本文整理汇总了Python中pytagcloud.make_tags函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python make_tags函数的具体用法?Python make_tags怎么用?Python make_tags使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: make_tag_cloud
def make_tag_cloud(data, can_be_noun_arg, process_option='freqs'):
stop_words = sw.words()
process_f = {
'concatenate': lambda : concatenate(data, can_be_noun_arg, stop_words),
'freqs': lambda : freq_weight(data, can_be_noun_arg, stop_words),
'race' : lambda : race_tfidf(data, can_be_noun_arg, stop_words)
freqs = process_f[process_option]()
if type(freqs) == type([]):
freqs = freqs[:30]
# normalize freqs in case they are counts
sum_freqs = np.sum(x for _,x in freqs)
freqs = [(w, np.float(f)/sum_freqs) for w,f in freqs]
tags = make_tags(freqs, maxsize=80)
fname = 'noun_last_words_{}.png'.format(process_option)
if not can_be_noun_arg:
fname = 'not_'+fname
create_tag_image(tags, fname, size=(900, 600), fontname='Lobster')
elif type(freqs)==type({}):
for k in freqs:
top_freqs = freqs[k][:30]
# normalize
sum_freqs = np.sum(x for _,x in top_freqs)
top_freqs = [(w, np.float(f)/sum_freqs) for w,f in top_freqs]
print top_freqs
tags = make_tags(top_freqs, maxsize=15)
fname = 'noun_last_words_{}_{}.png'.format(process_option,k)
create_tag_image(tags, fname, size=(900, 600), fontname='Lobster')
示例2: wordcloud
def wordcloud(self,OVERALLTEXT,NEGATIVETEXT,POSITIVETEXT,test_output, font):
overalltext = open(OVERALLTEXT, 'r')
negativetext = open(NEGATIVETEXT, 'r')
positivetext = open(POSITIVETEXT, 'r')
tags = make_tags(get_tag_counts(overalltext.read())[:50],maxsize=90, minsize = 15)
for layout in LAYOUTS:
create_tag_image(tags,os.path.join(test_output, 'Overall_%s.png' % layout), size=(900,600),
background=(255, 255, 255), layout = layout, fontname = font, rectangular=True)
tags = make_tags(get_tag_counts(negativetext.read())[:50], maxsize=90,minsize = 15, colors=COLOR_SCHEMES['audacity'])
for layout in LAYOUTS:
create_tag_image(tags, os.path.join(test_output, 'negative_%s.png' % layout),
size=(900,600), background=(205, 50, 50),
layout=layout, fontname = font)
tags = make_tags(get_tag_counts(positivetext.read())[:50], maxsize=120, minsize = 25, colors=COLOR_SCHEMES['oldschool'])
for layout in LAYOUTS:
create_tag_image(tags, os.path.join(test_output, 'positive_%s.png' % layout),
size=(900,600), background=(0, 255, 15),
layout=layout, fontname = font)
示例3: run
def run(textpath):
text = open(textpath, 'r')
start = time.time()
taglist = get_tag_counts(text.read().decode('utf8'))
cleantaglist = process_tags(taglist)
tags = make_tags(taglist[0:100], colors=COLOR_MAP)
create_tag_image(tags, 'cloud.png', size=(1280, 900), background=(0, 0, 0 , 255), layout=LAYOUT_MOST_HORIZONTAL, crop=False, fontname='Cuprum', fontzoom=2)
tags2 = make_tags(cleantaglist[0:100], colors=COLOR_MAP)
create_tag_image(tags2, 'rcloud.png', size=(1280, 900), background=(0, 0, 0, 255), layout=LAYOUT_MOST_HORIZONTAL, crop=False, fontname='Cuprum', fontzoom=2)
print "Duration: %d sec" % (time.time() - start)
示例4: createTagCloud
def createTagCloud(self,wordline):
Create tag cloud image
wordstream = []
if wordline == '':
return False
wordsTokens = WhitespaceTokenizer().tokenize(wordline)
wordstream.append(' '.join(wordsTokens))
wordstream = ' '.join(wordstream)
thresh = self.wordCount
colorS = self.colorSchemes[self.color]
tags = make_tags(get_tag_counts(wordstream)[:thresh],\
minsize=3, maxsize=40,\
colors = COLOR_SCHEMES[colorS])
create_tag_image(tags, self.png,\
size=(960, 400),\
background=(255, 255, 255, 255),\
return True
示例5: word_cloud
def word_cloud(final_object, cloud_object):
import re
from pytagcloud.lang.stopwords import StopWords
from operator import itemgetter
final_object = [x for x in final_object if x != "no_object"]
counted = {}
for word in final_object:
if len(word) > 1:
if counted.has_key(word):
counted[word] += 1
counted[word] = 1
#print len(counted)
counts = sorted(counted.iteritems(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
print "Total count of Word Cloud List Items: ",counts
words = make_tags(counts, maxsize=100)
print "Word Cloud List items: ", words
create_tag_image(words, 'cloud_1_All_Objects.png', size=(1280, 900), fontname='Lobster')
width = 1280
height = 800
layout = 3
background_color = (255, 255, 255)
示例6: plot
def plot(game_name, game_id):
dict = {}
comments = DbUtil.getAllResult("select * from comment where game_id = %s" % game_id)
for comment in comments:
result = jieba.analyse.extract_tags(comment[2], topK=3)
for word in result:
if len(word) < 2:
elif word in stop:
if word not in dict:
dict[word] = 1
dict[word] += 1
swd = sorted(dict.items(), key=itemgetter(1), reverse=True)
swd = swd[1:50]
tags = make_tags(swd,
'c:/%s.png' % game_name,
background=(0, 0, 0, 255),
size=(900, 600),
print('having save file to dick')
示例7: make_cloud
def make_cloud(self, output_html):
keywords = KeywordManager().all()
text = ' '.join([kw.keyword for kw in keywords])
if output_html:
max_tags = 30
max_size = 42
max_tags = 100
max_size = self.maxsize
tags = make_tags(get_tag_counts(text)[:max_tags], minsize=self.minsize,
if output_html:
size = (900, 300)
result = create_html_data(tags, size=size,
#now = datetime.utcnow()
#filename = 'jcuwords/static/clouds/keyword-cloud-%s.png' % now.isoformat()
cloud = self.resolver.resolve('jcuwords:keyword-cloud.png')
filename = cloud.abspath()
size = (1024, 500)
create_tag_image(tags, filename, size=size,
fontname='IM Fell DW Pica',
image_url = self.request.resource_url(None, 'keyword-cloud.png')
result = {'image': image_url}
return result
示例8: get_tag_cloud
def get_tag_cloud(request, region_code):
# Get all tweets in the region
data_zone = DataZone.objects.get(code=region_code)
tweet_locations = TweetLocation.objects.filter(zone=data_zone)
body_text = ''
for x in tweet_locations:
body_text += x.tweet.body + ' '
tc = TagCloud()
body_text = tc.filter_body(body_text)
if body_text.strip() == '':
body_text = "Region Empty"
tags = make_tags(get_tag_counts(body_text)[:50], maxsize=50, colors=COLOR_SCHEMES['audacity'])
data = create_html_data(tags, (560,450), layout=LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, fontname='PT Sans Regular')
context = {}
tags_template = '<li class="cnt" style="top: %(top)dpx; left: %(left)dpx; height: %(height)dpx;"><a class="tag %(cls)s" href="#%(tag)s" style="top: %(top)dpx;\
left: %(left)dpx; font-size: %(size)dpx; height: %(height)dpx; line-height:%(lh)dpx;">%(tag)s</a></li>'
context['tags'] = ''.join([tags_template % link for link in data['links']])
context['width'] = data['size'][0]
context['height'] = data['size'][1]
context['css'] = "".join("a.%(cname)s{color:%(normal)s;}a.%(cname)s:hover{color:%(hover)s;}" % {'cname':k, 'normal': v[0], 'hover': v[1]} for k,v in data['css'].items())
return render_to_response('tag_cloud.html', {'tags': context['tags'], 'css': context['css']})
示例9: _create_image
def _create_image(self, text):
tag_counts = get_tag_counts(text)
if tag_counts is None:
if self._repeat_tags:
expanded_tag_counts = []
for tag in tag_counts:
expanded_tag_counts.append((tag[0], 5))
for tag in tag_counts:
expanded_tag_counts.append((tag[0], 2))
for tag in tag_counts:
expanded_tag_counts.append((tag[0], 1))
tag_counts = expanded_tag_counts
tags = make_tags(tag_counts, maxsize=150, colors=self._color_scheme)
path = os.path.join('/tmp/cloud_large.png')
if Gdk.Screen.height() < Gdk.Screen.width():
height = Gdk.Screen.height()
width = int(height * 4 / 3)
width = Gdk.Screen.width()
height = int(width * 3 / 4)
if self._font_name is not None:
create_tag_image(tags, path, layout=self._layout,
size=(width, height),
create_tag_image(tags, path, layout=self._layout,
size=(width, height))
return 0
示例10: create_cloud
def create_cloud(oname, words,maxsize=120, fontname='Lobster'):
'''Creates a word cloud (when pytagcloud is installed)
oname : output filename
words : list of (value,str)
maxsize : int, optional
Size of maximum word. The best setting for this parameter will often
require some manual tuning for each input.
fontname : str, optional
Font to use.
from pytagcloud import create_tag_image, make_tags
except ImportError:
if not warned_of_error:
print("Could not import pytagcloud. Skipping cloud generation")
# gensim는 각 단어에 대해 0과 1사이의 가중치를 반환하지만
# pytagcloud는 단어 수를 받는다. 그래서 큰 수를 곱한다
# gensim는 (value, word)를 반환하고 pytagcloud는 (word, value)으로 입력해야 한다
words = [(w,int(v*10000)) for v,w in words]
tags = make_tags(words, maxsize=maxsize)
create_tag_image(tags, oname, size=(1800, 1200), fontname=fontname)
示例11: test_create_html_data
def test_create_html_data(self):
HTML code sample
tags = make_tags(get_tag_counts(self.hound.read())[:100], maxsize=120, colors=COLOR_SCHEMES['audacity'])
data = create_html_data(tags, (440,600), layout=LAYOUT_HORIZONTAL, fontname='PT Sans Regular')
template_file = open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)), 'web/template.html'), 'r')
html_template = Template(template_file.read())
context = {}
tags_template = '<li class="cnt" style="top: %(top)dpx; left: %(left)dpx; height: %(height)dpx;"><a class="tag %(cls)s" href="#%(tag)s" style="top: %(top)dpx;\
left: %(left)dpx; font-size: %(size)dpx; height: %(height)dpx; line-height:%(lh)dpx;">%(tag)s</a></li>'
context['tags'] = ''.join([tags_template % link for link in data['links']])
context['width'] = data['size'][0]
context['height'] = data['size'][1]
context['css'] = "".join("a.%(cname)s{color:%(normal)s;}\
a.%(cname)s:hover{color:%(hover)s;}" %
'normal': v[0],
'hover': v[1]}
for k,v in data['css'].items())
html_text = html_template.substitute(context)
html_file = open(os.path.join(self.test_output, 'cloud.html'), 'w')
示例12: create_cloud
def create_cloud(oname, words,maxsize=120, fontname='Lobster'):
'''Creates a word cloud (when pytagcloud is installed)
oname : output filename
words : list of (value,str)
maxsize : int, optional
Size of maximum word. The best setting for this parameter will often
require some manual tuning for each input.
fontname : str, optional
Font to use.
from pytagcloud import create_tag_image, make_tags
except ImportError:
if not warned_of_error:
print("Could not import pytagcloud. Skipping cloud generation")
# gensim returns a weight between 0 and 1 for each word, while pytagcloud
# expects an integer word count. So, we multiply by a large number and
# round. For a visualization this is an adequate approximation.
words = [(w,int(v*10000)) for w,v in words]
tags = make_tags(words, maxsize=maxsize)
create_tag_image(tags, oname, size=(1800, 1200), fontname=fontname)
示例13: tagCloud
def tagCloud(self):
texts =""
for item in self.docSet:
texts = texts +" " +item
tags = make_tags(get_tag_counts(texts), maxsize=120)
create_tag_image(tags,'filename.png', size=(2000,1000), background=(0, 0, 0, 255), layout=LAYOUT_MIX, fontname='Lobster', rectangular=True)
示例14: generate_word_cloud
def generate_word_cloud(counts, title):
# Sort the keywords
sorted_wordscount = sorted(counts.iteritems(), key=operator.itemgetter(1), reverse=True)[:20]
# Generate the word cloud image
create_tag_image(make_tags(sorted_wordscount, minsize=50, maxsize=150), title + '.png', size=(1300,1150),
background=(0, 0, 0, 255), layout=LAYOUT_MIX, fontname='Molengo', rectangular=True)
示例15: search
def search(query_word):
result = []
es = Elasticsearch()
query1 = {"query": {"wildcard": {"name": {"value": "*" + query_word + "*" } } } }
res = es.search(index="urban", body=query1)
if res['hits']['total'] == 0:
res = es.search(index="champ", body=query1)
if res['hits']['total'] == 0:
return 0
ret = res['hits']['hits']
temp = defaultdict(int)
for item in ret:
ids = item['_source']['business_id']
query2 = {"query": {"match": {"business_id": ids } } }
res = es.search(index="my_data", body=query2)
for item in res['hits']['hits'][0]['_source']['word_freq']:
temp[item[0]] += item[1]
words = []
for item in temp:
tags = make_tags(words, maxsize=80)
create_tag_image(tags, 'static/cloud_large.jpg', size=(900, 600), fontname='Lobster')