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Python base.Block类代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pylearn2.base.Block的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python Block类的具体用法?Python Block怎么用?Python Block使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的类代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: __init__

    def __init__(self, k, nvis, convergence_th=1e-6, max_iter=None, verbose=False):
        Parameters in conf:

        :type k: int
        :param k: number of clusters.

        :type convergence_th: float
        :param convergence_th: threshold of distance to clusters under which
        kmeans stops iterating.

        :type max_iter: int
        :param max_iter: maximum number of iterations. Defaults to infinity.


        self.input_space = VectorSpace(nvis)

        self.k = k
        self.convergence_th = convergence_th
        if max_iter:
            if max_iter < 0:
                raise Exception('KMeans init: max_iter should be positive.')
            self.max_iter = max_iter
            self.max_iter = float('inf')

        self.verbose = verbose

示例2: __init__

    def __init__(self, rbms=None, max_updates=1e6, flags={}):
        self.jobman_channel = None
        self.jobman_state = {}

        # dump initialization parameters to object
        for (k,v) in locals().iteritems():
            if k!='self': setattr(self,k,v)

        # validate that RBMs have the same number of units.
        for (rbm1, rbm2) in zip(rbms[:-1], rbms[1:]):
            assert rbm1.n_h == rbm2.n_v
            assert rbm1.batch_size == rbm2.batch_size
            #assert rbm1.flags['enable_centering']
            #assert rbm2.flags['enable_centering']
        self.rbms = rbms
        self.depth = len(rbms)
        self.rng = self.rbms[0].rng

        # configure input-space (necessary evil)
        self.input_space = VectorSpace(self.rbms[0].n_v)
        self.output_space = VectorSpace(self.rbms[-1].n_h)

        self.batches_seen = 0  # incremented on every batch
        self.examples_seen = 0 # incremented on every training example
        self.batch_size = self.rbms[0].batch_size
        self.cpu_time = 0

示例3: __init__

    def __init__(self, n_vis, n_hid, sigma=0.4, W=None, h_bias=None, v_bias=None, numpy_rng=None,theano_rng=None):
        """ """
        Model.__init__(self) # self.names_to_del = set(); self._test_batch_size = 2
        Block.__init__(self) # self.fn = None; self.cpu_only = False

        self.n_vis = n_vis
        self.n_hid = n_hid
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.coeff = 1. / (self.sigma**2) #coefficient
        self.input_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.n_vis) # add input_space
        self.output_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.n_hid) # add output_space

        if numpy_rng is None:
            # create a number generator
            numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=19920130)
        self.numpy_rng = numpy_rng

        if theano_rng is None:
            theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
        self.theano_rng = theano_rng

        if W is None:
            init_W = numpy.asarray(numpy_rng.uniform(
                      low=-4 * numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_hid + n_vis)),
                      high=4 * numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_hid + n_vis)),
                      size=(n_vis, n_hid)),
            # theano shared variables for weights and biases
            W = theano.shared(value=init_W, name='W', borrow=True)
            assert isinstance(W, theano.tensor.sharedvar.TensorSharedVariable)
            assert W.get_value().ndim == 2
        if h_bias is None:
            # create shared variable for hidden units bias
            h_bias = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros(n_hid, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='h_bias', borrow=True)
            assert isinstance(h_bias, theano.tensor.sharedvar.TensorSharedVariable)
            assert h_bias.get_value().ndim == 1

        if v_bias is None:
            # create shared variable for visible units bias
            v_bias = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros(n_vis, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='v_bias', borrow=True)
            assert isinstance(W, theano.tensor.sharedvar.TensorSharedVariable)
            assert v_bias.get_value().ndim == 1

        self.W = W
        self.h_bias = h_bias
        self.v_bias = v_bias

        self._params = [self.W, self.h_bias, self.v_bias]

示例4: __init__

    def __init__(self, n_vis, n_hid, corruptor=None, W=None, b_enc=None, b_dec=None, numpy_rng=None, dec_f=True, extra_cost=None,theano_rng=None):
        dec_f: 解码单元是否包含非线性函数
        extra_cost:除了基本的MSE Cost和CE Cost之外的代价函数其他惩罚项,例如稀疏惩罚,weight decay等等. 
                用于self.get_default_cost()方法中. 这样依赖需要在模型初始化之前加入希望添加的惩罚项即可.
        Model.__init__(self) # self.names_to_del = set(); self._test_batch_size = 2
        Block.__init__(self) # self.fn = None; self.cpu_only = False

        self.n_vis = n_vis
        self.n_hid = n_hid
        self.extra_cost = extra_cost
        self.dec_f = dec_f
        if corruptor is not None:
            self.corruptor = corruptor
        self.input_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.n_vis) # add input_space
        self.output_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.n_hid) # add output_space

        if numpy_rng is None:
            # create a number generator
            numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=19900418)
        self.numpy_rng = numpy_rng

        if theano_rng is None:
            theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
        self.theano_rng = theano_rng

        if W is None:
            init_W = numpy.asarray(numpy_rng.uniform(
                      low= -4 * numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_hid + n_vis + 1.)),
                      high= 4 * numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_hid + n_vis + 1.)),
                      size=(n_vis, n_hid)),
            # theano shared variables for weights and biases
            W = theano.shared(value=init_W, name='W', borrow=True)

        if b_enc is None:
            # create shared variable for hidden units bias
            b_enc = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros(n_hid, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='b_enc', borrow=True)

        if b_dec is None:
            # create shared variable for visible units bias
            b_dec = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros(n_vis, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='b_dec', borrow=True)

        self.W = W
        self.b_enc = b_enc
        self.b_dec = b_dec

        self._params = [self.W, self.b_enc, self.b_dec]  

示例5: __init__

    def __init__(self, n_vis, n_hid, W=None, h_bias=None, v_bias=None, numpy_rng=None,theano_rng=None):
        Model.__init__(self) # self.names_to_del = set(); self._test_batch_size = 2
        Block.__init__(self) # self.fn = None; self.cpu_only = False

        self.n_vis = n_vis
        self.n_hid = n_hid
        self.input_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.n_vis) # add input_space
        self.output_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.n_hid) # add output_space

        if numpy_rng is None:
            # create a number generator
            numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=19900418)
        self.numpy_rng = numpy_rng

        if theano_rng is None:
            theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
        self.theano_rng = theano_rng

        if W is None:
            init_W = numpy.asarray(numpy_rng.uniform(
                      low=-4 * numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_hid + n_vis)),
                      high=4 * numpy.sqrt(6. / (n_hid + n_vis)),
                      size=(n_vis, n_hid)),
            # theano shared variables for weights and biases
            W = theano.shared(value=init_W, name='W', borrow=True)

        if h_bias is None:
            # create shared variable for hidden units bias
            h_bias = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros(n_hid, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='h_bias', borrow=True)

        if v_bias is None:
            # create shared variable for visible units bias
            v_bias = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros(n_vis, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='v_bias', borrow=True)

        self.W = W
        self.h_bias = h_bias
        self.v_bias = v_bias

        self._params = [self.W, self.h_bias, self.v_bias]

示例6: __init__

    def __init__(self, 
            numpy_rng = None, theano_rng = None,
            n_h=99, n_v=100, init_from=None,
            min_beta=0.9, num_beta=20, gamma=10, cratio=1, cdelay=0,
            lr_spec=None, lr_mults = {},
            iscales={}, clip_min={}, clip_max={},
            l1 = {}, l2 = {},
            sp_weight={}, sp_targ={},
            batch_size = 13,
            compile=True, debug=False, seed=1241234,
            flags = {},
            max_updates = 5e5, **kwargs):
        :param n_h: number of h-hidden units
        :param n_v: number of visible units
        :param iscales: optional dictionary containing initialization scale for each parameter
        :param neg_sample_steps: number of sampling updates to perform in negative phase.
        :param l1: hyper-parameter controlling amount of L1 regularization
        :param l2: hyper-parameter controlling amount of L2 regularization
        :param batch_size: size of positive and negative phase minibatch
        :param compile: compile sampling and learning functions
        :param seed: seed used to initialize numpy and theano RNGs.
        assert lr_spec is not None
        for k in ['h']: assert k in sp_weight.keys()
        for k in ['h']: assert k in sp_targ.keys()

        self.jobman_channel = None
        self.jobman_state = {}

        ### make sure all parameters are floatX ###
        for (k,v) in l1.iteritems(): l1[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in l2.iteritems(): l2[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in sp_weight.iteritems(): sp_weight[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in sp_targ.iteritems(): sp_targ[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in clip_min.iteritems(): clip_min[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in clip_max.iteritems(): clip_max[k] = npy_floatX(v)

        # dump initialization parameters to object
        for (k,v) in locals().iteritems():
            if k!='self': setattr(self,k,v)

        # allocate random number generators
        self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) if numpy_rng is None else numpy_rng
        self.theano_rng = RandomStreams(self.rng.randint(2**30)) if theano_rng is None else theano_rng

        ############### ALLOCATE PARAMETERS #################
        # allocate symbolic variable for input
        self.input = T.matrix('input')

        # learning rate, with deferred 1./t annealing
        self.iter = sharedX(0.0, name='iter')

        if lr_spec['type'] == 'anneal':
            num = lr_spec['init'] * lr_spec['start'] 
            denum = T.maximum(lr_spec['start'], lr_spec['slope'] * self.iter)
            self.lr = T.maximum(lr_spec['floor'], num/denum) 
        elif lr_spec['type'] == '1_t':
            self.lr = npy_floatX(lr_spec['num']) / (self.iter + npy_floatX(lr_spec['denum']))
        elif lr_spec['type'] == 'linear':
            lr_start = npy_floatX(lr_spec['start'])
            lr_end   = npy_floatX(lr_spec['end'])
            self.lr = lr_start + self.iter * (lr_end - lr_start) / npy_floatX(self.max_updates)
        elif lr_spec['type'] == 'constant':
            self.lr = sharedX(lr_spec['value'], name='lr')
            raise ValueError('Incorrect value for lr_spec[type]')

        # configure input-space (new pylearn2 feature?)
        self.input_space = VectorSpace(n_v)
        self.output_space = VectorSpace(n_h)

        self.batches_seen = 0               # incremented on every batch
        self.examples_seen = 0              # incremented on every training example
        self.logz = sharedX(0.0, name='logz')
        self.cpu_time = 0

        self.error_record = []
        if compile: self.do_theano()

        if init_from:
            raise NotImplementedError()

示例7: __init__

    def __init__(self, input_space, output_channels, pool_shape, batch_size=None, detector_axes=('b', 'c', 0, 1), 
                    kernel_shape=(2,2), kernel_stride=(1, 1), border_mode='valid', 
                    transformer=None, h_bias=None, v_bias=None, numpy_rng=None,theano_rng=None):
        vis_space: Conv2DSpace
        transformer: pylearn2.linear.Conv2D instance
        h_bias: vector, 大小等于输出的feature maps数,每个分量对应一个feature map
        v_bias: vector, 大小等于输入的feature maps数,每个分量对应一个feature map
        pool_stride: 根据Honglak Lee的原文,pool区域无交叠,于是要求pool_stride=pool_shape,因此暂时不单独设置pool_stride参数
        Model.__init__(self) # self.names_to_del = set(); self._test_batch_size = 2
        Block.__init__(self) # self.fn = None; self.cpu_only = False
        self.kernel_shape = kernel_shape
        self.kernel_stride = kernel_stride
        self.pool_shape = pool_shape
        self.pool_stride = pool_shape
        self.border_mode = border_mode
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.force_batch_size = batch_size
        input_shape = input_space.shape
        input_channels = input_space.num_channels
        if self.border_mode == 'valid':
            detector_shape = [(input_shape[0] - kernel_shape[0])/int(kernel_stride[0]) + 1, (input_shape[1] - kernel_shape[1])/kernel_stride[1] + 1]
        elif self.border_mode == 'full':
            detector_shape = [(input_shape[0] + kernel_shape[0])/int(kernel_stride[0]) - 1, (input_shape[1] + kernel_shape[1])/kernel_stride[1] - 1]
        assert isinstance(input_space, Conv2DSpace)
        self.input_space = input_space # add input_space
        self.detector_space = Conv2DSpace(shape=detector_shape, num_channels=output_channels, axes=detector_axes) # add detector_space
        #当前只考虑detector layer的feature map可以被pool_shape无交叠完整分割的情况
        output_shape = (detector_shape[0] / pool_shape[0], detector_shape[1] / pool_shape[1])
        self.output_space = Conv2DSpace(shape=output_shape, num_channels=output_channels, axes=detector_axes) # add output_space

        self.n_vis = numpy.prod(input_space.shape) * input_space.num_channels
        self.n_hid = detector_shape[0] * detector_shape[1] * output_channels

        if numpy_rng is None:
            # create a number generator
            numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=19900418)
        self.numpy_rng = numpy_rng

        if theano_rng is None:
            theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
        self.theano_rng = theano_rng

        if transformer is None:
            irange = 4 * numpy.sqrt(6. / (self.n_hid + self.n_vis))
            transformer = make_random_conv2D(irange=irange, input_space=self.input_space, output_space=self.detector_space, 
                                             kernel_shape = self.kernel_shape, batch_size = self.batch_size, 
                                             subsample = kernel_stride,border_mode = self.border_mode, rng=self.numpy_rng)
            assert isinstance(transformer, Conv2D)

        if h_bias is None:
            # create shared variable for hidden units bias
            h_bias = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros(self.detector_space.num_channels, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='h_bias', borrow=True)

        if v_bias is None:
            # create shared variable for visible units bias
            v_bias = theano.shared(value=numpy.zeros(self.input_space.num_channels, dtype=theano.config.floatX), name='v_bias', borrow=True)

        self.transformer = transformer
        self.h_bias = h_bias
        self.v_bias = v_bias

        self._params = safe_union(self.transformer.get_params(), [self.h_bias, self.v_bias])

示例8: __init__

    def __init__(self, nvis = None, nhid = None,
            vis_space = None,
            hid_space = None,
            transformer = None,
            irange=0.5, rng=None, init_bias_vis = None,
            init_bias_vis_marginals = None, init_bias_hid=0.0,
            base_lr = 1e-3, anneal_start = None, nchains = 100, sml_gibbs_steps = 1,
            random_patches_src = None,
            monitor_reconstruction = False):

        Construct an RBM object.

        nvis : int
            Number of visible units in the model.
            (Specifying this implies that the model acts on a vector,
            i.e. it sets vis_space = pylearn2.space.VectorSpace(nvis) )
        nhid : int
            Number of hidden units in the model.
            (Specifying this implies that the model acts on a vector)
            A pylearn2.space.Space object describing what kind of vector
            space the RBM acts on. Don't specify if you used nvis / hid
            A pylearn2.space.Space object describing what kind of vector
            space the RBM's hidden units live in. Don't specify if you used
            nvis / nhid
        init_bias_vis_marginals: either None, or a Dataset to use to initialize
            the visible biases to the inverse sigmoid of the data marginals
        irange : float, optional
            The size of the initial interval around 0 for weights.
        rng : RandomState object or seed
            NumPy RandomState object to use when initializing parameters
            of the model, or (integer) seed to use to create one.
        init_bias_vis : array_like, optional
            Initial value of the visible biases, broadcasted as necessary.
        init_bias_hid : array_like, optional
            initial value of the hidden biases, broadcasted as necessary.
        monitor_reconstruction : if True, will request a monitoring channel to monitor
            reconstruction error
        random_patches_src: Either None, or a Dataset from which to draw random patches
            in order to initialize the weights. Patches will be multiplied by irange

        Parameters for default SML learning rule:

            base_lr : the base learning rate
            anneal_start : number of steps after which to start annealing on a 1/t schedule
            nchains: number of negative chains
            sml_gibbs_steps: number of gibbs steps to take per update



        if init_bias_vis_marginals is not None:
            assert init_bias_vis is None
            X = init_bias_vis_marginals.X
            assert X.min() >= 0.0
            assert X.max() <= 1.0

            marginals = X.mean(axis=0)

            #rescale the marginals a bit to avoid NaNs
            init_bias_vis = inverse_sigmoid_numpy(.01 + .98 * marginals)

        if init_bias_vis is None:
            init_bias_vis = 0.0

        if rng is None:
            # TODO: global rng configuration stuff.
            rng = numpy.random.RandomState(1001)
        self.rng = rng

        if vis_space is None:
            #if we don't specify things in terms of spaces and a transformer,
            #assume dense matrix multiplication and work off of nvis, nhid
            assert hid_space is None
            assert transformer is None or isinstance(transformer,MatrixMul)
            assert nvis is not None
            assert nhid is not None

            if transformer is None:
                if random_patches_src is None:
                    W = rng.uniform(-irange, irange, (nvis, nhid))
                    if hasattr(random_patches_src, '__array__'):
                        W = irange * random_patches_src.T
                        assert W.shape == (nvis, nhid)
                        #assert type(irange) == type(0.01)
                        #assert irange == 0.01
                        W = irange * random_patches_src.get_batch_design(nhid).T

                self.transformer = MatrixMul(  sharedX(

示例9: __init__

    def __init__(self, model_type=None, alpha=0.2, 
                n_vis_img=None, n_vis_txt=None, n_hid_img=None, n_hid_txt=None, corruptor_img=None, corruptor_txt=None, 
                W_img=None, W_txt=None, b_enc_img=None, b_enc_txt=None, b_dec_img=None, b_dec_txt=None, dec_f_img=True, dec_f_txt=True, 
                img_AE=None, txt_AE=None, numpy_rng=None, theano_rng=None):
        model_type: String, 选择模型类型,目的是为了控制get_default_cost()方法找到所希望的训练代价
                    可选参数: 'Combine', 'CrossModal', 'FullModal'
        param: alpha, 标准代价和关联代价的权重稀疏,alpha越大则标准代价在总的代价函数中的比重越大
        param: img_AE, 图像端用AE
        param: txt_AE, 文本端用AE
        Model.__init__(self) # self.names_to_del = set(); self._test_batch_size = 2
        Block.__init__(self) # self.fn = None; self.cpu_only = False
        assert model_type in ['Combine', 'CrossModal', 'FullModal']
        self.model_type = model_type
        self.alpha = alpha
        if numpy_rng is None:
            # create a number generator
            numpy_rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed=19900418)
        self.numpy_rng = numpy_rng

        if theano_rng is None:
            theano_rng = RandomStreams(numpy_rng.randint(2 ** 30))
        self.theano_rng = theano_rng
        if img_AE is None:
            assert n_vis_img is not None
            assert n_hid_img is not None
            img_AE = MyAutoEncoder(n_vis=n_vis_img, n_hid=n_hid_img, corruptor=corruptor_img, 
                    W=W_img, b_enc=b_enc_img, b_dec=b_dec_img, dec_f=dec_f_img, 
                    numpy_rng=self.numpy_rng, theano_rng=self.theano_rng)
        if txt_AE is None:
            assert n_vis_txt is not None
            assert n_hid_txt is not None
            txt_AE = MyAutoEncoder(n_vis=n_vis_txt, n_hid=n_hid_txt, corruptor=corruptor_txt, 
                    W=W_txt, b_enc=b_enc_txt, b_dec=b_dec_txt, dec_f=dec_f_txt, 
                    numpy_rng=self.numpy_rng, theano_rng=self.theano_rng)
        assert img_AE.n_hid == txt_AE.n_hid #目前的模型只能接受两端具有相同维度的编码空间
        self.img_AE = img_AE
        self.txt_AE = txt_AE
        self.W_img = img_AE.W #not used
        self.W_txt = txt_AE.W #not used
        self.b_enc_img = img_AE.b_enc #not used
        self.b_dec_img = img_AE.b_dec #not used
        self.b_enc_txt = txt_AE.b_enc #not used
        self.b_dec_txt = txt_AE.b_dec #not used
        self.n_vis_img = self.img_AE.n_vis
        self.n_vis_txt = self.txt_AE.n_vis
        self.n_hid_img = self.img_AE.n_hid
        self.n_hid_txt = self.txt_AE.n_hid
        self.n_vis = self.img_AE.n_vis + self.txt_AE.n_vis
        self.n_hid = self.img_AE.n_hid + self.txt_AE.n_hid
        self.input_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.n_vis) # add input_space
        self.output_space = VectorSpace(dim=self.n_hid) # add output_space

        #init_W = numpy.concatenate([self.img_AE.W, self.txt_AE_W], axis=1)
        #self.W = theano.shared(value=init_W, name='W', borrow=True)
        #参数顺序:图像权值矩阵, 图像编码偏置,图像解码偏置,文本权值矩阵,文本编码偏置,文本解码偏置
        self._params = [self.img_AE.W, self.img_AE.b_enc, self.img_AE.b_dec, self.txt_AE.W, self.txt_AE.b_enc, self.txt_AE.b_dec]  

示例10: NotImplementedError

    # Set PCA subclass from argument.
    if args.algorithm == 'cov_eig':
        PCAImpl = CovEigPCA
    elif args.algorithm == 'svd':
        PCAImpl = SVDPCA
    elif args.algorithm == 'online':
        PCAImpl = OnlinePCA
        conf['minibatch_size'] = args.minibatch_size
        # This should never happen.
        raise NotImplementedError(args.algorithm)

    # Load precomputed PCA transformation if requested; otherwise compute it.
    if args.load_file:
        pca = Block.load(args.load_file)
        print "... computing PCA"
        pca = PCAImpl(**conf)
        # Save the computed transformation.

    # Apply the transformation to test and valid subsets.
    inputs = tensor.matrix()
    pca_transform = theano.function([inputs], pca(inputs))
    valid_pca = pca_transform(valid_data)
    test_pca = pca_transform(test_data)
    print >> sys.stderr, "New shapes:", map(numpy.shape, [valid_pca, test_pca])

    # TODO: Compute ALC here when the code using the labels is ready.

示例11: __init__

    def __init__(self, numpy_rng = None, theano_rng = None,
            n_h=100, bw_s=1, n_v=100, init_from=None,
            lr_spec=None, lr_timestamp=None, lr_mults = {},
            iscales={}, clip_min={}, clip_max={}, truncation_bound={},
            l1 = {}, l2 = {}, orth_lambda=0.,
            var_param_alpha='exp', var_param_lambd='linear',
            sp_type='kl', sp_weight={}, sp_targ={},
            batch_size = 13,
            my_save_path=None, save_at=None, save_every=None,
            flags = {},
            max_updates = 5e5):
        :param n_h: number of h-hidden units
        :param n_v: number of visible units
        :param iscales: optional dictionary containing initialization scale for each parameter
        :param neg_sample_steps: number of sampling updates to perform in negative phase.
        :param l1: hyper-parameter controlling amount of L1 regularization
        :param l2: hyper-parameter controlling amount of L2 regularization
        :param batch_size: size of positive and negative phase minibatch
        :param compile: compile sampling and learning functions
        :param seed: seed used to initialize numpy and theano RNGs.
        assert lr_spec is not None
        for k in ['Wv', 'hbias']: assert k in iscales.keys()
        iscales.setdefault('mu', 1.)
        iscales.setdefault('alpha', 0.)
        iscales.setdefault('lambd', 0.)
        for k in ['h']: assert k in sp_weight.keys()
        for k in ['h']: assert k in sp_targ.keys()

        self.jobman_channel = None
        self.jobman_state = {}

        ### make sure all parameters are floatX ###
        for (k,v) in l1.iteritems(): l1[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in l2.iteritems(): l2[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in sp_weight.iteritems(): sp_weight[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in sp_targ.iteritems(): sp_targ[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in clip_min.iteritems(): clip_min[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in clip_max.iteritems(): clip_max[k] = npy_floatX(v)

        # dump initialization parameters to object
        for (k,v) in locals().iteritems():
            if k!='self': setattr(self,k,v)

        # allocate random number generators
        self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) if numpy_rng is None else numpy_rng
        self.theano_rng = RandomStreams(self.rng.randint(2**30)) if theano_rng is None else theano_rng

        # allocate symbolic variable for input
        self.input = T.matrix('input')

        # learning rate, with deferred 1./t annealing
        self.iter = sharedX(0.0, name='iter')

        if lr_spec['type'] == 'anneal':
            num = lr_spec['init'] * lr_spec['start'] 
            denum = T.maximum(lr_spec['start'], lr_spec['slope'] * self.iter)
            self.lr = T.maximum(lr_spec['floor'], num/denum) 
        elif lr_spec['type'] == 'linear':
            lr_start = npy_floatX(lr_spec['start'])
            lr_end   = npy_floatX(lr_spec['end'])
            self.lr = lr_start + self.iter * (lr_end - lr_start) / npy_floatX(self.max_updates)
            raise ValueError('Incorrect value for lr_spec[type]')

        # configure input-space (new pylearn2 feature?)
        self.input_space = VectorSpace(n_v)
        self.output_space = VectorSpace(n_h)

        self.batches_seen = 0                    # incremented on every batch
        self.examples_seen = 0                   # incremented on every training example
        self.force_batch_size = batch_size  # force minibatch size

        self.error_record = []
        if compile: self.do_theano()

        #### load layer 1 parameters from file ####
        if init_from:

示例12: __init__

    def __init__(self, 
            input=None, Wv=None, vbias=None, hbias=None,
            numpy_rng = None, theano_rng = None,
            n_h=100, bw_s=1, n_v=100, init_from=None,
            lr=None, lr_timestamp=None, lr_mults = {},
            iscales={}, clip_min={}, clip_max={}, l1 = {}, l2 = {},
            sp_type='kl', sp_weight={}, sp_targ={},
            batch_size = 13,
            my_save_path=None, save_at=None, save_every=None,
            flags = {},
            max_updates = 5e5):
        :param n_h: number of h-hidden units
        :param n_v: number of visible units
        :param iscales: optional dictionary containing initialization scale for each parameter
        :param neg_sample_steps: number of sampling updates to perform in negative phase.
        :param l1: hyper-parameter controlling amount of L1 regularization
        :param l2: hyper-parameter controlling amount of L2 regularization
        :param batch_size: size of positive and negative phase minibatch
        :param compile: compile sampling and learning functions
        :param seed: seed used to initialize numpy and theano RNGs.
        assert lr is not None
        for k in ['Wv', 'vbias', 'hbias']: assert k in iscales.keys()
        iscales.setdefault('mu', 1.)
        iscales.setdefault('alpha', 0.)
        for k in ['h']: assert k in sp_weight.keys()
        for k in ['h']: assert k in sp_targ.keys()

        self.jobman_channel = None
        self.jobman_state = {}

        ### make sure all parameters are floatX ###
        for (k,v) in l1.iteritems(): l1[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in l2.iteritems(): l2[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in sp_weight.iteritems(): sp_weight[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in sp_targ.iteritems(): sp_targ[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in clip_min.iteritems(): clip_min[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in clip_max.iteritems(): clip_max[k] = npy_floatX(v)

        # dump initialization parameters to object
        for (k,v) in locals().iteritems():
            if k!='self': setattr(self,k,v)

        # allocate random number generators
        self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed) if numpy_rng is None else numpy_rng
        self.theano_rng = RandomStreams(self.rng.randint(2**30)) if theano_rng is None else theano_rng

        ############### ALLOCATE PARAMETERS #################
        self.n_s = self.n_h * self.bw_s

        if Wv is None:
            wv_val =  self.rng.randn(n_v, self.n_s) * iscales['Wv']
            self.Wv = sharedX(wv_val, name='Wv')
            self.Wv = Wv

        self.Wh = numpy.zeros((self.n_s, self.n_h), dtype=floatX)
        for i in xrange(self.n_h):
            self.Wh[i*bw_s:(i+1)*bw_s, i] = 1.

        # allocate shared variables for bias parameters
        if vbias is None:
            self.vbias = sharedX(iscales['vbias'] * numpy.ones(n_v), name='vbias') 
            self.vbias = vbias

        # allocate shared variables for bias parameters
        if hbias is None:
            self.hbias = sharedX(iscales['hbias'] * numpy.ones(n_h), name='hbias') 
            self.hbias = hbias

        # mean (mu) and precision (alpha) parameters on s
        self.mu = sharedX(iscales['mu'] * numpy.ones(self.n_s), name='mu')
        self.alpha = sharedX(iscales['alpha'] * numpy.ones(self.n_s), name='alpha')
        self.alpha_prec = T.exp(self.alpha)

        #### load layer 1 parameters from file ####
        if init_from:

        # allocate shared variable for persistent chain
        self.neg_v  = sharedX(self.rng.rand(batch_size, n_v), name='neg_v')
        self.neg_ev = sharedX(self.rng.rand(batch_size, n_v), name='neg_ev')
        self.neg_s  = sharedX(self.rng.rand(batch_size, self.n_s), name='neg_s')
        self.neg_h  = sharedX(self.rng.rand(batch_size, n_h), name='neg_h')
        # moving average values for sparsity
        self.sp_pos_v = sharedX(self.rng.rand(1,self.n_v), name='sp_pos_v')
        self.sp_pos_h = sharedX(self.rng.rand(1,self.n_h), name='sp_pog_h')

        # learning rate, with deferred 1./t annealing

示例13: perform

 def perform(self, X):
     # work around some awkwardness with blocks
     rval = Block.perform(self, X)
     if isinstance(rval, list):
         rval = tuple(rval)
     return rval

示例14: __init__

    def __init__(self, nvis, nhid, irange=0.5, rng=None, init_bias_vis = 0.0, init_bias_hid=0.0,
            base_lr = 1e-3, anneal_start = None, nchains = 100, sml_gibbs_steps = 1,
            random_patches_src = None,
            monitor_reconstruction = False):

        Construct an RBM object.

        nvis : int
            Number of visible units in the model.
        nhid : int
            Number of hidden units in the model.
        irange : float, optional
            The size of the initial interval around 0 for weights.
        rng : RandomState object or seed
            NumPy RandomState object to use when initializing parameters
            of the model, or (integer) seed to use to create one.
        init_bias_vis : array_like, optional
            Initial value of the visible biases, broadcasted as necessary.
        init_bias_hid : array_like, optional
            initial value of the hidden biases, broadcasted as necessary.
        monitor_reconstruction : if True, will request a monitoring channel to monitor
            reconstruction error
        random_patches_src: Either None, or a Dataset from which to draw random patches
            in order to initialize the weights. Patches will be multiplied by irange

        Parameters for default SML learning rule:

            base_lr : the base learning rate
            anneal_start : number of steps after which to start annealing on a 1/t schedule
            nchains: number of negative chains
            sml_gibbs_steps: number of gibbs steps to take per update



        if rng is None:
            # TODO: global rng configuration stuff.
            rng = numpy.random.RandomState(1001)
        self.rng = rng

            b_vis = numpy.zeros(nvis)
            b_vis += init_bias_vis
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError("bad shape or value for init_bias_vis")
        self.bias_vis = sharedX(b_vis, name='bias_vis', borrow=True)

            b_hid = numpy.zeros(nhid)
            b_hid += init_bias_hid
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError('bad shape or value for init_bias_hid')
        self.bias_hid = sharedX(b_hid, name='bias_hid', borrow=True)

        self.random_patches_src = random_patches_src

        if random_patches_src is None:
            W = rng.uniform(-irange, irange, (nvis, nhid))
            if hasattr(random_patches_src, '__array__'):
                W = irange * random_patches_src.T
                assert W.shape == (nvis, nhid)
                #assert type(irange) == type(0.01)
                #assert irange == 0.01
                W = irange * random_patches_src.get_batch_design(nhid).T

        self.weights = sharedX(

        self.__dict__.update(nhid=nhid, nvis=nvis)
        self._params = [self.bias_vis, self.bias_hid, self.weights]

        self.base_lr = base_lr
        self.anneal_start = anneal_start
        self.nchains = nchains
        self.sml_gibbs_steps = sml_gibbs_steps

示例15: __init__

    def __init__(self, input = None, n_u=[100,100], enable={}, load_from=None,
            iscales=None, clip_min={}, clip_max={},
            pos_mf_steps=1, pos_sample_steps=0, neg_sample_steps=1, 
            lr_spec={}, lr_mults = {},
            l1 = {}, l2 = {}, l1_inf={}, flags={}, momentum_lambda=0,
            cg_params = {},
            batch_size = 13,
            computational_bs = 0,
            sp_targ_h = None, sp_weight_h=None, sp_pos_k = 5,
            my_save_path=None, save_at=None, save_every=None,
        :param n_u: list, containing number of units per layer. n_u[0] contains number
         of visible units, while n_u[i] (with i > 0) contains number of hid. units at layer i.
        :param enable: dictionary of flags with on/off behavior
        :param iscales: optional dictionary containing initialization scale for each parameter.
               Key of dictionary should match the name of the associated shared variable.
        :param pos_mf_steps: number of mean-field iterations to perform in positive phase
        :param neg_sample_steps: number of sampling updates to perform in negative phase.
        :param lr: base learning rate
        :param lr_timestamp: list containing update indices at which to change the lr multiplier
        :param lr_mults: dictionary, optionally containing a list of learning rate multipliers
               for parameters of the model. Length of this list should match length of
               lr_timestamp (the lr mult will transition whenever we reach the associated
               timestamp). Keys should match the name of the shared variable, whose learning
               rate is to be adjusted.
        :param l1: dictionary, whose keys are model parameter names, and values are
               hyper-parameters controlling degree of L1-regularization.
        :param l2: same as l1, but for L2 regularization.
        :param l1_inf: same as l1, but the L1 penalty is centered as -\infty instead of 0.
        :param cg_params: dictionary with keys ['rtol','damp','maxiter']
        :param batch_size: size of positive and negative phase minibatch
        :param computational_bs: batch size used internaly by natural
               gradient to reduce memory consumption
        :param seed: seed used to initialize numpy and theano RNGs.
        :param my_save_path: if None, do not save model. Otherwise, contains stem of filename
               to which we will save the model (everything but the extension).
        :param save_at: list containing iteration counts at which to save model
        :param save_every: scalar value. Save model every `save_every` iterations.
        assert lr_spec is not None
        for (k,v) in clip_min.iteritems(): clip_min[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        for (k,v) in clip_max.iteritems(): clip_max[k] = npy_floatX(v)
        [iscales.setdefault('bias%i' % i, 0.) for i in xrange(len(n_u))]
        [iscales.setdefault('W%i' % i, 0.1) for i in xrange(len(n_u))]
        flags.setdefault('enable_centering', False)
        flags.setdefault('enable_natural', False)
        flags.setdefault('enable_warm_start', False)
        flags.setdefault('mlbiases', False)
        flags.setdefault('precondition', None)
        flags.setdefault('minres', False)
        flags.setdefault('minresQLP', False)
        if flags['precondition'] == 'None': flags['precondition'] = None
        self.jobman_channel = None
        self.jobman_state = {}

        for (k,v) in locals().iteritems():
            if k!='self': setattr(self,k,v)

        assert len(n_u) > 1
        self.n_v = n_u[0]
        self.depth = len(n_u)

        # allocate random number generators
        self.rng = numpy.random.RandomState(seed)
        self.theano_rng = RandomStreams(self.rng.randint(2**30))

        # allocate bilinear-weight matrices
        self.input = T.matrix()

        # learning rate, with deferred 1./t annealing
        self.iter = sharedX(0.0, name='iter')

        if lr_spec['type'] == 'anneal':
            num = lr_spec['init'] * lr_spec['start'] 
            denum = T.maximum(lr_spec['start'], lr_spec['slope'] * self.iter)
            self.lr = T.maximum(lr_spec['floor'], num/denum) 
        elif lr_spec['type'] == 'linear':
            lr_start = npy_floatX(lr_spec['start'])
            lr_end   = npy_floatX(lr_spec['end'])
            self.lr = lr_start + self.iter * (lr_end - lr_start) / npy_floatX(self.max_updates)
            raise ValueError('Incorrect value for lr_spec[type]')

        # counter for CPU-time
        self.cpu_time = 0.

        if load_from:
