本文整理汇总了Python中pymel.util.capitalize函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python capitalize函数的具体用法?Python capitalize怎么用?Python capitalize使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: pymelName
def pymelName(self, forceType=None):
parts = list(self)
if forceType:
parts[0] = forceType
mfn = getattr( api, self[0] )
mayaTypeDict = apiCache.apiEnumsToMayaTypes[ mfn().type() ]
parts[0] = _util.capitalize( mayaTypeDict.keys()[0] )
return '.'.join( [str(x) for x in parts] )
示例2: __new__
def __new__(cls, transform, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(transform, Transform):
transform = transform.getParent()
select(transform, replace=True)
shape = selected()[0]
nc_xform = shape.getParent()
rename(nc_xform, transform.namespace() + 'snCloth' + \
shape.__class__ = cls
return shape
示例3: _createUIClasses
def _createUIClasses():
for funcName in _factories.uiClassList:
# Create Class
classname = _util.capitalize(funcName)
cls = dynModule[classname]
except KeyError:
if classname.endswith("Layout"):
bases = (Layout,)
bases = (PyUI,)
dynModule[classname] = (_factories.MetaMayaUIWrapper, (classname, bases, {}))
示例4: _createClassCommands
def _createClassCommands():
def createCallback( classname ):
create a callback that will trigger lazyLoading
def callback(*args, **kwargs):
import uitypes
res = getattr(uitypes, classname)(*args, **kwargs)
return res
return callback
for funcName in _factories.uiClassList:
# Create Class
classname = _util.capitalize(funcName)
#cls = _uitypes[classname]
# Create Function
func = _factories.functionFactory( funcName, createCallback(classname), _thisModule, uiWidget=True )
if func:
func.__module__ = __name__
setattr(_thisModule, funcName, func)
示例5: _createUIClasses
def _createUIClasses():
immediate = bool(os.environ.get('PYMEL_NO_LAZY_TYPES', False))
for funcName in _factories.uiClassList:
# Create Class
classname = _util.capitalize(funcName)
cls = dynModule[classname]
except KeyError:
if classname.endswith(('Layout', 'Grp')):
bases = (Layout,)
elif classname.endswith('Panel'):
bases = (Panel,)
bases = (PyUI,)
if immediate:
setattr(dynModule, classname,
_factories.MetaMayaUIWrapper(classname, bases, {}))
dynModule[classname] = (_factories.MetaMayaUIWrapper,
(classname, bases, {}))
示例6: __new__
def __new__(cls, name=None, create=False, **kwargs):
Provides the ability to create the PyUI Element when creating a class::
import pymel.core as pm
n = pm.Window("myWindow",create=True)
# Result: Window('myWindow')
if cls is PyUI:
uiType = objectTypeUI(name)
except RuntimeError:
uiType = 'PyUI'
uiType = _uiTypesToCommands.get(uiType, uiType)
newcls = getattr(dynModule, _util.capitalize(uiType))
except AttributeError:
newcls = PyUI
# objectTypeUI for panels seems to return weird results -
# ie, TmodelPane ... check for them this way.
# Other types should be detected correctly by objectTypeUI,
# but this just provides a failsafe...
for testType in 'panel scriptedPanel window control layout menu'.split():
if getattr(cmds, testType)(name, ex=1, q=1):
newcls = getattr(dynModule, _util.capitalize(testType),
if newcls != PyUI:
newcls = cls
if not newcls is PyUI:
if cls._isBeingCreated(name, create, kwargs):
name = newcls.__melcmd__(name, **kwargs)
_logger.debug("PyUI: created... %s" % name)
# find the long name
if '|' not in name and not issubclass(newcls,
import windows
if issubclass(newcls, Layout):
parent = windows.layout(name, q=1, p=1)
elif issubclass(newcls, OptionMenu):
parent = windows.optionMenu(name, q=1, p=1)
elif issubclass(newcls, Menu):
parent = windows.menu(name, q=1, p=1)
parent = windows.control(name, q=1, p=1)
if parent:
name = parent + '|' + name
except RuntimeError:
# editors don't have a long name, so we keep the short name
if name not in cmds.lsUI(long=True, editors=True):
# correct for optionMenu
if newcls == PopupMenu and cmds.optionMenu(name, ex=1):
newcls = OptionMenu
return unicode.__new__(newcls, name)
示例7: nodeToApiName
def nodeToApiName(nodeName):
return 'k' + _util.capitalize(nodeName)
示例8: __init__
def __init__(self, valueType, scriptUtil=None, size=1, asTypeNPtr=False):
valueType : `string`
The name of the maya pointer type you would like
returned - ie, 'int', 'short', 'float'.
scriptUtil : `MScriptUtil`
If you wish to use an existing MScriptUtil as
the 'storage' for the value returned, specify it
here - otherwise, a new MScriptUtil object is
size : `int`
If we want a pointer to an array, size indicates
the number of items the array holds. If we are
creating an MScriptUtil, it will be initialized
to hold this many items - if we are fed an
MScriptUtil, then it is your responsibility to
make sure it can hold the necessary number of items,
or else maya will crash!
asTypeNPtr : `bool`
If we want a call to this SafeApiPtr to return a pointer
for an argument such as:
int2 &myArg;
then we need to set asTypeNPtr to True:
SafeApiPtr('int', size=2, asTypeNPtr=True)
Otherwise, it is assumed that calling the object returns array
int myArg[2];
if not scriptUtil:
self.scriptUtil = MScriptUtil()
if size < 1:
raise ValueError('size must be >= 1')
# Value stored here doesn't matter - just make sure
# it's large enough!
self.scriptUtil.createFromList([0.0] * size, size)
self.scriptUtil = scriptUtil
self.size = size
capValue = util.capitalize(valueType)
self._normPtr = getattr(self.scriptUtil, 'as' + capValue + 'Ptr')()
# Unforunately, arguments such as:
# float2 &foo;
# need to be handled differently - calling it, we need
# to return asFloat2Ptr()... but when indexing, use the same old
# asFloatPtr() result to feed into getFloatArrayValue.
# Also, note that asFloatPtr() must be called BEFORE asFloat2Ptr() -
# if it is called after, the float2 ptr seems to get reset!
self._sizedIndexGetter = None
self._sizedIndexSetter = None
if asTypeNPtr:
self._nPtr = getattr(self.scriptUtil, 'as' + capValue +
str(size) + 'Ptr')()
self._ptr = self._nPtr
self._sizedIndexGetter = getattr(
MScriptUtil, 'get' + capValue + str(size) + 'ArrayItem', None)
self._sizedIndexSetter = getattr(
MScriptUtil, 'set' + capValue + str(size) + 'ArrayItem', None)
self._ptr = self._normPtr
self._getter = getattr(MScriptUtil, 'get' + capValue, None)
self._setter = getattr(MScriptUtil, 'set' + capValue, None)
self._indexGetter = getattr(MScriptUtil,
'get' + capValue + 'ArrayItem', None)
self._indexSetter = getattr(MScriptUtil,
'set' + capValue + 'Array', None)
示例9: __new__
def __new__(cls, name=None, create=False, **kwargs):
Provides the ability to create the PyUI Element when creating a class::
import pymel.core as pm
n = pm.Window("myWindow",create=True)
# Result: Window('myWindow')
if cls is PyUI:
uiType = cmds.objectTypeUI(name)
uiType = _uiTypesToCommands.get(uiType, uiType)
except RuntimeError:
# some ui types (radioCollections) can only be identified with their shortname
uiType = cmds.objectTypeUI(name.split("|")[-1])
uiType = _uiTypesToCommands.get(uiType, uiType)
except RuntimeError:
# we cannot query the type of rowGroupLayout children: check common types for these
uiType = None
for control in (
"checkBox floatField button floatSlider intSlider "
"floatField textField intField optionMenu radioButton".split()
if getattr(cmds, control)(name, ex=1, q=1):
uiType = control
if not uiType:
uiType = "PyUI"
newcls = getattr(dynModule, _util.capitalize(uiType))
except AttributeError:
newcls = PyUI
# objectTypeUI for panels seems to return weird results -
# ie, TmodelPane ... check for them this way.
# Other types should be detected correctly by objectTypeUI,
# but this just provides a failsafe...
for testType in "panel scriptedPanel window control layout menu".split():
if getattr(cmds, testType)(name, ex=1, q=1):
newcls = getattr(dynModule, _util.capitalize(testType), PyUI)
if newcls != PyUI:
newcls = cls
if not newcls is PyUI:
if cls._isBeingCreated(name, create, kwargs):
name = newcls.__melcmd__(name, **kwargs)
_logger.debug("PyUI: created... %s" % name)
# find the long name
if "|" not in name and not issubclass(
(Window, Panel, dynModule.ScriptedPanel, dynModule.RadioCollection, dynModule.ToolCollection),
import windows
if issubclass(newcls, Layout):
parent = windows.layout(name, q=1, p=1)
elif issubclass(newcls, OptionMenu):
parent = windows.optionMenu(name, q=1, p=1)
elif issubclass(newcls, Menu):
parent = windows.menu(name, q=1, p=1)
parent = windows.control(name, q=1, p=1)
if parent:
name = parent + "|" + name
except RuntimeError:
# editors don't have a long name, so we keep the short name
if name not in cmds.lsUI(long=True, editors=True):
# correct for optionMenu
if newcls == PopupMenu and cmds.optionMenu(name, ex=1):
newcls = OptionMenu
return unicode.__new__(newcls, name)