本文整理汇总了Python中pymei.XmlImport.documentFromFile方法的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python XmlImport.documentFromFile方法的具体用法?Python XmlImport.documentFromFile怎么用?Python XmlImport.documentFromFile使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的方法代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。您也可以进一步了解该方法所在类pymei.XmlImport
示例1: append_guitar_data
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def append_guitar_data(self, tuning, capo):
Append meta data about the guitar the transcriber is using
mei_path = self.get_abs_path()
mei_doc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(mei_path)
staff_def = mei_doc.getElementsByName('staffDef')[0]
g = Guitar(tuning=str(tuning), capo=capo)
sounding_pitches = g.strings
# From the MEI guidelines:
# "this is given using the written pitch, not the sounding pitch.
# For example, the Western 6-string guitar, in standard tuning, sounds an octave below written pitch."
written_pitches = [s.pname + str(s.oct+1) for s in sounding_pitches]
staff_def.addAttribute('lines', str(len(sounding_pitches)))
staff_def.addAttribute('tab.strings', " ".join(written_pitches))
# Capo could be implicitly encoded by setting the pitches of the open strings
# but I really don't like this solution. Instructions are lost about how to tune
# and perform the piece on the guitar.
# TODO: this attribute doesn't exist in MEI, make a custom build
if capo > 0:
staff_def.addAttribute('tab.capo', str(capo))
XmlExport.meiDocumentToFile(mei_doc, mei_path)
示例2: _get_symbol_widths
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def _get_symbol_widths(self, pages):
Calculate the average pixel width of each symbol from a set of pages.
pages (list): a list of pages
# TODO: make this a global var, since it is used in more than one function now
symbol_types = ['clef', 'neume', 'custos', 'division']
# dict of symbol_name -> [cumulative_width_sum, num_occurences]
symbol_widths = {}
for p in pages:
meidoc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(p['mei'])
num_systems = len(meidoc.getElementsByName('system'))
flat_tree = meidoc.getFlattenedTree()
sbs = meidoc.getElementsByName('sb')
# for each system
# important: need to iterate system by system because the class labels depend on the acting clef
for staff_index in range(num_systems):
labels = self._get_symbol_labels(staff_index, meidoc)
except IndexError:
# retrieve list of MeiElements that correspond to glyphs between system breaks
start_sb_pos = meidoc.getPositionInDocument(sbs[staff_index])
if staff_index+1 < len(sbs):
end_sb_pos = meidoc.getPositionInDocument(sbs[staff_index+1])
end_sb_pos = len(flat_tree)
symbols = [s for s in flat_tree[start_sb_pos+1:end_sb_pos] if s.getName() in symbol_types]
# get bounding box information for each symbol belonging this system
symbol_zones = [meidoc.getElementById(s.getAttribute('facs').value)
for s in symbols if s.hasAttribute('facs')]
for l, z in zip(labels, symbol_zones):
ulx = int(z.getAttribute('ulx').value)
lrx = int(z.getAttribute('lrx').value)
if l in symbol_widths:
symbol_widths[l][0] += (lrx - ulx)
symbol_widths[l][1] += 1
symbol_widths[l] = [lrx - ulx, 1]
# calculate average symbol widths across all training pages
# rounding to the nearest pixel
for s in symbol_widths:
symbol_widths[s] = int(round(symbol_widths[s][0] / symbol_widths[s][1]))
return symbol_widths
示例3: sanitize_mei_file
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def sanitize_mei_file(self, mei_path, output_mei_path=None, prune=True):
self.mei_doc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(mei_path)
if output_mei_path:
XmlExport.meiDocumentToFile(self.mei_doc, str(output_mei_path))
return XmlExport.meiDocumentToText(self.mei_doc)
示例4: parse_file
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def parse_file(self, mei_path):
Read an mei file and fill the score model
from pymei import XmlImport
self.doc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(str(mei_path))
示例5: processMeiFile
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def processMeiFile(ffile, solr_server, shortest_gram, longest_gram, page_number, project_id):
solrconn = solr.SolrConnection(solr_server)
print '\nProcessing ' + str(ffile) + '...'
meifile = XmlImport.documentFromFile(str(ffile))
except Exception, e:
print "E: ",e
lg.debug("Could not process file {0}. Threw exception: {1}".format(ffile, e))
print "Whoops!"
示例6: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def __init__(self, image_path, mei_path):
Creates a GlyphGen object.
image_path: path to the image to generate glyphs for.
mei_path: path to the mei file containing glyph bounding box information.
self.page_image = Image.open(image_path)
self.meidoc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(mei_path)
示例7: analyze
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def analyze(MEI_filename):
MEI_doc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(MEI_filename)
MEI_tree = MEI_doc.getRootElement()
has_editor_element_ = editorial.has_editor_element(MEI_tree)
has_arranger_element_ = editorial.has_arranger_element(MEI_tree)
editor_name_ = editorial.editor_name(MEI_tree)
staff_list_ = staves.staff_list(MEI_tree)
alternates_list_ = staves.alternates_list(staff_list_)
return AnalyzeData(has_editor_element_,
示例8: __init__
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def __init__(self, input_mei_paths, output_mei_path):
input_mei_paths {list}: list of mei paths to combine
output_mei_path {String}: output file path of type .mei
self._input_mei_paths = input_mei_paths
self._output_mei_path = output_mei_path
if len(self._input_mei_paths):
self._meidoc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(self._input_mei_paths[0])
self._meidoc = None
示例9: massage_mei
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def massage_mei(in_file, out_file):
analysis = make_analysis(in_file)
MEI_instructions = TransformData(
old_MEI_doc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(in_file)
new_MEI_doc = transform_mei(old_MEI_doc, MEI_instructions)
XmlExport.meiDocumentToFile(new_MEI_doc, out_file)
except Exception as ex:
logging.critical("Error during massaging " + in_file)
示例10: mei_append_metamusic
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def mei_append_metamusic(self):
Append meta data for the musical work to the mei document
mei_path = self.get_abs_path()
mei_doc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(mei_path)
mei = mei_doc.getRootElement()
mei_head = MeiElement('meiHead')
music = mei.getChildrenByName('music')[0]
file_desc = MeiElement('fileDesc')
# title
title_stmt = MeiElement('titleStmt')
title = MeiElement('title')
# contributers
resp_stmt = MeiElement('respStmt')
pers_name_artist = MeiElement('persName')
pers_name_artist.addAttribute('role', 'artist')
pers_name_tabber = MeiElement('persName')
pers_name_tabber.addAttribute('role', 'tabber')
# encoding information
encoding_desc = MeiElement('encodingDesc')
app_info = MeiElement('appInfo')
application = MeiElement('application')
# attach mei metadata to the document
mei.addChildBefore(music, mei_head)
XmlExport.meiDocumentToFile(mei_doc, mei_path)
示例11: OnLoadRects
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def OnLoadRects(self, event):
Loads rectangles from an mei file.
Only loads bar boxes and not staff boxes yet.
fdlg = wx.FileDialog(self)
if fdlg.ShowModal() == wx.ID_OK:
print "File loaded: " + fdlg.GetPath()
meidoc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(str(fdlg.GetPath()))
# get all the measure elements
measures = meidoc.getElementsByName('measure')
# the measures have their coordinates stored in zones
zones = meidoc.getElementsByName('zone')
for m in measures:
# the id of the zone that has the coordinates is stored in 'facs'
facs = m.getAttribute('facs')
print facs.getName(), facs.getValue()
# there's a # sign preceding the id stored in the facs
# attribute, remove it
zone = meidoc.getElementById(facs.getValue()[1:])
# the coordinates stored in zone
ulx = int(zone.getAttribute('ulx').getValue())
uly = int(zone.getAttribute('uly').getValue())
lrx = int(zone.getAttribute('lrx').getValue())
lry = int(zone.getAttribute('lry').getValue())
print ulx, uly, lrx, lry
# make a new panel
# Rect is looking for top (x,y) coordinates and length and
# height, so we need to subtract the two corners
Rect(ulx, uly, lrx - ulx, lry - uly))
示例12: Run
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def Run(self):
old_filename = self.mei_file
if (len(old_filename) < EXT_LENGTH or
old_filename[-EXT_LENGTH:] not in EXT):
logging.info("No file extension provided; " + EXT[0] + " used.")
old_filename += EXT[0]
old_MEI_doc = XmlImport.documentFromFile(old_filename)
logging.info('running test case ' + self.name + ' Input: ' + old_filename)
new_MEI_doc = transform(old_MEI_doc, self.transform_data)
new_filename = (old_filename[:-EXT_LENGTH] + self.outsuffix + '_' +
status = XmlExport.meiDocumentToFile(new_MEI_doc, new_filename)
if status:
logging.info("Done. Transformed file saved as " + new_filename)
logging.error("Transformation failed")
return new_MEI_doc
示例13: combine
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def combine(self):
if self._meidoc and len(input_mei_paths) > 1:
base_facsimile = self._meidoc.getElementsByName('facsimile')[0]
base_section = self._meidoc.getElementsByName('section')[0]
for f in self._input_mei_paths[1:]:
mei = XmlImport.documentFromFile(f)
# combine surface
surface = mei.getElementsByName('surface')
if len(surface):
# have to remove the child from the old document in memory
# or else pymei segfaults ...
# combine measures
pb = MeiElement('pb')
# get last measure number
measures = base_section.getChildrenByName('measure')
last_measure_n = int(measures[-1].getAttribute('n').value)
new_section = mei.getElementsByName('section')[0]
music_elements = new_section.getChildren()
for e in music_elements:
if e.getName() == 'measure':
last_measure_n += 1
e.addAttribute('n', str(last_measure_n))
# remove all musical elements from the old document or else pymei segfaults
示例14: test_noversionexception
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def test_noversionexception(self):
with self.assertRaises(NoVersionFoundException) as cm:
XmlImport.documentFromFile(os.path.join("test", "testdocs", "noversion.mei"))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(cm.exception, NoVersionFoundException))
示例15: test_badversionexception
# 需要导入模块: from pymei import XmlImport [as 别名]
# 或者: from pymei.XmlImport import documentFromFile [as 别名]
def test_badversionexception(self):
with self.assertRaises(VersionMismatchException) as cm:
XmlImport.documentFromFile(os.path.join("test", "testdocs", "badversion.mei"))
self.assertTrue(isinstance(cm.exception, VersionMismatchException))