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Python RiakObject.reload方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中riak_object.RiakObject.reload方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python RiakObject.reload方法的具体用法?Python RiakObject.reload怎么用?Python RiakObject.reload使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在riak_object.RiakObject的用法示例。


示例1: get

# 需要导入模块: from riak_object import RiakObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from riak_object.RiakObject import reload [as 别名]
    def get(self, key, r=None, pr=None, timeout=None, include_context=None,
            basic_quorum=None, notfound_ok=None):
        Retrieve an object or datatype from Riak.

        :param key: Name of the key.
        :type key: string
        :param r: R-Value of the request (defaults to bucket's R)
        :type r: integer
        :param pr: PR-Value of the request (defaults to bucket's PR)
        :type pr: integer
        :param timeout: a timeout value in milliseconds
        :type timeout: int
        :param include_context: if the bucket contains datatypes, include
           the opaque context in the result
        :type include_context: bool
        :param basic_quorum: whether to use the "basic quorum" policy
           for not-founds
        :type basic_quorum: bool
        :param notfound_ok: whether to treat not-found responses as successful
        :type notfound_ok: bool
        :rtype: :class:`RiakObject <riak.riak_object.RiakObject>` or
        if self.bucket_type.datatype:
            return self._client.fetch_datatype(self, key, r=r, pr=pr,
            obj = RiakObject(self._client, self, key)
            return obj.reload(r=r, pr=pr, timeout=timeout,

示例2: get_binary

# 需要导入模块: from riak_object import RiakObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from riak_object.RiakObject import reload [as 别名]
 def get_binary(self, key, r=None):
     Retrieve a binary/string object from Riak.
     @param string key - Name of the key.
     @param int r - R-Value of the request (defaults to bucket's R)
     @return RiakObject
     obj = RiakObject(self._client, self, key)
     obj._encode_data = False
     r = self.get_r(r)
     return obj.reload(r)

示例3: get_binary

# 需要导入模块: from riak_object import RiakObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from riak_object.RiakObject import reload [as 别名]
    def get_binary(self, key, r=None):
        Retrieve a binary/string object from Riak.

        :param key: Name of the key.
        :type key: string
        :param r: R-Value of the request (defaults to bucket's R)
        :type r: integer
        :rtype: :class:`RiakObject <riak.riak_object.RiakObject>`
        obj = RiakObject(self._client, self, key)
        obj._encode_data = False
        r = self.get_r(r)
        return obj.reload(r)

示例4: get

# 需要导入模块: from riak_object import RiakObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from riak_object.RiakObject import reload [as 别名]
    def get(self, key, r=None, pr=None):
        Retrieve a JSON-encoded object from Riak.

        :param key: Name of the key.
        :type key: string
        :param r: R-Value of the request (defaults to bucket's R)
        :type r: integer
        :param pr: PR-Value of the request (defaults to bucket's PR)
        :type pr: integer
        :rtype: :class:`RiakObject <riak.riak_object.RiakObject>`
        obj = RiakObject(self._client, self, key)
        return obj.reload(r=r, pr=pr)

示例5: get

# 需要导入模块: from riak_object import RiakObject [as 别名]
# 或者: from riak_object.RiakObject import reload [as 别名]
    def get(self, key, r=None, pr=None, timeout=None):
        Retrieve an object from Riak.

        :param key: Name of the key.
        :type key: string
        :param r: R-Value of the request (defaults to bucket's R)
        :type r: integer
        :param pr: PR-Value of the request (defaults to bucket's PR)
        :type pr: integer
        :param timeout: a timeout value in milliseconds
        :type timeout: int
        :rtype: :class:`RiakObject <riak.riak_object.RiakObject>`
        obj = RiakObject(self._client, self, key)
        return obj.reload(r=r, pr=pr, timeout=timeout)
