本文整理汇总了Python中pylab.matrix函数的典型用法代码示例。如果您正苦于以下问题:Python matrix函数的具体用法?Python matrix怎么用?Python matrix使用的例子?那么, 这里精选的函数代码示例或许可以为您提供帮助。
示例1: dynamics
def dynamics(self, x, u, w):
x(k+1) = A x(k) + B u(k) + w(k)
E(ww^T) = Q
x : The current state.
u : The current input.
w : The current process noise.
x(k+1) : The next state.
x = pl.matrix(x)
u = pl.matrix(u)
w = pl.matrix(w)
assert x.shape[1] == 1
assert u.shape[1] == 1
assert w.shape[1] == 1
return self.A*x + self.B*u + w
示例2: project_perp
def project_perp(A):
Creates a projection matrix onto the space perpendicular to the
rowspace of A.
A = pl.matrix(A)
I = pl.matrix(pl.eye(A.shape[1]))
P = project(A)
return I - P
示例3: __init_prob_map
def __init_prob_map(width,height,L):
if type(L).__name__ == "list":
_init = SimpleProbStrategy.__init_prob_map
return reduce(__add__,[_init(width,height,l) for l in L])
my_x = arange(1,width+1)
my_y = arange(1,height+1)
my_rows = matrix([minimum(L,minimum((width+1)-my_x, my_x))] * width)
my_cols = matrix([minimum(L,minimum((height+1)-my_y,my_y))] * height).transpose()
return my_rows + my_cols
示例4: calc_f_matrix
def calc_f_matrix(self):
'''Calculate the F-matrix for cubic spline iCSD method'''
el_len = self.coord_electrode.size
z_js = pl.zeros(el_len+2)
z_js[1:-1] = self.coord_electrode
z_js[-1] = z_js[-2] + pl.diff(self.coord_electrode).mean()
# Define integration matrixes
f_mat0 = pl.matrix(pl.zeros((el_len, el_len+1)))
f_mat1 = pl.matrix(pl.zeros((el_len, el_len+1)))
f_mat2 = pl.matrix(pl.zeros((el_len, el_len+1)))
f_mat3 = pl.matrix(pl.zeros((el_len, el_len+1)))
# Calc. elements
for j in xrange(el_len):
for i in xrange(el_len):
f_mat0[j, i] = si.quad(self.f_mat0, a=z_js[i], b=z_js[i+1], \
args=(z_js[j+1]), epsabs=self.tol)[0]
f_mat1[j, i] = si.quad(self.f_mat1, a=z_js[i], b=z_js[i+1], \
args=(z_js[j+1], z_js[i]), \
f_mat2[j, i] = si.quad(self.f_mat2, a=z_js[i], b=z_js[i+1], \
args=(z_js[j+1], z_js[i]), \
f_mat3[j, i] = si.quad(self.f_mat3, a=z_js[i], b=z_js[i+1], \
args=(z_js[j+1], z_js[i]), \
# image technique if conductivity not constant:
if self.cond != self.cond_top:
f_mat0[j, i] = f_mat0[j, i] + (self.cond-self.cond_top) / \
(self.cond + self.cond_top) * \
si.quad(self.f_mat0, a=z_js[i], b=z_js[i+1], \
args=(-z_js[j+1]), \
f_mat1[j, i] = f_mat1[j, i] + (self.cond-self.cond_top) / \
(self.cond + self.cond_top) * \
si.quad(self.f_mat1, a=z_js[i], b=z_js[i+1], \
args=(-z_js[j+1], z_js[i]), epsabs=self.tol)[0]
f_mat2[j, i] = f_mat2[j, i] + (self.cond-self.cond_top) / \
(self.cond + self.cond_top) * \
si.quad(self.f_mat2, a=z_js[i], b=z_js[i+1], \
args=(-z_js[j+1], z_js[i]), epsabs=self.tol)[0]
f_mat3[j, i] = f_mat3[j, i] + (self.cond-self.cond_top) / \
(self.cond + self.cond_top) * \
si.quad(self.f_mat3, a=z_js[i], b=z_js[i+1], \
args=(-z_js[j+1], z_js[i]), epsabs=self.tol)[0]
e_mat0, e_mat1, e_mat2, e_mat3 = self.calc_e_matrices()
# Calculate the F-matrix
self.f_matrix = pl.matrix(pl.zeros((el_len+2, el_len+2)))
self.f_matrix[1:-1, :] = f_mat0*e_mat0 + f_mat1*e_mat1 + \
f_mat2*e_mat2 + f_mat3*e_mat3
self.f_matrix[0, 0] = 1
self.f_matrix[-1, -1] = 1
示例5: __init__
def __init__(self, t, x, y, u):
self.t = pl.matrix(t)
self.x = pl.matrix(x)
self.y = pl.matrix(y)
self.u = pl.matrix(u)
assert self.t.shape[0] == 1
assert self.x.shape[0] < self.x.shape[1]
assert self.y.shape[0] < self.y.shape[1]
assert self.u.shape[0] < self.u.shape[1]
示例6: block_hankel
def block_hankel(data, f):
Create a block hankel matrix.
f : number of rows
data = pl.matrix(data)
assert len(data.shape) == 2
n = data.shape[1] - f
return pl.matrix(pl.hstack([
pl.vstack([data[:, i+j] for i in range(f)])
for j in range(n)]))
示例7: _bodyState2LidarState
def _bodyState2LidarState(self, bodyState):
transform body 6-dim vector state to lidar matrix state
return w_R_L(3*3 matrix), w_T_L(3*1 matrix)
w_R_b=pl.matrix([[ cos(pitch)*cos(yaw),-cos(roll)*sin(yaw)+sin(roll)*sin(pitch)*cos(yaw), sin(roll)*sin(yaw)+cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*cos(yaw)],
[ cos(pitch)*sin(yaw), cos(roll)*cos(yaw)+sin(roll)*sin(pitch)*sin(yaw),-sin(roll)*cos(yaw)+cos(roll)*sin(pitch)*sin(yaw)],
[-sin(pitch), sin(roll)*cos(pitch), cos(roll)*cos(pitch)]])
w_R_L = w_R_b * LidarFrame.b_R_L
w_T_b = pl.matrix(bodyState[:3]).T
w_T_L = w_T_b + w_R_b * LidarFrame.b_T_L
return w_R_L, w_T_L
示例8: simulate
def simulate(self, f_u, x0, tf):
Simulate the system.
f_u: The input function f_u(t, x, i)
x0: The initial state.
tf: The final time.
data : A StateSpaceDataArray object.
#pylint: disable=too-many-locals, no-member
x0 = pl.matrix(x0)
assert x0.shape[1] == 1
t = 0
x = x0
dt = self.dt
data = StateSpaceDataList([], [], [], [])
i = 0
n_x = self.A.shape[0]
n_y = self.C.shape[0]
assert pl.matrix(f_u(0, x0, 0)).shape[1] == 1
assert pl.matrix(f_u(0, x0, 0)).shape[0] == n_y
# take square root of noise cov to prepare for noise sim
if pl.norm(self.Q) > 0:
sqrtQ = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(self.Q)
sqrtQ = self.Q
if pl.norm(self.R) > 0:
sqrtR = scipy.linalg.sqrtm(self.R)
sqrtR = self.R
# main simulation loop
while t + dt < tf:
u = f_u(t, x, i)
v = sqrtR.dot(pl.randn(n_y, 1))
y = self.measurement(x, u, v)
data.append(t, x, y, u)
w = sqrtQ.dot(pl.randn(n_x, 1))
x = self.dynamics(x, u, w)
t += dt
i += 1
return data.to_StateSpaceDataArray()
示例9: test_subspace_det_algo1_siso
def test_subspace_det_algo1_siso(self):
Subspace deterministic algorithm (SISO).
ss1 = sysid.StateSpaceDiscreteLinear(
A=0.9, B=0.5, C=1, D=0, Q=0.01, R=0.01, dt=0.1)
prbs1 = sysid.prbs(1000)
def f_prbs(t, x, i):
"input function"
#pylint: disable=unused-argument, unused-variable
return prbs1[i]
tf = 10
data = ss1.simulate(f_u=f_prbs, x0=pl.matrix(0), tf=tf)
ss1_id = sysid.subspace_det_algo1(
y=data.y, u=data.u,
f=5, p=5, s_tol=1e-1, dt=ss1.dt)
data_id = ss1_id.simulate(f_u=f_prbs, x0=0, tf=tf)
nrms = sysid.subspace.nrms(data_id.y, data.y)
self.assertGreater(nrms, 0.9)
pl.plot(data_id.t.T, data_id.x.T, label='id')
pl.plot(data.t.T, data.x.T, label='true')
示例10: sigma_vectors
def sigma_vectors(self,x,P):
generates sigma vectors
x : matrix
state at time instant t
P: matrix
state covariance matrix at time instant t
Chi : matrix
matrix of sigma points
for i in range(self.L):
return pb.matrix(Chi)
示例11: log_inv
def log_inv(X): # inverts a 3x3 matrix given by the logscale values
if (X.shape[0] != X.shape[1]):
raise Exception("X is not a square matrix and cannot be inverted")
if (X.shape[0] == 1):
return matrix((-X[0,0]))
ldet = log_det(X)
if (ldet == nan):
raise Exception("The determinant of X is 0, cannot calculate the inverse")
if (X.shape[0] == 2): # X is a 2x2 matrix
I = (-log_det(X)) * ones((2,2))
I[0,0] += X[1,1]
I[0,1] += X[0,1] + complex(0, pi)
I[1,0] += X[1,0] + complex(0, pi)
I[1,1] += X[0,0]
return I
if (X.shape[0] == 3): # X is a 3x3 matrix
I = (-log_det(X)) * ones((3,3))
I[0,0] += log_subt_exp(X[1,1]+X[2,2], X[1,2]+X[2,1])
I[0,1] += log_subt_exp(X[0,2]+X[2,1], X[0,1]+X[2,2])
I[0,2] += log_subt_exp(X[0,1]+X[1,2], X[0,2]+X[1,1])
I[1,0] += log_subt_exp(X[2,0]+X[1,2], X[1,0]+X[2,2])
I[1,1] += log_subt_exp(X[0,0]+X[2,2], X[0,2]+X[2,0])
I[1,2] += log_subt_exp(X[0,2]+X[1,0], X[0,0]+X[1,2])
I[2,0] += log_subt_exp(X[1,0]+X[2,1], X[2,0]+X[1,1])
I[2,1] += log_subt_exp(X[2,0]+X[0,1], X[0,0]+X[2,1])
I[2,2] += log_subt_exp(X[0,0]+X[1,1], X[0,1]+X[1,0])
return I
raise Exception("log_inv is only implemented for matrices of size < 4")
示例12: find_pCr
def find_pCr(S, dG0_f, c_mid=1e-3, ratio=3.0, T=default_T, bounds=None, log_stream=None):
Compute the feasibility of a given set of reactions
input: S = stoichiometric matrix (reactions x compounds)
dG0_f = deltaG0'-formation values for all compounds (in kJ/mol) (1 x compounds)
c_mid = the default concentration
ratio = the ratio between the distance of the upper bound from c_mid and the lower bound from c_mid (in logarithmic scale)
output: (concentrations, margin)
Nc = S.shape[1]
cpl = make_pCr_problem(S, dG0_f, c_mid, ratio, T, bounds, log_stream)
# Objective: minimize the pC variable.
cpl.objective.set_linear([("pC", 1)])
#cpl.write("../res/test_PCR.lp", "lp")
if cpl.solution.get_status() != cplex.callbacks.SolveCallback.status.optimal:
raise LinProgNoSolutionException("")
dG_f = pylab.matrix(cpl.solution.get_values(["c%d" % c for c in xrange(Nc)])).T
concentrations = pylab.exp((dG_f-dG0_f)/(R*T))
pCr = cpl.solution.get_values(["pC"])[0]
return dG_f, concentrations, pCr
示例13: find_mtdf
def find_mtdf(S, dG0_f, c_range=(1e-6, 1e-2), T=default_T, bounds=None, log_stream=None):
Find a distribution of concentration that will satisfy the 'relaxed' thermodynamic constraints.
The 'relaxation' means that there is a slack variable 'B' where all dG_r are constrained to be < B.
Note that B can also be negative, which will happen when the pathway is feasible.
MTDF (Maximal Thermodynamic Driving Force) is defined as the minimal B, note that it is a function of the concentration bounds.
Nr, Nc = S.shape
# compute right hand-side vector - r,
# i.e. the deltaG0' of the reactions divided by -RT
if (S.shape[1] != dG0_f.shape[0]):
raise Exception("The S matrix has %d columns, while the dG0_f vector has %d" % (S.shape[1], dG0_f.shape[0]))
cpl = create_cplex(S, dG0_f, log_stream)
add_thermodynamic_constraints(cpl, dG0_f, c_range=c_range, bounds=bounds)
# Define the MTDF variable and use it relax the thermodynamic constraints on each reaction
cpl.variables.add(names=["B"], lb=[-1e6], ub=[1e6])
for r in xrange(Nr):
cpl.linear_constraints.set_coefficients("r%d" % r, "B", -1)
# Set 'B' as the objective
cpl.objective.set_linear([("B", 1)])
#cpl.write("../res/test_MTDF.lp", "lp")
if (cpl.solution.get_status() != cplex.callbacks.SolveCallback.status.optimal):
raise LinProgNoSolutionException("")
dG_f = pylab.matrix(cpl.solution.get_values(["c%d" % c for c in xrange(Nc)])).T
concentrations = pylab.exp((dG_f-dG0_f)/(R*T))
MTDF = cpl.solution.get_values(["B"])[0]
return dG_f, concentrations, MTDF
示例14: _transformPoints
def _transformPoints(self, points, w_R_old, w_T_old, w_R_new, w_T_new):
transform lidar points from old state to new state
new/old R/L are both Lidar state
points are n*3-dim array
return n*3-dim array
#verify rotation matrix
#print pl.norm(w_R_old[0],2), pl.norm(w_R_old[1],2), pl.norm(w_R_old[2],2)
#print pl.norm(w_R_new[0],2), pl.norm(w_R_new[1],2), pl.norm(w_R_new[2],2)
new_R_old = w_R_new.T * w_R_old
new_T_old = w_R_new.T * (w_T_old - w_T_new)
#old points first transform to body frame
old_P = pl.matrix(points).T
new_P = new_R_old * old_P + new_T_old
#print new_P.T
return pl.array(new_P.T)
示例15: __init__
def __init__(self,A,B,C,Sw,Sv,x0,Pi0):
ny, nx = C.shape
nu = B.shape[1]
if type(A) is list:
for Ai in A:
assert Ai.shape == (nx, nx)
assert A.shape == (nx, nx), A.shape
assert B.shape == (nx, nu), B.shape
assert Sw.shape == (nx, nx), Sw.shape
assert Sv.shape == (ny, ny), Sv.shape
assert x0.shape == (nx,1), x0.shape
self.A = A
self.B = B
self.C = C
self.Sw = Sw
self.Sv = Sv
self.ny = ny
self.nx = nx
self.nu = nu
self.x0 = x0
self.Pi0 = Pi0
# initial condition
# TODO - not sure about this as a prior covariance...
self.P0 = 40000 * pb.matrix(pb.ones((self.nx,self.nx)))
self.log = logging.getLogger('LDS')
# check for stability
self.log.info('initialised state space model')