本文整理汇总了Python中pylab.norm函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python norm函数的具体用法?Python norm怎么用?Python norm使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: dy_Stance
def dy_Stance(self, t, y, pars, return_force = False):
This is the ode function that is passed to the solver. Internally, it calles:
legfunc1 - force of leg 1 (overwrite for new models)
legfunc2 - force of leg 2 (overwrite for new models)
t (float): simulation time
y (6x float): CoM state
pars (dict): parameters, will be passed to legfunc1 and legfunc2.
must also include 'foot1' (3x float), 'foot2' (3x float), 'm' (float)
and 'g' (3x float) indicating the feet positions, mass and direction of
gravity, respectively.
return_force (bool, default: False): return [F_leg1, F_leg2] (6x
float) instead of dy/dt.
f1 = max(self.legfunc1(t, y, pars), 0) # only push
l1 = norm(array(y[:3]) - array(pars['foot1']))
f1_vec = (array(y[:3]) - array(pars['foot1'])) / l1 * f1
f2 = max(self.legfunc2(t, y, pars), 0) # only push
l2 = norm(array(y[:3]) - array(pars['foot2']))
f2_vec = (array(y[:3]) - array(pars['foot2'])) / l2 * f2
if return_force:
return hstack([f1_vec, f2_vec])
return hstack([y[3:], (f1_vec + f2_vec) / pars['m'] + pars['g']])
示例2: solveToF
def solveToF(t1,c1,t2,c2,sign=False):
if t2 == False:
return False
tf1 = t2-t1
c1p = c1.eph(t1)[0]
c2p = c2.eph(t2)[0]
#c1p[2] = 0.0
#c2p[2] = 0.0
c1p = norm(c1p)
c2p = norm(c2p)
tf2 = pi * sqrt((c1p+c2p)**3 / (8*c1.ref.mu))
#if abs(tf1-tf2) > 3000000:
# print
# print
# print
# print "TF1",tf1
# print "TF2",tf2
if sign:
return tf1-tf2
return abs(tf1-tf2)
示例3: corr
def corr(x,y):
nx = pl.norm(x)
ny = pl.norm(y)
if nx == 0 or ny == 0:
return 0
return pl.dot(x,y) / (nx * ny)
示例4: checkmodelgrad
def checkmodelgrad(model,e,RETURNGRADS=False,*args):
from pylab import norm
"""Check the correctness of passed-in model in terms of cost-/gradient-
computation, using gradient approximations with perturbances of
size e.
def updatemodelparams(model, newparams):
model.params *= 0.0
model.params += newparams.copy()
def cost(params,*args):
paramsold = model.params.copy()
result = model.cost(*args)
return result
def grad(params,*args):
paramsold = model.params.copy()
updatemodelparams(model, params.copy().flatten())
result = model.grad(*args)
updatemodelparams(model, paramsold.copy())
return result
dy = model.grad(*args)
l = len(model.params)
dh = zeros(l,dtype=float)
for j in range(l):
dx = zeros(l,dtype=float)
dx[j] = e
y2 = cost(model.params+dx,*args)
y1 = cost(model.params-dx,*args)
dh[j] = (y2 - y1)/(2*e)
print "analytic: \n", dy
print "approximation: \n", dh
if RETURNGRADS: return dy,dh
else: return norm(dh-dy)/norm(dh+dy)
示例5: checkgrad
def checkgrad(f,g,x,e,RETURNGRADS=False,*args):
from pylab import norm
"""Check correctness of gradient function g at x by comparing to numerical
approximation using perturbances of size e. Simple adaptation of
Carl Rasmussen's matlab-function checkgrad."""
# print f
# print g
# print x
# print e
# print args
dy = g(x,*args)
if isscalar(x):
dh = zeros(1,dtype=float)
l = 1
print "x in checkgrad:"
print x
l = len(x)
dh = zeros(l,dtype=float)
for j in range(l):
dx = zeros(l,dtype=float)
dx[j] = e
y2 = f(x+dx,*args)
y1 = f(x-dx,*args)
#print dx,y2,y1
dh[j] = (y2 - y1)/(2*e)
#print dh[j]
print "analytic (using your gradient function): \n", dy
print "approximation (using the objective function): \n", dh
if RETURNGRADS: return dy,dh
else: return norm(dh-dy)/norm(dh+dy)
示例6: getAngle
def getAngle(t1,c1,t2,c2):
Get angle between two celestials at t1 and t2
Verify if ignoring the k-cordinate makes any sense
timeit 240 microseconds
if type(t2) == numpy.ndarray:
t2 = t2[0]
elif isnan(t2):
print "ERROR, t2 is nan!"
return t2
p1 = c1.eph(t1)[0]
p1[2] = 0.0
p1l = norm(p1)
p1 /= p1l
p2 = c2.eph(t2)[0]
p2[2] = 0.0
p2l = norm(p2)
p2 /= p2l
#if p1l > p2l:
return p1.dot(p2)
# return p1.dot(p2)
示例7: getMohoEvePA
def getMohoEvePA(t):
moho = tk.Moho.eph(t)[0][:2]
eve = tk.Eve.eph(t)[0][:2]
moho = moho / norm(moho)
eve = eve / norm(eve)
return degrees(arccos(moho.dot(eve)))
示例8: getMohoKerbinPA
def getMohoKerbinPA(t):
moho = tk.Moho.eph(t)[0][:2]
kerbin = tk.Kerbin.eph(t)[0][:2]
moho = moho / norm(moho)
kerbin = kerbin / norm(kerbin)
return degrees(arccos(moho.dot(kerbin)))
示例9: treinar
def treinar(self, eta, max_iteracoes, treinamento, teste, dimension):
Exibe a interface contendo o conjunto de dados,
a reta separadora iniciada e as iterações do algoritmo
até a convergência ou o limite de iterações seja
self.showing_train_data = True
self.trainset = treinamento # train set generation
self.perceptron = Perceptron(eta, max_iteracoes, dimension) # perceptron instance
self.perceptron.train(self.trainset) # training
self.testset = teste # test set generation
self.x = 0
self.y = 0
self.fig = plt.figure()
self.ax = self.fig.add_subplot(111)
# plot of the separation line.
# The separation line is orthogonal to w
self.ax.set_title("starting perceptron. traning data:")
for y in self.trainset:
if y[dimension] == 1:
self.ax.plot(y[0], y[1], "oc")
self.ax.plot(y[0], y[1], "om")
self.ax.set_title("initial separation line:")
w0 = self.perceptron.getHistory()[0]
n = norm(w0)
ww = w0 / n
ww1 = [ww[1], -ww[0]]
ww2 = [-ww[1], ww[0]]
self.line, = self.ax.plot([ww1[0], ww2[0]], [ww1[1], ww2[1]], "--k")
for i, w in enumerate(self.perceptron.getHistory()):
self.ax.set_title("iteration {0}".format(i))
n = norm(w)
ww = w / n
ww1 = [ww[1], -ww[0]]
ww2 = [-ww[1], ww[0]]
self.line.set_data([ww1[0], ww2[0]], [ww1[1], ww2[1]])
self.ax.set_title("the algorithm converged in {0} iterations".format(len(self.perceptron.getHistory()) - 1))
示例10: nrms
def nrms(data_fit, data_true):
Normalized root mean square error.
# root mean square error
rms = pl.mean(pl.norm(data_fit - data_true, axis=0))
# normalization factor is the max - min magnitude, or 2 times max dist from mean
norm_factor = 2*pl.norm(data_true - pl.mean(data_true, axis=1), axis=0).max()
return (norm_factor - rms)/norm_factor
示例11: lag_vector
def lag_vector( vector_path, p=2 ):
vector_path : path to lag vector on disk,
eg., /sciclone/data10/jberwald/RBC/cells/persout/old_8_pdist_lag1.npy
p : int or 'inf'
vec = np.load( vector_path )
if p == 'inf':
vecnorm = norm( vec, ord=np.inf )
vecnorm = norm( vec, ord=p )
return vecnorm
示例12: simulate
def simulate(self, f_u, x0, tf):
Simulate the system.
f_u: The input function f_u(t, x, i)
x0: The initial state.
tf: The final time.
data : A StateSpaceDataArray object.
#pylint: disable=too-many-locals, no-member
x0 = pl.matrix(x0)
assert x0.shape[1] == 1
t = 0
x = x0
dt = self.dt
data = StateSpaceDataList([], [], [], [])
i = 0
n_x = self.A.shape[0]
n_y = self.C.shape[0]
assert pl.matrix(f_u(0, x0, 0)).shape[1] == 1
assert pl.matrix(f_u(0, x0, 0)).shape[0] == n_y
# take square root of noise cov to prepare for noise sim
if pl.norm(self.Q) > 0:
sqrtQ = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(self.Q)
sqrtQ = self.Q
if pl.norm(self.R) > 0:
sqrtR = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(self.R)
sqrtR = self.R
# main simulation loop
while t + dt < tf:
u = f_u(t, x, i)
v = sqrtR.dot(pl.randn(n_y, 1))
y = self.measurement(x, u, v)
data.append(t, x, y, u)
w = sqrtQ.dot(pl.randn(n_x, 1))
x = self.dynamics(x, u, w)
t += dt
i += 1
return data.to_StateSpaceDataArray()
示例13: angle
def angle(v1,v2):
v1 = array(v1)
v2 = array(v2)
val = dot(v1,v2)/float(norm(v1)*norm(v2))
while val<-1:
val += 2
while val>1:
val -= 2
a = acos(val)
a = a*180/pi
return a
示例14: snr
def snr(x, y):
snr - signal to noise ratio
v = snr(x,y);
v = 20*log10( norm(x(:)) / norm(x(:)-y(:)) )
x is the original clean signal (reference).
y is the denoised signal.
Copyright (c) 2014 Gabriel Peyre
return 20 * np.log10(pylab.norm(x) / pylab.norm(x - y))
示例15: action
def action(self):
direction = self.robot.getAngle()#direction es angulo en el campo del robot
posicion = self.robot.getVel()#hacia donde apunta
posicionP = self.pelota.getPos()-self.robot.getPos()#donde se encuentra la pelota relativo al robot
# print distance
# print direction
fr = Front()
# print "robot: P."+str(self.robot.getPos())+" V."+str(posicion)
# print "pelota:"+str(self.pelota.getPos())+" PR."+str(posicionP)
angleb = angle(posicion,[posicionP[0],posicionP[1]])#calculo el angulo entre ellos
# print "angulo entre ellos:"+str(angleb)
# print "direction:"+str(direction)
vectorp = norm(posicionP)*array([cos((direction+angleb)/180.0*pi),-sin((direction+angleb)/180.0*pi)])#supongo que el angulo se mide hacia la izquierda
#vuelvo a calcular un vector supuesto que tenga la misma direccion
# print "nuevo:"+str(vectorp)+" compar:"+str(posicionP)
vectorp = vectorp-posicionP#calculo la diferencia de valores
if norm(vectorp)>10:
#quiere decir que esta medido a la derecha
angleb = -angleb
# i1 = []
# for i in range(-90,90,5):
# i1.append(fr.evalFunc(i))
# plot([i for i in range(-90,90,5)],i1)
# show()
val = integrate(lambda x:fr.evalFuncUp(x),-45,45)
if val!=0:
val = val/integrate(lambda x:fr.evalFunc(x),-45,45)
print "Cambio de angulo:"+str(val)
print "Angulo o:"+str(self.robot.getAngle())
print "Robot:"+str(self.robot.getPos())
print "Pelota:"+str(self.pelota.getPos())