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Python pylab.zeros_like函数代码示例

本文整理汇总了Python中pylab.zeros_like函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python zeros_like函数的具体用法?Python zeros_like怎么用?Python zeros_like使用的例子?那么恭喜您, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。


示例1: generate_smooth_gp_re_a

def generate_smooth_gp_re_a(out_fname='data.csv', country_variation=True):
    """ Generate random data based on a nested gaussian process random
    effects model with age, with covariates that vary smoothly over
    time (where unexplained variation in time does not interact with
    unexplained variation in age)

    This function generates data for all countries in all regions, and
    all age groups based on the model::

        Y_r,c,t = beta * X_r,c,t + f_r(t) + g_r(a) + f_c(t)

        beta = [30., -.5, .1, .1, -.1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
        f_r ~ GP(0, C(3.))
        g_r ~ GP(0, C(2.))
        f_c ~ GP(0, C(1.)) or 0 depending on country_variation flag
        C(amp) = Matern(amp, scale=20., diff_degree=2)

        X_r,c,t[0] = 1
        X_r,c,t[1] = t - 1990.
        X_r,c,t[k] ~ GP(t; 0, C(1)) for k >= 2
    c4 = countries_by_region()

    data = col_names()

    beta = [30., -.5, .1, .1, -.1, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
    C0 = gp.matern.euclidean(time_range, time_range, amp=1., scale=25., diff_degree=2)
    C1 = gp.matern.euclidean(age_range, age_range, amp=1., scale=25., diff_degree=2)
    C2 = gp.matern.euclidean(time_range, time_range, amp=.1, scale=25., diff_degree=2)
    C3 = gp.matern.euclidean(time_range, time_range, amp=1., scale=25., diff_degree=2)

    g = mc.rmv_normal_cov(pl.zeros_like(age_range), C1)
    for r in c4:
        f_r = mc.rmv_normal_cov(pl.zeros_like(time_range), C0)
        g_r = mc.rmv_normal_cov(g, C1)
        for c in c4[r]:
            f_c = mc.rmv_normal_cov(pl.zeros_like(time_range), C2)

            x_gp = {}
            for k in range(2,10):
                x_gp[k] = mc.rmv_normal_cov(pl.zeros_like(time_range), C3)

            for j, t in enumerate(time_range):
                for i, a in enumerate(age_range):
                    x = [1] + [j] + [x_gp[k][j] for k in range(2,10)]
                    y = float(pl.dot(beta, x)) + f_r[j] + g_r[i]
                    if country_variation:
                        y += f_c[j]
                    se = 0.
                    data.append([r, c, t, a, y, se] + list(x))
    write(data, out_fname)

示例2: show_grey_channels

def show_grey_channels(I):
    K = average(I, axis=2)
    for i in range(3):
        J = zeros_like(I)
        J[:, :, i] = K

示例3: plot_count

def plot_count(fname, dpi=70):
    # Load data
    date, libxc, c, code, test, doc = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack=True)
    zero = pl.zeros_like(date)

    fig = pl.figure(1, figsize=(10, 5), dpi=dpi)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    polygon(date, c + libxc + code + test, c + libxc + code + test + doc, facecolor="m", label="Documentation")
    polygon(date, c + libxc + code, c + libxc + code + test, facecolor="y", label="Tests")
    polygon(date, c + libxc, c + libxc + code, facecolor="g", label="Python-code")
    polygon(date, c, c + libxc, facecolor="c", label="LibXC-code")
    polygon(date, zero, c, facecolor="r", label="C-code")
    polygon(date, zero, zero, facecolor="b", label="Fortran-code")

    months = pl.MonthLocator()
    months4 = pl.MonthLocator(interval=4)
    month_year_fmt = pl.DateFormatter("%b '%y")

    labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
    pl.setp(labels, rotation=30)
    pl.legend(loc="upper left")
    pl.title("Number of lines")
    pl.savefig(fname.split(".")[0] + ".png", dpi=dpi)

示例4: plot

 def plot(self, plot_range):
     u = pb.linspace(-plot_range, plot_range, 1000)
     z = pb.zeros_like(u)
     for i, j in enumerate(u):
         z[i] = self(j)
     pb.plot(u, z)

示例5: bad_model

def bad_model(X):
    """ Results in a matrix with shape matching X, but all rows sum to 1"""
    N, T, J = X.shape
    Y = pl.zeros_like(X)
    for t in range(T):
        Y[:,t,:] = X[:,t,:] / pl.outer(pl.array(X[:,t,:]).sum(axis=1), pl.ones(J))
    return Y.view(pl.recarray) 

示例6: dS_dX

def dS_dX(x0, PR, h_mag = .0005):
    calculates the Jacobian of the SLIP at the given point x0,
    with PR beeing the parameters for that step
    coordinates under consideration are:
    only for a single step!
    df = []
    for dim in range(len(x0)):
        delta = zeros_like(x0)
        delta[dim] = 1.            
        h = h_mag * delta      
        # in positive direction           
        resRp = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 + h, PR)
        SRp = array([resRp['y'][-1], resRp['vx'][-1], resRp['vz'][-1]])
        #fhp = array(SR2 - x0)
        # in negative direction
        resRn = sl.SLIP_step3D(x0 - h, PR)
        SRn = array([resRn['y'][-1], resRn['vx'][-1], resRn['vz'][-1]])
        #fhn = array(SR2 - x0)
        # derivative: difference quotient
        df.append( (SRp - SRn)/(2.*h_mag) )
    return vstack(df).T

示例7: dist2

def dist2(x):
  R, GSIGMAS = pylab.meshgrid(r[r<fit_rcutoff], gsigmas)
  g = pylab.zeros_like(GSIGMAS)
  g = evalg(x, GSIGMAS, R)
  gfit = pylab.reshape(g, len(eta)*len(r[r<fit_rcutoff]))
  return gfit - pylab.reshape([g[r<fit_rcutoff] for g in ghs],

示例8: dist2

def dist2(x):
  R, ETA = pylab.meshgrid(r[r<fit_rcutoff], eta)
  g = pylab.zeros_like(ETA)
  g = evalg(x, ETA, R)
  gfit = pylab.reshape(g, len(eta)*len(r[r<fit_rcutoff]))
  return gfit - pylab.reshape([g[r<fit_rcutoff] for g in ghs],

示例9: plot_count

def plot_count(fname, dpi=70):
    # Load data
    date, libxc, c, code, test, doc = np.loadtxt(fname, unpack=True)
    zero = pl.zeros_like(date)

    fig = pl.figure(1, figsize=(10, 5), dpi=dpi)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    polygon(date, c + code + test, c + code + test + doc,
             facecolor='m', label='Documentation')
    polygon(date, c + code, c + code + test,
             facecolor='y', label='Tests')
    polygon(date, c, c + code,
            facecolor='g', label='Python-code')
    polygon(date, zero, c,
            facecolor='r', label='C-code')
    polygon(date, zero, zero,
            facecolor='b', label='Fortran-code')

    months = pl.MonthLocator()
    months4 = pl.MonthLocator(interval=4)
    month_year_fmt = pl.DateFormatter("%b '%y")

    labels = ax.get_xticklabels()
    pl.setp(labels, rotation=30)
    pl.legend(loc='upper left')
    pl.title('Number of lines')
    pl.savefig(fname.split('.')[0] + '.png', dpi=dpi)

示例10: edge_props2

def edge_props2(sheet, cut_node=None, trail=None, dead_end=None):
    counts_file = '%s/reformated_counts%s.csv' % (DATASETS_DIR, sheet)
    df = pd.read_csv(counts_file, names = ['source', 'dest', 'time'], skipinitialspace=True)
    df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time'])
    df.sort_values(by='time', inplace=True)
    times = list(df['time'])
    deltas = []
    starttime = times[0]
    for time in times:
        deltas.append((time - starttime) / pylab.timedelta64(1, 's'))

    sources = list(df['source'])
    dests = list(df['dest'])
    counts = {}
    delta_edges = defaultdict(list)
    for i in xrange(len(deltas)):
        delta = deltas[i]
        source = sources[i]
        dest = dests[i]
        #edge = (source, dest)
        edge = tuple(sorted((source, dest)))
        if cut_node == None or cut_node in edge:
            counts[edge] = []

    for delta in sorted(delta_edges.keys()):
        for edge in counts:
            count = 0
            if len(counts[edge]) > 0:
                count = counts[edge][- 1]
            if edge in delta_edges[delta]:
                count += 1

    step_times = pylab.arange(1, len(delta_edges.keys()) + 1, dtype=pylab.float64)
    norms = pylab.zeros_like(step_times)
    for edge in counts:
        counts[edge] /= step_times
        norms += counts[edge]
    for edge in counts:
        counts[edge] /= norms
        if (trail == None and dead_end == None) or ((edge == trail) or (edge == dead_end)):
            label = edge
            if trail != None and edge == trail:
                label = 'trail'
            elif dead_end != None and edge == dead_end:
                label = 'dead end'
            pylab.plot(sorted(delta_edges.keys()), counts[edge], label=label)

    pylab.xlabel('time (seconds)')
    pylab.ylabel('proportion of choices on edge')
    pylab.savefig('cut_edge_props%s.pdf' % sheet, format='pdf')

示例11: int_f

def int_f(a, fs=1.):
    A fourier-based integrator.

    a : *array* (1D)
        The array which should be integrated
    fs : *float*
        sampling time of the data

    y : *array* (1D)
        The integrated array


    if False:
    # version with "mirrored" code
        xp = hstack([a, a[::-1]])
        int_fluc = int_f0(xp, float(fs))[:len(a)]
        baseline = mean(a) * arange(len(a)) / float(fs)
        return int_fluc + baseline - int_fluc[0]
    # old version
    baseline = mean(a) * arange(len(a)) / float(fs)
    int_fluc = int_f0(a, float(fs))
    return int_fluc + baseline - int_fluc[0]

    # old code - remove eventually (comment on 02/2014)
    # periodify
    if False:
        baseline = linspace(a[0], a[-1], len(a))
        a0 = a - baseline
        m = a0[-1] - a0[-2]
        b2 = linspace(0, -.5 * m, len(a))
        baseline -= b2
        a0 += b2
        a2 = hstack([a0, -1. * a0[1:][::-1]]) # "smooth" periodic signal  

        dbase = baseline[1] - baseline[0]
        t_vec = arange(len(a)) / float(fs)
        baseint = baseline[0] * t_vec + .5 * dbase * t_vec ** 2
        # define frequencies
        T = len(a2) / float(fs)
        freqs = 1. / T * arange(len(a2))
        freqs[len(freqs) // 2 + 1 :] -= float(fs)

        spec = fft.fft(a2)
        spec_i = zeros_like(spec, dtype=complex)
        spec_i[1:] = spec[1:] / (2j * pi* freqs[1:])
        res_int = fft.ifft(spec_i).real[:len(a0)] + baseint
        return res_int - res_int[0]

示例12: swap_subsample

def swap_subsample(I, k=1):
    for c, color in enumerate(colors):
        print "%s <-- %s" %(colors[c], colors[(c+k)%3])
    for i in range(3):
        J = zeros_like(I)
        for j in range(3):
            J[:, :, j] = I[:, :, (j+k)%3]
        J[:, :, i] = zoom(I[::4, ::4, (i+k)%3], 4)
        title("%s channel subsampled" %colors[i])

示例13: circle

def circle(center,radius,color):
		plot a circle with given center and radius

		center : matrix or ndarray
			it should be 2x1 ndarray or matrix
		radius:  float
			masses per mm
	for i,j in enumerate(u):

示例14: sub_mean

def sub_mean(x, N):
    N = int(N)
    L = len(x)
    y = pl.zeros_like(x)
    ii = pl.arange(-N, N + 1)
    k = 1.0 / len(ii) # 1 / (2 * N + 1)
    for n in range(L):
        iii = pl.clip(ii + n, 0, L - 1)
        s = k * sum(x[iii])
        y[n] = x[n] - s
    print n, x[n], iii[0], iii[-1], s
    return y

示例15: new_bad_model

def new_bad_model(F):
    """ Results in a matrix with shape matching X, but all rows sum to 1"""
    N, T, J = F.shape
    pi = pl.zeros_like(F)
    for t in range(T):
        u = F[:,t,:].var(axis=0)
        u /= pl.sqrt(pl.dot(u,u))
        F_t_par = pl.dot(pl.atleast_2d(pl.dot(F[:,t,:], u)).T, pl.atleast_2d(u))
        F_t_perp = F[:,t,:] - F_t_par
        for n in range(N):
            alpha = (1 - F_t_perp[n].sum()) / F_t_par[n].sum()
            pi[n,t,:] = F_t_perp[n,:] + alpha*F_t_par[n,:]
    return pi
