updated
:caseautomation: automated
orig_url = Settings.list({'search': 'name=rss_url'})[0]['value']
for test_url in valid_url_list():
Settings.set({'name': 'rss_url', 'value': test_url})
updated_url = Settings.list({'search': 'name=rss_url'})[0]
self.assertEqual(test_url, updated_url['value'])
Settings.set({'name': 'rss_url', 'value': orig_url})
示例4: test_positive_update_hostname_prefix_without_value
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_hostname_prefix_without_value(self):
"""Update the Hostname_prefix settings without any string(empty values)
:id: a84c28ea-6821-4c31-b4ab-8662c22c9135
:expectedresults: Hostname_prefix should be set without any text
Settings.set({'name': "discovery_prefix", 'value': ""})
discovery_prefix = Settings.list({
'search': 'name=discovery_prefix'
self.assertEqual('', discovery_prefix['value'])
示例5: test_positive_create_with_default_download_policy
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_create_with_default_download_policy(self):
"""Verify if the default download policy is assigned
when creating a YUM repo without `--download-policy`
@id: 9a3c4d95-d6ca-4377-9873-2c552b7d6ce7
@Assert: YUM repository with a default download policy
default_dl_policy = Settings.list({"search": "name=default_download_policy"})
new_repo = self._make_repository({u"content-type": u"yum"})
self.assertEqual(new_repo["download-policy"], default_dl_policy[0]["value"])
示例6: test_positive_session_preceeds_saved_credentials
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_session_preceeds_saved_credentials(self):
"""Check if enabled session is mutually exclusive with
saved credentials in hammer config
:id: e4277298-1c24-494b-84a6-22f45f96e144
:BZ: 1471099
1. Set use_sessions, set usernam and password,
set short expiration time
2. Authenticate, assert credentials are not demanded
on next command run
3. Wait until session expires
:expectedresults: Session expires after specified time
and saved credentials are not applied
idle_timeout = Settings.list({
'search': 'name=idle_timeout'})[0][u'value']
Settings.set({'name': 'idle_timeout', 'value': 1})
result = configure_sessions(add_default_creds=True)
self.assertEqual(result, 0, 'Failed to configure hammer sessions')
'username': self.uname_admin,
'password': self.password
result = Auth.with_user().status()
# list organizations without supplying credentials
with self.assertNotRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
# wait until session expires
with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
result = Auth.with_user().status()
# reset timeout to default
Settings.set({'name': 'idle_timeout', 'value': '{}'.format(
示例7: setUpClass
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def setUpClass(cls):
"""Steps to Configure foreman discovery
1. Build PXE default template
2. Create Organization/Location
3. Update Global parameters to set default org and location for
discovered hosts.
4. Enable auto_provision flag to perform discovery via discovery
super(DiscoveredTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
# Build PXE default template to get default PXE file
# Create Org and location
cls.org = make_org()
cls.loc = make_location()
# Get default settings values
cls.default_discovery_loc = Settings.list(
{'search': 'name=%s' % 'discovery_location'})[0]
cls.default_discovery_org = Settings.list(
{'search': 'name=%s' % 'discovery_organization'})[0]
cls.default_discovery_auto = Settings.list(
{'search': 'name=%s' % 'discovery_auto'})[0]
# Update default org and location params to place discovered host
Settings.set({'name': 'discovery_location', 'value': cls.loc['name']})
{'name': 'discovery_organization', 'value': cls.org['name']})
# Enable flag to auto provision discovered hosts via discovery rules
Settings.set({'name': 'discovery_auto', 'value': 'true'})
# Flag which shows whether environment is fully configured for
# discovered host provisioning.
cls.configured_env = False
示例8: test_positive_update_login_page_footer_text_without_value
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_login_page_footer_text_without_value(self):
"""Updates parameter "login_text" without any string (empty value)
:id: 01ce95de-2994-42b6-b9f8-f7882981fb69
1. Execute "settings" command with "set" as sub-command
without any string(empty value) in value parameter
:expectedresults: Message on login screen should be removed
Settings.set({'name': "login_text", 'value': ""})
login_text = Settings.list({'search': 'name=login_text'})[0]
self.assertEqual('', login_text['value'])
示例9: test_positive_update_hostname_default_prefix
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_hostname_default_prefix(self):
"""Update the default set prefix of hostname_prefix setting
:id: a6e46e53-6273-406a-8009-f184d9551d66
:expectedresults: Default set prefix should be updated with new value
hostname_prefix_value = gen_string('alpha')
'name': "discovery_prefix",
'value': hostname_prefix_value
discovery_prefix = Settings.list({
'search': 'name=discovery_prefix'
self.assertEqual(hostname_prefix_value, discovery_prefix['value'])
示例10: test_positive_create_session
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_create_session(self):
"""Check if user stays authenticated with session enabled
:id: fcee7f5f-1040-41a9-bf17-6d0c24a93e22
1. Set use_sessions, set short expiration time
2. Authenticate, assert credentials are not demanded
on next command run
3. Wait until session expires, assert credentials
are required
:expectedresults: The session is successfully created and
expires after specified time
idle_timeout = Settings.list({
'search': 'name=idle_timeout'})[0][u'value']
Settings.set({'name': 'idle_timeout', 'value': 1})
result = configure_sessions()
self.assertEqual(result, 0, 'Failed to configure hammer sessions')
'username': self.uname_admin,
'password': self.password
result = Auth.with_user().status()
# list organizations without supplying credentials
with self.assertNotRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
# wait until session expires
with self.assertRaises(CLIReturnCodeError):
result = Auth.with_user().status()
# reset timeout to default
Settings.set({'name': 'idle_timeout', 'value': '{}'.format(
示例11: test_positive_update_login_page_footer_text
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_login_page_footer_text(self):
"""Updates parameter "login_text" in settings
:id: 4d4e1151-5bd6-4fa2-8dbb-e182b43ad7ec
1. Execute "settings" command with "set" as sub-command
with any string
:expectedresults: Parameter is updated successfully
for login_text_value in valid_data_list():
with self.subTest(login_text_value):
Settings.set({'name': "login_text", 'value': login_text_value})
login_text = Settings.list({'search': 'name=login_text'})[0]
self.assertEqual(login_text_value, login_text['value'])
示例12: test_positive_update_send_welcome_email
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_send_welcome_email(self):
"""Check email send welcome email is updated
:id: cdaf6cd0-5eea-4252-87c5-f9ec3ba79ac1
:steps: valid values: boolean true or false
:expectedresults: send_welcome_email is updated
:caseautomation: automated
:caseimportance: low
for value in ['true', 'false']:
Settings.set({'name': 'send_welcome_email', 'value': value})
host_value = Settings.list(
{'search': 'name=send_welcome_email'})[0]['value']
assert value == host_value
示例13: test_positive_update_login_page_footer_text_with_long_string
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_login_page_footer_text_with_long_string(self):
"""Attempt to update parameter "Login_page_footer_text"
with long length string under General tab
:id: 87ef6b19-fdc5-4541-aba8-e730f1a3caa7
1. Execute "settings" command with "set" as sub-command
with long length string
:expectedresults: Parameter is updated
:caseimportance: low
for login_text_value in generate_strings_list(1000):
with self.subTest(login_text_value):
Settings.set({'name': "login_text", 'value': login_text_value})
login_text = Settings.list({'search': 'name=login_text'})[0]
self.assertEqual(login_text_value, login_text['value'])
示例14: test_positive_update_email_subject_prefix
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_email_subject_prefix(self):
"""Check email subject prefix is updated
:id: c8e6b323-7b39-43d6-a9f1-5474f920bba2
:expectedresults: email_subject_prefix is updated
:caseautomation: automated
:caseimportance: low
email_subject_prefix_value = gen_string('alpha')
'name': "email_subject_prefix",
'value': email_subject_prefix_value
email_subject_prefix = Settings.list({
'search': 'name=email_subject_prefix'
示例15: test_positive_update_email_reply_address
# 需要导入模块: from robottelo.cli.settings import Settings [as 别名]
# 或者: from robottelo.cli.settings.Settings import list [as 别名]
def test_positive_update_email_reply_address(self):
"""Check email reply address is updated
:id: cb0907d1-9cb6-45c4-b2bb-e2790ea55f16
:expectedresults: email_reply_address is updated
:caseimportance: low
:caseautomation: automated
for email in valid_emails_list():
with self.subTest(email):
# The email must be escaped because some characters to not fail
# the parsing of the generated shell command
escaped_email = email.replace(
'"', r'\"').replace('`', r'\`')
'name': "email_reply_address",
'value': escaped_email})
email_reply_address = Settings.list({
'search': 'name=email_reply_address'
}, output_format='json')[0]
self.assertEqual(email_reply_address['value'], email)