本文整理汇总了Python中pylab.ones函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python ones函数的具体用法?Python ones怎么用?Python ones使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: validate_once
def validate_once(true_cf = [pl.ones(3)/3.0, pl.ones(3)/3.0], true_std = 0.01*pl.ones(3), std_bias = [1., 1., 1.], save=False, dir='', i=0):
Generate a set of simulated estimates for the provided true cause fractions; Fit the bad model and
the latent simplex model to this simulated data and calculate quality metrics.
# generate simulation data
X = data.sim_data_for_validation(1000, true_cf, true_std, std_bias)
# fit bad model, calculate fit metrics
bad_model = models.bad_model(X)
bad_model_metrics = calc_quality_metrics(true_cf, true_std, std_bias, bad_model)
retrieve_estimates(bad_model, True, 'bad_model', dir, i)
# fit latent simplex model, calculate fit metrics
m, latent_simplex = models.fit_latent_simplex(X)
latent_simplex_metrics = calc_quality_metrics(true_cf, true_std, std_bias, latent_simplex)
retrieve_estimates(latent_simplex, True, 'latent_simplex', dir, i)
# either write results to disk or return them
if save:
pl.rec2csv(bad_model_metrics, '%s/metrics_bad_model_%i.csv' % (dir, i))
pl.rec2csv(latent_simplex_metrics, '%s/metrics_latent_simplex_%i.csv' % (dir, i))
return bad_model_metrics, latent_simplex_metrics
示例2: tempo_search
def tempo_search(db, Key, tempo):
Static tempo-invariant search
Returns search results for query resampled over a range of tempos.
if not db.configCheck():
print "Failed configCheck in query spec."
print db.configQuery
return None
prop = 1.0 / tempo # the proportion of original samples required for new tempo
qconf = db.configQuery.copy()
X = db.retrieve_datum(Key)
P = db.retrieve_datum(Key, powers=True)
X_m = pylab.mat(X.mean(0))
X_resamp = pylab.array(adb.resample_vector(X - pylab.mat(pylab.ones(X.shape[0])).T * X_m, prop))
X_resamp += pylab.mat(pylab.ones(X_resamp.shape[0])).T * X_m
P_resamp = pylab.array(adb.resample_vector(P, prop))
seqStart = int(pylab.around(qconf["seqStart"] * prop))
qconf["seqStart"] = seqStart
seqLength = int(pylab.around(qconf["seqLength"] * prop))
qconf["seqLength"] = seqLength
tmpconf = db.configQuery
db.configQuery = qconf
res = db.query_data(featData=X_resamp, powerData=P_resamp)
res_resorted = adb.sort_search_result(res.rawData)
db.configQuery = tmpconf
return res_resorted
示例3: plotInit
def plotInit(Plotting, Elements):
if (Plotting == 2):
loc = [i.xy for i in Elements]
x = [i.real for i in loc]
y = [i.imag for i in loc]
x = list(sorted(set(x)))
y = list(sorted(set(y)))
X, Y = pylab.meshgrid(x, y)
U = pylab.ones(shape(X))
V = pylab.ones(shape(Y))
fig, ax = pylab.subplots(1,1)
graph = ax.quiver(X, Y, U, V)
graph, = pylab.plot(1, 'ro', markersize = 2)
x = 2
return graph
示例4: filter2d
def filter2d(x, y, axes=['y'], algos=['2sigma']):
Perform 2D data filtration by selected exes.
x : ndarray, X vector
y : ndarray, Y vector
axes : list, axes names which are used to choose filtered values. x, y or any combination
xnew : ndarray, filtered X
ynew : ndarray, filtered Y
xnew = pl.array(x, dtype='float')
ynew = pl.array(y, dtype='float')
mask_x = pl.ones(len(x), dtype='bool')
mask_y = pl.ones(len(y), dtype='bool')
if 'y' in axes:
mask_y = filter1d(y,algos=algos)
if 'x' in axes:
mask_x = filter1d(x,algos=algos)
mask = mask_x * mask_y
xnew *= mask
ynew *= mask
xnew = pl.ma.masked_equal(xnew,0)
xnew = pl.ma.compressed(xnew)
ynew = pl.ma.masked_equal(ynew,0)
ynew = pl.ma.compressed(ynew)
assert pl.shape(xnew) == pl.shape(ynew)
return xnew, ynew
示例5: example
def example():
from pylab import rand, ones, concatenate
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# EXAMPLE data code from:
# http://matplotlib.sourceforge.net/pyplots/boxplot_demo.py
# fake up some data
spread= rand(50) * 100
center = ones(25) * 50
flier_high = rand(10) * 100 + 100
flier_low = rand(10) * -100
data =concatenate((spread, center, flier_high, flier_low), 0)
# fake up some more data
spread= rand(50) * 100
center = ones(25) * 40
flier_high = rand(10) * 100 + 100
flier_low = rand(10) * -100
d2 = concatenate( (spread, center, flier_high, flier_low), 0 )
data.shape = (-1, 1)
d2.shape = (-1, 1)
#data = [data, d2, d2[::2,0]]
data = [data, d2]
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1)
percentile_box_plot(ax, data, [2,3])
示例6: jetWoGn
def jetWoGn(reverse=False):
- returning a colormap similar to cm.jet, but without green.
if reverse=True, the map starts with red instead of blue.
m=18 # magic number, which works fine
b_ = pylab.hstack( (0.4*pylab.arange(m1)/(m1-1.)+0.6, pylab.ones((m2+m3,)) ) )
g_ = pylab.hstack( (pylab.zeros((m1,)),pylab.arange(m2)/(m2-1.),pylab.ones((m3,))) )
r_ = pylab.hstack( (pylab.zeros((m1,)),pylab.zeros((m2,)),pylab.arange(m3)/(m3-1.)))
r = pylab.hstack((r_,pylab.flipud(b_)))
g = pylab.hstack((g_,pylab.flipud(g_)))
b = pylab.hstack((b_,pylab.flipud(r_)))
if reverse:
r = pylab.flipud(r)
g = pylab.flipud(g)
b = pylab.flipud(b)
ra = pylab.linspace(0.0,1.0,m)
cdict = {'red': zip(ra,r,r),
'green': zip(ra,g,g),
'blue': zip(ra,b,b)}
return LinearSegmentedColormap('new_RdBl',cdict,256)
示例7: log_inv
def log_inv(X): # inverts a 3x3 matrix given by the logscale values
if (X.shape[0] != X.shape[1]):
raise Exception("X is not a square matrix and cannot be inverted")
if (X.shape[0] == 1):
return matrix((-X[0,0]))
ldet = log_det(X)
if (ldet == nan):
raise Exception("The determinant of X is 0, cannot calculate the inverse")
if (X.shape[0] == 2): # X is a 2x2 matrix
I = (-log_det(X)) * ones((2,2))
I[0,0] += X[1,1]
I[0,1] += X[0,1] + complex(0, pi)
I[1,0] += X[1,0] + complex(0, pi)
I[1,1] += X[0,0]
return I
if (X.shape[0] == 3): # X is a 3x3 matrix
I = (-log_det(X)) * ones((3,3))
I[0,0] += log_subt_exp(X[1,1]+X[2,2], X[1,2]+X[2,1])
I[0,1] += log_subt_exp(X[0,2]+X[2,1], X[0,1]+X[2,2])
I[0,2] += log_subt_exp(X[0,1]+X[1,2], X[0,2]+X[1,1])
I[1,0] += log_subt_exp(X[2,0]+X[1,2], X[1,0]+X[2,2])
I[1,1] += log_subt_exp(X[0,0]+X[2,2], X[0,2]+X[2,0])
I[1,2] += log_subt_exp(X[0,2]+X[1,0], X[0,0]+X[1,2])
I[2,0] += log_subt_exp(X[1,0]+X[2,1], X[2,0]+X[1,1])
I[2,1] += log_subt_exp(X[2,0]+X[0,1], X[0,0]+X[2,1])
I[2,2] += log_subt_exp(X[0,0]+X[1,1], X[0,1]+X[1,0])
return I
raise Exception("log_inv is only implemented for matrices of size < 4")
示例8: sample
def sample(self, model, evidence):
z = evidence['z']
T, surfaces, sigma_g, sigma_h = [evidence[var] for var in ['T', 'surfaces', 'sigma_g', 'sigma_h']]
mu_h, phi, sigma_z_g, sigma_z_h = [model.known_params[var] for var in ['mu_h', 'phi', 'sigma_z_g', 'sigma_z_h']]
prior_mu_g, prior_cov_g = [model.hyper_params[var] for var in ['prior_mu_g', 'prior_cov_g']]
prior_mu_h, prior_cov_h = [model.hyper_params[var] for var in ['prior_mu_h', 'prior_cov_h']]
n = len(g)
y = ma.asarray(ones((n, 2))*nan)
if sum(T==1) > 0:
y[T==1, 0] = z[T==1]
if sum(T==2) > 0:
y[T==2, 1] = z[T==2]
y[isnan(y)] = ma.masked
kalman = self._kalman
kalman.initial_state_mean=[prior_mu_g[0], prior_mu_h[0]]
kalman.initial_state_covariance=diag([prior_cov_g[0,0], prior_cov_h[0,0]])
kalman.transition_matrices=[[1, 0], [0, phi]]
kalman.transition_offsets =ones((n, 2))*[0, mu_h*(1-phi)]
kalman.transition_covariance=[[sigma_g**2, 0], [0, sigma_h**2]]
kalman.observation_matrices=[[1, 0], [1, 1]]
kalman.observation_covariance=[[sigma_z_g**2, 0], [0, sigma_z_h**2]]
sampled_surfaces = forward_filter_backward_sample(kalman, y)
return sampled_surfaces
示例9: run_on_cluster
def run_on_cluster(dir='../data', true_cf = [pl.ones(3)/3.0, pl.ones(3)/3.0], true_std = 0.01*pl.ones(3), std_bias=[1.,1.,1.], reps=5, tag=''):
Runs validate_once multiple times (as specified by reps) for the given true_cf and
true_std. Combines the output and cleans up the temp files. This accomplished in
parallel on the cluster. This function requires that the files cluster_shell.sh
(which allows for submission of a job for each iteration), cluster_validate.py (which
runs validate_once for each iteration), and cluster_validate_combine.py (which
runs combine_output all exist. The tag argument allows for adding a string to the job
names so that this function can be run multiple times simultaneously and not have
conflicts between jobs with the same name.
T, J = pl.array(true_cf).shape
if os.path.exists(dir) == False: os.mkdir(dir)
# write true_cf and true_std to file
data.rec2csv_2d(pl.array(true_cf), '%s/truth_cf.csv' % (dir))
data.rec2csv_2d(pl.array(true_std), '%s/truth_std.csv' % (dir))
data.rec2csv_2d(pl.array([std_bias]), '%s/truth_bias.csv' % (dir))
# submit all individual jobs to retrieve true_cf and true_std and run validate_once
all_names = []
for i in range(reps):
name = 'cc%s_%i' % (tag, i)
call = 'qsub -cwd -N %s cluster_shell.sh cluster_validate.py %i "%s"' % (name, i, dir)
subprocess.call(call, shell=True)
# submit job to run combine_output and clean_up
hold_string = '-hold_jid %s ' % ','.join(all_names)
call = 'qsub -cwd %s -N cc%s_comb cluster_shell.sh cluster_validate_combine.py %i "%s"' % (hold_string, tag, reps, dir)
subprocess.call(call, shell=True)
示例10: __init__
def __init__(self):
self.ai = ones(NN.ni)
self.ah = ones(NN.nh)
self.ao = ones(NN.no)
self.wi = zeros((NN.ni, NN.nh))
self.wo = zeros((NN.nh, NN.no))
randomizeMatrix(self.wi, -0.2, 0.2)
randomizeMatrix(self.wo, -2.0, 2.0)
示例11: allocate
def allocate(self,n):
"""Allocate space for the internal state variables.
`n` is the maximum sequence length that can be processed."""
ni,ns,na = self.dims
vars = "cix ci gix gi gox go gfx gf"
vars += " state output"
for v in vars.split():
self.source = nan*ones((n,na))
示例12: getParamCovMat
def getParamCovMat(prefix,dlogpower = 2, theoconstmult = 1.,dlogfilenames = ['dlogpnldloga.dat'],volume=256.**3,startki = 0, endki = 0, veff = [0.]):
Calculates parameter covariance matrix from the power spectrum covariance matrix and derivative term
in the prefix directory
nparams = len(dlogfilenames)
kpnl = M.load(prefix+'pnl.dat')
k = kpnl[startki:,0]
nk = len(k)
if (endki == 0):
endki = nk
pnl = M.array(kpnl[startki:,1],M.Float64)
covarwhole = M.load(prefix+'covar.dat')
covar = covarwhole[startki:,startki:]
if len(veff) > 1:
sqrt_veff = M.sqrt(veff[startki:])
sqrt_veff = M.sqrt(volume*M.ones(nk))
dlogs = M.reshape(M.ones(nparams*nk,M.Float64),(nparams,nk))
paramFishMat = M.reshape(M.zeros(nparams*nparams*(endki-startki),M.Float64),(nparams,nparams,endki-startki))
paramCovMat = paramFishMat * 0.
# Covariance matrices of dlog's
for param in range(nparams):
if len(dlogfilenames[param]) > 0:
dlogs[param,:] = M.load(prefix+dlogfilenames[param])[startki:,1]
normcovar = M.zeros(M.shape(covar),M.Float64)
for i in range(nk):
normcovar[i,:] = covar[i,:]/(pnl*pnl[i])
f = k[1]/k[0]
if (volume == -1.):
volume = (M.pi/k[0])**3
#theoconst = volume * k[1]**3 * f**(-1.5)/(12.*M.pi**2) #1 not 0 since we're starting at 1
for ki in range(1,endki-startki):
for p1 in range(nparams):
for p2 in range(nparams):
paramFishMat[p1,p2,ki] = M.sum(M.sum(\
M.inverse(normcovar[:ki+1,:ki+1]) *
paramCovMat[:,:,ki] = M.inverse(paramFishMat[:,:,ki])
return k[1:],paramCovMat[:,:,1:]
示例13: getDR
def getDR(self):
#this function should return the dynamic range
#this should be the noiselevel of the fft
#apply a moving average filter on log
hlog=py.convolve(20*py.log10(self.getFAbs()), window, 'valid')
return hlog-20*py.log10(noiselevel)
示例14: X_obs
def X_obs(pi=pi, sigma=sigma, value=X):
logp = mc.normal_like(pl.array(value).ravel(),
return logp
logp = pl.zeros(N)
for n in range(N):
logp[n] = mc.normal_like(pl.array(value[n]).ravel(),
return mc.flib.logsum(logp - pl.log(N))
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self, r_floop=0.5, z_floop=0.0,
self.r_floop = r_floop
self.z_floop = z_floop
# read equilibrium file
i_p_coils = P.loadtxt(i_p_coil_filename, delimiter=',', dtype=fdtype)
self.i_p_coils = i_p_coils
r_p_coils_full = i_p_coils[:, 0]
z_p_coils_full = i_p_coils[:, 1]
# ??? what is this scale factor, something to do with mu_0 ???
beta = i_p_coils[:, 3] * 6.28e7
i_p_coils_full = i_p_coils[:, 2]
self.r_p_coils_full = r_p_coils_full
self.z_p_coils_full = z_p_coils_full
self.beta = beta
self.i_p_coils_full = i_p_coils_full
# choose subset where current is not zero
sub = P.where(i_p_coils_full != 0.0)
r_p_coils = r_p_coils_full[sub]
z_p_coils = z_p_coils_full[sub]
i_p_coils = i_p_coils_full[sub]
n_p_coils = len(r_p_coils)
self.r_p_coils = r_p_coils
self.z_p_coils = z_p_coils
self.i_p_coils = i_p_coils
self.n_p_coils = n_p_coils
r_p_widths = P.ones(n_p_coils, dtype=fdtype) * 0.05
z_p_widths = 1.0 * r_p_widths
n_r_p_filaments = P.ones(n_p_coils, dtype=idtype)
n_z_p_filaments = 1 * n_r_p_filaments
self.r_p_widths = r_p_widths
self.z_p_widths = z_p_widths
self.n_r_p_filaments = n_r_p_filaments
self.n_z_p_filaments = n_z_p_filaments
# read in triangle unstructured mesh information
rzt, tris, pt = t3dinp(tris_filename)
self.rzt = rzt
self.tris = tris
self.pt = pt