本文整理汇总了Python中pysb.bng.generate_equations函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python generate_equations函数的具体用法?Python generate_equations怎么用?Python generate_equations使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: parameter_sweep
def parameter_sweep(model, sigma, ns):
logp = [numpy.log10(p.value) for p in model.parameters]
ts = numpy.linspace(0, 20*3600, 20*60)
solver = Solver(model, ts)
plt.figure(figsize=(1.8, 1), dpi=300)
for i in range(ns):
psample = sample_params(logp, 0.05)
res = solver.run(param_values=psample)
signal = res.observables['p53_active']
plt.plot(signal, color=(0.7, 0.7, 0.7), alpha=0.3)
# Highlighted
colors = ['g', 'y', 'c']
for c in colors:
psample = sample_params(logp, 0.05)
res = solver.run(param_values=psample)
signal = res.observables['p53_active']
plt.plot(signal, c)
# Nominal
solver = Solver(model, ts)
res = solver.run()
signal = res.observables['p53_active']
plt.plot(signal, 'r')
plt.xlabel('Time (a.u.)', fontsize=7)
plt.ylabel('Active p53', fontsize=7)
plt.savefig(model.name + '_sample.pdf')
示例2: __init__
def __init__(self, solver, values_to_sample, objective_function,
self._model = solver.model
self._logger = get_logger(__name__, model=self._model)
self._logger.info('%s created for observable %s' % (
self.__class__.__name__, observable))
self._ic_params_of_interest_cache = None
self._values_to_sample = values_to_sample
if solver is None or not isinstance(solver,
raise(TypeError, "solver must be a pysb.simulator object")
self._solver = solver
self.objective_function = objective_function
self.observable = observable
# Outputs
self.b_matrix = []
self.b_prime_matrix = []
self.p_prime_matrix = np.zeros(self._size_of_matrix)
self.p_matrix = np.zeros(self._size_of_matrix)
self._original_initial_conditions = np.zeros(len(self._model.species))
self._index_of_species_of_interest = self._create_index_of_species()
self.simulation_initials = self._setup_simulations()
# Stores the objective function value for the original unperturbed
# model
self._objective_fn_standard = None
示例3: test_simres_observable
def test_simres_observable():
""" Test on demand observable evaluation """
models = [tyson_oscillator.model, robertson.model,
expression_observables.model, earm_1_3.model,
bax_pore_sequential.model, bax_pore.model,
for model in models:
spm = SpeciesPatternMatcher(model)
for obs in model.observables:
dyn_obs = spm.match(pattern=obs.reaction_pattern, index=True,
# Need to sort by species numerical order for comparison purposes
dyn_obs = collections.OrderedDict(sorted(dyn_obs.items()))
dyn_species = list(dyn_obs.keys())
if obs.match == 'species':
dyn_coeffs = [1] * len(dyn_obs)
dyn_coeffs = list(dyn_obs.values())
assert dyn_species == obs.species
assert dyn_coeffs == obs.coefficients
示例4: __init__
def __init__(self, model, inputs=None, stop_time=1000,
self.model = model
self.inputs = inputs if inputs else []
self.stop_time = stop_time
self.outside_name_map = outside_name_map if outside_name_map else {}
self.dt = numpy.array(10.0)
self.units = 'seconds'
self.sim = None
self.attributes = copy.copy(default_attributes)
self.species_name_map = {}
for idx, species in enumerate(self.model.species):
monomer = species.monomer_patterns[0].monomer
self.species_name_map[monomer.name] = idx
self.input_vars = self._get_input_vars()
# These attributes are related to the simulation state
self.state = numpy.array([100.0 for s in self.species_name_map.keys()])
self.time = numpy.array(0.0)
self.status = 'start'
self.time_course = [(self.time, self.state)]
# EMELI needs a DONE attribute
self.DONE = False
示例5: stoichiometry_matrix
def stoichiometry_matrix(model):
sm = np.zeros((len(model.species), len(model.reactions)))
for i_s, sp in enumerate(model.species):
for i_r, r in enumerate(model.reactions):
sm[i_s][i_r] = r['products'].count(i_s) - r['reactants'].count(i_s)
return sm
示例6: setUp
def setUp(self):
Monomer('A', ['a'])
Monomer('B', ['b'])
Parameter('ksynthA', 100)
Parameter('ksynthB', 100)
Parameter('kbindAB', 100)
Parameter('A_init', 0)
Parameter('B_init', 0)
Initial(A(a=None), A_init)
Initial(B(b=None), B_init)
Observable("A_free", A(a=None))
Observable("B_free", B(b=None))
Observable("AB_complex", A(a=1) % B(b=1))
Rule('A_synth', None >> A(a=None), ksynthA)
Rule('B_synth', None >> B(b=None), ksynthB)
Rule('AB_bind', A(a=None) + B(b=None) >> A(a=1) % B(b=1), kbindAB)
self.model = model
# Convenience shortcut for accessing model monomer objects
self.mon = lambda m: self.model.monomers[m]
# This timespan is chosen to be enough to trigger a Jacobian evaluation
# on the various solvers.
self.time = np.linspace(0, 1)
self.sim = BngSimulator(self.model, tspan=self.time)
示例7: stoichimetry_matrix_passengers
def stoichimetry_matrix_passengers(model, pruned_system):
sm = np.zeros((len(pruned_system.keys()), len(model.reactions)))
for i_s, pa in enumerate(pruned_system.keys()):
for i_r, r in enumerate(model.reactions):
if r['rate'] in pruned_system[pa].as_coefficients_dict().keys():
sm[i_s][i_r] = r['products'].count(pa) - r['reactants'].count(pa)
return sm
示例8: test_non_python_name_phos
def test_non_python_name_phos():
st = Phosphorylation(Agent('14-3-3'), Agent('BRAF kinase'))
pa = PysbAssembler([st])
names = [m.name for m in pa.model.monomers]
assert 'BRAF_kinase' in names
assert 'p14_3_3' in names
示例9: create_model_files
def create_model_files(model, model_name, directory=None):
curr_dir = os.getcwd()
if not model.odes:
if directory != None:
file_basename = model_name+'_model'
dill.dump(model, open(file_basename+'.p', 'wb'))
示例10: build_all_models
def build_all_models():
mek_seq_rand = ['seq', 'random']
mkp_seq_rand = ['seq', 'random']
erk_dimerization = [False, 'any', 'uT', 'phos']
mkp_activation = [False, True]
model_combinations = itertools.product(*(mek_seq_rand, mkp_seq_rand,
erk_dimerization, mkp_activation))
models = {}
for mc in model_combinations:
model = build_model(*mc)
models[model.name] = model
return models
示例11: __init__
def __init__(self, solver, values_to_sample, objective_function,
observable, sens_type='initials', sample_list=None):
if not isinstance(solver, pysb.simulator.base.Simulator):
raise TypeError("solver must be a pysb.simulator object")
self._model = solver.model
self._logger = get_logger(__name__, model=self._model)
self._logger.info('%s created for observable %s' % (
self.__class__.__name__, observable))
self._values_to_sample = values_to_sample
self._solver = solver
self.objective_function = objective_function
self._observable = observable
self._sens_type = sens_type
if self._sens_type not in ('params', 'initials', 'all'):
if sample_list is None:
raise ValueError("Please provide 'sens_type' or 'sample_list'")
if sample_list is not None:
_valid_options = [i.name for i in self._model.parameters]
for i in sample_list:
if i not in _valid_options:
raise ValueError("{} not in model.parameters".format(i))
self.index = sample_list
elif self._sens_type == 'params':
self.index = [i.name for i in self._model.parameters_rules()]
elif self._sens_type == 'initials':
self.index = [i[1].name for i in self._model.initial_conditions]
elif self._sens_type == 'all':
self.index = [i.name for i in self._model.parameters]
self.orig_vals = [i.value for i in self._model.parameters]
self.index_of_param = {i.name: n for n, i in
self._n_sam = len(self._values_to_sample)
self._n_species = len(self.index)
self._nm = self._n_species * self._n_sam
self._size_of_matrix = self._nm ** 2
self._shape_of_matrix = self._nm, self._nm
# Outputs
self.b_matrix = []
self.b_prime_matrix = []
self.params_to_run = self._setup_simulations()
self.p_prime_matrix = np.zeros(self._size_of_matrix)
self.p_matrix = np.zeros(self._size_of_matrix)
# Stores the objective function value for the original unperturbed
# model
self._objective_fn_standard = None
示例12: print_model_stats
def print_model_stats(model):
""" provides stats for the models
:param model:
print("Information about model {0}".format(model.name))
print("Number of rules {0}".format(len(model.rules)))
print("Number of parameters {0}".format(len(model.parameters)))
"Number of parameter rules {0}".format(len(model.parameters_rules())))
print("Number of reactions {0}".format(len(model.reactions)))
"Number of initial conditions {0}".format(len(model.initial_conditions)))
print("Number of species {0}".format(len(model.species)))
print('{}'.format('-' * 24))
示例13: __init__
def __init__(self, model, tspan=None, initials=None,
param_values=None, verbose=False, **kwargs):
super(StochKitSimulator, self).__init__(model,
self.cleanup = kwargs.pop('cleanup', True)
if kwargs:
raise ValueError('Unknown keyword argument(s): {}'.format(
', '.join(kwargs.keys())
self._outdir = None
示例14: convert_odes
def convert_odes(model, p_name_map, s_name_map_by_pattern):
"""Substitutes species and parameter names using the given name mappings.
model : pysb.core.Model
The model to be converted.
p_name_map : dict
A dict where the keys are the parameter names of the PySB model and the
values are the parameter names of the original model, e.g.
{'bind_BidT_Bcl2_kf': 'ka_tBid_Bcl2'}
s_name_map : dict
A dict where the keys are the string representations of the species
from the PySB model, generated by calling str(species), and the values
are the species names in the original model, e.g.
{'Bid(bf=None, state=T)': 'Act'}
A list of strings, with one entry for each ODE in the model. Each ODE
is represented as a string, e.g. "d[Act]/dt = ..."
# Get the index of each species
s_name_map_by_num = {}
for i, s in enumerate(model.species):
for key in s_name_map_by_pattern:
if key == str(s):
s_name_map_by_num['s%d' % i] = s_name_map_by_pattern[key]
name_map = {}
# Substitute new names into the ODEs
ode_list = {}
for i, ode in enumerate(model.odes):
new_ode = ode.subs(name_map)
ode_species = s_name_map_by_pattern[str(model.species[i])]
ode_list[ode_species] = str(new_ode)
#new_ode = 'd[%s]/dt = %s' % (s_name_map_by_num['s%d' % i], str(new_ode))
return ode_list
示例15: run_one_model
def run_one_model(model, data, prior_vals, ns, pool=None):
# Vector of estimated parameters
pe = [p for p in model.parameters if p.name.startswith('k')]
# Generate model equations
Solver._use_inline = True
sol = Solver(model, numpy.linspace(0,10,10))
# Number of temperatures, dimensions and walkers
ntemps = 20
ndim = len(pe)
blocksize = 48
nwalkers = get_num_walkers(ndim, blocksize)
print 'Running %d walkers at %d temperatures for %d steps.' %\
(nwalkers, ntemps, ns)
sampler = emcee.PTSampler(ntemps, nwalkers, ndim, likelihood, prior,
threads=1, pool=pool, betas=None, a=2.0, Tmax=None,
loglargs=[model, data], logpargs=[model, prior_vals],
loglkwargs={}, logpkwargs={})
# Random initial parameters for walkers
p0 = numpy.ones((ntemps, nwalkers, ndim))
for i in range(ntemps):
for j in range(nwalkers):
for k, pp in enumerate(pe):
p0[i, j, k] = prior_vals.vals[j][pp.name]
print p0
# Run sampler
fname = scratch_path + 'chain_%s.dat' % model.name
step = 0
for result in sampler.sample(p0, iterations=ns, storechain=True):
print '---'
position = result[0]
with open(fname, 'a') as fh:
for w in range(nwalkers):
for t in range(ntemps):
pos_str = '\t'.join(['%f' % p for p in position[t][w]])
fh.write('%d\t%d\t%d\t%s\n' % (step, w, t, pos_str))
step += 1
return sampler