本文整理汇总了Python中pymel.core.scaleConstraint函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python scaleConstraint函数的具体用法?Python scaleConstraint怎么用?Python scaleConstraint使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: bdConnectArms
def bdConnectArms(namespace):
print 'adasdasdasda'
sides = {'Left':'L', 'Right':'R'}
tsmArmChain = ['Arm_joint1','Arm_joint2','Arm_joint3','Arm_joint5','Arm_influence7_intermediate_constrain','Arm_joint6','Arm_joint7','Arm_joint8','Arm_joint7']
capcomArmChain = ['Shoulder','ArmDir','Arm1','Arm2','Elbow','ARoll3','ARoll4','handRot','handXR']
for jnt in tsmArmChain:
target = pm.ls(namespace + sides['Left'] + capcomArmChain[i])[0]
print ' cant find', capcomArmChain[i]
source = pm.ls(sides.keys()[1] + jnt )[0]
for jnt in tsmArmChain:
target = pm.ls(namespace + sides['Right'] + capcomArmChain[i])[0]
source = pm.ls(sides.keys()[0] + jnt )[0]
示例2: connectChains
def connectChains(self, *args, **kwargs):
## pass in the roots to connect
## arguments to args are expected to be lists or tuples
chains = []
for arg in args:
if isinstance(arg, list) or isinstance(arg, tuple):
root = chains[-1][0].getParent()
if not root.type() == 'transform' or not root.endswith('_rigRoot'):
raise ModuleBaseException('connectChains: Passed in chain has no rig root.')
raise ModuleBaseException('connectChains: Only lists of joints may be passed in.')
if len(chains) < 2:
raise ModuleBaseException('connectChains: need at least two chain roots.')
targetChain = chains.pop(-1)
if len(chains) == 1:
## direct connection
for source, target in zip(chains[0], targetChain ):
for attr in 'translate','rotate','scale':
for axis in 'XYZ':
source.attr(attr+axis) >> target.attr(attr+axis)
## because we checked earlier the rigRoots should be present at this point
sourceRoot = chains[0][0].getParent()
targetRoot = targetChain[0].getParent()
pm.parentConstraint(sourceRoot, targetRoot, mo=True)
pm.scaleConstraint(sourceRoot, targetRoot, mo=True)
raise NotImplementedError("Multiple chains aren't finished yet, sorry.")
示例3: FTV_generateFluidTransformSpaceGrp
def FTV_generateFluidTransformSpaceGrp( name, fluidSourceData):
''' return a group that is fully constrained by fluidSourceData'''
fluidSpaceTransform = pm.group( em=True, n=name )
pm.parentConstraint(fluidSourceData[0], fluidSpaceTransform)
pm.scaleConstraint(fluidSourceData[0], fluidSpaceTransform)
FTV_lockAndHide(fluidSpaceTransform, ['v'])
return fluidSpaceTransform
示例4: ExtraControlForJnt
def ExtraControlForJnt( jnts=None ) :
if not jnts:
jnts = pm.ls( sl=True )
jnts = pm.ls( jnts )
for jnt in jnts:
# duplicate joint
pm.select( clear=True )
newJnt = pm.joint( p = [0,0,0], name= '%s_extra'%jnt.name() )
pm.delete( pm.pointConstraint( jnt, newJnt ) )
pm.delete( pm.orientConstraint( jnt, newJnt ) )
pm.parent( newJnt, jnt )
newJnt.jointOrient.set( jnt.jointOrient.get() )
# create control curve for joint
ctrl = CubeCrv( name = '%s_ctrl'%jnt.name() )
pm.delete( pm.pointConstraint( jnt, ctrl ) )
pm.delete( pm.orientConstraint( jnt, ctrl ) )
zeroAndOfs = ZeroGrp( ctrl )
ctrl.translate >> newJnt.translate
ctrl.rotate >> newJnt.rotate
ctrl.scale >> newJnt.scale
# make controls to move with base joints
pm.parentConstraint( jnt, zeroAndOfs[0] )
pm.scaleConstraint( jnt, zeroAndOfs[0] )
示例5: rig_transformer_piece
def rig_transformer_piece(transform):
rig_transformer_piece( pm.ls(sl=True)[0] )
if get_parentConstraintPairs(transform):
# create a control and store its groups/parts
ctrl_GRP = create_boundingBoxCtrl(transform)
ctrl = [ctrl for ctrl in ctrl_GRP.listRelatives(c=True, type="transform") if "CTRL" in ctrl.name()][0]
ctrlCon_GRP = [
con_grp for con_grp in ctrl.listRelatives(c=True, type="transform") if "Con_GRP" in con_grp.name()
# get the parent constraint information and then remove it
target_weight_pairs = get_parentConstraintPairs(transform)
# setup the new space switching based on the old parent constraint
parents = [target_weight_pairs[0][0][0], "spineJA_JNT", "spineJF_JNT", "globalB_CTRL", "worldSpace_GRP"]
parent_names = ["normal", "hips", "chest", "global", "world"]
ctrl_setupSpaceSwitch(ctrl, ctrl_GRP, parents, parent_names)
# control the object with the new space-switch controller
pm.parentConstraint(ctrlCon_GRP, transform, mo=True)
pm.scaleConstraint(ctrlCon_GRP, transform, mo=True)
# if it didn't have a parentConstraint do nothing
return None
示例6: create_bind_joint
def create_bind_joint(jnt):
name= jnt.name().replace('joint', "bindJoint")
bind_joint = pm.duplicate(jnt, name=name, po=True)[0]
pm.parentConstraint(jnt, bind_joint, mo=False)
pm.scaleConstraint(jnt, bind_joint, mo=False)
pm.parent(bind_joint, 'bind_joint')
示例7: wrap_createScalableWrap
def wrap_createScalableWrap(driver, tgts, scale_obj, parent=None):
'''Only used on skinned driver meshes, creates a wrap that scales
driver (pm.nt.Transform): wrap driver
tgts ([pm.nt.Transform]): list of objects to wrap
scale_obj (pm.nt.Transform): The object that it gets its scaling from
parent (pm.nt.Transform): If not set, uses scaleParent as parent, otherwise
That's the new parent
Returns ([pm.nt.wrap]): list of wrap deformers that were created
wrap_createScalableWrap(pm.ls(sl=True)[0],[pm.ls(sl=True)[1]], pm.PyNode('global_CTRL'))
wrap = createWrap(driver, tgts, 0, 50, 2, True, True, 0)
#Create the wrap scale group
scaleGrp = 'wrapScale_GRP'
if pm.objExists(scaleGrp):
scaleGrp = pm.PyNode(scaleGrp)
scaleGrp = pm.group(em=True, n=scaleGrp)
#Create a scale joint for the base object
scaleJnt = pm.joint(n=driver+'_WRAPSCALE_JNT')
#skin it
pm.skinCluster(scaleJnt, wrap['driver'][1], tsb=True, n=driver.name()+'wrap_SKINCLSTR')
#parent the joint under the scale parent
if parent:
scaleGrp.setParent( parent )
scaleGrp.setParent( scale_obj )
#scale the transform of the targets
for tgt in tgts:
pm.scaleConstraint(scale_obj, tgt, mo=True)
return wrap
示例8: _parent_avar
def _parent_avar(self, avar, parent):
avar_grp_parent = avar._grp_parent
pymel.parentConstraint(parent, avar_grp_parent, maintainOffset=True)
pymel.scaleConstraint(parent, avar_grp_parent, maintainOffset=True)
except Exception, e:
示例9: parent_to
def parent_to(self, parent):
Parent the system to a specific object.
# TODO: Implement!
if self.grp_anm:
pymel.parentConstraint(parent, self.grp_anm, maintainOffset=True)
pymel.scaleConstraint(parent, self.grp_anm, maintainOffset=True)
示例10: createJointGeo
def createJointGeo( joints=[], constraint=False, parent=True, color=True ):
if not joints:
joints = pm.selected(type='joint')
GEOs = []
for jnt in joints:
jnt = pm.PyNode(jnt)
child = jnt.getChildren( type='joint' )
if not child: continue # 자식 조인트가 없으면 넘어감
# 지오메트리 생성
geo = pm.polyCube(ch=False)[0]
geo.t.set( child[0].t.get() * 0.5 )
geo.r.set( 0,0,0 )
# 스케일 조정
tr = child[0].t.get()
abtr = [ abs(val) for val in tr ]
radius = jnt.radius.get() * 2
sx = abtr[0] if abtr[0] > 0.001 else radius
sy = abtr[1] if abtr[1] > 0.001 else radius
sz = abtr[2] if abtr[2] > 0.001 else radius
geo.s.set( sx,sy,sz )
# 이름 변경
geo.rename( jnt.name()+'_geo' )
# 지오메트리 pivot 옮김
copyPivot( jnt, geo )
# transform 초기화
pm.makeIdentity(geo, t=True, r=True, s=True, apply=True)
if color:
assignColorAxisShader( geo.f[4], 'x' )
assignColorAxisShader( geo.f[1], 'y' )
assignColorAxisShader( geo.f[0], 'z' )
if not parent:
# 구속
if constraint:
return GEOs
示例11: add_squash_n_stretch
def add_squash_n_stretch(self, follicles):
Returns (None)
base_name = '%s_flexiPlane' % self.flexiPlaneNameField.getText()
wire_name = '%s_wire_CRV' % base_name
main_crv_name = '%s_main_CTRL' % base_name
wire = pm.PyNode(wire_name)
arc_len = pm.arclen(wire, ch = True)
pm.rename( arc_len, wire_name + 'info' )
arc_len_val = pm.getAttr( wire_name + 'info.arcLength')
multDiv_length = pm.shadingNode( 'multiplyDivide', asUtility = True )
pm.rename( multDiv_length, base_name + '_div_squashStretch_length' )
pm.setAttr( base_name + '_div_squashStretch_length.operation', 2 )
pm.connectAttr( wire_name + 'info.arcLength', base_name + '_div_squashStretch_length.input1X' )
pm.setAttr( base_name + '_div_squashStretch_length.input2X', arc_len_val )
multDiv_volume = pm.shadingNode( 'multiplyDivide', asUtility = True )
pm.rename( multDiv_volume, base_name + '_div_volume' )
pm.setAttr( base_name + '_div_volume.operation', 2 )
pm.setAttr( base_name + '_div_volume.input1X', 1 )
pm.connectAttr( base_name + '_div_squashStretch_length.outputX', base_name + '_div_volume.input2X', f = True )
conditional_volume = pm.shadingNode( 'condition', asUtility = True )
pm.rename( conditional_volume, base_name + '_cond_volume' )
pm.setAttr( base_name + '_cond_volume.secondTerm', 1 )
pm.connectAttr( main_crv_name + '.squashN_stretch', base_name + '_cond_volume.firstTerm' )
multDiv_globelScale = pm.shadingNode( 'multiplyDivide', asUtility = True )
pm.rename( multDiv_globelScale, base_name + '_mult_globalScale' )
pm.connectAttr( base_name + '_div_volume.outputX', base_name + '_mult_globalScale.input1X' )
pm.connectAttr( main_crv_name + '.scaleX', base_name + '_mult_globalScale.input2X' )
pm.connectAttr( base_name + '_mult_globalScale.outputX', base_name + '_cond_volume.colorIfTrueR' )
for index,follicle in enumerate(follicles):
jnt_name = self.format_string.format(PREFIX = self.flexiPlaneNameField.getText(),
INDEX = 'flexiPlane_jnt%03d' % (index+1),
jnt_offset_name = jnt_name.replace('_JNT','Offset_GRP')
tweek_crv_name = self.format_string.format(PREFIX = self.flexiPlaneNameField.getText(),
INDEX = 'flexiPlane_tweak%03d' % (index+1),
pm.scaleConstraint( tweek_crv_name + 'Con_GRP', jnt_offset_name )
pm.connectAttr( base_name + '_cond_volume.outColorR', jnt_name + '.scaleX')
pm.connectAttr( base_name + '_cond_volume.outColorR', jnt_name + '.scaleZ')
pm.select( clear = True )
示例12: rig_crankshaft
def rig_crankshaft():
# i=True, type="mayaAscii", ignoreVersion=True,rpr="mayaScene_pistonBuild_vLatest",options="v=0",pr=True,loadReferenceDepth="all")
#setup variables for existing nodes
crankshaft_ctrl = pm.PyNode('crankshaft_CTRL')
crankshaft_loc = pm.PyNode('crankshaft_LOC')
display_ctrl = mpc.rig_makeCtrlLabel('display')
#create piston controls
for piston in range(0,global_loc.numPistons.get()):
ctrl_offset = mpc.rig_ctrlDuplicate(crankshaft_ctrl, 'piston'+string.uppercase[piston]+'_mover')
weight_loc = pm.PyNode('weight%s_LOC'%string.uppercase[piston])
rod_loc = pm.PyNode('rod%s_LOC'%string.uppercase[piston])
head_loc = pm.PyNode('head%s_LOC'%string.uppercase[piston])
piston_loc = pm.PyNode('piston%s_LOC'%string.uppercase[piston])
if ctrl_offset[0]:
pm.delete( pm.parentConstraint(weight_loc, ctrl_offset[0] ) )
pm.parentConstraint(ctrl_offset[2], piston_loc, mo=True)
pm.delete( pm.parentConstraint(weight_loc, ctrl_offset[1] ) )
pm.parentConstraint(ctrl_offset[2], piston_loc, mo=True)
mpc.rig_ctrlLock([ctrl_offset[1]], ['tx','ty','tz','rz','ry','sx','sy','sz','v'], setKeyable=False, lock=True)
mpc.rig_ctrlColor(ctrl_offset[1], 15)
#setup connections
pm.delete( pm.parentConstraint( crankshaft_ctrl.getParent(), crankshaft_loc ) )
pm.parentConstraint( crankshaft_ctrl, crankshaft_loc, mo=True )
#parent + create groups + lock down ctrls
grp_csr = pm.group(em=True,n='crankshaftRig_GRP')
grp_model = pm.group(em=True,n='model_GRP')
grp_nodes = pm.group(em=True,n='nodes_GRP')
display_ctrl.getParent().ty.set(pm.xform('headA_LOC', q=True , t=True, ws=True)[1])
mpc.rig_ctrlLock([crankshaft_ctrl], ['tx','ty','tz','rz','ry','sx','sy','sz','v'], setKeyable=False, lock=True)
pm.scaleConstraint( global_ctrl, grp_nodes, mo=True )
display_ctrl.addAttr('displayLocators', at='long', min=0,max=1, k=True)
display_ctrl.displayLocators.connect(global_loc.v, f=True)
if pm.objExists('pistons_lodA_GRP'):
#Create Sets
rp_set = mpc.rig_setsCreateHubSet([grp_csr], 'crankshaft', 'rigPuppet')
ac_set = mpc.rig_setsCreateHubSet(pm.ls('*CTRL'), 'crankshaft','animCurves')
gc_set = mpc.rig_setsCreateHubSet(pm.ls('*GEO'), 'crankshaft','geometryCache')
pm.sets(rp_set, add=(ac_set, gc_set))
示例13: rig_makeBlockGeo
def rig_makeBlockGeo(geometry, mpcStyle=False):
'''Uses the MPC block geo script to create automaded block geo out of one selected object which is properly constrained.
geometry (pm.PyNode): poly mesh to be broken apart
mpcStyle (boolean): replaces the suffix based on JNT and GEO
Returns (list[pm.PyNode]): List of proxies that were generated
Example Usage:
#convert the list to a mel list as a string to pass
command = 'rig_makeBlockGeo ({{"{MESHES}"}},"");'.format(MESHES=geometry)
print command
proxies = mel.eval(command)
if len(proxies):
#Time to sort them and order them + constrain them
if not pm.objExists('proxy_GRP'):
prx_grp = pm.group(em=True, n='proxy_GRP')
prx_grp = pm.PyNode('proxy_GRP')
if pm.objExists('model_GRP'):
if pm.objExists('globalCon_GRP'):
pm.scaleConstraint('globalCon_GRP', prx_grp, mo=True)
proxy_grp = geometry.replace('GEO','PROXY_GRP')
if not pm.objExists(proxy_grp):
for proxy in proxies:
if mpcStyle:
pm.polySoftEdge(proxy, a=0, ch=0)
jnt = proxy.name().replace('_GEO','')
print proxy.name().replace('_GEO','')
print proxy.name().replace('GEO','JNT')
if pm.objExists(proxy.replace('GEO','JNT')):
jnt = proxy.replace('GEO','JNT')
pm.parentConstraint(jnt, proxy, mo=True)
print 'adding joint'
pm.polySoftEdge(proxy, a=0, ch=0)
final[proxy]=proxy.replace('_PROXY', '')
return final
示例14: create_control
def create_control(node, name='', shape="", axis="", size=1, point=True, orient=True, scale=False, help=False):
node = pm.PyNode(node)
if not shape:
shape = "circle"
if not name:
name = "%s_ctrl" %node.name()
shapeMELs = {
"circle" : "circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 0.5 -d 3 -ut 0 -s 8 -ch 0",
"diamond" : "circle -c 0 0 0 -nr 0 1 0 -sw 360 -r 0.5 -d 1 -ut 0 -s 4 -ch 0",
"square" : "curve -d 1 -p -0.5 0 0.5 -p -0.5 0 -0.5 -p 0.5 0 -0.5 -p 0.5 0 0.5 -p -0.5 0 0.5 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4",
"global" : "curve -d 3 -p 0 0 0.75 -p 0.25 0 0.5 -p 0.25 0 0.5 -p 0.25 0 0.5 -p 0.375 0 0.5 -p 0.5 0 0.5 -p 0.5 0 0.375 -p 0.5 0 -0.375 -p 0.5 0 -0.5 -p 0.375 0 -0.5 -p -0.375 0 -0.5 -p -0.5 0 -0.5 -p -0.5 0 -0.375 -p -0.5 0 0.375 -p -0.5 0 0.5 -p -0.375 0 0.5 -p -0.25 0 0.5 -p -0.25 0 0.5 -p -0.25 0 0.5 -p 0 0 0.75 -k 0 -k 0 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 17 -k 17",
"local" : "curve -d 3 -p 0 0 0.5 -p 0.125 0 0.375 -p 0.125 0 0.375 -p 0.125 0 0.375 -p 0.25 0 0.375 -p 0.375 0 0.375 -p 0.375 0 0.25 -p 0.375 0 -0.25 -p 0.375 0 -0.375 -p 0.25 0 -0.375 -p -0.25 0 -0.375 -p -0.375 0 -0.375 -p -0.375 0 -0.25 -p -0.375 0 0.25 -p -0.375 0 0.375 -p -0.25 0 0.375 -p -0.125 0 0.375 -p -0.125 0 0.375 -p -0.125 0 0.375 -p 0 0 0.5 -k 0 -k 0 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 17 -k 17",
"root" : "curve -d 1 -p 0 0 0.325 -p -0.0634045 0 0.318755 -p -0.124372 0 0.300261 -p -0.180561 0 0.270228 -p -0.22981 0 0.22981 -p -0.270228 0 0.180561 -p -0.300261 0 0.124372 -p -0.318755 0 0.0634045 -p -0.325 0 0 -p -0.318755 0 -0.0634045 -p -0.300261 0 -0.124372 -p -0.270228 0 -0.180561 -p -0.22981 0 -0.22981 -p -0.180561 0 -0.270228 -p -0.124372 0 -0.300261 -p -0.0634045 0 -0.318755 -p 0 0 -0.325 -p 0.0634045 0 -0.318755 -p 0.124372 0 -0.300261 -p 0.180561 0 -0.270228 -p 0.22981 0 -0.22981 -p 0.270228 0 -0.180561 -p 0.300261 0 -0.124372 -p 0.318755 0 -0.0634045 -p 0.325 0 0 -p 0.318755 0 0.0634045 -p 0.300261 0 0.124372 -p 0.270228 0 0.180561 -p 0.22981 0 0.22981 -p 0.180561 0 0.270228 -p 0.124372 0 0.300261 -p 0.0634045 0 0.318755 -p 0 0 0.325 -p 0 0 -0.325 -p 0 0 -0.25 -p -0.0487726 0 -0.245197 -p -0.095671 0 -0.23097 -p -0.138893 0 -0.207868 -p -0.176777 0 -0.176777 -p -0.207868 0 -0.138893 -p -0.23097 0 -0.095671 -p -0.245197 0 -0.0487726 -p -0.25 0 0 -p -0.325 0 0 -p 0.325 0 0 -p -0.25 0 0 -p -0.245197 0 0.0487726 -p -0.23097 0 0.095671 -p -0.207868 0 0.138893 -p -0.176777 0 0.176777 -p -0.138893 0 0.207868 -p -0.095671 0 0.23097 -p -0.0487726 0 0.245197 -p 0 0 0.25 -p 0.0487726 0 0.245197 -p 0.095671 0 0.23097 -p 0.138893 0 0.207868 -p 0.176777 0 0.176777 -p 0.207868 0 0.138893 -p 0.23097 0 0.095671 -p 0.245197 0 0.0487726 -p 0.25 0 0 -p 0.245197 0 -0.0487726 -p 0.23097 0 -0.095671 -p 0.207868 0 -0.138893 -p 0.176777 0 -0.176777 -p 0.138893 0 -0.207868 -p 0.095671 0 -0.23097 -p 0.0487726 0 -0.245197 -p 0 0 -0.25 -k 0 -k 1 -k 2 -k 3 -k 4 -k 5 -k 6 -k 7 -k 8 -k 9 -k 10 -k 11 -k 12 -k 13 -k 14 -k 15 -k 16 -k 17 -k 18 -k 19 -k 20 -k 21 -k 22 -k 23 -k 24 -k 25 -k 26 -k 27 -k 28 -k 29 -k 30 -k 31 -k 32 -k 33 -k 34 -k 35 -k 36 -k 37 -k 38 -k 39 -k 40 -k 41 -k 42 -k 43 -k 44 -k 45 -k 46 -k 47 -k 48 -k 49 -k 50 -k 51 -k 52 -k 53 -k 54 -k 55 -k 56 -k 57 -k 58 -k 59 -k 60 -k 61 -k 62 -k 63 -k 64 -k 65 -k 66 -k 67 -k 68 -k 69",
if help:
print "################################"
print "- Available Control Shape List -"
for key in shapeMELs:
print key
print "################################"
shapeMEL = "%s -n %s" % (shapeMELs[shape], name)
rotations = {'x' : [90, 0 , 0],
'-x' : [-90, 0 , 0],
'y' : [0, 90, 0],
'-y' : [0, -90, 0],
'z' : [0, 0, 90],
'-z' : [0, 0, -90],
ctrl = pm.PyNode(name)
ctrl.scale.set(size, size, size)
if axis: ctrl.rotate.set(rotations[axis])
pm.makeIdentity(ctrl, apply=True, t=True, r=True, s=True)
pm.delete(pm.parentConstraint(node, ctrl, mo=False))
if point : pm.pointConstraint(ctrl, node, mo=True, name="%s_tConst"%node.name())
if orient : pm.orientConstraint(ctrl, node, mo=True, name="%s_rConst"%node.name())
if scale : pm.scaleConstraint(ctrl, node, mo=True, name="%s_sConst"%node.name())
return ctrl
except Exception as e:
pm.warning("error while creating control %s" %e)
示例15: build_tweek_ctrls
def build_tweek_ctrls(self, follicles):
Returns (None)
base_name = '%s_flexiPlane' % self.flexiPlaneNameField.getText()
follicle_prefix = '%s_flexiPlane_' % self.flexiPlaneNameField.getText()
mainCTRLGRP = self.flexiPlaneNameField.getText() + '_flexiPlane_main_CTRLCon_GRP'
main_crv_name = '%s_main_CTRL' % base_name
tweekCTRLGRP = pm.group( em = True, name = self.flexiPlaneNameField.getText() + '_flexiPlane_tweakCTRL_GRP' )
tweekCTRLGRP.setAttr( 'inheritsTransform', 0 )
pm.parent( tweekCTRLGRP, mainCTRLGRP )
for index,follicle in enumerate(follicles):
tweek_crv_name = self.format_string.format(PREFIX = self.flexiPlaneNameField.getText(),
INDEX = 'flexiPlane_tweak%03d' % (index+1),
pm.circle( c = (0, 0, 0 ), nr = ( 0, 1, 0 ), sw = 360, r = 1, d = 3, ut = 0, tol = 0.000129167, s = 8, n = tweek_crv_name, ch = 0 )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + '.scaleX', .5 )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + '.scaleY', .5 )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + '.scaleZ', .5 )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + '.overrideEnabled', 1 )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + '.overrideColor', 17 )
pm.makeIdentity( tweek_crv_name, apply=True, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + '.overrideEnabled', 1 )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + '.overrideColor', 17 )
pm.duplicate( tweek_crv_name, n= tweek_crv_name + 'A' )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + 'A.rotateZ', -90 )
pm.makeIdentity( tweek_crv_name + 'A', apply=True, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True )
pm.duplicate( tweek_crv_name, n= tweek_crv_name + 'B' )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + 'B.rotateZ', -90 )
pm.setAttr( tweek_crv_name + 'B.rotateX', -90 )
pm.makeIdentity( tweek_crv_name + 'B', apply=True, translate=True, rotate=True, scale=True )
pm.parent( tweek_crv_name + 'AShape', tweek_crv_name + 'BShape', tweek_crv_name, add = True, shape = True )
pm.delete( tweek_crv_name + 'A', tweek_crv_name + 'B')
pm.select(tweek_crv_name, r=True)
pm.select(clear = True)
pm.connectAttr( follicle + '.translate', tweek_crv_name + 'Offset_GRP.translate' )
pm.connectAttr( follicle + '.rotate', tweek_crv_name + 'Offset_GRP.rotate' )
pm.parent( tweek_crv_name + 'Offset_GRP', tweekCTRLGRP )
pm.scaleConstraint( main_crv_name, tweek_crv_name + 'Offset_GRP' )
pm.select( clear = True)