本文整理汇总了Python中pytube.YouTube.filename方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python YouTube.filename方法的具体用法?Python YouTube.filename怎么用?Python YouTube.filename使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pytube.YouTube
示例1: download
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
def download(args):
Downloads youtube video
args : parsed command line arguments
# Call the YoutTube Function
youtube = YouTube()
# Set the video url
youtube.url = args['u']
# Catch invalid YouTube URLs
except YouTubeError:
print "\n\nError: Failed on ('{}').\nCheck for valid YouTube URL.\n\n".format(args['u'])
# Create menu of video format/resolution options
video_option_selection = menu(map(str, youtube.videos))
# Extract video types into a list of a single string
video_format = re.findall(r'\(.(\w{3,4})\)', video_option_selection)[0]
video_resolution = re.findall(r'-\s*(\w{3,4})', video_option_selection)[0]
# Set filename if -f/--filename option is given
if args['f']:
youtube.filename = args['f']
# Set the video format
set_video_format_res = youtube.get(video_format, video_resolution)
# Catch multiple videos returned error
except MultipleObjectsReturned:
print '\n\nError: More than one video returned.\n\n'
# Download video
download_video = set_video_format_res.download(args['dir'],
on_finish=video_to_mp3 if args['c'] else None)
# Delete original video file if -do/--delete and -c/--convert is given
if args['c'] and args['do']:
# Call remove_original
remove_original(youtube.filename, args['dir'], video_format)
示例2: downloadFisicalFile
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
def downloadFisicalFile(youtubeId, idName):
yt = YouTube()
yt.url = ("http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=" + youtubeId)
yt.filename = idName
video = 0
if len(yt.filter('mp4')) > 0:
if len(yt.filter(resolution='720p')) > 0:
video = yt.get('mp4','720p')
video = yt.get('mp4')
cocomo.printJson("no se puede descargar el archivo", "error")
示例3: convert
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
def convert():
if (request.form):
url = request.form['url']
yt = YouTube()
yt.url = url
name = yt.filename.encode("UTF-8")
yt.filename = base64.b64encode(name)
mp4 = yt.filename
mp3name = base64.b64decode(yt.filename)
#check against db
db = get_db()
cur = db.execute('select id,timesdownloaded from songs where base64name=? order by id desc', (mp4+".mp3",))
one = cur.fetchone()
db.execute('update songs set timesdownloaded=?, lastdownload=? WHERE base64name=?',[one[1]+1, datetime.datetime.now(), mp4+'.mp3' ])
return jsonify({'location': 1, "name":mp3name+".mp3"})
video = yt.get('mp4', '360p')
call(["ffmpeg -i /tmp/"+mp4+".mp4 -b:a 128K -vn /tmp/"+mp4+".mp3"],shell=True)
db = get_db()
db.execute('insert into songs (songname, base64name, dateconverted, timesdownloaded, lastdownload) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
[mp3name+".mp3", mp4+".mp3", datetime.datetime.now(), 1, datetime.datetime.now()])
shutil.copy2("/tmp/"+mp4+".mp3", "static/songs/"+mp3name+".mp3")
return jsonify({'location': 1, "name":mp3name+".mp3"})
return jsonify({'message': "There was an error. Something is missing in input."})
示例4: download_yt_video
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
def download_yt_video(yt_url, filename, path, sim=False):
global needs
global gots
yt = YouTube()
yt.url = yt_url
yt.filename = u'{}'.format(filename.replace('/', '-').replace(':', ','))
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(path, u'{}.mp4'.format(yt.filename))):
print(' Got it!')
gots += 1
if sim:
print(' Need It!')
needs += 1
print(' Downloading... ', end='')
max_res = yt.filter('mp4')[-1].resolution
video = yt.get('mp4', max_res)
video.download(path, verbose=False)
gots += 1
示例5: download_video_yt
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
def download_video_yt(link, output_path):
:param link: a Youtube link
:param output_path: path where the downloaded video is saved
video_folder = output_path # folder where videos are put
yt = YouTube(link) # get the video
video = yt.get('mp4', '360p') # select the video in mp4 format
yt.filename=re.sub(' ', '-', yt.filename)
new_path=os.path.join(output_path, remove_accents(yt.filename))
if not os.path.exists(new_path): # We use this condition to see if the video has already been treated
video.download(new_path) # downloads the video
return new_path # return the path of the folder where the video has been downloaded
print('The link is not valid !')
return False
示例6: _main
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
def _main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='YouTube video downloader')
parser.add_argument("url", help="The URL of the Video to be downloaded")
parser.add_argument("--extension", "-e",
help="The requested format of the video", dest="ext")
parser.add_argument("--resolution", "-r",
help="The requested resolution", dest="res")
parser.add_argument("--path", "-p",
help="The path to save the video to.", dest="path")
parser.add_argument("--filename", "-f",
help=("The filename, without extension, "
"to save the video in."))
args = parser.parse_args()
yt = YouTube()
yt.url = args.url
except YouTubeError:
print "Incorrect video URL."
if args.filename:
yt.filename = args.filename
if args.ext and args.res:
# There's only ope video that matches both so get it
vid = yt.get(args.ext, args.res)
# Check if there's a video returned
if not vid:
print "There's no video with the specified format/resolution combination."
elif args.ext:
# There are several videos with the same extension
videos = yt.filter(extension=args.ext)
# Check if we have a video
if not videos:
print "There are no videos in the specified format."
# Select the highest resolution one
vid = max(videos)
elif args.res:
# There might be several videos in the same resolution
videos = yt.filter(res=args.res)
# Check if we have a video
if not videos:
print "There are no videos in the specified in the specified resolution."
# Select the highest resolution one
vid = max(videos)
# If nothing is specified get the highest resolution one
vid = max(yt.videos)
vid.download(path=args.path, on_progress=print_status)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print "Download interrupted."
示例7: StringIO
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
'''27 Jul 2015'''
from cStringIO import StringIO
import sys,io,os,time
global sys
import Tkinter as tk
from Tkinter import StringVar
from PIL import Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont,ImageTk
import numpy as np
global np,tk,Image,ImageDraw,ImageFont,ImageTk
global win,frame1,j,text,Picture1,Picture2,Picture2_1,Picture3,task,dotask,Font2,v
global Button,Button_im,Button_p,Button_im_p,Button_a,Button_im_a,Button_v,Button_im_v
if not os.path.isfile("9Things.mp4"):
from pytube import YouTube
FFMPEG_BIN = "ffmpeg.exe"
import subprocess as sp
old_stdout = sys.stdout
old_stderr = sys.stderr
sys.stdout = mystdout = StringIO()
sys.stderr = mystderr = StringIO()
for i in range(10):
if os.path.isfile("out"+str(i)+".jpg"):
# from StackOverflow.com Q#6996603 answer by RichieHindle 9 Aug 2011
if i>5:
示例8: YouTube
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
from __future__ import print_function
from pytube import YouTube
from pprint import pprint
yt = YouTube()
yt.url = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik-RsDGPI5Y"
# view the auto generated filename:
yt.filename = 'Dancing'
video = yt.get('mp4', '720p')
video.download('/home/user/') #video.download('/tmp/')
示例9: YouTube
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
import os, sys
from pprint import pprint
sys.path.insert(0, '.')
from pytube import YouTube
sys.stderr.write( 'ok' )
yt = YouTube()
# Set the video URL.
yt.url = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik-RsDGPI5Y"
yt.url = sys.argv[1]
print yt.filename
yt.filename = 'Dancing Scene from Pulp Fiction'
print yt.filter('mp4')[-1]
video = yt.get('mp4', '720p')
video.download('/tmp/', fhd=sys.stdout)
示例10: YouTube
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
from __future__ import print_function
from pytube import YouTube
yt = YouTube()
# Set the video URL.
yt.url = raw_input("Enter url: ")
# yt.url = "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ik-RsDGPI5Y"
print("Video Name: %s" % yt.filename)
yt.filename = "video"
video = yt.get("mp4", "720p")
示例11: len
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jEpbjve5iHk', 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tTihyXaz4Bo',
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CdivtU5ytY', 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvWftlp7TKY',
'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WX03ODuzkSY', 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bcv46xKJH98',
'http://egghead.io/lessons/angularjs-animating-with-javascript', 'http://egghead.io/lessons/angularjs-animating-the-angular-way',
# 50 ... currently goes all the way to 77 with no more on YouTube
uris_len = len(uris)
for idx, uri in enumerate(uris):
print 'Processing: {0:02d} / {1}\n({2})\n'.format(idx+1, uris_len, uri)
if uri[12:19] != 'youtube':
continue # Not a YouTube link, but we still need idx incremented for filenames
yt = YouTube()
yt.url = uri
yt.filename = '{0:02d}{1}'.format(idx, yt.filename[23:])
video = None
if not video:
video = yt.get('mp4', '1440p')
if not video:
video = yt.get('mp4', '1080p')
if not video:
video = yt.get('mp4', '720p')
#if not video:
# exit("Couldn't find high-quality download")
if video:
示例12: VP8
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
# <Video: H.264 (.flv) - 480p>,
# <Video: H.264 (.mp4) - 360p>,
# <Video: H.264 (.mp4) - 720p>,
# <Video: VP8 (.webm) - 360p>,
# <Video: VP8 (.webm) - 480p>]
# The filename is automatically generated based on the video title.
# You can override this by manually setting the filename.
# view the auto generated filename:
print yt.filename
#Pulp Fiction - Dancing Scene [HD]
# set the filename:
yt.filename = 'minobrnauki_1.mp4'
# You can also filter the criteria by filetype.
#[<Video: Sorenson H.263 (.flv) - 240p>,
# <Video: H.264 (.flv) - 360p>,
# <Video: H.264 (.flv) - 480p>]
# notice that the list is ordered by lowest resolution to highest. If you
# wanted the highest resolution available for a specific file type, you
# can simply do:
print yt.filter('mp4')[-1]
#<Video: H.264 (.mp4) - 720p>
示例13: enumerate
# 需要导入模块: from pytube import YouTube [as 别名]
# 或者: from pytube.YouTube import filename [as 别名]
for count, x in enumerate(targetVid.videos, 1):
v = x.video_codec
e = x.extension
r = x.resolution
vDict.update({count:[v, e, r]})
print("{}. Format: {:<20} || Extension: .{:<20} || Resolution: {:^10}".format(count, v, e, r))
videoKey = input("Select the number of the video:> ")
assert re.match(r"^[^a-zA-Z]", videoKey), "Ambiguous Entry."
videoKey = int(videoKey)
assert videoKey in vDict.keys(), "Invalid Number"
except (AssertionError, ValueError):
print("Expected a number from the provided list.")
targetVid.filename = input("Save file as:> ")
targetVid.filename = targetVid.filename + "." + vDict[videoKey][1]
video = targetVid.get(vDict[videoKey][1], vDict[videoKey][2])
downloadOK = input("Download(yes-ok/no):> ")
if not re.match(r"(yes|ok)", downloadOK):
downloadURL(targetVid.filename, video.url)
sys.stdout.write(chr(27) + "[?25h")
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print("\nDeleteing file....")
sys.stdout.write(chr(27) + "[?25h")