本文整理汇总了Python中pymatgen.util.coord_utils.in_coord_list函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python in_coord_list函数的具体用法?Python in_coord_list怎么用?Python in_coord_list使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: test_in_coord_list
def test_in_coord_list(self):
coords = [[0, 0, 0], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]]
test_coord = [0.1, 0.1, 0.1]
self.assertFalse(in_coord_list(coords, test_coord))
self.assertTrue(in_coord_list(coords, test_coord, atol=0.15))
self.assertFalse(in_coord_list([0.99, 0.99, 0.99], test_coord,
示例2: get_center
def get_center(self, lines):
Returns coordinates of center of a domain. Useful
for labeling a Pourbaix plot.
Lines corresponding to a domain
Limits of Pourbaix diagram
center_x, center_y:
x,y coordinate of center of domain. If domain lies
outside limits, center will lie on the boundary.
center_x = 0.0
center_y = 0.0
coords = []
count_center = 0.0
for line in lines:
for coord in np.array(line).T:
if not in_coord_list(coords, coord):
cx = coord[0]
cy = coord[1]
center_x += cx
center_y += cy
count_center += 1.0
if count_center == 0.0:
count_center = 1.0
center_x /= count_center
center_y /= count_center
return center_x, center_y
示例3: set_miller_family
def set_miller_family(self):
get all miller indices for the given maximum index
get the list of indices that correspond to the given family
of indices
recp_structure = Structure(self.recp_lattice, ["H"], [[0, 0, 0]])
analyzer = SpacegroupAnalyzer(recp_structure, symprec=0.001)
symm_ops = analyzer.get_symmetry_operations()
max_index = max(max(m) for m in self.hkl_family)
r = list(range(-max_index, max_index + 1))
miller_indices = []
self.all_equiv_millers = []
self.all_surface_energies = []
for miller in itertools.product(r, r, r):
if any([i != 0 for i in miller]):
d = abs(reduce(gcd, miller))
miller_index = tuple([int(i / d) for i in miller])
for op in symm_ops:
for i, u_miller in enumerate(self.hkl_family):
if in_coord_list(u_miller, op.operate(miller_index)):
示例4: symm_check
def symm_check(self, ucell, wulff_vertices):
# Checks if the point group of the Wulff shape matches
# the point group of its conventional unit cell
ucell (string): Unit cell that the Wulff shape is based on.
wulff_vertices (list): List of all vertices on the Wulff
shape. Use wulff.wulff_pt_list to obtain the list
(see wulff_generator.py).
return (bool)
space_group_analyzer = SpacegroupAnalyzer(ucell)
symm_ops = space_group_analyzer.get_point_group_operations(
for point in wulff_vertices:
for op in symm_ops:
symm_point = op.operate(point)
if in_coord_list(wulff_vertices, symm_point):
return False
return True
示例5: test_generate_adsorption_structures
def test_generate_adsorption_structures(self):
co = Molecule("CO", [[0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.23]])
structures = self.asf_111.generate_adsorption_structures(co, repeat=[2, 2, 1])
self.assertEqual(len(structures), 4)
sites = self.asf_111.find_adsorption_sites()
# Check repeat functionality
self.assertEqual(len([site for site in structures[0] if
site.properties['surface_properties'] != 'adsorbate']),
for n, structure in enumerate(structures):
self.assertArrayAlmostEqual(structure[-2].coords, sites['all'][n])
find_args = {"positions":["hollow"]}
structures_hollow = self.asf_111.\
generate_adsorption_structures(co, find_args=find_args)
self.assertEqual(len(structures_hollow), len(sites['hollow']))
for n, structure in enumerate(structures_hollow):
self.assertTrue(in_coord_list(sites['hollow'], structure[-2].coords))
示例6: get_pourbaix_plot
def get_pourbaix_plot(self, limits=None, title="", label_domains=True):
Plot Pourbaix diagram.
limits: 2D list containing limits of the Pourbaix diagram
of the form [[xlo, xhi], [ylo, yhi]]
matplotlib plot object
# plt = get_publication_quality_plot(24, 14.4)
plt = get_publication_quality_plot(16)
(stable, unstable) = self.pourbaix_plot_data(limits)
if limits:
xlim = limits[0]
ylim = limits[1]
xlim = self._analyzer.chempot_limits[0]
ylim = self._analyzer.chempot_limits[1]
h_line = np.transpose([[xlim[0], -xlim[0] * PREFAC],
[xlim[1], -xlim[1] * PREFAC]])
o_line = np.transpose([[xlim[0], -xlim[0] * PREFAC + 1.23],
[xlim[1], -xlim[1] * PREFAC + 1.23]])
neutral_line = np.transpose([[7, ylim[0]], [7, ylim[1]]])
V0_line = np.transpose([[xlim[0], 0], [xlim[1], 0]])
ax = plt.gca()
lw = 3
plt.plot(h_line[0], h_line[1], "r--", linewidth=lw)
plt.plot(o_line[0], o_line[1], "r--", linewidth=lw)
plt.plot(neutral_line[0], neutral_line[1], "k-.", linewidth=lw)
plt.plot(V0_line[0], V0_line[1], "k-.", linewidth=lw)
for entry, lines in stable.items():
center_x = 0.0
center_y = 0.0
coords = []
count_center = 0.0
for line in lines:
(x, y) = line
plt.plot(x, y, "k-", linewidth=lw)
for coord in np.array(line).T:
if not in_coord_list(coords, coord):
cx = coord[0]
cy = coord[1]
center_x += cx
center_y += cy
count_center += 1.0
if count_center == 0.0:
count_center = 1.0
center_x /= count_center
center_y /= count_center
if ((center_x <= xlim[0]) | (center_x >= xlim[1]) |
(center_y <= ylim[0]) | (center_y >= ylim[1])):
xy = (center_x, center_y)
if label_domains:
plt.annotate(self.print_name(entry), xy, fontsize=20, color="b")
plt.ylabel("E (V)")
plt.title(title, fontsize=20, fontweight='bold')
return plt
示例7: get_chempot_range_map_plot
def get_chempot_range_map_plot(self, elements):
Returns a plot of the chemical potential range map. Currently works
only for 3-component PDs.
Sequence of elements to be considered as independent variables.
E.g., if you want to show the stability ranges of all Li-Co-O
phases wrt to uLi and uO, you will supply
[Element("Li"), Element("O")]
A matplotlib plot object.
plt = get_publication_quality_plot(12, 8)
analyzer = PDAnalyzer(self._pd)
chempot_ranges = analyzer.get_chempot_range_map(elements)
missing_lines = {}
excluded_region = []
for entry, lines in chempot_ranges.items():
comp = entry.composition
center_x = 0
center_y = 0
coords = []
contain_zero = any([comp.get_atomic_fraction(el) == 0 for el in elements])
is_boundary = (not contain_zero) and sum([comp.get_atomic_fraction(el) for el in elements]) == 1
for line in lines:
(x, y) = line.coords.transpose()
plt.plot(x, y, "k-")
for coord in line.coords:
if not in_coord_list(coords, coord):
center_x += coord[0]
center_y += coord[1]
if is_boundary:
if coords and contain_zero:
missing_lines[entry] = coords
xy = (center_x / len(coords), center_y / len(coords))
plt.annotate(latexify(entry.name), xy, fontsize=22)
ax = plt.gca()
xlim = ax.get_xlim()
ylim = ax.get_ylim()
# Shade the forbidden chemical potential regions.
excluded_region.append([xlim[1], ylim[1]])
excluded_region = sorted(excluded_region, key=lambda c: c[0])
(x, y) = np.transpose(excluded_region)
plt.fill(x, y, "0.80")
# The hull does not generate the missing horizontal and vertical lines.
# The following code fixes this.
el0 = elements[0]
el1 = elements[1]
for entry, coords in missing_lines.items():
center_x = sum([c[0] for c in coords])
center_y = sum([c[1] for c in coords])
comp = entry.composition
is_x = comp.get_atomic_fraction(el0) < 0.01
is_y = comp.get_atomic_fraction(el1) < 0.01
n = len(coords)
if not (is_x and is_y):
if is_x:
coords = sorted(coords, key=lambda c: c[1])
for i in [0, -1]:
x = [min(xlim), coords[i][0]]
y = [coords[i][1], coords[i][1]]
plt.plot(x, y, "k")
center_x += min(xlim)
center_y += coords[i][1]
elif is_y:
coords = sorted(coords, key=lambda c: c[0])
for i in [0, -1]:
x = [coords[i][0], coords[i][0]]
y = [coords[i][1], min(ylim)]
plt.plot(x, y, "k")
center_x += coords[i][0]
center_y += min(ylim)
xy = (center_x / (n + 2), center_y / (n + 2))
center_x = sum(coord[0] for coord in coords) + xlim[0]
center_y = sum(coord[1] for coord in coords) + ylim[0]
xy = (center_x / (n + 1), center_y / (n + 1))
latexify(entry.name), xy, horizontalalignment="center", verticalalignment="center", fontsize=22
plt.xlabel("$\mu_{{{0}}} - \mu_{{{0}}}^0$ (eV)".format(el0.symbol))
plt.ylabel("$\mu_{{{0}}} - \mu_{{{0}}}^0$ (eV)".format(el1.symbol))
return plt
示例8: set_structure
def set_structure(self, structure, reset_camera=True):
Add a structure to the visualizer.
structure to visualize
Set to True to reset the camera to a default determined based
on the structure.
has_lattice = hasattr(structure, "lattice")
if has_lattice:
s = Structure.from_sites(structure, to_unit_cell=True)
s = structure
inc_coords = []
for site in s:
count = 0
labels = ["a", "b", "c"]
colors = [(1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, 1)]
if has_lattice:
matrix = s.lattice.matrix
if self.show_unit_cell and has_lattice:
#matrix = s.lattice.matrix
self.add_text([0, 0, 0], "o")
for vec in matrix:
self.add_line((0, 0, 0), vec, colors[count])
self.add_text(vec, labels[count], colors[count])
count += 1
for (vec1, vec2) in itertools.permutations(matrix, 2):
self.add_line(vec1, vec1 + vec2)
for (vec1, vec2, vec3) in itertools.permutations(matrix, 3):
self.add_line(vec1 + vec2, vec1 + vec2 + vec3)
if self.show_bonds or self.show_polyhedron:
elements = sorted(s.composition.elements, key=lambda a: a.X)
anion = elements[-1]
def contains_anion(site):
for sp in site.species_and_occu.keys():
if sp.symbol == anion.symbol:
return True
return False
anion_radius = anion.average_ionic_radius
for site in s:
exclude = False
max_radius = 0
color = np.array([0, 0, 0])
for sp, occu in site.species_and_occu.items():
if sp.symbol in self.excluded_bonding_elements \
or sp == anion:
exclude = True
max_radius = max(max_radius, sp.average_ionic_radius)
color = color + \
occu * np.array(self.el_color_mapping.get(sp.symbol,
[0, 0, 0]))
if not exclude:
max_radius = (1 + self.poly_radii_tol_factor) * \
(max_radius + anion_radius)
nn = structure.get_neighbors(site, max_radius)
nn_sites = []
for nnsite, dist in nn:
if contains_anion(nnsite):
if not in_coord_list(inc_coords, nnsite.coords):
if self.show_bonds:
self.add_bonds(nn_sites, site)
if self.show_polyhedron:
color = [i / 255 for i in color]
self.add_polyhedron(nn_sites, site, color)
if self.show_help:
self.helptxt_actor = vtk.vtkActor2D()
camera = self.ren.GetActiveCamera()
if reset_camera:
if has_lattice:
#Adjust the camera for best viewing
lengths = s.lattice.abc
pos = (matrix[1] + matrix[2]) * 0.5 + \
matrix[0] * max(lengths) / lengths[0] * 3.5
示例9: get_distribution_corrected_center
def get_distribution_corrected_center(self, lines, h2o_h_line=None, h2o_o_line=None, radius=None):
Returns coordinates of distribution corrected center of a domain. Similar to get_center(), but
considers the distance to the surronding lines that mostly affects the feeling of "center".
This function will also try avoid overalapping the text babel with H2O stability line if H2O
stability line is provided. Useful for labeling a Pourbaix plot.
Lines corresponding to a domain
Limits of Pourbaix diagram
h2o_h_line: Hydrogen line of H2O stability
h2o_o_line: Oxygen line of H2O stablity
radius: Half height of the text label.
center_x, center_y:
x,y coordinate of center of domain. If domain lies
outside limits, center will lie on the boundary.
coords = []
pts_x = []
pts_y = []
for line in lines:
for coord in np.array(line).T:
if not in_coord_list(coords, coord):
cx = coord[0]
cy = coord[1]
if len(pts_x) < 1:
return 0.0, 0.0
cx_1 = (max(pts_x) + min(pts_x)) / 2.0
cy_1 = (max(pts_y) + min(pts_y)) / 2.0
mid_x_list = []
mid_y_list = []
# move the center to the center of surrounding lines
for line in lines:
(x1, y1), (x2, y2) = np.array(line).T
if (x1 - cx_1) * (x2 - cx_1) <= 0.0:
# horizontal line
mid_y = ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (cx_1 - x1) + y1
assert (y2 - mid_y) * (y1 - mid_y) <= 0.0
if (y1 - cy_1) * (y2 - cy_1) <= 0.0:
# vertical line
mid_x = ((x2 - x1) / (y2 - y1)) * (cy_1 - y1) + x1
assert (x2 - mid_x) * (x1 - mid_x) <= 0.0
upper_y = sorted([y for y in mid_y_list if y >= cy_1])[0]
lower_y = sorted([y for y in mid_y_list if y < cy_1])[-1]
left_x = sorted([x for x in mid_x_list if x <= cx_1])[-1]
right_x = sorted([x for x in mid_x_list if x > cx_1])[0]
center_x = (left_x + right_x) / 2.0
center_y = (upper_y + lower_y) / 2.0
if h2o_h_line is not None:
(h2o_h_x1, h2o_h_y1), (h2o_h_x2, h2o_h_y2) = h2o_h_line.T
h_slope = (h2o_h_y2 - h2o_h_y1) / (h2o_h_x2 - h2o_h_x1)
(h2o_o_x1, h2o_o_y1), (h2o_o_x2, h2o_o_y2) = h2o_o_line.T
o_slope = (h2o_o_y2 - h2o_o_y1) / (h2o_o_x2 - h2o_o_x1)
h_y = h_slope * (cx_1 - h2o_h_x1) + h2o_h_y1
o_y = o_slope * (cx_1 - h2o_o_x1) + h2o_o_y1
h2o_y = None
if abs(center_y - h_y) < radius:
h2o_y = h_y
elif abs(center_y - o_y) < radius:
h2o_y = o_y
if h2o_y is not None:
if (upper_y - lower_y) / 2.0 > radius * 2.0:
# The space can hold the whole text (radius * 2.0)
if h2o_y > center_y:
center_y = h2o_y - radius
center_y = h2o_y + radius
return center_x, center_y
示例10: is_already_analyzed
def is_already_analyzed(miller_index):
for op in symm_ops:
if in_coord_list(unique_millers, op.operate(miller_index)):
return True
return False