本文整理汇总了Python中pymatgen.util.string_utils.str_aligned函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python str_aligned函数的具体用法?Python str_aligned怎么用?Python str_aligned使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: get_magnetizations
def get_magnetizations(mydir, ion_list):
data = []
max_row = 0
for (parent, subdirs, files) in os.walk(mydir):
for f in files:
if re.match("OUTCAR*", f):
row = []
fullpath = os.path.join(parent, f)
outcar = Outcar(fullpath)
mags = outcar.magnetization
mags = [m["tot"] for m in mags]
all_ions = xrange(len(mags))
if ion_list:
all_ions = ion_list
for ion in all_ions:
if len(all_ions) > max_row:
max_row = len(all_ions)
for d in data:
if len(d) < max_row + 1:
d.extend([""] * (max_row + 1 - len(d)))
headers = ["Filename"]
for i in xrange(max_row):
print str_aligned(data, headers)
示例2: get_energies
def get_energies(rootdir, reanalyze, verbose, pretty, detailed, sort):
if verbose:
FORMAT = "%(relativeCreated)d msecs : %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=FORMAT)
if not detailed:
drone = SimpleVaspToComputedEntryDrone(inc_structure=True)
drone = VaspToComputedEntryDrone(inc_structure=True,
ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
logging.info("Detected {} cpus".format(ncpus))
queen = BorgQueen(drone, number_of_drones=ncpus)
if os.path.exists(save_file) and not reanalyze:
msg = "Using previously assimilated data from {}.".format(save_file) \
+ " Use -f to force re-analysis."
if ncpus > 1:
msg = "Analysis results saved to {} for faster ".format(save_file) + \
"subsequent loading."
entries = queen.get_data()
if sort == "energy_per_atom":
entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: x.energy_per_atom)
elif sort == "filename":
entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: x.data["filename"])
all_data = []
for e in entries:
if not detailed:
delta_vol = "{:.2f}".format(e.data["delta_volume"] * 100)
delta_vol = e.structure.volume / \
e.data["initial_structure"].volume - 1
delta_vol = "{:.2f}".format(delta_vol * 100)
all_data.append((e.data["filename"].replace("./", ""),
re.sub("\s+", "", e.composition.formula),
if len(all_data) > 0:
headers = ("Directory", "Formula", "Energy", "E/Atom", "% vol chg")
if pretty:
from prettytable import PrettyTable
t = PrettyTable(headers)
t.set_field_align("Directory", "l")
map(t.add_row, all_data)
print t
print str_aligned(all_data, headers)
print msg
print "No valid vasp run found."
示例3: test_str_aligned_delimited
def test_str_aligned_delimited(self):
data = [["a", "bb"], ["ccc", "dddd"]]
ans = """ a bb
ccc dddd"""
self.assertEqual(str_aligned(data), ans)
self.assertEqual(str_aligned(data, header=["X", "Y"]),
' X Y\n----------\n a bb\nccc dddd')
self.assertEqual(str_delimited(data), 'a\tbb\nccc\tdddd')
示例4: get_string
def get_string(self, sort_keys=True, pretty=True):
Returns a string representation of the Feff_tag file. The reason why
this method is different from the __str__ method is to provide options
for pretty printing.
sort_keys: Set to True to sort the Feff parameters alphabetically.
Defaults to False.
pretty: Set to True for pretty aligned output, False for no.
String representation of FeffTags.
keys = self.keys()
if sort_keys:
keys = sorted(keys)
lines = []
for k in keys:
if isinstance(self[k], list):
lines.append([k, " ".join([str(i) for i in self[k]])])
lines.append([k, self[k]])
if pretty:
return str_aligned(lines)
return str_delimited(lines, None, " ")
示例5: get_string
def get_string(self, pretty=False):
Returns a string representation of self. The reason why this
method is different from the __str__ method is to provide options for pretty printing.
Set to True for pretty aligned output.
lines = []
app = lines.append
# Write the Abinit objects first.
for obj in self.abiobjects:
app([80*"#", ""])
app(["#", "%s" % obj.__class__.__name__])
app([80*"#", ""])
for (k, v) in obj.to_abivars().items():
app(self._format_kv(k, v))
# Extra variables.
if self.extra_abivars:
app([80*"#", ""])
app(["#", "Extra_Abivars"])
app([80*"#", ""])
for (k, v) in self.extra_abivars.items():
app(self._format_kv(k, v))
if pretty:
return str_aligned(lines, header=None)
return str_delimited(lines, header=None, delimiter=5*" ")
示例6: get_string
def get_string(self, sort_keys=False, pretty=False):
Returns a string representation of the INCAR. The reason why this
method is different from the __str__ method is to provide options for
pretty printing.
Set to True to sort the INCAR parameters alphabetically.
Defaults to False.
Set to True for pretty aligned output. Defaults to False.
keys = self.keys()
if sort_keys:
keys = sorted(keys)
lines = []
for k in keys:
if k == "MAGMOM" and isinstance(self[k], list):
value = []
for m, g in itertools.groupby(self[k]):
value.append("{}*{}".format(len(tuple(g)), m))
lines.append([k, " ".join(value)])
elif isinstance(self[k], list):
lines.append([k, " ".join([str(i) for i in self[k]])])
lines.append([k, self[k]])
if pretty:
return str_aligned(lines)
return str_delimited(lines, None, " = ")
示例7: get_energies
def get_energies(rootdir, reanalyze):
FORMAT = "%(relativeCreated)d msecs : %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=FORMAT)
drone = VaspToComputedEntryDrone(inc_structure=True, data=['filename'])
ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
logging.info('Detected {} cpus'.format(ncpus))
queen = BorgQueen(drone, number_of_drones=ncpus)
if os.path.exists('vasp_analyzer_data.gz') and not reanalyze:
logging.info('Using previously assimilated data file vasp_analyzer_data.gz. Use -f to force re-analysis')
entries = queen.get_assimilated_data()
entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x:x.data['filename'])
all_data = [(e.data['filename'].replace("./", ""), e.composition.formula, "{:.5f}".format(e.energy), "{:.5f}".format(e.energy_per_atom), "{:.2f}".format(e.structure.volume)) for e in entries]
print str_aligned(all_data, ("Directory", "Formula", "Energy", "E/Atom", "Vol"))
示例8: get_energies
def get_energies(rootdir, reanalyze, verbose, pretty):
if verbose:
FORMAT = "%(relativeCreated)d msecs : %(message)s"
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format=FORMAT)
drone = GaussianToComputedEntryDrone(inc_structure=True,
ncpus = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
logging.info('Detected {} cpus'.format(ncpus))
queen = BorgQueen(drone, number_of_drones=ncpus)
if os.path.exists(save_file) and not reanalyze:
msg = 'Using previously assimilated data from {}. ' + \
'Use -f to force re-analysis'.format(save_file)
msg = 'Results saved to {} for faster reloading.'.format(save_file)
entries = queen.get_data()
entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda x: x.parameters['filename'])
all_data = [(e.parameters['filename'].replace("./", ""),
re.sub("\s+", "", e.composition.formula),
"{:.5f}".format(e.energy), "{:.5f}".format(e.energy_per_atom),
) for e in entries]
headers = ("Directory", "Formula", "Charge", "Spin Mult.", "Energy",
if pretty:
from prettytable import PrettyTable
t = PrettyTable(headers)
t.set_field_align("Directory", "l")
map(t.add_row, all_data)
print t
print str_aligned(all_data, headers)
print msg
示例9: get_string
def get_string(self, radius=10.):
Returns a string representation of atomic shell coordinates to be used
in the feff.inp file.
Maximum atomic shell radius to include in atoms list
String representation of Atomic Coordinate Shells.
nopts = len(self.struct.species)
ptatoms = []
for i in range(0, nopts):
index = ptatoms.index(self.central_atom)
pt = self.struct.cart_coords[index]
sphere = Structure.get_sites_in_sphere(self.struct, pt, radius)
xshift = pt[0]
yshift = pt[1]
zshift = pt[2]
end = len(sphere)
row = []
for i in range(end):
atom = sphere[i][0]
atm = re.sub(r"[^aA-zZ]+", "", atom.species_string)
ipot = self.pot_dict[atm]
x = atom.coords[0] - xshift
y = atom.coords[1] - yshift
z = atom.coords[2] - zshift
distance = sphere[i][1]
row.append(["{:f}".format(x), "{:f}".format(y), "{:f}".format(z),
ipot, atm, "{:f}".format(distance), i])
row_sorted = sorted(row, key=itemgetter(5))
row_sorted[0][3] = 0
for i in range(end):
row_sorted[i][6] = i
row_sorted = str_aligned(row_sorted, ["* x", "y", "z", "ipot",
"Atom", "Distance", "Number"])
atom_list = row_sorted.replace("--", "**")
return ''.join(["ATOMS\n", atom_list, "\nEND\n"])
示例10: __str__
def __str__(self):
Returns a string representation of potential parameters to be used in
the feff.inp file,
determined from structure object.
The lines are arranged as follows:
ipot Z element lmax1 lmax2 stoichometry spinph
String representation of Atomic Coordinate Shells.
noelements = len(self.struct.composition.items())
nopts = len(self.struct.species)
ptatoms = []
for i in range(0, nopts):
index = ptatoms.index(self.central_atom)
center = self.struct.species[index]
cs = center.symbol
cz = center.Z
ipotrow = [[0, cz, cs, -1, -1, .0001, 0]]
for i in range(0, noelements):
center = self.struct.composition.items()[i][0]
cs = center.symbol
cz = center.Z
ipot = self.pot_dict[cs]
stoic = self.struct.composition.items()[i][1]
ipotrow.append([ipot, cz, cs, -1, -1, stoic, 0])
ipot_sorted = sorted(ipotrow, key=itemgetter(0))
ipotrow = str_aligned(ipot_sorted, ["*ipot", "Z", "tag", "lmax1",
"lmax2", "xnatph(stoichometry)",
ipotlist = ipotrow.replace("--", "**")
ipotlist = ''.join(["POTENTIALS\n", ipotlist])
return ipotlist
示例11: get_string
def get_string(self, pretty=False):
Returns a string representation of self. The reason why this
method is different from the __str__ method is to provide options for pretty printing.
pretty: Set to True for pretty aligned output.
lines = []
app = lines.append
# extra_abivars can contain variables that are already defined
# in the object. In this case, the value in extra_abivars is used
# TODO: Should find a more elegant way to avoid collission between objects
# and extra_abivars
extra_abivars = self.extra_abivars.copy()
# Write the Abinit objects first.
for obj in self.abiobjects:
app([80*"#", ""])
app(["#", "%s" % obj.__class__.__name__])
app([80*"#", ""])
for (k, v) in obj.to_abivars().items():
v = extra_abivars.pop(k, v)
app(self._format_kv(k, v))
# Extra variables.
if self.extra_abivars:
app([80*"#", ""])
app(["#", "Extra_Abivars"])
app([80*"#", ""])
for (k, v) in extra_abivars.items():
app(self._format_kv(k, v))
#lines = self._cut_lines(lines)
if pretty:
return str_aligned(lines, header=None)
return str_delimited(lines, header=None, delimiter=5*" ")
示例12: format_lists
Last updated: Oct 26 2011''')
parser.add_argument('incar_file', metavar='filename', type=str, nargs=2,
help='files to process')
args = parser.parse_args()
filepath1 = args.incar_file[0]
filepath2 = args.incar_file[1]
incar1 = Incar.from_file(filepath1)
incar2 = Incar.from_file(filepath2)
def format_lists(v):
if isinstance(v, (tuple, list)):
return " ".join(["%d*%.2f" % (len(tuple(group)), i)
for (i, group) in itertools.groupby(v)])
return v
d = incar1.diff(incar2)
output = [['SAME PARAMS', '', '']]
output.append(['---------------', '', ''])
output.extend([(k, format_lists(d['Same'][k]), format_lists(d['Same'][k]))
for k in sorted(d['Same'].keys()) if k != "SYSTEM"])
output.append(['', '', ''])
output.append(['DIFFERENT PARAMS', '', ''])
output.append(['----------------', '', ''])
output.extend([(k, format_lists(d['Different'][k]['INCAR1']),
for k in sorted(d['Different'].keys()) if k != "SYSTEM"])
print str_aligned(output, ['', filepath1, filepath2])