本文整理汇总了Python中pytest.xfail函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python xfail函数的具体用法?Python xfail怎么用?Python xfail使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_revoke_subkey
def test_revoke_subkey(self, pkspec, skspec):
if pkspec not in self.keys:
pytest.skip('Keyspec {} not in keys; must not have generated'.format(pkspec))
alg, size = skspec
if not alg.can_gen:
pytest.xfail('Key algorithm {} not yet supported'.format(alg.name))
if isinstance(size, EllipticCurveOID) and ((not size.can_gen) or size.name not in _openssl_get_supported_curves()):
pytest.xfail('Curve {} not yet supported'.format(size.name))
# revoke the subkey
key = self.keys[pkspec]
# pub = key.pubkey
subkey = next(sk for si, sk in key.subkeys.items() if (sk.key_algorithm, sk.key_size) == skspec)
with key.unlock('This Password Has Been Changed') as ukey:
rsig = ukey.revoke(subkey, sigtype=SignatureType.SubkeyRevocation)
assert 'ReasonForRevocation' in rsig._signature.subpackets
subkey |= rsig
# verify with PGPy
assert key.verify(subkey, rsig)
# try to verify with GPG
示例2: check_xfail_no_run
def check_xfail_no_run(item):
"""check xfail(run=False)"""
if not item.config.option.runxfail:
evalxfail = item._evalxfail
if evalxfail.istrue():
if not evalxfail.get('run', True):
pytest.xfail("[NOTRUN] " + evalxfail.getexplanation())
示例3: test_that_user_can_purchase_an_app
def test_that_user_can_purchase_an_app(self, base_url, selenium, new_user):
if '-dev' not in base_url:
pytest.skip("Payments can only be tested on dev.")
pytest.xfail("Bug 1212152 - App purchases are failing on dev")
home_page = Home(base_url, selenium)
home_page.login(new_user['email'], new_user['password'])
assert home_page.is_the_current_page
# Use the first paid app
app = home_page.header.search(':paid').results[0]
app_name = app.name
details_page = app.click_name()
assert 'free' not in details_page.price_text
assert 'paid' in details_page.app_status
payment = details_page.click_install_button()
assert app_name == payment.app_name
# We are not able to interact with the doorhanger that appears to install the app
# using Selenium
# We can check for the `purchased` attribute on the price button though
示例4: test_create_from_format
def test_create_from_format(self):
pytest.xfail("check static function implementation")
output = self.run('''
$tz = new DateTimeZone('America/New_York');
$format = 'Y-m-d H:i:s';
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, '2009-02-15 15:16:17', $tz);
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
assert self.space.str_w(output.pop(0)) == '2009-02-15 15:16:17'
output = self.run('''
$tz = new DateTimeZone('America/New_York');
$format = 'Y-m-!d H:i:s';
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, '2009-02-15 15:16:17', $tz);
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
assert self.space.str_w(output.pop(0)) == '1970-01-15 15:16:17'
output = self.run('''
$tz = new DateTimeZone('America/New_York');
$format = '!d';
$date = DateTime::createFromFormat($format, '15', $tz);
echo $date->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
assert self.space.str_w(output.pop(0)) == '1970-01-15 00:00:00'
示例5: test_sort
def test_sort(self, vector):
if vector.get_value('table_format').file_format == 'hbase':
pytest.xfail(reason="IMPALA-283 - select count(*) produces inconsistent results")
vector.get_value('exec_option')['disable_outermost_topn'] = 1
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/sort', vector)
# We can get the sort tests for free from the top-n file
self.run_test_case('QueryTest/top-n', vector)
示例6: test_pyspark_roundtrip
def test_pyspark_roundtrip(tempdir, scheme, row_groups, comp, sql):
if comp in ['BROTLI', 'ZSTD', 'LZO', "LZ4"]:
pytest.xfail("spark doesn't support compression")
data = pd.DataFrame({'i32': np.random.randint(-2**17, 2**17, size=1001,
'i64': np.random.randint(-2**33, 2**33, size=1001,
'f': np.random.randn(1001),
'bhello': np.random.choice([b'hello', b'you',
b'people'], size=1001).astype("O"),
't': [datetime.datetime.now()]*1001})
data['t'] += pd.to_timedelta('1ns')
data['hello'] = data.bhello.str.decode('utf8')
data.loc[100, 'f'] = np.nan
data['bcat'] = data.bhello.astype('category')
data['cat'] = data.hello.astype('category')
fname = os.path.join(tempdir, 'test.parquet')
write(fname, data, file_scheme=scheme, row_group_offsets=row_groups,
compression=comp, times='int96', write_index=True)
df = sql.read.parquet(fname)
ddf = df.sort('index').toPandas()
for col in data:
if data[col].dtype.kind == "M":
# pyspark auto-converts timezones
offset = round((datetime.datetime.utcnow() -
datetime.datetime.now()).seconds / 3600)
ddf[col] + datetime.timedelta(hours=offset) == data[col]
assert (ddf[col] == data[col])[~ddf[col].isnull()].all()
示例7: test_fits_mixins_per_column
def test_fits_mixins_per_column(table_cls, name_col, tmpdir):
"""Test write/read one col at a time and do detailed validation"""
filename = str(tmpdir.join('test_simple.fits'))
name, col = name_col
c = [1.0, 2.0]
t = table_cls([c, col, c], names=['c1', name, 'c2'])
t[name].info.description = 'my \n\n\n description'
t[name].info.meta = {'list': list(range(50)), 'dict': {'a': 'b' * 200}}
if not t.has_mixin_columns:
pytest.skip('column is not a mixin (e.g. Quantity subclass in Table)')
if isinstance(t[name], NdarrayMixin):
pytest.xfail('NdarrayMixin not supported')
t.write(filename, format="fits")
t2 = table_cls.read(filename, format='fits', astropy_native=True)
assert t.colnames == t2.colnames
for colname in t.colnames:
assert_objects_equal(t[colname], t2[colname], compare_attrs[colname])
# Special case to make sure Column type doesn't leak into Time class data
if name.startswith('tm'):
assert t2[name]._time.jd1.__class__ is np.ndarray
assert t2[name]._time.jd2.__class__ is np.ndarray
示例8: test_record_to_stream
def test_record_to_stream(camera, previewing, resolution, format_options):
format, options = format_options
if resolution == (2592, 1944) and 'resize' not in options:
pytest.xfail('Cannot encode video at max resolution')
if resolution == (1920, 1080) and format == 'mjpeg':
pytest.xfail('Locks up camera')
stream1 = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
stream2 = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
camera.start_recording(stream1, format, **options)
verify2 = (
format != 'h264' or (
options.get('inline_headers', True) and
options.get('bitrate', 1)
if verify2:
with pytest.raises(picamera.PiCameraRuntimeError):
if 'resize' in options:
resolution = options['resize']
verify_video(stream1, format, resolution)
if verify2:
verify_video(stream2, format, resolution)
示例9: test_circular_record
def test_circular_record(camera, previewing, resolution):
if resolution == (2592, 1944):
pytest.xfail('Cannot encode video at max resolution')
stream = picamera.PiCameraCircularIO(camera, seconds=4)
camera.start_recording(stream, format='h264')
# Keep recording until the stream is definitely full and starts
# removing earlier bits, or until 20 seconds
start = time.time()
while stream._length < stream._size and time.time() - start < 20:
# Record one more second, then test the result
temp = tempfile.SpooledTemporaryFile()
for frame in stream.frames:
if frame.header:
while True:
buf = stream.read1()
if not buf:
verify_video(temp, 'h264', resolution)
示例10: test_masked_masked
def test_masked_masked(self, operation_table_type):
"""Two masked tables"""
if operation_table_type is QTable:
pytest.xfail('Quantity columns do not support masking.')
t1 = self.t1
t1m = operation_table_type(self.t1, masked=True)
t2 = self.t2
t2m = operation_table_type(self.t2, masked=True)
# Result should be masked even though not req'd by inner join
t1m2m = table.join(t1m, t2m, join_type='inner')
assert t1m2m.masked is True
# Result should match non-masked result
t12 = table.join(t1, t2)
assert np.all(t12.as_array() == np.array(t1m2m))
# Mask out some values in both tables and make sure they propagate
t1m['b'].mask[1] = True
t1m['c'].mask[2] = True
t2m['d'].mask[2] = True
t1m2m = table.join(t1m, t2m, join_type='inner', keys='a')
assert sort_eq(t1m2m.pformat(), [' a b_1 c b_2 d ',
'--- --- --- --- ---',
' 1 -- L2 foo R1',
' 1 -- L2 foo R2',
' 1 bar -- foo R1',
' 1 bar -- foo R2',
' 2 bar L4 bar --'])
示例11: test_aggregate_normal
def test_aggregate_normal(resample_method):
"""Check TimeGrouper's aggregation is identical as normal groupby."""
if resample_method == 'ohlc':
pytest.xfail(reason='DataError: No numeric types to aggregate')
data = np.random.randn(20, 4)
normal_df = DataFrame(data, columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
normal_df['key'] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] * 4
dt_df = DataFrame(data, columns=['A', 'B', 'C', 'D'])
dt_df['key'] = [datetime(2013, 1, 1), datetime(2013, 1, 2),
datetime(2013, 1, 3), datetime(2013, 1, 4),
datetime(2013, 1, 5)] * 4
normal_grouped = normal_df.groupby('key')
dt_grouped = dt_df.groupby(TimeGrouper(key='key', freq='D'))
expected = getattr(normal_grouped, resample_method)()
dt_result = getattr(dt_grouped, resample_method)()
expected.index = date_range(start='2013-01-01', freq='D',
periods=5, name='key')
tm.assert_equal(expected, dt_result)
# if TimeGrouper is used included, 'nth' doesn't work yet
示例12: check_open_tabs
def check_open_tabs(quteproc, request, tabs):
"""Check the list of open tabs in the session.
This is a lightweight alternative for "The session should look like: ...".
It expects a list of URLs, with an optional "(active)" suffix.
if request.config.getoption('--qute-bdd-webengine'):
pytest.xfail(reason="QtWebEngine TODO: Sessions are not implemented")
session = quteproc.get_session()
active_suffix = ' (active)'
tabs = tabs.splitlines()
assert len(session['windows']) == 1
assert len(session['windows'][0]['tabs']) == len(tabs)
for i, line in enumerate(tabs):
line = line.strip()
assert line.startswith('- ')
line = line[2:] # remove "- " prefix
if line.endswith(active_suffix):
path = line[:-len(active_suffix)]
active = True
path = line
active = False
session_tab = session['windows'][0]['tabs'][i]
assert session_tab['history'][-1]['url'] == quteproc.path_to_url(path)
if active:
assert session_tab['active']
assert 'active' not in session_tab
示例13: test_include_na
def test_include_na(self, sparse, dtype):
if sparse:
pytest.xfail(reason='nan in index is problematic (GH 16894)')
s = ['a', 'b', np.nan]
res = get_dummies(s, sparse=sparse, dtype=dtype)
exp = DataFrame({'a': [1, 0, 0],
'b': [0, 1, 0]},
assert_frame_equal(res, exp)
# Sparse dataframes do not allow nan labelled columns, see #GH8822
res_na = get_dummies(s, dummy_na=True, sparse=sparse, dtype=dtype)
exp_na = DataFrame({nan: [0, 0, 1],
'a': [1, 0, 0],
'b': [0, 1, 0]},
exp_na = exp_na.reindex(['a', 'b', nan], axis=1)
# hack (NaN handling in assert_index_equal)
exp_na.columns = res_na.columns
assert_frame_equal(res_na, exp_na)
res_just_na = get_dummies([nan], dummy_na=True,
sparse=sparse, dtype=dtype)
exp_just_na = DataFrame(Series(1, index=[0]), columns=[nan],
tm.assert_numpy_array_equal(res_just_na.values, exp_just_na.values)
示例14: test_ecsv_mixins_per_column
def test_ecsv_mixins_per_column(table_cls, name_col):
"""Test write/read one col at a time and do detailed validation"""
name, col = name_col
c = [1.0, 2.0]
t = table_cls([c, col, c], names=['c1', name, 'c2'])
t[name].info.description = 'description'
if not t.has_mixin_columns:
pytest.skip('column is not a mixin (e.g. Quantity subclass in Table)')
if isinstance(t[name], NdarrayMixin):
pytest.xfail('NdarrayMixin not supported')
out = StringIO()
t.write(out, format="ascii.ecsv")
t2 = table_cls.read(out.getvalue(), format='ascii.ecsv')
assert t.colnames == t2.colnames
for colname in t.colnames:
assert_objects_equal(t[colname], t2[colname], compare_attrs[colname])
# Special case to make sure Column type doesn't leak into Time class data
if name.startswith('tm'):
assert t2[name]._time.jd1.__class__ is np.ndarray
assert t2[name]._time.jd2.__class__ is np.ndarray
示例15: test_record_to_file
def test_record_to_file(camera, previewing, resolution, filenames_format_options):
filename1, filename2, format, options = filenames_format_options
if resolution == (2592, 1944) and 'resize' not in options:
pytest.xfail('Cannot encode video at max resolution')
if resolution == (1920, 1080) and format == 'mjpeg':
pytest.xfail('Locks up camera')
camera.start_recording(filename1, **options)
verify2 = (
format != 'h264' or (
options.get('inline_headers', True) and
options.get('bitrate', 1)
if verify2:
with pytest.raises(picamera.PiCameraRuntimeError):
if 'resize' in options:
resolution = options['resize']
verify_video(filename1, format, resolution)
if verify2:
verify_video(filename2, format, resolution)