本文整理汇总了Python中pyproj.Geod.inv方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Geod.inv方法的具体用法?Python Geod.inv怎么用?Python Geod.inv使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pyproj.Geod
示例1: GeodSharedMemoryBugTestIssue64
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
class GeodSharedMemoryBugTestIssue64(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.g = Geod(ellps='clrk66')
self.ga = self.g.a
self.mercury = Geod(a=2439700) # Mercury 2000 ellipsoid
# Mercury is much smaller than earth.
def test_not_shared_memory(self):
self.assertEqual(self.ga, self.g.a)
# mecury must have a different major axis from earth
self.assertNotEqual(self.g.a, self.mercury.a)
self.assertNotEqual(self.g.b, self.mercury.b)
self.assertNotEqual(self.g.sphere, self.mercury.sphere)
self.assertNotEqual(self.g.f, self.mercury.f)
self.assertNotEqual(self.g.es, self.mercury.es)
# initstrings were not shared in issue #64
self.assertNotEqual(self.g.initstring, self.mercury.initstring)
def test_distances(self):
# note calculated distance was not an issue with #64, but it still a shared memory test
boston_lat = 42.+(15./60.); boston_lon = -71.-(7./60.)
portland_lat = 45.+(31./60.); portland_lon = -123.-(41./60.)
az12,az21,dist_g = self.g.inv(boston_lon,boston_lat,portland_lon,portland_lat)
az12,az21,dist_mercury = self.mercury.inv(boston_lon,boston_lat,portland_lon,portland_lat)
self.assertLess(dist_mercury, dist_g)
示例2: lat_lon_grid_deltas
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def lat_lon_grid_deltas(longitude, latitude, **kwargs):
r"""Calculate the delta between grid points that are in a latitude/longitude format.
Calculate the signed delta distance between grid points when the grid spacing is defined by
delta lat/lon rather than delta x/y
longitude : array_like
array of longitudes defining the grid
latitude : array_like
array of latitudes defining the grid
Other keyword arguments to pass to :class:`~pyproj.Geod`
dx, dy:
at least two dimensional arrays of signed deltas between grid points in the x and y
Accepts 1D, 2D, or higher arrays for latitude and longitude
Assumes [..., Y, X] for >=2 dimensional arrays
from pyproj import Geod
# Inputs must be the same number of dimensions
if latitude.ndim != longitude.ndim:
raise ValueError('Latitude and longitude must have the same number of dimensions.')
# If we were given 1D arrays, make a mesh grid
if latitude.ndim < 2:
longitude, latitude = np.meshgrid(longitude, latitude)
geod_args = {'ellps': 'sphere'}
if kwargs:
geod_args = kwargs
g = Geod(**geod_args)
forward_az, _, dy = g.inv(longitude[..., :-1, :], latitude[..., :-1, :],
longitude[..., 1:, :], latitude[..., 1:, :])
dy[(forward_az < -90.) | (forward_az > 90.)] *= -1
forward_az, _, dx = g.inv(longitude[..., :, :-1], latitude[..., :, :-1],
longitude[..., :, 1:], latitude[..., :, 1:])
dx[(forward_az < 0.) | (forward_az > 180.)] *= -1
return dx * units.meter, dy * units.meter
示例3: test_geod_inverse_transform
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def test_geod_inverse_transform():
gg = Geod(ellps="clrk66")
lat1pt = 42.0 + (15.0 / 60.0)
lon1pt = -71.0 - (7.0 / 60.0)
lat2pt = 45.0 + (31.0 / 60.0)
lon2pt = -123.0 - (41.0 / 60.0)
distance between boston and portland, clrk66:
-66.531 75.654 4164192.708
distance between boston and portland, WGS84:
-66.530 75.654 4164074.239
testing pickling of Geod instance
distance between boston and portland, clrk66 (from pickle):
-66.531 75.654 4164192.708
distance between boston and portland, WGS84 (from pickle):
-66.530 75.654 4164074.239
inverse transform
from proj.4 invgeod:
print("from pyproj.Geod.inv:")
az12, az21, dist = gg.inv(lon1pt, lat1pt, lon2pt, lat2pt)
assert_almost_equal((az12, az21, dist), (-66.531, 75.654, 4164192.708), decimal=3)
print("forward transform")
print("from proj.4 geod:")
endlon, endlat, backaz = gg.fwd(lon1pt, lat1pt, az12, dist)
assert_almost_equal((endlon, endlat, backaz), (-123.683, 45.517, 75.654), decimal=3)
print("intermediate points:")
print("from geod with +lat_1,+lon_1,+lat_2,+lon_2,+n_S:")
npts = 4
lonlats = gg.npts(lon1pt, lat1pt, lon2pt, lat2pt, npts)
lonprev = lon1pt
latprev = lat1pt
print(dist / (npts + 1))
print("%6.3f %7.3f" % (lat1pt, lon1pt))
result_dists = (
(-66.53059478766238, 106.79071710136431, 832838.5416198927),
(-73.20928289863558, 99.32289055927389, 832838.5416198935),
(-80.67710944072617, 91.36325611787134, 832838.5416198947),
(-88.63674388212858, 83.32809401477382, 832838.5416198922),
for (lon, lat), (res12, res21, resdist) in zip(lonlats, result_dists):
az12, az21, dist = gg.inv(lonprev, latprev, lon, lat)
assert_almost_equal((az12, az21, dist), (res12, res21, resdist))
latprev = lat
lonprev = lon
az12, az21, dist = gg.inv(lonprev, latprev, lon2pt, lat2pt)
(lat2pt, lon2pt, dist), (45.517, -123.683, 832838.542), decimal=3
示例4: build_bins
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def build_bins(pts, spacing=6.25, width=50, runin=0,
isequence0=1000, ellps='WGS84'):
Build bins along a line of points.
gd = Geod(ellps=ellps)
div_pts = divide_line(pts, spacing=spacing,
runin=runin, ellps=ellps)
bins = []
ndiv = len(div_pts)
ibin = isequence0
align_to_last_bin = False
for i in range(0, ndiv - 1):
lon0, lat0, x0, i0 = div_pts[i]
lon1, lat1, x1, i1 = div_pts[i + 1]
faz, baz, dist = gd.inv(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1)
# bin corners
_bin = _build_bin(lon0, lat0, lon1, lat1, width, gd)
# bin center
_center = _calculate_center(_bin)
# put it all together
bins.append([ibin, None, _center, _bin])
# handle bends in the line
if align_to_last_bin:
# align bins
bins[-1][3][0] = bins[-2][3][1]
bins[-1][3][3] = bins[-2][3][2]
# recalculate center and offset
bins[-1][2] = _calculate_center(bins[-1][3])
align_to_last_bin = False
if i0 == i1:
ibin -= 1
i += 1
_bin = bins[-1]
del bins[-1]
align_to_last_bin = True
# distance on line and line azimuth
if i == 0:
bins[-1][1] = div_pts[0][2]
bins[-1] += [None]
az, _, dx = gd.inv(bins[-1][2][0], bins[-1][2][1],
bins[-2][2][0], bins[-2][2][1])
bins[-1][1] = bins[-2][1] + dx
bins[-1] += [az]
# increment bin number
ibin += 1
# assume first azimuth is the same as 2nd azimuth
bins[0][4] = [bins[1][4]]
return bins
示例5: calculate_distances
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def calculate_distances(d):
g = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
far_left_lat = d['elevation_latlon_list'][0][0]
far_left_lon = d['elevation_latlon_list'][1][0]
for i, v in d['twod_vertices'].iteritems():
pt_lat = v[0]
pt_lon = v[1]
az1, az2, dist = g.inv(far_left_lon, far_left_lat, pt_lon, pt_lat)
km_dist = dist / 1000.0
d['twod_vertices'][i] = [v[0], v[1], v[2], km_dist]
d['gps_dist'] = []
for pt_lat, pt_lon in zip(d['gps_lat'], d['gps_lon']):
az1, az2, dist = g.inv(far_left_lon, far_left_lat, pt_lon, pt_lat)
km_dist = dist / 1000.0
示例6: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def __init__(self, srs, bbox, width=None, height=None, format=None, resource_id=None):
super(WmsQuery, self).__init__()
self.query_type = 'WMS'
self.srs = srs
self.bbox = bbox
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.format = format
self.resource_id = resource_id
if width is not None and height is not None:
# calculate resolution... this should slow things down, yay... :-(
p = Proj(init=srs.lower())
if not p.is_latlong():
min_lon, min_lat = p(bbox.min_x,bbox.min_y, inverse=True)
max_lon, max_lat = p(bbox.max_x,bbox.max_y, inverse=True)
min_lon, min_lat = bbox.min_x, bbox.min_y
max_lon, max_lat = bbox.max_x, bbox.max_y
g = Geod(ellps='clrk66') # Use Clarke 1966 ellipsoid.
_,_,diagonal = g.inv(min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
# distance calculated geodesic
dist_x = sqrt(diagonal**2 / (1 + float(height)/float(width)) )
dist_y = dist_x * (float(height)/float(width))
self.x_res = dist_x / float(width)
self.y_res = dist_y / float(height)
self.x_res = None
self.y_res = None
示例7: c1ompare_points_old
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def c1ompare_points_old(a, b, dx, proj='LongLat'):
if isinstance(dx, float):
dx = [dx, dx]
tolerance = [0.6 * x for x in dx]
if (proj == 'horizontal'):
pa = project(a, projection_type='proj_cartesian')
pb = project(b, projection_type='proj_cartesian')
#print tolerance, pa, pb
if ( not (abs(pa[1] - pb[1]) < tolerance[1]) ):
return False
elif (abs(pa[0] - pb[0]) < tolerance[0]):
return True
return False
from pyproj import Geod
wgs84_geod = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
az12,az21,dist = wgs84_geod.inv(a[0],a[1],a[0],a[1])
return dist < tolerance[0] * 1e5
if ( not (abs(a[1] - b[1]) < tolerance[1]) ):
#AddComment('lat differ')
return False
elif (abs(a[0] - b[0]) < tolerance[0]):
#AddComment('long same')
return True
elif ((abs(abs(a[0]) - 180) < tolerance[0]) and (abs(abs(b[0]) - 180) < tolerance[0])):
#AddComment('long +/-180')
return True
#AddComment('not same %g %g' % (abs(abs(a[0]) - 180), abs(abs(b[0]) - 180) ) )
return False
示例8: gdlComp
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def gdlComp(self, lons_lats, km_pts=20):
Compute geodesic line
lons_lats: input coordinates.
(start longitude, start latitude, end longitude, end latitude)
km_pts: compute one point each 20 km (default).
lon_1, lat_1, lon_2, lat_2 = lons_lats
pygd = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
res = pygd.inv(lon_1, lat_1, lon_2, lat_2)
dist = res[2]
pts = int(math.ceil(dist) / (km_pts * 1000))
coords = pygd.npts(lon_1, lat_1, lon_2, lat_2, pts)
coords_se = [(lon_1, lat_1)] + coords
coords_se.append((lon_2, lat_2))
self.__logger.info("Geodesic line succesfully created!")
self.__logger.info("Total points = {:,}".format(pts))
self.__logger.info("{:,.4f} km".format(dist / 1000.))
return coords_se
except Exception as e:
self.__logger.error("Error: {0}".format(e.message))
示例9: getAzimuth
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def getAzimuth(self, point):
Get azimuth (in degrees) between current point and provided point (point).
g = Geod(ellps="sphere")
forward_azimuth, back_azimuth, distance = g.inv(self.longitude, self.latitude, point.longitude, point.latitude)
return forward_azimuth
示例10: find_closest_soundings
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def find_closest_soundings(l1b_file, tgt_latitude, tgt_longitude, max_distance, log_output=sys.stdout):
l1b_obj = acos_file.L1B(l1b_file)
sounding_ids = l1b_obj.get_sounding_ids()
# Average over band first since this is likely to be consistent for
# different types of L1B files
latitudes = l1b_obj.get_sounding_info('sounding_latitude')
longitudes = l1b_obj.get_sounding_info('sounding_longitude')
# Average over any non sounding id sized dimensions
while len(latitudes.shape) > 1:
extra_dims = numpy.where(numpy.array(latitudes.shape) != sounding_ids.shape[0])
latitudes = numpy.average(latitudes, extra_dims[0][0])
longitudes = numpy.average(longitudes, extra_dims[0][0])
g = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
# Find all distances in file
distances = numpy.zeros(len(sounding_ids), dtype=float)
for dist_idx, lat_lon_tuple in enumerate(zip(latitudes, longitudes)):
curr_lat, curr_lon = lat_lon_tuple
az12, az21, dist = g.inv(tgt_longitude,tgt_latitude,curr_lon,curr_lat)
# Convert to km
distances[dist_idx] = dist/1000.
closest = numpy.where(distances <= max_distance)
if len(closest[0]) > 0:
print >>log_output, "%s" % l1b_file
for close_idx in closest[0]:
print >>log_output, '%d %f' % (sounding_ids[close_idx], distances[close_idx])
print >>log_output, ""
print >>sys.stderr, "No soundings found in %s closer than %f km" % (l1b_file, max_distance)
示例11: compute_lagdistances
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def compute_lagdistances(sta,stnum,lon,lat):
Compute the lag distances between all stations in the given set
sta: Array with strings of station names (n x 1)
stnum: Array with unique station numbers (n x 1)
lon: Array with station longitudes (n x 1)
lat: Array with station latitudes (n x 1)
lagdistance: Upper triangular matrix with lag distances for all station pairs (n x n)
from pyproj import Geod
import numpy as np
# Make projection:
p = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
# Make lag matrix:
lagdistance_full = np.zeros((len(stnum),len(stnum)))
## Start to fill in lag matrix
# Loop over all stations, make a matrix with the lon and lat of just that station, and compute the distance to all other stations (lon,lat):
for stationi in range(len(stnum)):
azimuthi,backazimuthi,distancei = p.inv(lon[stationi]*np.ones(len(stnum)),lat[stationi]*np.ones(len(stnum)), lon, lat)
# Fill the matrix with these distances for this station:
lagdistance_full[stationi,:] = distancei/1000
# Turn it into an upper triangular matrix:
lagdistance = np.triu(lagdistance_full)
# Return lag distance:
return lagdistance
示例12: distance_matrix
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def distance_matrix(pts, lon='lon', lat='lat', ellps='WGS84'):
Calculate distance between all points
pts: pandas.DataFrame
Table of points with at least the collumns given by ``lon`` and ``lat``
lon, lat: str, optional
Column names for the longitude and latitude fields. Defaults are
'lon' and 'lat'.
ellps: str, optional
Name of the ellipsoid. See :class:`pyproj.Geod` for valid names.
distances: numpy.ndarray
len(pts) x len(pts) array of distances between all points in ``pts``.
gd = Geod(ellps=ellps)
npts = len(pts)
G = np.zeros((npts, npts))
for i in range(npts):
for j in range(npts):
_, _, G[i][j] = gd.inv(pts.ix[i][lon], pts.ix[i][lat],
pts.ix[j][lon], pts.ix[j][lat])
return G
示例13: grcrcl1
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def grcrcl1(lon_1, lat_1, lon_2, lat_2):
g = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
az, az_inv, dist = g.inv(lon_1, lat_1, lon_2, lat_2)
return dist
示例14: midpoint_longest
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def midpoint_longest(north_lat, west_lon, south_lat, east_lon):
g = Geod(ellps='WGS84')
af, ab, dist = g.inv(west_lon, north_lat, east_lon, south_lat)
rlon, rlat, az = g.fwd(west_lon, north_lat, af, dist/2)
rlon += 180 if rlon < 0 else -180
rlon = round(rlon, 6)
rlat = round(rlat, 6)
return rlat, rlon
示例15: addLengthMeters
# 需要导入模块: from pyproj import Geod [as 别名]
# 或者: from pyproj.Geod import inv [as 别名]
def addLengthMeters(self, stream_network):
Adds length field in meters to network (The added field name will be 'LENGTH_M').
.. note:: This may be needed for generating the kfac file depending on the units of your raster. See: :doc:`gis_tools`.
stream_network(str): Path to stream network file.
Here is an example of how to use this:
.. code:: python
import os
from RAPIDpy.gis.taudem import TauDEM
td = TauDEM()
output_directory = '/path/to/output/files'
network_shapefile = ogr.Open(stream_network, 1)
network_layer = network_shapefile.GetLayer()
network_layer_defn = network_layer.GetLayerDefn()
#make sure projection EPSG:4326
network_layer_proj = network_layer.GetSpatialRef()
geographic_proj = osr.SpatialReference()
proj_transform = None
if network_layer_proj != geographic_proj:
proj_transform = osr.CoordinateTransformation(network_layer_proj, geographic_proj)
#check for field
for i in xrange(network_layer_defn.GetFieldCount()):
field_name = network_layer_defn.GetFieldDefn(i).GetName()
if field_name == 'LENGTH_M':
if create_field:
network_layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn('LENGTH_M', ogr.OFTReal))
geo_manager = Geod(ellps="WGS84")
for network_feature in network_layer:
feat_geom = network_feature.GetGeometryRef()
#make sure coordinates are geographic
if proj_transform:
line = shapely_loads(feat_geom.ExportToWkb())
lon_list, lat_list = line.xy
az1, az2, dist = geo_manager.inv(lon_list[:-1], lat_list[:-1], lon_list[1:], lat_list[1:])
network_feature.SetField('LENGTH_M', sum(dist))