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Python Graph.value方法代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中rdflib.Graph.value方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Graph.value方法的具体用法?Python Graph.value怎么用?Python Graph.value使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在rdflib.Graph的用法示例。


示例1: convert_graveyards

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
    def convert_graveyards(self, uri, graph: Graph):
        Convert graveyard information into URIs. Check if the created URI exists in cemeteries ontology.
        mun = graph.value(uri, SCHEMA_CAS.municipality_of_burial)
        if not mun or str(mun) == 'X':
            return graph

        gy = graph.value(uri, SCHEMA_CAS.graveyard_number)
        gy_uri = '{base}h{mun}'.format(base=CEMETERIES, mun=str(mun).split('/k')[-1])
        # mun_uri = '{base}k{mun}'.format(base=KUNNAT, mun=mun)
        if gy:
            gy_uri += '_{gy}'.format(gy=gy)
            return graph

        gy_uri = URIRef(GRAVEYARD_MAPPING.get(gy_uri, gy_uri))

        if gy_uri not in self.cemeteries:
            logging.info('Cemetery {gy} not found for person {p}'.format(gy=gy_uri, p=uri))
            return graph

        if str(gy).isnumeric():
            graph.add((uri, SCHEMA_WARSA.buried_in, gy_uri))

        graph.remove((uri, SCHEMA_CAS.graveyard_number, gy))

        return graph

示例2: parse

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
def parse(foaf_url):
    global gexf_graph
    global parsedFOAFS
    global queuedFOAFS

    g = Graph()

    except Exception:
        print "Can't fetch " + foaf_url

    SIOC = Namespace("http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#")

    acctID = URIRef(g.value(URIRef(foaf_url), FOAF.maker) + "#acct")
    root_accountName = str(g.value(acctID, FOAF.accountName))
    root_webfinger = root_accountName + "@" + urlparse(foaf_url).hostname

    subscriptions = prepareQuery(
        """SELECT ?accountName ?accountProfilePage
           WHERE {
              ?person sioc:follows ?b .
              ?b foaf:accountName ?accountName .
              ?b foaf:accountProfilePage ?accountProfilePage .
        initNs = { "foaf": FOAF, "sioc": SIOC })

    subscribers = prepareQuery(
        """SELECT ?accountName ?accountProfilePage
           WHERE {
              ?b sioc:follows ?person .
              ?b foaf:accountName ?accountName .
              ?b foaf:accountProfilePage ?accountProfilePage .
        initNs = { "foaf": FOAF, "sioc": SIOC })

    gexf_graph.addNode(root_webfinger, root_webfinger)

    for subscription in g.query(subscriptions, initBindings={'person': acctID}):
        accountProfilePage = str(subscription.accountProfilePage) + "/foaf"
        accountName = str(subscription.accountName)
        if (blacklisted(accountProfilePage) is False):
            hostname = urlparse(accountProfilePage).hostname
            webfinger = accountName + "@" + hostname
            gexf_graph.addNode(webfinger, webfinger)
            gexf_graph.addEdge(root_webfinger + webfinger, root_webfinger, webfinger)
            if accountProfilePage not in parsedFOAFS:

    for subscriber in g.query(subscribers, initBindings={'person': acctID}):
        accountProfilePage = str(subscriber.accountProfilePage) + "/foaf"
        accountName = str(subscriber.accountName)
        if (blacklisted(accountProfilePage) is False):
            hostname = urlparse(accountProfilePage).hostname
            webfinger = accountName + "@" + hostname
            gexf_graph.addNode(webfinger, webfinger)
            gexf_graph.addEdge(webfinger + root_webfinger, root_webfinger, webfinger)
            if accountProfilePage not in parsedFOAFS:

示例3: get_collection

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
    def get_collection(self):
        """Get collection level metadata of a branch
        # read standard files:
        cfg_str = '\n'.join(self.repo.git_get_file_content(REPO_CONFIG_FILE,
        std = Graph().parse(data=cfg_str, format="turtle")

        col_node = std.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Collection)
        col_name = std.value(subject=col_node, predicate=RDFS.label)

        # additional turtle files in collection's basedir:
        files = [file_ for file_ in self.repo.git_get_files(branch=self.branch)
                 if file_ == basename(file_) and file_ != REPO_CONFIG_FILE and

        out = Graph(identifier=col_name)  # avoid type 'URIRef' or sth.

        for file_ in files:
            file_str = '\n'.join(self.repo.git_get_file_content(file_,
            out.parse(data=file_str, format="turtle")

        # Note: By now we parse config.ttl and datalad.ttl two times here.
        # The issue is to determine the identifier of hte graph, which can't be
        # changed after creation. We probably also want to read certain files
        # only into the returned graph later on.

        return out

示例4: get_metadata

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
    def get_metadata(self, files=None):
        Gets metadata graph for the handle (all files in collection or just
        files: list of str

        cfg_str = '\n'.join(self.repo.git_get_file_content(self._cfg_file,
        cfg_graph = Graph().parse(data=cfg_str, format="turtle")

        h_node = cfg_graph.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=DLNS.Handle)
        h_name = cfg_graph.value(subject=h_node, predicate=RDFS.label)

        # additional files in handle's dir:
        if files is None:
            files = [file_
                     for file_ in self.repo.git_get_files(branch=self.branch)
                     if file_.startswith(self.repo._key2filename(self.key))
                     and basename(file_) != REPO_CONFIG_FILE]

        out = Graph(identifier=h_name)
        for file_ in files:
            file_str = '\n'.join(self.repo.git_get_file_content(file_,
            out.parse(data=file_str, format="turtle")

        # Note: See note in CollectionRepoBackend.get_collection
        return out

示例5: generate_event

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
def generate_event(graph: Graph, casualty: URIRef, person: URIRef, event_type: URIRef, event_prefix: str,
                   date_prop: URIRef, place_prop: URIRef, relation_prop: URIRef, munics: Graph):
    log.debug('Generating event {} {} {} {} {} {} {}'.format(casualty, person, event_type, event_prefix,
                                                             date_prop, place_prop, relation_prop))
    event = Graph()
    cas_local_id = get_local_id(casualty)
    event_uri = URIRef('http://ldf.fi/warsa/events/{prefix}{id}'.format(prefix=event_prefix, id=cas_local_id))

    event.add((event_uri, RDF.type, event_type))
    event.add((event_uri, relation_prop, person))
    event.add((event_uri, DCT.source, NARC_SOURCE))

    if place_prop:
        place = graph.value(subject=casualty, predicate=place_prop)

        if place:
            place_ws = munics.value(place, SCHEMA_CAS.preferred_municipality)
            event.add((event_uri, CRM.P7_took_place_at, place_ws))

    if date_prop:
        date = graph.value(subject=casualty, predicate=date_prop)
        if date:
            timespan_uri = URIRef(
                'http://ldf.fi/warsa/events/times/{prefix}{id}'.format(prefix=event_prefix, id=cas_local_id))

            event.add((event_uri, CRM['P4_has_time-span'], timespan_uri))

            # TODO: dateTimes
            event.add((timespan_uri, CRM.P82a_begin_of_the_begin, date))
            event.add((timespan_uri, CRM.P82b_end_of_the_end, date))
            event.add((timespan_uri, SKOS.prefLabel, Literal(str(date))))

    return event, event_uri

示例6: Test

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
class Test(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
            self.g = Graph()
            for rg in row_graphs_from_file(StringIO.StringIO(EXAMPLE)):
                self.g += rg
            self.csv = csv.DictReader(StringIO.StringIO(EXAMPLE))
    def testCells(self):
        #Count cells and make no one else has a fieldname
        self.assertEquals(6, len(list(self.g[: RDF.type : CSV.Cell])))
        for (cell, _) in self.g[ : CSV.fieldName :]:
            self.assertEquals(CSV.Cell, self.g.value(cell, RDF.type))
        #Check that all CSV cells are represented
        for csv_row in self.csv:
            for key, value in csv_row.items():
                              self.g[Literal(key) : ~CSV.fieldName / CSV.fieldValue])

    def testStructure(self):
        self.assertEquals(1, len(list(self.g[: PROV.generated :])))
        self.assertEquals(2, len(list(self.g[: PROV.generated / RDFS.member :])))
        self.assertEquals(6, len(list(self.g[: PROV.generated / RDFS.member / RDFS.member :])))
        for (imp, f) in self.g[: PROV.generated :]:
            self.assertEquals(CSV.Import, self.g.value(imp, RDF.type))
            self.assertEquals(CSV.File, self.g.value(f, RDF.type))
            for row in self.g[f : RDFS.member]:
                self.assertEquals(CSV.Row, self.g.value(row, RDF.type))
                for cell in self.g[row : RDFS.member]:
                    self.assertEquals(CSV.Cell, self.g.value(cell, RDF.type))

示例7: prepareSellResponse

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
def prepareSellResponse(urlSend):
    g = Graph()

    enviaments = Graph()
    enviaments.parse(open('../data/enviaments'), format='turtle')

    urlProducts = []
    for item in enviaments.objects(subject=urlSend, predicate=ECSDI.Envia):
        for product in enviaments.objects(subject=item, predicate=ECSDI.productos):

    products = Graph()
    products.parse(open('../data/productes'), format='turtle')

    for item in urlProducts:
        marca = products.value(subject=item, predicate=ECSDI.Marca)
        modelo = products.value(subject=item, predicate=ECSDI.Modelo)
        nombre = products.value(subject=item, predicate=ECSDI.Nombre)
        precio = products.value(subject=item, predicate=ECSDI.Precio)

        g.add((item, RDF.type, ECSDI.Producto))
        g.add((item, ECSDI.Marca, Literal(marca, datatype=XSD.string)))
        g.add((item, ECSDI.Modelo, Literal(modelo, datatype=XSD.string)))
        g.add((item, ECSDI.Precio, Literal(precio, datatype=XSD.float)))
        g.add((item, ECSDI.Nombre, Literal(nombre, datatype=XSD.string)))

    return g

示例8: extract_metadata

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
 def extract_metadata(self, rawhead, basefile):
     metadata = util.readfile(self.store.downloaded_path(
         basefile, attachment="index.rdf"))
     # For some reason these RDF files might use canonical
     # decomposition form (NFD) which is less optimal. Fix this.
     metadata = unicodedata.normalize("NFC", metadata)
     sourcegraph = Graph().parse(data=metadata)
     rooturi = sourcegraph.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=BIBO.Book)
     if rooturi is None:
         # then just try to identify the main uri and use that 
         subjects = set(sourcegraph.subjects())
         if len(subjects) == 1:
             rooturi = next(iter(subjects))
     title = sourcegraph.value(subject=rooturi, predicate=DC.title)
     issued = sourcegraph.value(subject=rooturi, predicate=DC.date)
     if isinstance(issued, str):
         # sometimes dc:date is weird like "1976[1974]" (SOU 1974:42)
         if len(issued) != 4:
             self.log.warning("expected issued date as single 4-digit year, got %s" % issued)
             # fall back on an approximation based on the basefile
             issued = basefile.split(":")[0]
         issued = Literal(util.gYear(int(issued)), datatype=XSD.gYear)
     attribs = self.metadata_from_basefile(basefile)
     attribs["dcterms:title"] = title
     if issued:
         attribs["dcterms:issued"] = issued
     return attribs

示例9: test_CollectionRepo_add_handle

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
def test_CollectionRepo_add_handle(annex_path, clone_path, clt_path):

    # Note: for now just tests to add a HandleRepo instance.
    # todo: different types!

    handle = HandleRepo(clone_path, annex_path)
    clt = CollectionRepo(clt_path)
    clt.add_handle(handle, "first_handle")
    ok_clean_git(clt_path, annex=False)

    # test file layout:
    ok_(os.path.exists(opj(clt.path, "first_handle")))
    ok_(os.path.isdir(opj(clt.path, "first_handle")))
    ok_(os.path.exists(opj(clt.path, "first_handle", REPO_STD_META_FILE)))
    ok_(os.path.exists(opj(clt.path, "first_handle", REPO_CONFIG_FILE)))

    # test statements:
    # 1. within collection level metadata:
    g_datalad = Graph().parse(opj(clt.path, REPO_STD_META_FILE),

    handle_uri = g_datalad.value(subject=DLNS.this, predicate=DCTERMS.hasPart)
    assert_equal(handle_uri, URIRef(get_local_file_url(handle.path)))
    # TODO: one says "file:///..." and the other just "/..."
    # Note: Use datalad/utils.py:60:def get_local_file_url(fname)

    # 2. handle's metadata:
    g_config = Graph().parse(opj(clt.path, 'first_handle', REPO_CONFIG_FILE),
    assert_equal(g_config.value(subject=handle_uri, predicate=RDFS.label),

示例10: test_dataset_description

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
    def test_dataset_description(self):
        res1 = self.client.get(
            '/', headers={'Accept': 'text/html'}, buffered=True)
        self.assertEqual(res1.status_code, http.client.SEE_OTHER)

        res2 = self.client.get('/', headers={'Accept': 'text/turtle'})
        self.assertEqual(res2.status_code, http.client.OK)
        self.assertEqual(res2.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/turtle')

        res3 = self.client.get('/.well-known/void')
        self.assertEqual(res3.status_code, http.client.OK)
        self.assertEqual(res3.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/turtle')

        res4 = self.client.get('/.wellknown/void')
        self.assertEqual(res4.status_code, http.client.OK)
        self.assertEqual(res4.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/turtle')

        res5 = self.client.get('/.well-known/void.ttl')
        self.assertEqual(res5.status_code, http.client.OK)
        self.assertEqual(res5.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/turtle')

        res6 = self.client.get('/.well-known/void.ttl.html')
        self.assertEqual(res6.status_code, http.client.OK)
        self.assertEqual(res6.headers['Content-Type'], 'text/html')

        g = Graph()
        g.parse(format='turtle', data=res2.get_data(as_text=True))
            (PERIODO['p0d'], DCTERMS.provenance, HOST['h#changes']), g)
        desc = g.value(predicate=RDF.type, object=VOID.DatasetDescription)
            desc.n3(), '<http://n2t.net/ark:/99152/p0>')
        title = g.value(subject=desc, predicate=DCTERMS.title)
            title.n3(), '"Description of the PeriodO Period Gazetteer"@en')
        q = sparql.prepareQuery('''
SELECT ?count
  ?d void:classPartition ?p .
  ?p void:class ?class .
  ?p void:entities ?count .
''', initNs={'void': VOID, 'skos': SKOS})
        concept_count = next(iter(g.query(
            q, initBindings={'class': SKOS.Concept})))['count'].value
        self.assertEqual(concept_count, 3)
        scheme_count = next(iter(g.query(
            q, initBindings={'class': SKOS.ConceptScheme})))['count'].value
        self.assertEqual(scheme_count, 1)

示例11: EarthquakeRdfReader2

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
class EarthquakeRdfReader2():

    def __init__(self, bindings = None):
        Initialize Graph and setup namespaces
        @param bindings The path to a json configuration file.
        self.g = Graph()


    def read(self, destination, format):
        Read RDF file and turn it into core concept objects
        @param destination The destination of the file that contains the RDF data
        @param format The input format. Supported formats: ‘xml’, ‘n3’, ‘turtle’, ‘nt’, ‘pretty-xml’, trix’

        self.g.parse(destination, format=format)

        earthquakes = []

        for subject, predicate, obj in self.g.triples( (None, RDF.type, self.eq.Earthquake) ):

        return earthquakes

    def parse(self, subject):
        Create python Earthquake object for the passed RDF subject
        @param subject The subject that needs to be turned into a python earthquake object

        properties = {
            'latitude': self.g.value(subject, self.geo.lat),
            'longitude': self.g.value(subject, self.geo.long),
            'place': self.g.value(subject, self.lode.atPlace),
            'atTime': self.g.value(subject, self.lode.atTime),
            'mag': self.g.value(subject, self.qudt.vectorMagnitude),

        return Earthquake(properties)

    def setNamespaces(self, bindings):
        Sets up the namespaces
        @param bindings The path to a json configuration file. The json file should have an array called "bindings".
        Each object in this array should have an attribute called "prefix" for the prefix and an attribute called "namespace" for the namespace uri.

        json_data = open(bindings).read()
        data = json.loads(json_data)

        for obj in data['bindings']:
            setattr(self, obj['prefix'], Namespace(obj['namespace']))

示例12: comunicacion

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
def comunicacion():
    Entrypoint de comunicacion del agente
    Simplementet retorna un objeto fijo que representa una
    respuesta a una busqueda de hotel

    Asumimos que se reciben siempre acciones que se refieren a lo que puede hacer
    el agente (buscar con ciertas restricciones, reservar)
    Las acciones se mandan siempre con un Request
    Prodriamos resolver las busquedas usando una performativa de Query-ref
    global dsgraph
    global mss_cnt

    #Extraemos el mensaje y creamos un grafo con el
    message= request.args['content']
    gm = Graph()

    msgdic = get_message_properties(gm)

    # Comprobamos que sea un mensaje FIPA ACL
    if msgdic is None:
        # Si no es, respondemos que no hemos entendido el mensaje
        gr = build_message(Graph(), ACL['not-understood'], sender=InfoAgent.uri, msgcnt=mss_cnt)
        # Obtenemos la performativa
        perf = msgdic['performative']

        if perf != ACL.request:
            # Si no es un request, respondemos que no hemos entendido el mensaje
            gr = build_message(Graph(), ACL['not-understood'], sender=InfoAgent.uri, msgcnt=mss_cnt)
            #Extraemos el objeto del contenido que ha de ser una accion de la ontologia de acciones del agente
            # de registro

            # Averiguamos el tipo de la accion
            if 'content' in msgdic:
                content = msgdic['content']
                accion = gm.value(subject=content, predicate= RDF.type)

            # Aqui realizariamos lo que pide la accion
            paq = paquet["vacances"]
            actTypes = gm.value(subject= paq, predicate= paquet.act_types)
            destination = gm.value(subject= paq, predicate= paquet.desti)

            ga = buscar_activitats(destination, actTypes)
            # Por ahora simplemente retornamos un Inform-done
            gr = build_message(ga,
    mss_cnt += 1
    return gr.serialize(format='xml')

示例13: get

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
    def get(self):
        out = []
        if 1:
            g = Graph()
            g.parse("http://bang:9103/graph", format="n3")

            tasks = [] # (pos, task)
            for t in g.subjects(RDF.type, CV.OpenTask):
                if (None, CV.child, t) in g:
                tasks.append((g.value(t, CV.position), t))

            def appendTree(t, depth):
                    mark=g.value(t, CV.mark),
                    content=g.value(t, CV.content),
                for sub in g.objects(t, CV.child):
                    if (sub, RDF.type, CV.OpenTask) not in g:
                    appendTree(sub, depth+1)

            for pos, t in tasks[:10]:
                appendTree(t, depth=0)

        events = [] # [{'date':'yyyy-mm-dd', 'dayEvents':[], 'timeEvents':[]}]
        g = Graph()
        g.parse("http://bang:9105/events?days=3", format='n3')
        byDay = {}
        for ev in g.subjects(RDF.type, EV.Event):
            start = g.value(ev, EV['start'])
            s = parse(start)
            d = s.date().isoformat()
            byDay.setdefault(d, {'dayEvents':[],
                'timeEvents' if 'T' in start else 'dayEvents'].append({
                'title' : g.value(ev, EV['title']),
                'start' : start,
                'date' : s.date().isoformat(),
                'time' : s.time().isoformat()[:-3],
        for k,v in sorted(byDay.items(), key=lambda (k,v): k):
            d = {'date':k, 'weekdayName':parse(k).strftime("%A")}
            d['dayEvents'].sort(key=lambda ev: ev['title'])
            d['timeEvents'].sort(key=lambda ev: ev['start'])

        self.write(json.dumps({'tasks':out, 'events' : events}))

示例14: _license_desc

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
    def _license_desc( self, url):
        permits_uri = URIRef("http://creativecommons.org/ns#permits")
        requires_uri = URIRef("http://creativecommons.org/ns#requires")
        prohibits_uri = URIRef("http://creativecommons.org/ns#prohibits")
        comment_uri = URIRef(u'http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#comment')
        ns_url = 'http://creativecommons.org/ns'

        license_graph = Graph()

        ns_graph = Graph()

        lines = []

        title = License.objects.get(url=url).title

        desc = 'This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons %s License \
        ( %s),' % (title, url)

        # get permits terms
        for t in license_graph.subject_objects(permits_uri):
            lines.append(ns_graph.value(subject=URIRef(t[1].replace('http:', 'https:')), predicate=comment_uri, object=None))

        if lines:
            lines = filter(None, lines)
            desc += ' which permits %s, provided the original work is properly cited.' % (', '.join(lines))

        # get requires terms
        lines = []
        for t in license_graph.subject_objects(requires_uri):
            lines.append(ns_graph.value(subject=URIRef(t[1].replace('http:', 'https:')), predicate=comment_uri, object=None))
        if lines:
            lines = filter(None, lines)
            desc += ' This license requires %s.' % (', '.join(lines))

        # get prohibits terms
        lines = []
        for t in license_graph.subject_objects(prohibits_uri):
            lines.append(ns_graph.value(subject=URIRef(t[1].replace('http:', 'https:')), predicate=comment_uri, object=None))
        if lines:
            lines = filter(None, lines)
            desc += ' This license prohibits %s.' % (', '.join(lines))

        #remove tabs, newlines and extra spaces
        desc = re.sub('\t+|\n+', ' ', desc)
        desc = re.sub(' +', ' ', desc)

        logger.debug('LICENSE DESC: %s' % desc)
        return desc

示例15: footer

# 需要导入模块: from rdflib import Graph [as 别名]
# 或者: from rdflib.Graph import value [as 别名]
 def footer(self):
     res = {}
     for basefile in self.store.list_basefiles_for("generate"):
         uri = self.canonical_uri(basefile)
         g = Graph()
         # only return those files that have olo:index metadata, in
         # that order
         if g.value(URIRef(uri), OLO['index']):
             title = g.value(URIRef(uri), self.ns['dcterms'].title).toPython()
             if not title:
                 title = basefile
             res[int(g.value(URIRef(uri), OLO['index']))] = (title, uri)
     return [res[x] for x in sorted(res)]
