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Python utils.to36函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中r2.lib.utils.to36函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python to36函数的具体用法?Python to36怎么用?Python to36使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: _to_fn

def _to_fn(cls, id_):
    '''Convert id_ to a fullname (equivalent to "link._fullname", but doesn't
    require an instance of the class)
    return (cls._type_prefix + r2utils.to36(cls._type_id) + '_' +

示例2: port_cassavotes

def port_cassavotes():
    from r2.models import Vote, Account, Link, Comment
    from r2.models.vote import CassandraVote, CassandraLinkVote, CassandraCommentVote
    from r2.lib.db.tdb_cassandra import CL
    from r2.lib.utils import fetch_things2, to36, progress

    ts = [(Vote.rel(Account, Link), CassandraLinkVote),
          (Vote.rel(Account, Comment), CassandraCommentVote)]

    dataattrs = set(['valid_user', 'valid_thing', 'ip', 'organic'])

    for prel, crel in ts:
        vq = prel._query(sort=desc('_date'),
        vq = fetch_things2(vq)
        vq = progress(vq, persec=True)
        for v in vq:
            t1 = to36(v._thing1_id)
            t2 = to36(v._thing2_id)
            cv = crel(thing1_id = t1,
                      thing2_id = t2,
            for dkey, dval in v._t.iteritems():
                if dkey in dataattrs:
                    setattr(cv, dkey, dval)


示例3: __init__

 def __init__(self, link, depth, parent_id = None):
     if parent_id is not None:
         id36 = utils.to36(parent_id)
         self.parent_id = parent_id
         self.parent_name = "t%s_%s" % (utils.to36(Comment._type_id), id36)
         self.parent_permalink = link.make_permalink_slow() + id36
     self.link_name = link._fullname
     self.link_id = link._id
     self.depth = depth
     self.children = []
     self.count = 0

示例4: get_recommended

def get_recommended(userid, age = 2, sort='relevance', num_users=10):
    u = get_users_for_user(userid)[:num_users]
    if not u: return []

    voter = Vote.rels[(Account, Link)]

    tables = tdb.get_rel_type_table(voter._type_id)
    votertable = tables[0]
    acct_col = votertable.c.thing1_id
    link_col = votertable.c.thing2_id
    date_col = votertable.c.date
    count = sa.func.count(acct_col)

    linktable = tables[2]
#    dlinktable, linktable = tdb.types_id[Link._type_id].data_table
    link_id_col = linktable.c.thing_id

    query = [sa.or_(*[acct_col == x for x in u]),
             date_col > datetime.now(g.tz)-timedelta(age)]
    cols = [link_col, count]

    if sort == 'new':
        sort = 'date'
    elif sort == 'top':
        sort = 'score'

    if sort and sort != 'relevance':
        query.append(link_id_col == link_col)
        s = tdb.translate_sort(linktable, sort)
        order = [sa.desc(s), sa.desc(link_id_col)]
        cols = [link_id_col, count]
        group_by = [link_id_col, s]
        order = [sa.desc(count), sa.desc(link_col)]
        group_by = link_col

#    #TODO: wish I could just use query_rules
#    if c.user and c.user.subreddits:
#        query.append(dlinktable.c.thing_id == linktable.c.thing_id)
#        q = sa.and_(dlinktable.c.key == 'sr_id',
#                    sa.or_(*[dlinktable.c.value == x
#                             for x in c.user.subreddits]))
#        query.append(q)

    res = sa.select(cols, sa.and_(*query),

    prefix = "t%s" % to36(Link._type_id)
    return ["%s_%s" % (prefix, to36(x)) for x, y in res.fetchall()]

示例5: __init__

    def __init__(self, link, depth, parent_id=None):
        from r2.lib.wrapped import CachedVariable

        if parent_id is not None:
            id36 = utils.to36(parent_id)
            self.parent_id = parent_id
            self.parent_name = "t%s_%s" % (utils.to36(Comment._type_id), id36)
            self.parent_permalink = link.make_permalink_slow() + id36
        self.link_name = link._fullname
        self.link_id = link._id
        self.depth = depth
        self.children = []
        self.count = 0
        self.previous_visits_hex = CachedVariable("previous_visits_hex")

示例6: _process

    def _process(t):
        thing_id = t.thing_id
        id36 = to36(thing_id)

        link_id = t.link_id
        link_id36 = to36(link_id)

        ups, downs, timestamp = t.ups, t.downs, t.timestamp

        yield link_id36+'_controversy', id36, sorts.controversy(ups, downs)
        yield link_id36+'_hot',         id36, sorts._hot(ups, downs, timestamp)
        yield link_id36+'_confidence',  id36, sorts.confidence(ups, downs)
        yield link_id36+'_score',       id36, sorts.score(ups, downs)
        yield link_id36+'_date',        id36, timestamp

示例7: port_cassasaves

def port_cassasaves(after_id=None, estimate=12489897):
    from r2.models import SaveHide, CassandraSave
    from r2.lib.db.operators import desc
    from r2.lib.db.tdb_cassandra import CL
    from r2.lib.utils import fetch_things2, to36, progress

    q = SaveHide._query(SaveHide.c._name == "save", sort=desc("_date"), data=False, eager_load=False)

    if after_id is not None:

    for sh in progress(fetch_things2(q), estimate=estimate):

        csh = CassandraSave(thing1_id=to36(sh._thing1_id), thing2_id=to36(sh._thing2_id), date=sh._date)

示例8: sup_json_cached

def sup_json_cached(period, last_time):
    #we need to re-add MIN_PERIOD because we moved back that far with
    #the call to make_last_time
    target_time = last_time + MIN_PERIOD - period

    updates = ''
    #loop backwards adding MIN_PERIOD chunks until last_time is as old
    #as target time
    while last_time >= target_time:
        updates += g.cache.get(cache_key(last_time)) or ''
        last_time -= MIN_PERIOD

    supdates = []
    if updates:
        for u in ifilter(None, updates.split(',')):
            sup_id, time = u.split(':')
            time = int(time)
            if time >= target_time:
                supdates.append([sup_id, to36(time)])

    update_time = datetime.utcnow()
    since_time = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(target_time)
    json = simplejson.dumps({'updated_time' : rfc3339_date_str(update_time),
                             'since_time' : rfc3339_date_str(since_time),
                             'period' : period,
                             'available_periods' : period_urls(),
                             'updates' : supdates})

    #undo json escaping
    json = json.replace('\/', '/')
    return json

示例9: _get_sr_restriction

 def _get_sr_restriction(sr):
     '''Return a solr-appropriate query string that restricts
     results to only contain results from self.sr
     bq = []
     if (not sr) or sr == All or isinstance(sr, DefaultSR):
         return None
     elif isinstance(sr, MultiReddit):
         for sr_id in sr.sr_ids:
             bq.append("sr_id:%s" % sr_id)
     elif isinstance(sr, DomainSR):
         bq = ["site:'%s'" % sr.domain]
     elif sr == Friends:
         if not c.user_is_loggedin or not c.user.friends:
             return None
         friend_ids = c.user.friends
         friends = ["author_fullname:'%s'" %
                    for id_ in friend_ids]
     elif isinstance(sr, ModContribSR):
         for sr_id in sr.sr_ids:
             bq.append("sr_id:%s" % sr_id)
     elif not isinstance(sr, FakeSubreddit):
         bq = ["sr_id:%s" % sr._id]
     return ' OR '.join(bq)

示例10: _get_sr_restriction

    def _get_sr_restriction(sr):
        """Return a cloudsearch appropriate query string that restricts
        results to only contain results from self.sr
        bq = []
        if (not sr) or sr == All or isinstance(sr, DefaultSR):
            return None
        elif isinstance(sr, MultiReddit):
            bq = ["(or"]
            for sr_id in sr.sr_ids:
                bq.append("sr_id:%s" % sr_id)
        elif isinstance(sr, DomainSR):
            bq = ["site:'%s'" % sr.domain]
        elif sr == Friends:
            if not c.user_is_loggedin or not c.user.friends:
                return None
            bq = ["(or"]
            # The query limit is roughly 8k bytes. Limit to 200 friends to
            # avoid getting too close to that limit
            friend_ids = c.user.friends[:200]
            friends = ["author_fullname:'%s'" % Account._fullname_from_id36(r2utils.to36(id_)) for id_ in friend_ids]
        elif isinstance(sr, ModContribSR):
            bq = ["(or"]
            for sr_id in sr.sr_ids:
                bq.append("sr_id:%s" % sr_id)
        elif not isinstance(sr, FakeSubreddit):
            bq = ["sr_id:%s" % sr._id]

        return " ".join(bq)

示例11: GET_oldinfo

    def GET_oldinfo(self, article, type, dest, rest=None, comment=''):
        """Legacy: supporting permalink pages from '06,
           and non-search-engine-friendly links"""
        if not (dest in ('comments','related','details')):
                dest = 'comments'
        if type == 'ancient':
            #this could go in config, but it should never change
            max_link_id = 10000000
            new_id = max_link_id - int(article._id)
            return self.redirect('/info/' + to36(new_id) + '/' + rest)
        if type == 'old':
            new_url = "/%s/%s/%s" % \
                      (dest, article._id36, 
            if not c.default_sr:
                new_url = "/r/%s%s" % (c.site.name, new_url)
            if comment:
                new_url = new_url + "/%s" % comment._id36
            if c.extension:
                new_url = new_url + "/.%s" % c.extension

            new_url = new_url + query_string(request.get)

            # redirect should be smarter and handle extensions, etc.
            return self.redirect(new_url, code=301)

示例12: by_sr

 def by_sr(cls, sr_id, create=False):
         return cls._byID(to36(sr_id))
     except tdb_cassandra.NotFound:
         if create:
             return cls._new(sr_id)

示例13: cached_query_wrapper

        def cached_query_wrapper(*args):
            # build the row key from the function name and arguments
            assert fn.__name__.startswith("get_")
            row_key_components = [fn.__name__[len('get_'):]]

            if len(args) > 0:
                # we want to accept either a Thing or a thing's ID at this
                # layer, but the query itself should always get just an ID
                if isinstance(args[0], Thing):
                    args = list(args)
                    args[0] = args[0]._id

                if isinstance(args[0], (int, long)):
                    serialized = to36(args[0])
                    serialized = str(args[0])

            row_key_components.extend(str(x) for x in args[1:])
            row_key = '.'.join(row_key_components)

            query = fn(*args)

            query_sort = query._sort
                is_precomputed = query.precomputed
            except AttributeError:
                is_precomputed = _is_query_precomputed(query)

            return CachedQuery(model, row_key, query_sort, filter_fn,

示例14: add_target_fields

    def add_target_fields(self, target):
        if not target:
        from r2.models import Comment, Link, Message

        self.add("target_id", target._id)
        self.add("target_fullname", target._fullname)
        self.add("target_type", target.__class__.__name__.lower())

        # If the target is an Account or Subreddit (or has a "name" attr),
        # add the target_name
        if hasattr(target, "name"):
            self.add("target_name", target.name)
        # Pass in the author of the target for comments, links, & messages
        elif isinstance(target, (Comment, Link, Message)):
            author = target.author_slow
            if target._deleted or author._deleted:
                self.add("target_author_id", 0)
                self.add("target_author_name", "[deleted]")
                self.add("target_author_id", author._id)
                self.add("target_author_name", author.name)
            if isinstance(target, Link) and not target.is_self:
                self.add("target_url", target.url)
                self.add("target_url_domain", target.link_domain())
            elif isinstance(target, Comment):
                link_fullname = Link._fullname_from_id36(to36(target.link_id))
                self.add("link_id", target.link_id)
                self.add("link_fullname", link_fullname)

示例15: cached_query_wrapper

        def cached_query_wrapper(*args):
            # build the row key from the function name and arguments
            assert fn.__name__.startswith("get_")
            row_key_components = [fn.__name__[len('get_'):]]

            if len(args) > 0:
                # we want to accept either a Thing or a thing's ID at this
                # layer, but the query itself should always get just an ID
                if isinstance(args[0], Thing):
                    args = list(args)
                    args[0] = args[0]._id

                thing_id = to36(args[0])

            row_key_components.extend(str(x) for x in args[1:])
            row_key = '.'.join(row_key_components)

            query = fn(*args)

            if query:
                # sql-backed query
                query_sort = query._sort
                is_precomputed = _is_query_precomputed(query)
                # pure-cassandra query
                assert sort
                query_sort = sort
                is_precomputed = False

            return CachedQuery(model, row_key, query_sort, filter_fn,
